
Python flask 模块-escape() 实例源码

Python flask 模块,escape() 实例源码


项目:aniping    作者:kuruoujou    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def index():
    """Primary index function.

    This function handles searching and the main page. If ``q`` is passed in a query
    string,e.g. ``http://localhost?q=gabriel+dropout``,then a search will be performed.

    If request path is ``search``,e.g. ``http://localhost/search``,then the navigation
    menu will not be rendered.

    Should there be no shows returned from the backend,``front_end.do_first_time_setup``
    will be called to scrape shows from the source.

        A rendered template,either ``first_time.html`` for the first run or ``default.html`` otherwise.
    log.debug("Entering index,attempting to get shows.")
    watching, airing, specials, movies = fe.get_shows_for_display(request.args.get('q',None))
    standalone = True if request.path.strip('/') == 'search' else False
    logged_in = fe.check_login_id(escape(session['logged_in'])) if 'logged_in' in session else False
    if not watching and not airing and not specials and not movies:
        log.debug("No shows found in any category. Starting first time startup.")
        return render_template('first_time.html', logged_in=logged_in)
    return render_template('default.html', watching=watching, airing=airing, specials=specials, movies=movies, standalone=standalone, logged_in=logged_in)
项目:aniping    作者:kuruoujou    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def star():
    """Starring/Highlighting handler.

    Attempts to toggle a star/highlight on a particular show. The show ID must
    be passed in the ``id`` query string. If the user is unauthenticated,the
    function is aborted with a ``404`` message to hide the page.

        JSON formatted output describing success and the ID of the show starred.
    log.debug("Entering star,trying to toggle star.")
    if fe.check_login_id(escape(session['logged_in'])):
        log.debug("Sending show ID {0} to function".format(request.args['id']))
        log.debug("Returning to user.")
        return jsonify({ "star": "success", "id": request.args['id'] })
    log.debug("User cannot be authenticated,send 404 to hide page.")
项目:aniping    作者:kuruoujou    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def drop_show():
    """Show removal handler.

    Attempts to remove a show from the backend system. The show ID must
    be passed in the ``id`` query string. If the user if unauthenticated,the
    function is aborted with a ``404`` message to hide the page.

        An HTTP redirect to the home page,to refresh.
    log.debug("Entering drop_show,trying to remove show from list.")
    if fe.check_login_id(escape(session['logged_in'])):
       log.debug("Sending show ID {0} to function".format(request.args['id']))
       log.debug("Refreshing user's page.")
       return redirect('/')
    log.debug("User cannot be authenticated,send 404 to hide page.")
项目:clofly    作者:heronyang    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def login():

    if 'username' in session:
        return 'Logged in as %s' % escape(session['username'])    

    table = dynamodb.Table('user')
    params = request.get_json()

    if not 'username' in params  or not 'password' in params:

    username = params['username']
    password = params['password']

    response = table.get_item( Key={ 'username': username })
    if 'Item' in response:
        db_password = response['Item']['password']
        if hash(password) == db_password:
            session['username'] = username
            return 'Login Succeed'

项目:aniping    作者:kuruoujou    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def logout():
    """logout handler.

    Ends the client session and deletes the session ID from the database.

        JSON formatted output describing success.
    log.debug("Entering logout,attempting to end session.")
    session.pop('logged_in', None)
    log.debug("Returning to user.")
    return jsonify({ "logout": "success" })
项目:SWEETer-Cat    作者:DanielAndreasen    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_publication_titles(publication_response, publication_data, category):
    """Test all the plublication titles are present."""
    for paper in publication_data[category]:
        title = escape(paper["title"]).encode('utf-8')
        assert title in publication_response.data
项目:SWEETer-Cat    作者:DanielAndreasen    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_publication_links(publication_response, category):
    """Test all the plublication adsabs links are present.

