
Python numpy 模块-bmat() 实例源码

Python numpy 模块,bmat() 实例源码


项目:pydelaunay2D    作者:jmespadero    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def circumcenter(self, tri):
        """Compute circumcenter and circumradius of a triangle in 2D.
        Uses an extension of the method described here:
        pts = np.asarray([self.coords[v] for v in tri])
        pts2 = np.dot(pts, pts.T)
        A = np.bmat([[2 * pts2, [[1],
                      [[[1, 1, 0]]]])

        b = np.hstack((np.sum(pts * pts, axis=1), [1]))
        x = np.linalg.solve(A, b)
        bary_coords = x[:-1]
        center = np.dot(bary_coords, pts)

        # radius = np.linalg.norm(pts[0] - center) # euclidean distance
        radius = np.sum(np.square(pts[0] - center))  # squared distance
        return (center, radius)
项目:radar    作者:amoose136    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_basic(self):
        A = np.array([[1, 2], [3, 4]])
        mA = matrix(A)
        assert_(np.all(mA.A == A))

        B = bmat("A,A;A,A")
        C = bmat([[A, A], [A, A]])
        D = np.array([[1, 2,
                      [3, 4, 3, 4],
                      [1, 4]])
        assert_(np.all(B.A == D))
        assert_(np.all(C.A == D))

        E = np.array([[5, 6], [7, 8]])
        AEresult = matrix([[1, 5, 7, 8]])
        assert_(np.all(bmat([A, E]) == AEresult))

        vec = np.arange(5)
        mvec = matrix(vec)
        assert_(mvec.shape == (1, 5))
项目:radar    作者:amoose136    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_bmat_nondefault_str(self):
        A = np.array([[1, 4]])
        B = np.array([[5, 8]])
        Aresult = np.array([[1,
                            [1, 4]])
        mixresult = np.array([[1,
                              [3, 8],
                              [5, 6,
                              [7, 8, 4]])
        assert_(np.all(bmat("A,A") == Aresult))
        assert_(np.all(bmat("A,A", ldict={'A':B}) == Aresult))
        assert_raises(TypeError, bmat, "A, gdict={'A':B})
            np.all(bmat("A, ldict={'A':A}, gdict={'A':B}) == Aresult))
        b2 = bmat("A,B;C,D", ldict={'A':A,'B':B}, gdict={'C':B,'D':A})
        assert_(np.all(b2 == mixresult))
项目:krpcScripts    作者:jwvanderbeck    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_basic(self):
        A = np.array([[1, 5))
项目:krpcScripts    作者:jwvanderbeck    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_bmat_nondefault_str(self):
        A = np.array([[1,'D':A})
        assert_(np.all(b2 == mixresult))
项目:block    作者:bamos    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_np():

    nx, nineq, neq = 4, 7
    Q = npr.randn(nx, nx)
    G = npr.randn(nineq, nx)
    A = npr.randn(neq, nx)
    D = np.diag(npr.rand(nineq))

    K_ = np.bmat((
        (Q, np.zeros((nx, nineq)), G.T, A.T),
        (np.zeros((nineq, nx)), D, np.eye(nineq), np.zeros((nineq, neq))),
        (G, nineq + neq))),
        (A, np.zeros((neq, nineq + nineq + neq)))

    K = block((
        (Q,   0,
        (0,   D, 'I',   0),   0)

    assert np.allclose(K_, K)
项目:PyDataLondon29-EmbarrassinglyParallelDAWithAWSLambda    作者:SignalMedia    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_basic(self):
        A = np.array([[1, 5))
项目:PyDataLondon29-EmbarrassinglyParallelDAWithAWSLambda    作者:SignalMedia    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_bmat_nondefault_str(self):
        A = np.array([[1,'D':A})
        assert_(np.all(b2 == mixresult))
项目:aws-lambda-numpy    作者:vitolimandibhrata    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_basic(self):
        A = np.array([[1, 5))
项目:aws-lambda-numpy    作者:vitolimandibhrata    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_bmat_nondefault_str(self):
        A = np.array([[1,'D':A})
        assert_(np.all(b2 == mixresult))
项目:lambda-numba    作者:rlhotovy    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_basic(self):
        A = np.array([[1, 5))
项目:lambda-numba    作者:rlhotovy    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_bmat_nondefault_str(self):
        A = np.array([[1,'D':A})
        assert_(np.all(b2 == mixresult))
项目:hitherdither    作者:hbldh    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def I(n, transposed=False):
    """Get the index matrix with side of length ``n``.

