



use strict

const test = require(tape)
const Blockchain = require(..)
const Block = require(ethereumjs-block)
const Common = require(ethereumjs-common)
const async = require(async)
const ethUtil = require(ethereumjs-util)
const level = require(level-mem)
const testData = require(./testdata.json)
const BN = require(bn.js)
const rlp = ethUtil.rlp

test(blockchain test,function (t) {
  var blockchain = new Blockchain()//还没有区块头
  var genesisBlock
  var blocks = []
  var forkHeader
  blockchain.validate = false //不进行区块验证

    function (done) {
      blockchain.getHead(function (err,head) {//返回指定迭代区块头,这里没有设置name,则name = ‘vm‘
        if (err) return done(err)
        t.ok(true,should not crash on getting head of a blockchain without a genesis) //因为这个区块链还没有区块头,所以是得不到区块头信息的
    },function initialization (done) {
      const common = new Common(ropsten)
      t.throws(function () { new Blockchain({ chain: ropsten,common: common }) },/not allowed!$/,should throw on initialization with chain and common parameter) // eslint-disable-line

      const bc0 = new Blockchain({ chain: ropsten }) //两条链是相同的,所以得到的区块头是相同的
      const bc1 = new Blockchain({ common: common })
        (cb) => bc0.getHead(cb),(cb) => bc1.getHead(cb)
      ],(err,heads) => {
        if (err) return done(err)
        t.equals(heads[0].hash().toString(hex),common.genesis().hash.slice(2),correct genesis hash)
        t.equals(heads[0].hash().toString(hex),heads[1].hash().toString(hex),genesis blocks match)
    },function alternateConstructors (done) {
      var db = level()
      var blockchain = new Blockchain(db)
      t.equals(db,blockchain.db,support constructor with db parameter)
      blockchain = new Blockchain({detailsDb: db,blockDb: db})//弃用的参数,detailsDb会被忽略
      t.equals(db,support blockDb and detailsDb params)
      t.notOk(blockchain.detailsDb,ignore detailsDb param)
    },function addgenesis (done) {
      genesisBlock = new Block()
      genesisBlock.setGenesisParams() //设置初始区块
      blockchain.putGenesis(genesisBlock,function (err) {//将该初始区块添加到区块链上
        if (err) return done(err)
        t.equals(genesisBlock.hash().toString(hex),blockchain.Meta.genesis.toString(hex),genesis block hash should be correct)
    },function invalidGenesis (done) {
      var badBlock = new Block() //该区块其实不是初始区块,但是我通过将其badBlock.header.number更改成空数组buffer来假装初始区块
      badBlock.header.number = Buffer.from([])
      blockchain.validate = true //进行区块验证
      blockchain.putBlock(badBlock,function (err) { //然后将这个区块添加进区块链中
        t.ok(err,should not validate a block incorrectly flagged as genesis) //会失败,因为区块验证过程中会发现它不是初始区块
        blockchain.validate = false
    },function addBlocks (done) { //即从blockNumber = 1添加到blockNumber = 10结束
      function addNextBlock (blockNumber) {
        var block = new Block()
        block.header.number = ethUtil.toBuffer(blockNumber)
        block.header.difficulty = 0xfffffff
        block.header.parentHash = blocks[blockNumber - 1].hash()
        blockchain.putBlock(block,function (err) {
          if (err) return done(err)


