
Python PIL.Image 模块-alpha_composite() 实例源码

Python PIL.Image 模块,alpha_composite() 实例源码


项目:Roomba980-Python    作者:NickWaterton    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def save_text_and_map_on_whitebg(self, map):
        # if no map or nothing changed
        if map is None or (map == self.prevIoUs_map_no_text and
                           self.prevIoUs_display_text == self.display_text):
        self.map_no_text = map
        self.prevIoUs_map_no_text = self.map_no_text
        self.prevIoUs_display_text = self.display_text
        self.map_no_text.save(self.mapPath + '/' + self.roombaName +
                              'map_notext.png', "PNG")
        final = Image.new('RGBA', self.base.size, (255,255,255))    # white
        # paste onto a white background,so it's easy to see
        final = Image.alpha_composite(final, map)
        # draw text
        self.draw_text(final, self.display_text, self.fnt)
        final.save(self.mapPath + '/'+self.roombaName + '_map.png', "PNG")
        # try to avoid other programs reading file while writing it,
        # rename should be atomic.
        os.rename(self.mapPath + '/' + self.roombaName + '_map.png',
            self.mapPath + '/' + self.roombaName + 'map.png')
项目:Roomba980-Python    作者:NickWaterton    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def save_text_and_map_on_whitebg(self,
            self.mapPath + '/' + self.roombaName + 'map.png')
项目:HAHA-NO-UR    作者:damourYouKNow    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _add_label(img: Image, texts: list, colour: str):
    Adds a label with text to an image.

    :param img: Image to add label to.
    label = _create_label(100, 25, texts, colour, '#000000')
    img = img.convert('RGBA')
    temp_canvas = Image.new('RGBA', img.size)

    img_width, img_height = img.size
    label_width, label_height = label.size
    label_x = int((0.5 * img_width) - (0.5 * label_width)) # Center vertically
    label_y = img_height - label_height
    temp_canvas.paste(label, (label_x, label_y))
    return Image.alpha_composite(img, temp_canvas)
项目:GAN    作者:ozansener    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def main():
  images_dir = '/Users/alan/Documents/research/nips2017/DCGAN_w_results'
  font_size = 30

  images = []
  font = ImageFont.truetype('/Library/Fonts/Arial.ttf', font_size)
  for file_name in sorted(os.listdir(images_dir)):
    if os.path.splitext(file_name)[-1] != '.png' or file_name == 'real_samples.png':

    image = Image.open(os.path.join(images_dir, file_name)).convert('RGBA')
    text = 'Epoch '+str(int(file_name.split('_')[-1].split('.')[0]))

    layer = Image.new('RGBA', image.size, 255, 0))
    draw = ImageDraw.Draw(layer)
    w, h = draw.textsize(text, font=font)
    draw.text(((image.size[0]-w)//2, (image.size[1]-h)//2), text, font=font, fill=(255, 180))
    image = Image.alpha_composite(image, layer)

  images = np.stack(images)

  imageio.mimsave(os.path.join(images_dir, 'animation.gif'), images, duration=0.1)
项目:bday-app    作者:pybites    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def create_img_with_text(base_img, input_text, out_file=OUT_FILE):

    input_text = textwrap.fill(input_text, width=TEXT_WIDTH)

    if os.path.isfile(out_file):

    base = Image.open(base_img).convert('RGBA')
    base = _resize(base)

    txt = Image.new('RGBA', base.size, OVERLAY_COLOR)

    draw_context = ImageDraw.Draw(txt)
    draw_context.text(TEXT_OFFSET, font=FONT, fill=TEXT_COLOR)

    out = Image.alpha_composite(base, txt)

    return out_file
项目:MangoByte    作者:mdiller    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def create_match_image(match):
    table_border = 10
    table_image = await draw_match_table(match)

    image = Image.new('RGBA', (table_image.size[0] + (table_border * 2), table_image.size[1] + table_border + 64))
    draw = ImageDraw.Draw(image)
    draw.rectangle([0, 0, image.size[0], image.size[1]], fill=background_color)
    draw.rectangle([0, 64, fill=trim_color)
    image.paste(table_image, (table_border, 64))

