
perl ole接口 API演示介绍

1. perl  ole 接口演示

use Win32::OLE;
use Win32::OLE qw(in with);
use Win32::OLE::Variant;
use Win32::OLE::Const 'Microsoft Excel';

$Excel = Win32::OLE->GetActiveObject('Excel.Application') ||
$Excel->{'Visible'} = 1;		#0 is hidden,1 is visible
$Excel->{displayAlerts}=0;	#0 is hide alerts

# Open File and Worksheet
my $Book = $Excel->Workbooks->Open
('D:\check_all.csv'); # open Excel file
$Sheet = $Book->Worksheets(1);

# Create New Workbook
$Excel->{SheetsInNewWorkBook} = 1;
$Book2 = $Excel->Workbooks->Add();
$Sheet2 = $Book2->Worksheets(1);
$Sheet2->{Name} = 'My test worksheet';

# Find Last Column and Row
my $LastRow = $Sheet->UsedRange->Find({What=>"*",SearchDirection=>xlPrevIoUs,SearchOrder=>xlByRows})->{Row};

my $LastCol = $Sheet->UsedRange->Find({What=>"*",SearchOrder=>xlByColumns})->{Column};

$mylastcol = a;
for (my $m=1;$m<$LastCol;$m++){$mylastcoL++;}
$mylastcol2 = a;
for (my $m=1;$m<($LastCol - 1);$m++){$mylastcol2++;}
print "Varble:$LastRow,$LastCol,$mylastcol,$mylastcol2 \n\n";
# Draw Borders
my @edges = qw (xlInsideHorizontal xlInsideVertical);
$range = "a1:$mylastcol$LastRow"; 

my $ColIndex = 2;
foreach my $edge (@edges)
	with (my $Borders = $Sheet->Range($range)->Borders(eval($edge)),Linestyle =>xlContinuous,Weight => xlThin,ColorIndex => $ColIndex);

# Cell Values
$Sheet->Range('b1')->{Value} = $Sheet->Range('b2')->{Value};
# Resize Columns
my @columnheaders = qw(A:B);
foreach my $range(@columnheaders){
	print "$range \n";
# Order Rows
$tmp = "$mylastcol2".'3';
$Rangea = $Sheet->Range("$tmp");
$Rangeb = $Sheet->Range("a3");
$Excel->Selection->Sort({Key1 => $Rangea,Order1 => xlDescending,Key2 => $Rangeb});

# Merge Cells
$mynextcol = 'b';
for (my $n=1;$n<$LastCol;$n+=2)
	my $range = $mynextcoL++ . '1:' . $mynextcoL++ . '1';
	$Sheet->Range($range)->{HorizontalAlignment} = xlHAlignCenter;
print $Sheet->Cells(1,'c')->Interior->{Color};
$Sheet->Cells(1,1)->Interior->{Color}  = 0;
$Sheet->Cells(3,1)->Interior->{Color}  = 11113333;

# Pie Chart
my $Range = $Sheet->Range('a1:d2');
my $Chart = $Book->Charts->Add;
$Chart->ChartWizard($Range,xl3DPie,7,xlRows,1,2,"Sales Percentages");

# Bar Graph and Rotate
my $Range = $Sheet->Range('a1:a3');
my $Chart = $Excel->Charts->Add;
$Chart->{Type} = xl3DColumn;
for (my $i = 30; $i <=180; $i+=10)
	$Chart->{Rotation} = $i;

# Line Chart and Save
my $Range = $Sheet->Range('a1:d2');
my $Chart = $Excel->Charts->Add;
$Chart->{ChartType} = xlLine;
$Chart->SetSourceData({Source => $Range,PlotBy => xlColumns});
$Chart->{HasTitle} = 1;
$Chart->ChartTitle->{Text} = "Some Title";

my $ChartObj = $Sheet->ChartObjects;

		FileName   => $filegraphname,FilterName => 'GIF',Interactive  => 0});

# Save as PDF
		copy => 1,ActivePrinter => 'Acrobat PDFWriter'});

# Save as Excel
$Book->SaveAs({Filename =>'D:\check_all.xls',FileFormat => xlWorkbooknormal});  

2.  excel列名转换,1到a,2到b

sub GetExcelColName() {  my ($ColIndex) = @_;  my $LeadColIndex = int($ColIndex/26);  my $LagColIndex = $ColIndex%26;  print "$LeadColIndex,$LagColIndex   \n";  return &GetSingleColumnName($LeadColIndex).&GetSingleColumnName($LagColIndex); } sub GetSingleColumnName()  { 

 my $colname;  my ($ColIndex) = @_;   if ($ColIndex<1){  return ""; }  $colname = ord('A');   $colname += ($ColIndex-1);   return chr($colname);  }


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