          if (blocks.length === 10) {
            t.ok(true,added 10 blocks)
          } else {
            addNextBlock(blockNumber + 1)
    },function getBlockByNumber (done) { //通过blocknumber得到block
      blockchain.getBlock(1,function (err,block) {
        if (err) return done(err)
        t.equals(block.hash().toString(hex),blocks[1].hash().toString(hex),should get block by number)
    },function getBlockByHash (done) {//通过blockhash得到block
      blockchain.getBlock(genesisBlock.hash(),genesisBlock.hash().toString(hex),should get block by hash)
    },function getBlocks1 (done) {
      // start: genesisHash,max: 5,skip: 0,reverse: false,正向从初始区块开始获取最多5个区块,跳过第一个区块(即初始区块)
      blockchain.getBlocks(genesisBlock.hash(),5,0,false,blocks) {
        if (err) return done(err)
        t.equals(blocks.length,5,should get 5 blocks)
        t.ok(isConsecutive(blocks),blocks should be consecutive)//是连续的区块
    },function getBlocks2 (done) {
      // start: genesisHash,skip: 1,reverse: false
      blockchain.getBlocks(genesisBlock.hash(),1,should get 5 blocks)
        t.ok(!isConsecutive(blocks),blocks should not be consecutive) //因为跳过了第二个区块,所以得到的区块就不连续了
    },function getBlocks3 (done) {
      // start: genesisHash,skip: 2,2,4,should get 4 blocks)
        t.ok(!isConsecutive(blocks),blocks should not be consecutive)
    },function getBlocks4 (done) {
      // start: genesisHash,max: 12,12,10,should get 10 blocks)
        t.ok(isConsecutive(blocks),blocks should be consecutive)
    },function getBlocks5 (done) {
      // start: 0,reverse: false
      blockchain.getBlocks(0,function getBlocks6 (done) {
      // start: 0,reverse: false
      blockchain.getBlocks(1,function getBlocks7 (done) {
      // start: 0,function getBlocks8 (done) {
      // start: 0,function getBlocks9 (done) {
      // start: 1,function getBlocks10 (done) {
      // start: 5,reverse: true,从第六个区块开始反向获取最多5个区块,跳过第一个区块
      blockchain.getBlocks(5,true,should get 5 blocks)
        t.ok(isConsecutive(blocks.reverse()),function getBlocks11 (done) {
      // start: 5,max: 10,reverse: true
      blockchain.getBlocks(5,10,6,should get 6 blocks)
        t.ok(isConsecutive(blocks.reverse()),function getBlocks12 (done) {
      // start: 5,3,should get 3 blocks)
        t.ok(!isConsecutive(blocks.reverse()),function selectNeededHashes (done) {
      var neededHash = Buffer.from(abcdef,hex)
      ],hashes) => {
        if (err) return done(err)
        t.equals(hashes[0].toString(hex),neededHash.toString(hex),should find needed hash)
    },function iterateBlocks (done) {//迭代从blocknumber = 0 到 9这十个之前加到区块链上的区块,他们的区块hash是相同的,所以符合迭代的if条件,直至i=9才结束
      var i = 0
      blockchain.iterator(test,function (block,reorg,cb) {
        if (block.hash().equals(blocks[i + 1].hash())) i++ 
      },function () {
        t.equals(i,9,should iterate through 9 blocks)
    },function iterateError (done) {
      blockchain.iterator(error,cb) {//就是一开始迭代就返回错误
        cb(new Error(iterator func error))
      },function (err) { //然后就会触发回调函数,err则为上面返回的错误
        t.ok(err,should catch iterator func error)
        t.equal(err.message,iterator func error,should return correct error)
    },function iterateEmpty (done) {
      var blockchain = new Blockchain()
      blockchain.validate = false //不验证区块
      blockchain.iterator(test,function () {  //这个没有返回错误就结束了
        t.ok(false,should not call iterator function)
      },function (err) {//所以回调函数的err为null
        t.error(err,should not return error)
        t.ok(true,should finish iterating)
    },function getMeta (done) { //得到区块链的元数据的方法
      t.equals(blockchain.Meta.rawHead.toString(hex),blocks[9].hash().toString(hex),should get Meta.rawHead)
      t.equals(blockchain.Meta.genesis.toString(hex),should get Meta.genesis)
      t.ok(blockchain.Meta.heads[test],should get Meta.heads)
    },function addForkHeaderAndResetStaleHeads (done) {
      forkHeader = new Block.Header()
      forkHeader.number = ethUtil.toBuffer(9)//新得到的区块索引是9
      forkHeader.difficulty = 0xffffffff
      forkHeader.parentHash = blocks[8].hash()
      blockchain._heads[staletest] = blockchain._headHeader
      blockchain.putHeader(forkHeader,function (err) {//添加区块头,这里的回调中没有返回保存的header!!!!,即(err,header)后面测试header其值为
        // [ undefined,//   undefined,//   [ undefined,undefined ],//   undefined ]
        t.equals(blockchain._heads[staletest].toString(hex),blocks[8].hash().toString(hex),should update stale head)//blockchain._heads[‘staletest‘]是旧的blockchain._headHeader的值,等于blocks[8].hash().toString(‘hex‘)
        t.equals(blockchain._headBlock.toString(hex),should update stale headBlock)//因为只添加了区块头,没有添加区块,所以现在的blockchain._headBlock.toString(‘hex‘)等于blocks[8].hash().toString(‘hex‘)
        // t.notOk(err,‘should add new block in fork‘) //err为null,没出错,接下来就是应该添加新的区块到分支上,光添加区块头是不够的
    },function delForkHeader (done) {
      blockchain.delBlock(forkHeader.hash(),(err) => {//forkHeader.hash()等于区块hash,即上面添加的区块头,删除指定的区块
        t.ok(!err,should delete fork block) //即err = null