    title = TextCell(f"{'Radiant' if match['radiant_win'] else 'Dire'} Victory", font_size=48, color=("green" if match['radiant_win'] else "red"))
    title.render(draw, image, image.size[0] - 64, 64)

    team_icon = Image.open(radiant_icon if match['radiant_win'] else dire_icon).resize((64, 64))
    temp_image = Image.new("RGBA", image.size)
    temp_image.paste(team_icon, (0, 0))
    image = Image.alpha_composite(image, temp_image)

    fp = BytesIO()
    image.save(fp, format="PNG")

    return fp
项目:stn-ocr    作者:Bartzi    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def blend_at_intersection(self, images):
        pre_blend_images = []
        for idx, image in enumerate(images):
            x_start, y_start = self.get_start_indices(idx)
            image_data = np.asarray(image)
            overlap_data = self.overlap_map[y_start:y_start + self.image_size, x_start:x_start + self.image_size]
            alpha_image = image_data.copy()
            alpha_image[:, :, 3] = image_data[:, 3] / overlap_data
            pre_blend_image = np.zeros(self.dest_image_size + (4,), dtype=np.uint8)
            pre_blend_image[y_start:y_start + self.image_size, x_start:x_start + self.image_size] = alpha_image
            pre_blend_images.append(Image.fromarray(pre_blend_image, 'RGBA'))

        dest_image = pre_blend_images[0]
        for blend_image in pre_blend_images[1:]:
            dest_image = Image.alpha_composite(dest_image, blend_image)

        return dest_image
项目:geos    作者:grst    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def stitch_map(tiles, width, height, bBox, dpi):
    Merge tiles together into one image.

        tiles (list of dict of file): tiles for each layer
        width (float): page width in mm
        height (height): page height in mm
        dpi (dpi): resolution in dots per inch

        PIL.Image: merged map.

    size = (int(width * dpi_to_dpmm(dpi)), int(height * dpi_to_dpmm(dpi)))
    background = Image.new('RGBA', size, 255))
    for layer in tiles:
        layer_img = Image.new("RGBA", size)
        for (x, y), tile_path in layer.items():
            tile = Image.open(tile_path)
            layer_img.paste(tile, ((x - bBox.min.x) * TILE_SIZE, (y - bBox.min.y) * TILE_SIZE))
        background = Image.alpha_composite(background, layer_img)
    add_scales_bar(background, bBox)
    return background.convert("RGB")
项目:nospam    作者:zaytoun    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def draw_text(img, text):
    Draws text on an image.
    text_layer = Image.new('RGBA', img.size,0))
    draw_layer = ImageDraw.Draw(text_layer)
    font = ImageFont.truetype('Arial.ttf', 
        find_fitting_size(img.size, .70, 'Arial.ttf'))
    text_x, text_y = draw_layer.textsize(text, font=font)
    x0 = (text_layer.size[0]-text_x)/2
    y0 = text_layer.size[1]-text_y
    x1 = x0 + text_x
    y1 = y0 + text_y
    text_padding = 10
    border_padding_x = 10
    border_padding_y = 10
    draw_layer.rectangle([x0-border_padding_x, y0-border_padding_y, 
        x1+border_padding_x, y1+border_padding_y], fill=(0,0,128))
    draw_layer.text((x0, y0-text_padding),255))
    return Image.alpha_composite(img, text_layer)
项目:geo-pyprint    作者:ioda-net    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _create_map_image(self):
        images = self._get_images()

        self._map_image = Image.new('RGBA', self._map_size)

        for img in images:
            if not isinstance(img, Image.Image):
                img = Image.open(BytesIO(img.content)).convert('RGBA')

            self._map_image = Image.alpha_composite(self._map_image, img)
项目:identidade_ocr    作者:Ronald-TR    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def mesclarImagem(mascara):  #mescla a respectiva mascara a identidade
    identidade = Image.open('identidade.jpg').resize(mascara.size).convert('RGBA')
    mescla = Image.alpha_composite(identidade, mascara)
    return binarize(mescla)
    #return mescla # para testes do OCR sem a binarização