    Test that links are inserted for the title and "read more" sections.
    for paper in publication_data[category]:
        url = escape(paper["adsabs"])
        read_more = '...<a href="{0}" target="_blank"> read more</a>'.format(url)
        title_link = '<a href="{0}" target="_blank">{1}</a>'.format(url, paper["title"])
        assert read_more.encode('utf-8') in publication_response.data
        assert title_link.encode('utf-8') in publication_response.data
项目:SWEETer-Cat    作者:DanielAndreasen    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_publication_authors(publication_response, category):
    """Test all the plublication authors are present."""
    for paper in publication_data[category]:
        authors = escape(paper["authors"]).encode('utf-8')
        assert authors in publication_response.data
项目:LearningPython    作者:buraksenyurt    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def view_log()->str:
    with open('einstein.log') as log:
        content=log.read() #tüm dosya içeri?ini okur
    return escape(content) #logdaki < > gibi render ad?m?nda i?leri bozacak karakterler yerine &gt; &lt; ler ekler
项目:LearningPython    作者:buraksenyurt    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def view_log()->'html': #ç?kt? html olaca?? için de?i?tirdik
    content= [] #bo? bir liste olu?turduk
    with open('einstein.log') as log:
        for line in log:
            content.append([]) #content listesine bo? bir liste daha ekledik. Her bir sat?r için olu?acak
            for item in line.split('|'): #sat?r | i?aretine göre ayr??t?r?p içindeki her bir ö?eyi ele al
                content[-1].append(escape(item)) # -1 ile listenin en sonuna eleman eklemi? oluyoruz.

    titles=('Form Data','Remote_addr', 'User_agent','Results') #log tablosundaki ba?l?klar? tutacak bir tuple
    return render_template('log.html',
                           the_title='Calculation Logs',
项目:Panda-s-Backend    作者:kyokuheishin    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def index():
    if 'username' in session:
        return 'Logged in as %s' % escape(session['username'])
    return 'You are not logged in'
项目:ostip    作者:kx499    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def pending_data(status, event_id):
    """Return server side data."""
    # defining columns
    columns = []

    base_query = db.session.query(Indicator).join(Control).join(Itype)

    if status == 'pending':
        query = base_query.join(Event).filter(Indicator.pending == True)
    elif status == 'search':
        query = base_query.join(Event).filter(Indicator.pending == False)
    elif status == 'approved':
        query = base_query.filter(Indicator.event_id == event_id).filter(Indicator.pending == False )
        query = base_query.filter(Indicator.pending == True)

    rowTable = DataTables(request.args, Indicator, query, columns)

    #xss catch just to be safe
    res = rowTable.output_result()
    for item in res['data']:
        for k,v in item.iteritems():
            item[k] = escape(v)

    return jsonify(res)
项目:ostip    作者:kx499    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def event_data(status):
    """Return server side data."""
    # defining columns
    columns = []

    base_query = db.session.query(Event).join(Source).join(Tlp).join(Status)

    if status in ['New', 'Open', 'Resolved']:
        query = base_query.filter(Status.name == status)
        query = base_query

    rowTable = DataTables(request.args, Event,v in item.iteritems():
            item[k] = escape(v)

    return jsonify(res)

# API Calls
项目:hipfrog    作者:wardweistra    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_configure(self, mock_getCircles, mock_HipchatApiHandler, mock_getInstallationFromJWT):
        mock_installation = self.defaultInstallation(set_glassfrogToken=False)
        assert mock_installation.glassfrogToken is None
        mock_getInstallationFromJWT.return_value = mock_installation

        # Loading of page
        rv = self.app.get('/configure.html', follow_redirects=True,
        assert b'Glassfrog Token' in rv.data

        # Wrong token
        mock_getCircles.return_value = [401, test_values.mock_401_responsebody['message']]
        rv = self.app.post('/configure.html',
        assert mock_getCircles.called
        assert escape(test_values.mock_401_flash_message) in rv.data.decode('utf-8')

        # Right token
        mock_getCircles.return_value = (200, test_values.mock_circles_message)
        rv = self.app.post('/configure.html',
        assert mock_getCircles.called
        assert escape(strings.configured_successfully_flash) in rv.data.decode('utf-8')
项目:nfu_newmedia    作者:hanteng    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def view_the_log() -> 'html':
    """display the contents of the log file as a HTML table."""
    contents = []
    with open('vsearch.log') as log:
        for line in log:
            for item in line.split('|'):
    titles = ('????', '???IP', '???', '????')
    return render_template('viewlog.html',
项目:nfu_newmedia    作者:hanteng    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def view_the_log() -> 'html':
    """display the contents of the log file as a HTML table."""
    contents = []
    with open('vsearch.log') as log:
        for line in log:
            for item in line.split('|'):
    titles = ('????',)
项目:blog_flask    作者:momantai    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def principal():
    conectar = MysqL.connection.cursor()
    xy = ""
    #conectar.execute("SELECT * FROM Publicacion ORDER BY idPublicacion DESC limit 10")
    conectar.execute("""SELECT idPublicacion,titulo,cuerpo,portada,Nombre,Ape_pat,user,fechaPublicacion 
        FROM Publicacion INNER JOIN momantaiter_blogflask.Usuario ON Usuario.idUsuario = Publicacion.Usuario_idUsuario 
        INNER JOIN momantaiter_blogflask.Usuario_datos ON Usuario_datos.idUsuario_datos = Usuario.Usuario_datos_idUsuario_datos 
        ORDER BY idPublicacion DESC limit 10""")
    if 'username' in session: #Verifica si hay un usuario en sesion
        xy = escape(session['username'])
    return render_template('Index.html',lista=resutado, sessionopen=xy)