        t.equals(blockchain._headHeader.toString(hex),should reset headHeader)//因为成功将上面添加的区块头删除了,所以现在的blockchain._headHeader == blocks[8].hash()
        t.equals(blockchain._headBlock.toString(hex),should not change headBlock) //因为blocks[8]是有区块的,所以这两个值是相等的
    },function delBlocks (done) {
      function delNextBlock (number,cb) {
        var block = blocks[number]
        blockchain.delBlock(block.hash(),(err) => {
          if (err) return cb(err)
          if (number > 6) {
            return delNextBlock(--number,cb)
      delNextBlock(9,(err) => {//从blocknumber = 9的区块删到6,然后是5的区块变成了头
        t.ok(!err,should delete blocks in canonical chain)
        t.equals(blockchain._headHeader.toString(hex),blocks[5].hash().toString(hex),should have block 5 as head)
    },function delBlockAndChildren (done) {
      blockchain.delBlock(blocks[1].hash(),(err) => {//当你直接删除blocknumber = 1的区块时,意味着将其后面的子区块都删除了,所以此时的区块头为初始区块
        t.ok(!err,should delete block and children)
        t.equals(blockchain._headHeader.toString(hex),should have genesis as head)
    },function putBlocks (done) {
      blockchain.putBlocks(blocks.slice(1),(err) => {
        t.ok(!err,should put multiple blocks at once)
    },function getHeads (done) {
      createTestDB((err,db,genesis) => {
        if (err) return done(err)
        var blockchain = new Blockchain({db: db})
        blockchain.getHead((err,head) => {
          if (err) return done(err)
          t.equals(head.hash().toString(hex),genesis.hash().toString(hex),should get head)
          t.equals(blockchain._heads[head0].toString(hex),abcd,should get state root heads)
    },function validate (done) {//会对添加进的区块进行验证
      var blockchain = new Blockchain({validate: true})
      var genesisBlock = new Block()
      blockchain.putGenesis(genesisBlock,function (err) {
        t.notOk(err,should validate genesisBlock)
        var invalidBlock = new Block()
        blockchain.putBlock(invalidBlock,function (err) {
          t.ok(err,should not validate an invalid block)
    },function addBlockWithBody (done) {//使用rlp值来添加区块
      var blockchain = new Blockchain({validate: false})
      var genesisBlock = new Block(Buffer.from(testData.genesisRLP.slice(2),hex))//slice(2)即去掉‘0x‘
      blockchain.putGenesis(genesisBlock,function (err) {
        if (err) return done(err)
        var block = new Block(Buffer.from(testData.blocks[0].rlp.slice(2),hex))
        blockchain.putBlock(block,function (err) {
          if (err) return done(err)
          t.notOk(err,should add block with a body)
    },function uncachedDbOps (done) {
      createTestDB((err,genesis) => {
        if (err) return done(err)
        var blockchain = new Blockchain({db: db})
          cb => blockchain._hashToNumber(genesisBlock.hash(),number) => {
            t.equals(number.toString(10),0,should perform _hashToNumber correctly)
          }),cb => blockchain._numberToHash(new BN(0),hash) => {
            t.equals(genesisBlock.hash().toString(hex),hash.toString(hex),should perform _numberToHash correctly)
          }),cb => blockchain._getTd(genesisBlock.hash(),new BN(0),td) => {
            t.equals(td.toBuffer().toString(hex),genesis.header.difficulty.toString(hex),should perform _getTd correctly)
    },function saveHeads (done) {
      var db = level()
      var blockchain = new Blockchain({db: db,validate: false})
      var header = new Block.Header()
      header.number = ethUtil.toBuffer(1)
      header.difficulty = 0xfffffff
      header.parentHash = blocks[0].hash()
      blockchain.putHeader(header,(err) => {
        if (err) return done(err)
        blockchain = new Blockchain({db: db,validate: false})
          (cb) => blockchain.getLatestHeader((err,latest) => {//得到最新的区块头
            if (err) return done(err)
            t.equals(latest.hash().toString(hex),header.hash().toString(hex),should save headHeader)
          }),(cb) => blockchain.getLatestBlock((err,latest) => {//得到最新的区块
            if (err) return done(err)
            t.equals(latest.hash().toString(hex),blocks[0].hash().toString(hex),should save headBlock)
        ],function immutableCachedobjects (done) {
      var blockchain = new Blockchain({validate: false})
      // clone blocks[1]
      var testBlock = new Block(rlp.decode(rlp.encode(blocks[1].raw)))
      var cachedHash
        (cb) => blockchain.putBlock(testBlock,(err) => {
          if (err) return done(err)
          cachedHash = testBlock.hash()
        }),(cb) => {
          // change testBlock‘s exTradata in order to modify its hash
          testBlock.header.exTradata = Buffer.from([1]) //改变testBlock的exTradata的数据,这将导致其hash值变化,但是它的变化并没有改变存储的区块中的值,说明存储对象是不可变的
          blockchain.getBlock(1,block) => {
            if (err) return done(err)
            t.equals(cachedHash.toString(hex),block.hash().toString(hex),should not modify cached objects)
    },function getLatest (done) {
      var blockchain = new Blockchain({validate: false})
      var headers = [new Block.Header(),new Block.Header()]