# criando de fato,nossa lista de imagens pre-processadas para o OCR tesseract
项目:kdpv_generator    作者:spbpython    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _draw_image_with_alpha(self, image: PILImage.Image, image2: PILImage.Image):
        im2 = PILImage.new('RGBA', 0))
        im2.paste(image2, self.position)
        im2 = PILImage.alpha_composite(image, im2)
        image.paste(im2, 0))
项目:Roomba980-Python    作者:NickWaterton    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def transparent_paste(self, base_image, icon, position):
        needed because PIL pasting of transparent imges gives weird results
        image = Image.new('RGBA', self.transparent)
        base_image = Image.alpha_composite(base_image, image)
        return base_image
项目:Roomba980-Python    作者:NickWaterton    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def transparent_paste(self, image)
        return base_image
项目:tritonize    作者:minimaxir    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def create_tritone(image_path, colors, blur, bg_color,
    colors_triplets = [string_to_rgb_triplet(color) if isinstance(
        color, str) else color for color in colors]

    color_list = list(permutations(colors_triplets))

    im = imread(image_path, mode='L')

    im = np.asarray(im).copy()
    blur_px_per_mp = blur
    blur = im.size * blur_px_per_mp / (1000000)
    gaussian_filter(im, output=im, sigma=blur)

    threshold_matrix = sigmoid(im)
    base_name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(image_path))[0]

    if palette_name:
        background = make_gradient((im.shape[1], im.shape[0]), palette_name)
        background = Image.new(
            'RGBA', (im.shape[1], make_tuple(bg_color))

    # Create directory to store the images
    if not os.path.exists('tritonize'):

    for i, color_set in enumerate(color_list):
        im_color = color_select(threshold_matrix, color_set)

        imfile = toimage(im_color, mode='RGBA')

        merged = Image.alpha_composite(background, imfile)
        merged.save("tritonize/{}_{}.png".format(base_name, i + 1))
项目:listasGenerator    作者:gonccalo    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_image(self, nome_lista, descricao, nome):
        imgs = os.listdir("img")
        img_name = random.choice(imgs)
        im = Image.open(img_name)
        im = im.convert("RGBA")

        #color filter
        r = random.randint(0, 255)
        g = random.randint(0, 255)
        b = random.randint(0, 255)
        col = Image.new('RGBA', im.size, (r,g,b,128))
        im = Image.alpha_composite(im, col)

        #text Box
        text_Box_w = int(im.size[0] * 0.7)
        text_Box_h = int(im.size[1] * 0.32)
        txt = Image.new('RGBA', (text_Box_w, text_Box_h),169))
        font = ImageFont.truetype("FreeMono.ttf", size=40)
        d = ImageDraw.Draw(txt)
        text_size = d.textsize(nome_lista + '\n' + descricao, font)
        text_start_w = int((text_Box_w - text_size[0]) / 2)
        text_start_h = int((text_Box_h - text_size[1]) / 2)
        d.multiline_text((text_start_w, text_start_h), nome_lista + '\n' + descricao, spacing=4, align='center' ,255))
        w = int((im.size[0] - text_Box_w) / 2)
        h = int((im.size[1] - text_Box_h) / 2)
        im.alpha_composite(txt, (w, h))
        im.save("res/" + nome + ".png")
        return "res/" + nome + ".png"
项目:zzt2png    作者:DrDos0016    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_tile(char, fg_color, opaque):
    ch_x = char % 0x10
    ch_y = int(char / 0x10)
    tile_bg = Image.new("RGBA", (8, 14), color="#" + BG_COLORS[bg_color % 0x8])
    tile_fg = FG_GRAPHICS[fg_color].crop((ch_x * 8, ch_y * 14, ch_x * 8 + 8, ch_y * 14 + 14))

    result = Image.alpha_composite(tile_bg, tile_fg)

    if not opaque:
        result = Image.blend(tile_bg, result, 0.7)