    Will only work if ``n`` is a power of 2.

    Reference: http://caca.zoy.org/study/part2.html

    :param int n: Power of 2 side length of matrix.
    :param bool transposed:
    :return: The index matrix.

    if n == 2:
        if transposed:
            return np.array([[0, 3], [2, 1]], 'int')
            return np.array([[0, 'int')
        smaller_I = I(n >> 1, transposed)
        if transposed:
            return np.bmat([[4 * smaller_I, 4 * smaller_I + 3],
                            [4 * smaller_I + 2, 4 * smaller_I + 1]])
            return np.bmat([[4 * smaller_I,     4 * smaller_I + 2],
                            [4 * smaller_I + 3, 4 * smaller_I + 1]])
项目:deliver    作者:orchestor    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_basic(self):
        A = np.array([[1, 5))
项目:deliver    作者:orchestor    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_bmat_nondefault_str(self):
        A = np.array([[1,'D':A})
        assert_(np.all(b2 == mixresult))
项目:Alfred    作者:jkachhadia    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_basic(self):
        A = np.array([[1, 5))
项目:Alfred    作者:jkachhadia    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_bmat_nondefault_str(self):
        A = np.array([[1,'D':A})
        assert_(np.all(b2 == mixresult))
项目:joysix    作者:niberger    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def mat(self):
        return np.bmat([self * col([1,0,0]), self * col([0,1,1])])
项目:joysix    作者:niberger    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def dexp(v):
    r = v[0:3]
    dexpr = quat.dexp(r)
    MT = mt(v)
    return np.bmat([[dexpr,MT],[np.zeros((3,3)),dexpr]])
项目:joysix    作者:niberger    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def dlog(v):
    r = v[0:3]
    dlogr = quat.dlog(r)
    MT = mt(v)
    return np.bmat([[dlogr, -dlogr*MT*dlogr],dlogr]])
项目:joysix    作者:niberger    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def getValuesFromPose(self, P):
        '''return the virtual values of the pots corresponding to the pose P'''
        vals = []
        grads = []
        for i, r, l, placement, attach_p in zip(range(3), self.rs, self.ls, self.placements, self.attach_ps):
            #first pot axis
            a = placement.rot * col([1, 0, 0])
            #second pot axis
            b = placement.rot * col([0, 0])
            #string axis
            c = placement.rot * col([0, 1])

            #attach point on the joystick
            p_joystick = P * attach_p
            v = p_joystick - placement.trans
            va = v - dot(v, a)*a
            vb = v - dot(v, b)*b
            #angles of the pots
            alpha = math.atan2(dot(vb, a), dot(vb, c))
            beta = math.atan2(dot(va, b), dot(va, c))

            #calculation of the derivatives
            dv = np.bmat([-P.rot.mat() * quat.skew(attach_p), P.rot.mat()])
            dva = (np.eye(3) - a*a.T) * dv
            dvb = (np.eye(3) - b*b.T) * dv
            dalpha = (1/dot(vb,vb)) * (dot(vb,c) * a.T - dot(vb,a) * c.T) * dvb
            dbeta = (1/dot(va,va)) * (dot(va,c) * b.T - dot(va,b) * c.T) * dva
        return (col(vals), np.bmat([[grads]]))
项目:joysix    作者:niberger    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def getNumericalGradient(self, P, h = 1e-5):
        '''just to check the calculations...'''
        grad = []
        for i in range(6):
            dv = [0, 0]
            dv[i] = h
            gi = (1./h) * (self.getValuesFromPose(P * pose.exp(col(dv))) - self.getValuesFromPose(P))
        return np.bmat(grad)
项目:wgcca    作者:abenton    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _batch_incremental_pca(x, G, S):
    r = G.shape[1]
    b = x.shape[0]

    xh = G.T.dot(x)
    H  = x - G.dot(xh)
    J, W = scipy.linalg.qr(H, overwrite_a=True, mode='full', check_finite=False)