      headers[0].number = ethUtil.toBuffer(1)
      headers[0].difficulty = 0xfffffff
      headers[0].parentHash = blocks[0].hash()

      headers[1].number = ethUtil.toBuffer(2)
      headers[1].difficulty = 0xfffffff
      headers[1].parentHash = headers[0].hash()

        // first,add some headers and make sure the latest block remains the same
        (cb) => blockchain.putHeaders(headers,(err) => {
          if (err) return cb(err)
            (cb) => blockchain.getLatestHeader((err,header) => {
              if (err) return done(err)
              t.equals(header.hash().toString(hex),headers[1].hash().toString(hex),should update latest header)
            }),block) => {
              if (err) return done(err)
              t.equals(block.hash().toString(hex),should not change latest block)//此时header为1,block为0,说明下面应该添加区块1
        }),// then,add a full block and make sure the latest header remains the same
        (cb) => blockchain.putBlock(blocks[1],(err) => {//所以这里就添加区块1
          if (err) return cb(err)
            (cb) => blockchain.getLatestHeader((err,should not change latest header)
            }),should update latest block)//然后最新的区块就变成了区块1
      ],function mismatchedChains (done) {
      var common = new Common(rinkeby)
      var blockchain = new Blockchain({common: common,validate: false})
      var blocks = [
        new Block(null,{common: common}),new Block(null,{chain: rinkeby}),{chain: ropsten})//连接的chain不同,这个区块添加的过程会导致Chain mismatch的错误


      blocks[1].header.number = 1
      blocks[1].header.parentHash = blocks[0].hash()

      blocks[2].header.number = 2
      blocks[2].header.parentHash = blocks[1].hash()

      async.eachOfSeries(blocks,(block,i,cb) => {
        if (i === 0) {
        } else {
          blockchain.putBlock(block,(err) => {
            if (i === 2) {
              t.ok(err.message.match(Chain mismatch),should return chain mismatch error)//当new Block(null,{chain: ‘ropsten‘}区块添加时会报错
            } else {
              t.error(err,should not return mismatch error)
  ],function (err) {
    if (err) {
    } else {
      t.ok(true,no errors)

function isConsecutive (blocks) {
  var isConsecutive = true
  blocks.some(function (block,index) {
    if (index === 0) return false
    if (Buffer.compare(block.header.parentHash,blocks[index - 1].hash()) !== 0) {
      isConsecutive = false
      return true
  return isConsecutive

