use Win32::GUI;
use Win32::GUI qw(CW_USEDEFAULT);
use Win32::GUI::DIBitmap;
use Win32::GUI::DropFiles;
my $size = 20;
$W = new Win32::GUI::Window (
-title => "lis文件分析",
-pos => [100,100],
-size => [400,400],
-name => "Window",
-name => 'inputsize',
-text => 25,
-prompt => [ "RAM/ROM值(k):",80],
-pos => [10,10],
-size => [40,20],
-align => 'right',
-number => 1,
print $W->inputsize->GetLine(0),"\n";
-name => 'chooselabel',
-left => 10,
-top => $W->inputsize->Top()+33,
-text => "选择类型:"
-name => 'tpyechoose',
-dropdownlist => 1,
-left => $W->chooselabel->Left()+ $W->chooselabel->Width()+5,
-top => $W->inputsize->Top()+30,
-width => 60,
-height => 100,
#print $W->tpyechoose->GetCurSel(),"\n";
# Add a load button.
$W->AddButton (
-name => "Load",
-left => $W->chooselabel->Left(),
-top => $W->chooselabel->Top() + $W->chooselabel->Height +30,
-text => "&Load...",
-default => 1,
-tabstop => 1,
-group => 1, # You can use :
#-onClick => \&LoadLisFile, # a reference sub
-onClick => 'LoadLisFile', # a string name sub
sub LoadLisFile {
# Use GetopenFile for search a avi file
my $file = Win32::GUI::GetopenFileName(
-owner => $Window, # Main window for modal dialog
-title => "Open a lis file", # Dialog title
-filter => [ # Filter file
'Lis file (*.lis)' => '*.lis',
'All files' => '*.*',
-directory => ".", # Use current directory
# Have select a file ?
if ($file) {
# Load file to animation control do what u want
# Or an error messageBox with error.
elsif (Win32::GUI::CommDlgExtendedError()) {
Win32::GUI::MessageBox (0,"ERROR : ".Win32::GUI::CommDlgExtendedError(),
"GetopenFileName Error");
sub listfile{
my $file = @_[0];
my $value = $W->inputsize->GetLine(0)*1024;
my $type = $W->tpyechoose->GetCurSel();
} $W->Show(); Win32::GUI::Dialog(); sub Window_Terminate { -1 }
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