    Q = np.bmat( [[np.diag(S), xh], [np.zeros((b,r), dtype=np.float32), W]] )

    G_new, St_new, Vtoss = scipy.linalg.svd(Q, full_matrices=False, check_finite=False)
    G_new= np.asarray(np.bmat([G, J]).dot( G_new[:,:r] ))

    return G_new, St_new
项目:paragraph2vec    作者:thunlp    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def pad(mat, padrow, padcol):
    Add additional rows/columns to a numpy.matrix `mat`. The new rows/columns
    will be initialized with zeros.
    if padrow < 0:
        padrow = 0
    if padcol < 0:
        padcol = 0
    rows, cols = mat.shape
    return numpy.bmat([[mat, numpy.matrix(numpy.zeros((rows, padcol)))],
                      [numpy.matrix(numpy.zeros((padrow, cols + padcol)))]])
项目:luminoth    作者:tryolabs    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def setUp(self):
        super(ROIPoolingTest, self).setUp()
        # Setup
        self.im_shape = (10, 10)
        self.config = EasyDict({
            'pooling_mode': 'crop',
            'pooled_width': 2,
            'pooled_height': 2,
            'padding': 'VALID',
        # Construct the pretrained map with four matrix.
        self.multiplier_a = 1
        self.multiplier_b = 2
        self.multiplier_c = 3
        self.multiplier_d = 4
        mat_a = np.ones((5, 5)) * self.multiplier_a
        mat_b = np.ones((5, 5)) * self.multiplier_b
        mat_c = np.ones((5, 5)) * self.multiplier_c
        mat_d = np.ones((5, 5)) * self.multiplier_d
        self.pretrained = np.bmat([[mat_a, mat_b], [mat_c, mat_d]])
        # Expand the dimensions to be compatible with ROIPoolingLayer.
        self.pretrained = np.expand_dims(self.pretrained, axis=0)
        self.pretrained = np.expand_dims(self.pretrained, axis=3)
        # pretrained:
        #           mat_a | mat_b
        #           -------------
        #           mat_c | mat_d
项目:probabilistic_line_search    作者:ProbabilisticNumerics    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def update(self):
    """Set up the Gram matrix and compute its LU decomposition to make the GP
    ready for inference (calls to ``.gp.mu(t)``,``gp.V(t)``,etc...).

    Call this method after you have manipulated the GP by
       - ``gp.reset()`` ing,
       - adding observations with ``gp.add(t,f,df)``,or
       - adjusting the sigmas via ``gp.update_sigmas()``.
    and want to perform inference next."""

    if self.ready:

    # Set up the kernel matrices.
    self.K = np.matrix(np.zeros([self.N, self.N]))
    self.Kd = np.matrix(np.zeros([self.N, self.N]))
    self.dKd = np.matrix(np.zeros([self.N, self.N]))    
    for i in range(self.N):
      for j in range(self.N):
        self.K[i, j] = self.k(self.ts[i], self.ts[j])
        self.Kd[i, j] = self.kd(self.ts[i], self.ts[j])
        self.dKd[i, j] = self.dkd(self.ts[i], self.ts[j])

    # Put together the Gram matrix
    S_f = np.matrix(np.diag(self.fvars))
    S_df = np.matrix(np.diag(self.dfvars))
    self.G = np.bmat([[self.K + S_f, self.Kd],
                      [self.Kd.T, self.dKd + S_df]])

    # Compute the LU decomposition of G and store it
    self.LU, self.LU_piv = linalg.lu_factor(self.G, check_finite=True)

    # Set ready switch to True
    self.ready = True

    # Pre-compute the regression weights used in mu
    self.w = self.solve_G(np.array(self.fs + self.dfs))
项目:py_jive    作者:idc9    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def compute_joint_svd(self):

        # SVD on joint scores matrx
        joint_scores_matrix = np.bmat([self.blocks[k].signal_basis for k in range(self.K)])
        self.joint_scores, self.joint_sv, self.joint_loadings =  svd_wrapper(joint_scores_matrix)
项目:grove    作者:rigetticomputing    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def controlled(m):
    Make a one-qubit-controlled version of a matrix.