    return result
项目:pudzu    作者:Udzu    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def overlay(self, img, Box=(0,0), mask=None, copy=False):
        """Paste an image respecting alpha channels (unlike Image.paste)."""
        if isinstance(Box, BoundingBox): Box = Box.corners
        if img.mode.endswith('A'):
            if len(Box) == 2: Box = (Box[0], Box[1], min(self.width, Box[0]+img.width), min(self.height, Box[1]+img.height))
            img = Image.alpha_composite(self.crop(Box).to_rgba(), img.crop((0, Box[2]-Box[0], Box[3]-Box[1])))
        base = self.copy() if copy else self
        base.paste(img, Box, mask)
        return base
项目:ebooks    作者:ZerataX    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def meme_text(text, serverid):
    with open("info.json", "r") as info_file:
        data = info_file.read()
        data = json.loads(data)
    meme = randint(0,(len(data["memes_text"]) -1))
    image_name = data["memes_text"][meme]["image"]

    margin = data["memes_text"][meme]["size"]["left"]
    offset = data["memes_text"][meme]["size"]["up"]
    style = data["memes_text"][meme]["style"]
    print("Creating meme " + data["memes_text"][meme]["image"] + " for server " + serverid)

    if not os.path.isfile("images/" + image_name):
        print("Downloading new Images")
        file_download(data["memes_text"][meme]["image_url"], "images/", image_name)
    if not os.path.isfile("fonts/" + data["styles"][style]["font"]):
        print("Downloading new Font")
        file_download(data["styles"][style]["font_url"], "fonts/", data["styles"][style]["font"])

    meme_font = ImageFont.truetype("fonts/" + data["styles"][style]["font"], data["styles"][style]["font_size"])

    base = Image.open("images/" + image_name).convert('RGBA')
    width, height = base.size
    txt = Image.new('RGBA',0))
    d = ImageDraw.Draw(txt)
    dif = (data["memes_text"][meme]["size"]["right"] - data["memes_text"][meme]["size"]["left"])
    wrap = textwrap.wrap(" ".join(text.split()), width=dif/data["styles"][style]["font_size"])
    offset += (data["memes_text"][meme]["size"]["bottom"]-offset)/2-(meme_font.getsize(wrap[0])[1]*len(wrap)/2)
    if offset < data["memes_text"][meme]["size"]["up"]:
        offset = data["memes_text"][meme]["size"]["up"]
    for line in wrap:
        d.text((margin+(data["memes_text"][meme]["size"]["center"]-meme_font.getsize(line)[0])/2, offset), line, font=meme_font, fill=data["styles"][style]["font_color"])
        offset += meme_font.getsize(text)[1]
        if offset > data["memes_text"][meme]["size"]["bottom"] - meme_font.getsize(line)[1]:
    out = Image.alpha_composite(base, txt)
    out.save("server/" + serverid + "/output/" + image_name);
    print("Meme saved to: server/" + serverid + "/output/" + image_name)
    return "server/" + serverid + "/output/" + image_name
项目:django-watermark-images    作者:abarto    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def add_text_overlay(image, font=_default_font):
    rgba_image = image.convert('RGBA')
    text_overlay = Image.new('RGBA', rgba_image.size, 0))
    image_draw = ImageDraw.Draw(text_overlay)
    text_size_x, text_size_y = image_draw.textsize(text, font=font)
    text_xy = ((rgba_image.size[0] / 2) - (text_size_x / 2), (rgba_image.size[1] / 2) - (text_size_y / 2))
    image_draw.text(text_xy, 128))
    image_with_text_overlay = Image.alpha_composite(rgba_image, text_overlay)

    return image_with_text_overlay
项目:serverless-its    作者:pbs    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def optimize(img, query):

    if not isinstance(img, BytesIO):
        ext = query['format'] if 'format' in query else img.format.lower()  # the return format
            quality = int(query['quality']) if 'quality' in query else None
        except ValueError as e:
            raise ITSTransformError("ITSTransform Error: " + str(e))

        with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(dir="/tmp/", delete=True) as tmp_file:
            if ext.lower() == "jpg":
                ext = "jpeg"

