./cardValidate.pl -c [your id card number] -s [your sex]
#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use Getopt::Long; sub validate_birth{ my ($year,$month,$day) = @_; if($year lt 1900 or $year gt 2011){#9 10 die "Bitrhday error year!\n"; } if($month eq "00" or $month gt 12){#11 12 die "Bitrhday error month!\n"; } my %days = ( "01" => 31,"03" => 31,"04" => 30,"05" => 31,"06" => 30,"07" => 31,"08" => 31,"09" => 30,"10" => 31,"11" => 30,"12" => 31 ); if($year % 400 eq 0 or ($year % 4 eq 0 and $year % 100 ne 0)){#13 #14 $days{"02"} = 28; }else{#16 $days{"02"} = 29; } if($days{$month} lt $day or $day eq "00"){#17 #18 die "Bitrhday error date!\n"; } return 1; } ################### begin ###################### our $code; our $sex; Getoptions("c=s" => \$code,"s=s" => \$sex);#1 if($code eq "" or $sex eq ""){#2 3 print "Usage: ./cardValidate.pl -c [your id card number] -s [your sex]\n"; die "\tNote: the length of your id number should be 15 or 18\n"; } our $code_len = length $code;#4 ################## basic rule and length ################## if($code !~ m/(^\d{15}$)|(\d{17}(\d|x|X)$)/){#5 die "Error code!\n"; } ################### birthday and sex ###################### my $sex_num; if($code_len eq 15){#6 &validate_birth("19".substr($code,6,2),substr($code,8,10,2));#8 $sex_num = substr($code,14,1) % 2; }elsif($code_len eq 18){#7 &validate_birth(substr($code,4),12,16,1) % 2; ################# validate last character ################## my @wight = (7,9,5,4,2,1,3,7,2);#权值 my @validate = ('1','0','x','9','8','7','6','5','4','3','2');#对应的校验码 my $sum = 0; for(my $i = 0;$i < 17;$i++){ $sum += @wight[$i] * substr($code,$i,1); } if(@validate[$sum % 11] ne lc substr($code,17,1)){#19 die "Error while validate the last character!,it should be ".@validate[$sum % 11]."\n"; } } ################# sex ###################### if(($sex_num eq 1 and $sex eq "女") or ($sex_num eq 0 and $sex eq "男")){#20 21 die "Wrong sex number!\n"; } print "Success!\n";#22
将身份证号码与0表示女,1表示男输入到文件中,比如:”7837838484884 0“ 就可以
#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; open FILE,"< ",$ARGV[0] or die "id file not exist!\n"; my @lines = <FILE>; foreach(@lines){ if(~/^([\w\d]+) (\d)/){ my $sex = ($2 eq 0?"女":"男"); print "Test $1 with sex $sex\n"; system("./cardValidate.pl -c $1 -s $sex"); print "\n"; } }我想,脚本的魅力就是简洁高效吧,如果我用C去写,白盒测试可真是要命啊!
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