    :param m: (numpy.ndarray) A matrix.
    :return: A controlled version of that matrix.
    rows, cols = m.shape
    assert rows == cols
    n = rows
    I = np.eye(n)
    Z = np.zeros((n, n))
    controlled_m = np.bmat([[I, Z],
                            [Z, m]])
    return controlled_m
项目:topical_word_embeddings    作者:thunlp    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def pad(mat, cols + padcol)))]])
项目:topical_word_embeddings    作者:thunlp    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def pad(mat, cols + padcol)))]])
项目:topical_word_embeddings    作者:thunlp    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def pad(mat, cols + padcol)))]])
项目:dynamic-walking    作者:stephane-caron    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, nb_steps, duration, omega2, state_estimator, com_target,
                 stance, tube_radius=0.02, tube_margin=0.01):
        start_com = state_estimator.com
        start_comd = state_estimator.comd
        tube = COMTube(
            start_com, com_target.p, stance, tube_radius, tube_margin)
        dt = duration / nb_steps
        I = eye(3)
        A = asarray(bmat([[I, dt * I], [zeros((3, 3)), I]]))
        B = asarray(bmat([[.5 * dt ** 2 * I], [dt * I]]))
        x_init = hstack([start_com, start_comd])
        x_goal = hstack([com_target.p, com_target.pd])
        C1, e1 = tube.primal_hrep
        D2, e2 = tube.dual_hrep
        C1 = hstack([C1, zeros(C1.shape)])
        C2 = zeros((D2.shape[0], A.shape[1]))
        D1 = zeros((C1.shape[0], B.shape[1]))
        C = vstack([C1, C2])
        D = vstack([D1, D2])
        e = hstack([e1, e2])
        lmpc = LinearPredictiveControl(
            A, B, C, e, x_init, x_goal, wxt=1., wxc=1e-1, wu=1e-1)
            U = lmpc.U
            P = lmpc.X[:-1, 0:3]
            V = lmpc.X[:-1, 3:6]
            Z = P + (gravity - U) / omega2
            preview = ZMPPreviewBuffer([stance])
            preview.update(P, V, Z, [dt] * nb_steps, omega2)
        except ValueError as e:
            print "%s error:" % type(self).__name__, e
            preview = None
        self.lmpc = lmpc
        self.preview = preview
        self.tube = tube
项目:block    作者:bamos    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def build(self, rows):
        return np.bmat(rows)
项目:block    作者:bamos    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_diag():
    n0, n1, n2, n3 = 4, 7
    A = npr.randn(n0, n1)
    B = npr.randn(n2, n3)

    K_ = np.bmat((
        (A, np.zeros((n0, n3))),
        (np.zeros((n2, n1)), B)

    K = block_diag((A, B))

    assert np.allclose(K_, K)
项目:block    作者:bamos    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_linear_operator():

    nx, nineq + nineq + neq)))

    Q_lo = sla.aslinearoperator(Q)
    G_lo = sla.aslinearoperator(G)
    A_lo = sla.aslinearoperator(A)
    D_lo = sla.aslinearoperator(D)

    K = block((
        (Q_lo,    0,    G.T,    A.T),    D_lo,    'I',      0),
        (G_lo,  'I',      0,
        (A_lo,      0)
    ), arrtype=sla.LinearOperator)