            # convert first,then optimize
            if ext.lower() == "jpeg":
                # convert to JPG and/or compress
                # need to convert to RGB first,then can save in any format
                if img.format != "JPEG":
                    if img.mode in ["RGBA", "LA"]:
                        new_img = Image.new("RGBA", img.size)
                        new_img = Image.alpha_composite(new_img, img)
                    img = img.convert("RGB")
                img = optimize_jpg(img, tmp_file, quality)
            elif ext.lower():
                # convert from PNG,JPG and WEBP to formats other than JPG
                img = convert(img, ext, tmp_file)

            # only optimize pngs if quality param is provided
            if img.format == "PNG" and quality is not None:
                img = optimize_png(img, quality)

    return img
项目:MangoByte    作者:mdiller    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def paste_image(image1, image2, x, y):
    temp_image = Image.new("RGBA", image1.size)
    temp_image.paste(image2, (x, y))
    return Image.alpha_composite(image1, temp_image)

# colors an image with one single color for all the pixes that are currently not transparent
项目:faptcha    作者:nogaems    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get(self):
        key = sha256(random().hex().encode('utf8')).hexdigest()[-self.length:]
        id = sha256(key.encode('utf8')).hexdigest()
        self.storage.update({id: key})

        base = Image.new('RGBA', self.size, 0))
        text = Image.new('RGBA', self.size)

        draw = ImageDraw.Draw(text)

        while True:
            text_w, text_h = draw.textsize(key, font=self.font)
            base_w, base_h = base.size
            if text_h >= base_h or text_w >= base_w:
                self.font = ImageFont.truetype(self.font.path, self.font.size - 1)

        draw.text(((base_w - text_w) / 2, (base_h - text_h) / 2), key,
                  font=self.font, fill=self.color)

        text = self._transform(text)
        out = Image.alpha_composite(base, text)
        out = self._noise(out)

        # for debug
        # out.show()
        # print(key)

        f = BytesIO()
        out.save(f, 'PNG')
        raw = f.getvalue()

        return raw, id
项目:the-all-seeing-pi    作者:raspBerrypilearning    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def output_overlay(output=None, overlay=None):

    # Take an overlay Image
    overlay_img = _get_overlay_image(overlay)

    # ...and a captured photo
    output_img = Image.open(output).convert('RGBA')

    # Combine the two and save the image as output
    new_output = Image.alpha_composite(output_img, overlay_img)
项目:the-all-seeing-pi    作者:raspBerrypilearning    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def output_overlay(output=None, overlay_img)
项目:stn-ocr    作者:Bartzi    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def create_sample(self):

        found_bBoxes = []
        images = []
        dominating_colour = None
        for _ in range(self.numbers_per_image):
            house_number_crop, median_colour = self.get_number_crop()
            if len(images) > 0:
                while True:
                    if is_close(median_colour, dominating_colour):
                    house_number_crop, median_colour = self.get_number_crop()
                dominating_colour = median_colour

            house_number_crop, bBox = self.adjust_house_number_crop(house_number_crop, bBox)
            paste_bBox = self.find_paste_location(bBox, found_bBoxes)

        base_image = self.create_base_image(tuple(dominating_colour))

        for image, bBox in zip(images, found_bBoxes):
            base_image_data = np.asarray(base_image, dtype=np.uint8).copy()
            image_array = np.asarray(image, dtype=np.uint8)

            image_holder = np.zeros_like(base_image_data, dtype=np.uint8)
            image_holder[bBox.top:bBox.top + bBox.height, bBox.left:bBox.left + bBox.width, :] = image_array[:]
            image = Image.fromarray(image_holder, mode='RGBA')

            base_image_data[bBox.top:bBox.top + bBox.height, 3] = 255 - image_array[..., 3]
            base_image = Image.fromarray(base_image_data, mode='RGBA')
            base_image = Image.alpha_composite(base_image, image)

        return base_image, found_bBoxes
项目:CatGen    作者:MemeTrash    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def draw_text_on(image, resources_path, text):
        image (Image): Image to draw on.
        text (str): String to draw.