#Ruta de direcciones para entrar al perfil de algún usuario con su nombre de usuario de manera "+nameUser"
项目:blog_flask    作者:momantai    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def categorias(categoria, subcategoria):
    conectar = MysqL.connection.cursor()

    conectar.execute("""SELECT idPublicacion,fechaPublicacion 
        FROM Publicacion INNER JOIN momantaiter_blogflask.Usuario ON Usuario.idUsuario = Publicacion.Usuario_idUsuario 
        INNER JOIN momantaiter_blogflask.Usuario_datos ON Usuario_datos.idUsuario_datos = Usuario.Usuario_datos_idUsuario_datos 
        WHERE categoria = (%s) AND subCategoria = (%s) ORDER BY idPublicacion DESC""", [[categoria], [subcategoria]])

    resultado = conectar.fetchall()

    xy = ""
    if 'username' in session: #Verifica si hay un usuario en sesion
        xy = escape(session['username'])
    return render_template("cat.html", sessionopen=xy, lista=resultado)
项目:blog_flask    作者:momantai    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def categoria(categoria):
    conectar = MysqL.connection.cursor()

    conectar.execute("""SELECT idPublicacion,fechaPublicacion 
        FROM Publicacion INNER JOIN momantaiter_blogflask.Usuario ON Usuario.idUsuario = Publicacion.Usuario_idUsuario 
        INNER JOIN momantaiter_blogflask.Usuario_datos ON Usuario_datos.idUsuario_datos = Usuario.Usuario_datos_idUsuario_datos 
        WHERE categoria = (%s) ORDER BY idPublicacion DESC""", [categoria])

    resultado = conectar.fetchall()

    xy = ""
    if 'username' in session: #Verifica si hay un usuario en sesion
        xy = escape(session['username'])
    return render_template("cat.html", lista=resultado)
项目:blog_flask    作者:momantai    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def publlicacion():
    conectar = MysqL.connection.cursor()

    idpublicacion = request.args.get('ID')#se recibe el parametro de la url de index.html para hacer la consulta y mostrar el contenido en la ventana.
    conectar.execute("SELECT * FROM Publicacion WHERE idPublicacion = (%s)" % idpublicacion)

    conectar.execute("SELECT Nombre,comentario FROM Comentario INNER JOIN Usuario ON Usuario.idUsuario = Comentario.Usuario_idUsuarioC INNER JOIN Usuario_datos ON Usuario_datos.idUsuario_datos = Usuario.Usuario_datos_idUsuario_datos WHERE Publicacion_idPublicacionC = (%s)" %idpublicacion)
    xy = ""
    if 'username' in session:
        xy = escape(session['username'])

    return render_template('Publicacion.html',resutado=resultado,comentarios=coments,id=idpublicacion, sessionopen=xy)
项目:blog_flask    作者:momantai    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def publicar():
    conectar = MysqL.connection.cursor()
    xy = ""
    if 'username' in session:
        xy = escape(session['username'])
        return render_template('publicar.html', sessionopen=xy)
        return redirect(url_for("login"))
项目:blog_flask    作者:momantai    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def editP():
    conectar = MysqL.connection.cursor()
    f = ""
    subCat = ""

    if request.form["categoria"]=="1":
        subCat = request.form['cat1']
    elif request.form["categoria"]=="2":
        subCat = request.form['cat2']
    elif request.form["categoria"]=="3":
        subCat = request.form['cat3']
    elif request.form["categoria"]=="4":
        subCat = request.form['cat4']
    elif request.form["categoria"]=="5":
        subCat = request.form['cat5']
        subCat = ""

    idU = escape(session['id'])
        f = photos.save(request.files['file'])