    w1 = np.random.randn(K_.shape[1])
    assert np.allclose(K_.dot(w1), K.dot(w1))
    w2 = np.random.randn(K_.shape[0])
    assert np.allclose(K_.T.dot(w2), K.H.dot(w2))
    W = np.random.randn(*K_.shape)
    assert np.allclose(K_.dot(W), K.dot(W))
项目:nonce2vec    作者:minimalparts    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def pad(mat, padcol):
    Add additional rows/columns to a np.matrix `mat`. The new rows/columns
    will be initialized with zeros.
    if padrow < 0:
        padrow = 0
    if padcol < 0:
        padcol = 0
    rows, cols = mat.shape
    return np.bmat([[mat, np.matrix(np.zeros((rows,
                      [np.matrix(np.zeros((padrow, cols + padcol)))]])
项目:pyhiro    作者:wanweiwei07    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def doPhysics(rbd, force, torque, dtime):
    globalcom = rbd.rotmat.dot(rbd.com)+rbd.pos
    globalinertiatensor = rbd.rotmat.dot(rbd.inertiatensor).dot(rbd.rotmat.transpose())
    globalcom_hat = rm.hat(globalcom)
    # si = spatial inertia
    Isi00 = rbd.mass * np.eye(3)
    Isi01 = rbd.mass * globalcom_hat.transpose()
    Isi10 = rbd.mass * globalcom_hat
    Isi11 = rbd.mass * globalcom_hat.dot(globalcom_hat.transpose()) + globalinertiatensor
    Isi = np.bmat([[Isi00, Isi01], [Isi10, Isi11]])
    vw = np.bmat([rbd.linearv, rbd.angularw]).T
    pl = Isi*vw
    # print np.ravel(pl[0:3])
    # print np.ravel(pl[3:6])
    ft = np.bmat([force, torque]).T
    angularw_hat = rm.hat(rbd.angularw)
    linearv_hat = rm.hat(rbd.linearv)
    vwhat_mat = np.bmat([[angularw_hat, np.zeros((3,3))], [linearv_hat, angularw_hat]])
    dvw = Isi.I*(ft-vwhat_mat*Isi*vw)
    # print dvw
    rbd.dlinearv = np.ravel(dvw[0:3])
    rbd.dangularw = np.ravel(dvw[3:6])

    rbd.linearv = rbd.linearv + rbd.dlinearv * dtime
    rbd.angularw = rbd.angularw + rbd.dangularw * dtime

    return [np.ravel(pl[0:3]), np.ravel(pl[3:6])]
项目:kafe    作者:dsavoiu    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _build_cov_mat_datapoints(self, axis):
        Builds the Cov_mat for the data points for the given axis. The cov_mat will take in account
        if 2 datasets are the same and correlate them,if self.corelate_datasets is True.

        dummy2 = []
        __querry_dummy2 = []
        for i,fit in enumerate(self.fit_list):
            # Create mask to store points where a non 0 matrix is needed.
            __querry = [False] * len(self.fit_list)
            # Diagonal entrys are never 0
            __querry[i] = True
            dummy2.append([0] * len(self.fit_list))
            # Check if datsets are correlated. If so change non diagonal elements.
            if self.corelate_datasets:
                if np.allclose(self.fit_list[i].dataset.get_data(axis), self.fit_list[i-1].dataset.get_data(axis),
                               atol=0, rtol=1e-4):
                    __querry[i-1] = True

        for i,list in enumerate(dummy2):
            for j,entry in enumerate(list):
                if __querry_dummy2[i][j]:
                    dummy2[i][j] = self.fit_list[i].current_cov_mat
                    dummy2[i][j] = np.zeros((self.fit_list[i].dataset.get_size(), self.fit_list[j].dataset.get_size()))
        return np.bmat(dummy2)
项目:PyGeM    作者:mathLab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _get_weights(self, X, Y):
        This private method,given the original control points and the deformed
        ones,returns the matrix with the weights and the polynomial terms,that
        is :math:`W`,:math:`c^T` and :math:`Q^T`. The shape is

        :param numpy.ndarray X: it is an n_control_points-by-3 array with the
            coordinates of the original interpolation control points before the
        :param numpy.ndarray Y: it is an n_control_points-by-3 array with the
            coordinates of the interpolation control points after the

        :return: weights: the matrix with the weights and the polynomial terms.
        :rtype: numpy.matrix
        n_points = X.shape[0]
        dim = X.shape[1]
        identity = np.ones((n_points, 1))
        dist = self._distance_matrix(X, X)
        H = np.bmat([
            [dist, identity, X], 
            [identity.T, np.zeros((1, 1)), dim))],
            [X.T, np.zeros((dim, dim))]
        rhs = np.bmat([[Y], [np.zeros((1, [np.zeros((dim, dim))]])
        weights = np.linalg.solve(H, rhs)
        return weights
项目:PyGeM    作者:mathLab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def perform(self):
        This method performs the deformation of the mesh points. After the
        execution it sets `self.modified_mesh_points`.
        n_points = self.original_mesh_points.shape[0]
        dist = self._distance_matrix(
            self.original_mesh_points, self.parameters.original_control_points
        identity = np.ones((n_points, 1))
        H = np.bmat([[dist, self.original_mesh_points]])
        self.modified_mesh_points = np.asarray(np.dot(H, self.weights))
项目:ohmnet    作者:marinkaz    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def pad(mat, cols + padcol)))]])
项目:icnn    作者:locuslab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def crossEntrGrad(y, trueY, G):
    k,n = G.shape
    assert(len(y) == n)
    y_ = np.copy(y)
    eps = 1e-8
    y_ = np.clip(y_, eps, 1.-eps)