function createTestDB (cb) {
  var genesis = new Block()
  var db = level()
    type: put,key: Buffer.from(6800000000000000006e,hex),keyEncoding: binary,valueEncoding: binary,value: genesis.hash()
    type: put,key: Buffer.from(48d4e56740f876aef8c010b86a40d5f56745a118d0906a34e69aec8c0db1cb8fa3,value: Buffer.from(00,hex)
  },key: LastHeader,key: LastBlock,key: Buffer.from(680000000000000000d4e56740f876aef8c010b86a40d5f56745a118d0906a34e69aec8c0db1cb8fa3,value: ethUtil.rlp.encode(genesis.header.raw)
  },key: Buffer.from(680000000000000000d4e56740f876aef8c010b86a40d5f56745a118d0906a34e69aec8c0db1cb8fa374,value: ethUtil.rlp.encode(new BN(17179869184).toBuffer())
  },key: Buffer.from(620000000000000000d4e56740f876aef8c010b86a40d5f56745a118d0906a34e69aec8c0db1cb8fa3,value: ethUtil.rlp.encode(genesis.serialize(false).slice(1))
  },key: heads,valueEncoding: json,value: { head0: { type: Buffer,data: [171,205] } }
  }],(err) => {



npm run test


userdeMBP:ethereumjs-blockchain-master user$ npm run test

> [email protected]3.3.1 test /Users/user/ethereumjs-blockchain-master
> tape ./test/index.js

TAP version 13
# blockchain test
ok 1 should not crash on getting head of a blockchain without a genesis
ok 2 should throw on initialization with chain and common parameter
ok 3 correct genesis hash
ok 4 genesis blocks match
ok 5 support constructor with db parameter
ok 6 support blockDb and detailsDb params
ok 7 ignore detailsDb param
ok 8 genesis block hash should be correct
ok 9 should not validate a block incorrectly flagged as genesis
ok 10 added 10 blocks
ok 11 should get block by number
ok 12 should get block by hash
ok 13 should get 5 blocks
ok 14 blocks should be consecutive
ok 15 should get 5 blocks
ok 16 blocks should not be consecutive
ok 17 should get 4 blocks
ok 18 blocks should not be consecutive
ok 19 should get 10 blocks
ok 20 blocks should be consecutive
ok 21 should get 5 blocks
ok 22 blocks should be consecutive
ok 23 should get 5 blocks
ok 24 blocks should not be consecutive
ok 25 should get 4 blocks
ok 26 blocks should not be consecutive
ok 27 should get 10 blocks
ok 28 blocks should be consecutive
ok 29 should get 5 blocks
ok 30 blocks should be consecutive
ok 31 should get 5 blocks
ok 32 blocks should be consecutive
ok 33 should get 6 blocks
ok 34 blocks should be consecutive
ok 35 should get 3 blocks
ok 36 blocks should not be consecutive
ok 37 should find needed hash
ok 38 should iterate through 9 blocks
ok 39 should catch iterator func error
ok 40 should return correct error
ok 41 should not return error
ok 42 should finish iterating
ok 43 should get Meta.rawHead
ok 44 should get Meta.genesis
ok 45 should get Meta.heads
ok 46 should update stale head
ok 47 should update stale headBlock
ok 48 should add new block in fork
ok 49 should delete fork block
ok 50 should reset headHeader
ok 51 should not change headBlock
ok 52 should delete blocks in canonical chain
ok 53 should have block 5 as head
ok 54 should delete block and children
ok 55 should have genesis as head
ok 56 should put multiple blocks at once
ok 57 should get head
ok 58 should get state root heads
ok 59 should validate genesisBlock
ok 60 should not validate an invalid block
ok 61 should add block with a body
ok 62 should perform _hashToNumber correctly
ok 63 should perform _numberToHash correctly
ok 64 should perform _getTd correctly
ok 65 should save headHeader
ok 66 should save headBlock
ok 67 should not modify cached objects
ok 68 should update latest header
ok 69 should not change latest block
ok 70 should not change latest header
ok 71 should update latest block
ok 72 should not return mismatch error
ok 73 should return chain mismatch error

# tests 73
# pass  73

# ok

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