        conectar.execute("""UPDATE Publicacion SET titulo = (%s),cuerpo = (%s),categoria = (%s),
            subCategoria = (%s),portada = (%s) WHERE idPublicacion = (%s) and  Usuario_idUsuario = (%s)
            """, [[request.form['titulo']], [request.form['publicacion']], [request.form['categoria']], [subCat], [f], [request.form['xpubxid']], [idU]])
        conectar.execute("""UPDATE Publicacion SET titulo = (%s),
            subCategoria = (%s) WHERE idPublicacion = (%s) and  Usuario_idUsuario = (%s)
            """, [idU]])
    return redirect("/publicacion?ID="+request.form['xpubxid'])
项目:blog_flask    作者:momantai    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def usuario(user):
    conectar = MysqL.connection.cursor()

    #PD. Aun no hace nada por que aun se esta haciendo el html,pero ya se comprobo que funciona la url.
    conectar.execute("SELECT idUsuario,imagen_perfil,firma FROM  Usuario INNER JOIN  Usuario_datos ON  Usuario_datos_idUsuario_datos = idUsuario_datos  WHERE user =(%s);", [user])
    resultado = conectar.fetchall()

    conectar.execute("SELECT idPublicacion,fechaPublicacion,Ape_pat FROM  Usuario INNER JOIN Publicacion ON Usuario_idUsuario=idUsuario INNER JOIN  Usuario_datos ON  Usuario_datos_idUsuario_datos = idUsuario_datos  WHERE user =(%s);", [user])
    publicaciones = conectar.fetchall()
    xy = ""
    if 'username' in session: #Verifica si hay un usuario en sesion
        xy = escape(session['username'])
    return render_template("user.html", datos=resultado,publicaciones=publicaciones,id=id)
项目:bbotte.com    作者:bbotte    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def nl2br_filters(s):
    return escape(s).replace('\n', Markup('</br>'))

项目:aniping    作者:kuruoujou    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def update_show():
    """Show add and edit handler.

    Either displays a template allowing the user to edit or add a show,or attempts
    to edit or add the show,depending on if the method is GET or POST. The function
    is aborted with a ``404`` message to hide the page if the user is not authenticated.

    GET method:
        Requires ``id`` to be passed as the ID of the show in a query string. If
        the show can't be found,abort with a ``404`` message. Otherwise,lookup
        the show in the db,as well as sub groups subtitling the show and the selected
        sub group if there is one,and some fanart to render on the background.

    POST method:
        Requires ``id``,``beid``,and ``subgroup`` to be passed as form parameters.
        ``id`` is the DB id of the show,``beid`` is the backend ID of the show,and
        ``subgroup`` is the subgroup the user has selected. This will attempt to add
        the show to the backend.

        A rendered template with a form on the GET method.
        A redirect to the home as a refresh on the POST method.
    log.debug("Entering update_show,trying to {0} show".format(request.path.strip('/')))
    logged_in = fe.check_login_id(escape(session['logged_in']))
    if logged_in and request.method == 'POST':
       log.debug("Request method is POST,so sending results to function.")
       subgroup = request.form['subgroup']
       dbid = request.form['dbid']
       beid = request.form['beid']
       log.debug("Got SG: {0} ID: {1} and BEID: {2} from form.".format(subgroup, dbid, beid))
       fe.add_update_show(dbid, beid, subgroup)
       log.debug("Refreshing user's page.")
       return redirect('/')
    elif logged_in and request.method == 'GET':
        log.debug("Request method is GET,so showing page to user.")
        if 'id' in request.args:
            id = request.args['id']
            log.debug("Attempting to operate on id {0}".format(id))
            sonarr_show = fe.search_show_from_backend(id)
            if not sonarr_show:
                log.debug("Could not find show from backend with ID {0}".format(id))
            db_show = fe.get_show_from_db(id)
            subgroups = fe.get_subgroups(id)
            selected_group = fe.get_selected_group(sonarr_show['beid'])
            fanart = fe.get_fanart(sonarr_show['beid'])
            log.debug("Rendering form for user")
            return render_template("add.html", id=id, title=db_show['title'], subgroups=subgroups, selectedGroup=selected_group, sonarr=sonarr_show, logged_in=logged_in, fanart=fanart, action=request.path.strip('/'))
        log.debug("No ID sent with request,so just refresh user's page to the home.")
        return redirect('/')
    log.debug("User cannot be authenticated,send 404 to hide page.")

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