    # H = np.bmat([[np.diag(1./y_ + 1./(1.-y_)),G.T,np.zeros((n,1))],
    #              [G,np.zeros((k,k)),-np.ones((k,
    #              [np.zeros((1,n)),-np.ones((1,np.zeros((1,1))]])

    # c = -np.linalg.solve(H,np.concatenate([trueY/y_-(1-trueY)/(1-y_),np.zeros(k+1)]))
    # b = np.concatenate([trueY/y_-(1-trueY)/(1-y_),np.zeros(k+1)])
    # cy,clam,ct = np.split(c,[n,n+k])
    # cy[(y == 0) | (y == 1)] = 0

    z = 1./y_ + 1./(1.-y_)
    zinv = 1./z
    G_zinv = G*zinv
    G_zinv_GT = np.dot(G_zinv, G.T)
    H = np.bmat([[G_zinv_GT, np.ones((k,1))], [np.ones((1,k)),1))]])
    dl = trueY/y_-(1-trueY)/(1-y_)
    b = np.concatenate([np.dot(G_zinv, dl), np.zeros(1)])
    clamt = np.linalg.solve(H, b)
    clam, ct = np.split(clamt, [k])
    cy = zinv*dl - np.dot((G*zinv).T, clam)
    cy[(y == 0) | (y == 1)] = 0
    return cy, clam, ct
项目:icnn    作者:locuslab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def mseGrad_full(y,n = G.shape
    assert(len(y) == n)
    I = np.where((y > 1e-8) & (1.-y > 1e-8))
    z = np.ones_like(y)
    z[I] = (1./y[I] + 1./(1.-y[I]))
    H = np.bmat([[np.diag(z), np.zeros((n,
                 [G, np.zeros((k, -np.ones((k,
                 [np.zeros((1,n)), -np.ones((1,1))]])

    c = -np.linalg.solve(H, np.concatenate([(y - trueY), np.zeros(k+1)]))
    return np.split(c, [n, n+k])
项目:icnn    作者:locuslab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def mseGrad(y, G):
        k,n = G.shape
        import IPython; IPython.embed(); sys.exit(-1)
    assert(len(y) == n)

    # y_ = np.copy(y)
    # eps = 1e-8
    # y_ = np.clip(y_,eps,1.-eps)

    I = np.where((y > 1e-8) & (1.-y > 1e-8))
    # print(len(I[0]))
    z = np.ones_like(y)
    z[I] = (1./y[I] + 1./(1.-y[I]))
    z = 1./y + 1./(1.-y)
    zinv = 1./z
    G_zinv = G*zinv
    G_zinv_GT = np.dot(G_zinv,1))]])

    # Different scaling than the MSE plots.
    dl = -(y-trueY)

    b = np.concatenate([np.dot(G_zinv, ct
项目:doc2vec    作者:stanlee5    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def pad(mat, cols + padcol)))]])
项目:py_jive    作者:idc9    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def generate_data_ajive_fig2(seed=None):
    Samples the data from AJIVE figure 2. Note here we use rows as observations
    i.e. data matrices are n x d where n = # observations.

    X_obs,X_joint,X_indiv,X_noise,Y_obs,Y_joint,Y_indiv,Y_noise =
    # Todo: return ndarray instead of matrix
    if seed:

    # Sample X data
    X_joint = np.bmat([[np.ones((50, 50))],
                      [-1*np.ones((50, 50))]])
    X_joint = 5000 * np.bmat([X_joint, np.zeros((100, 50))])

    X_indiv = 5000 * np.bmat([[-1 * np.ones((25, 100))],
                              [-1 * np.ones((25, 100))]])

    X_noise = 5000 * np.random.normal(loc=0, scale=1, size=(100, 100))

    X_obs = X_joint + X_indiv + X_noise

    # Sample Y data
    Y_joint = np.bmat([[-1 * np.ones((50, 2000))],
                       [np.ones((50, 2000))]])
    Y_joint = np.bmat([np.zeros((100, 8000)), Y_joint])

    Y_indiv_t = np.bmat([[np.ones((20, 5000))],
                        [-1 * np.ones((20,
                        [np.ones((20, 5000))]])

    Y_indiv_b = np.bmat([[np.ones((25,
                        [-1 * np.ones((50,
                        [np.ones((25, 5000))]])

    Y_indiv = np.bmat([Y_indiv_t, Y_indiv_b])

    Y_noise = np.random.normal(loc=0, 10000))

    Y_obs = Y_joint + Y_indiv + Y_noise

    # Todo: make this into a list of dicts i.e. hierarchical
    return X_obs, X_joint, X_indiv, X_noise, Y_obs, Y_joint, Y_indiv, Y_noise
项目:fuku-ml    作者:fukuball    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def train(self):

        if (self.status != 'init'):
            print("Please load train data and init W first.")
            return self.W

        self.status = 'train'

        original_X = self.train_X[:, 1:]

        K = utility.Kernel.kernel_matrix(self, original_X)

        # P = Q,q = p,G = -A,h = -c

        P = cvxopt.matrix(np.bmat([[K, -K], [-K, K]]))
        q = cvxopt.matrix(np.bmat([self.epsilon - self.train_Y, self.epsilon + self.train_Y]).reshape((-1, 1)))
        G = cvxopt.matrix(np.bmat([[-np.eye(2 * self.data_num)], [np.eye(2 * self.data_num)]]))
        h = cvxopt.matrix(np.bmat([[np.zeros((2 * self.data_num, 1))], [self.C * np.ones((2 * self.data_num, 1))]]))
        # A = cvxopt.matrix(np.append(np.ones(self.data_num),-1 * np.ones(self.data_num)),(1,2*self.data_num))
        # b = cvxopt.matrix(0.0)
        cvxopt.solvers.options['show_progress'] = False
        solution = cvxopt.solvers.qp(P, q, h)

        # Lagrange multipliers
        alpha = np.array(solution['x']).reshape((2, -1))
        self.alpha_upper = alpha[0]
        self.alpha_lower = alpha[1]
        self.beta = self.alpha_upper - self.alpha_lower

        sv = abs(self.beta) > 1e-5
        self.sv_index = np.arange(len(self.beta))[sv]
        self.sv_beta = self.beta[sv]
        self.sv_X = original_X[sv]
        self.sv_Y = self.train_Y[sv]

        free_sv_upper = np.logical_and(self.alpha_upper > 1e-5, self.alpha_upper < self.C)
        self.free_sv_index_upper = np.arange(len(self.alpha_upper))[free_sv_upper]
        self.free_sv_alpha_upper = self.alpha_upper[free_sv_upper]
        self.free_sv_X_upper = original_X[free_sv_upper]
        self.free_sv_Y_upper = self.train_Y[free_sv_upper]

        free_sv_lower = np.logical_and(self.alpha_lower > 1e-5, self.alpha_lower < self.C)
        self.free_sv_index_lower = np.arange(len(self.alpha_lower))[free_sv_lower]
        self.free_sv_alpha_lower = self.alpha_lower[free_sv_lower]
        self.free_sv_X_lower = original_X[free_sv_lower]
        self.free_sv_Y_lower = self.train_Y[free_sv_lower]

        short_b_upper = self.free_sv_Y_upper[0] - np.sum(self.sv_beta * utility.Kernel.kernel_matrix_xX(self, self.free_sv_X_upper[0], self.sv_X)) - self.epsilon
        short_b_lower = self.free_sv_Y_lower[0] - np.sum(self.sv_beta * utility.Kernel.kernel_matrix_xX(self, self.free_sv_X_lower[0], self.sv_X)) + self.epsilon

        self.sv_avg_b = (short_b_upper + short_b_lower) / 2

        return self.W

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