        Image: Image with string drawn at a random location and rotation.
    width, height = image.size
    font_size = width // 15
    font = ImageFont.truetype(resources_path + "/comic_sans_font.ttf", font_size)
    text_base = Image.new('RGBA', 0))   # Base transparent image to write text on
    drawer = ImageDraw.Draw(text_base)
    max_x = max([width - (len(text)*font_size), 10])
    max_y = max([height - font_size, 10])
    x, y = random.randint(0, max_x), random.randint(0, max_y)
    angle = random.uniform(-10, 10)
    # 1/4 chance to print text in red instead of white
    if random.random() < 0.25:
        drawer.text((x, 0), font=font)
        drawer.text((x, 255), font=font)
    rotated_text = text_base.rotate(angle)
    result = Image.alpha_composite(image.convert('RGBA'), rotated_text)
    return result
项目:pySA    作者:kjzhang9    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def draw_all(self, triangles):
        img_a = Image.new('RGBA', size=(256, 256))
        draw_a = ImageDraw.Draw(img_a)
        draw_a.polygon([(0, (255 ,0)], 255))
        for single in triangles:
            img_a = Image.alpha_composite(img_a, self.draw_single(single))
        pixels = [img_a.getpixel((x, y)) for x in range(0, 256) \
                                         for y in range(0, 256)]
        return pixels
项目:swn-gen    作者:jimmayjr    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def save(self, path):
        # Check arguments
        path = exception.arg_check(path, str)

        # Draw image if it hasn't been
        if self._workingImage is None:

        # Resize background image.
        # Get scale of actual image to background image.
        bgScale  = float(self._height)/float(self._background.height)
        # Calculate width assuming resizing background image height to actual 
        # image height.
        bgWidth  = int(math.ceil(bgScale*self._background.width))
        # Calculate number of times background image is requred to tile to fit
        # width.
        bgTile   = int(math.ceil(float(self._width)/float(bgWidth)))
        # Resize background image to match actual image height.
        bgResize = self._background.resize((bgWidth,self._height), pilimage.lanczos)

        # Create image to save
        saveImage = pilimage.new('RGBA', (self._width, self._height))

        # Paste background
        for tile in xrange(bgTile):
            saveImage.paste(bgResize, Box=((tile)*bgWidth, mask=bgResize)

        # Paste working image
        saveImage = pilimage.alpha_composite(saveImage, self._workingImage)

        # Resize/scale down with antialiasing to smooth jagged lines
        saveImage = saveImage.resize((self._width/_SECTOR_IMAGE_SCALE, 

        # Save image

## Orbit map image class.
# The orbit map image class is used to create images of orbit maps.
项目:MachineLearning    作者:timomernick    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test():
    test_dir = "test"
    images, classes = next(iter(test_loader))

    output = counter(input)

    num_test = images.size(0)
    for i in range(num_test):
        count = int(round(output[i].data[0]))

        image = images[i].cpu().numpy()
        image = np.swapaxes(image, 1)
        image = np.swapaxes(image, 1, 2)

        ones = np.ones([image.shape[0], image.shape[1], 1])
        image = np.concatenate((image, ones), axis=2)

        fnt = ImageFont.truetype("/usr/share/fonts/truetype/ubuntu-font-family/Ubuntu-B.ttf", 14)
        base = Image.fromarray(np.uint8(image * 255.0))
        txt = Image.new("RGBA", 0))

        d = ImageDraw.Draw(txt)
        d.text((2,2), str(count), font=fnt, 200))

        image = np.array(Image.alpha_composite(base, txt))

        filename = test_dir + "/" + str(i).zfill(3) + "_" + str(count) + ".png"
        scipy.misc.imsave(filename, image)
项目:100daysOfCode    作者:pybites    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def create_img_with_text(base_img, out_file=OUT_FILE):
    base = Image.open(base_img).convert('RGBA')
    base = _resize(base)

    txt = Image.new('RGBA', txt)

    return out_file
项目:pillow-flask    作者:pybites    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def add_background(self, resize=False):
        img = Image.open(image).convert('RGBA')

        overlay = Image.new('RGBA', WHITE_TRANSPARENT_OVERLAY)
        bg_img = Image.alpha_composite(img, overlay)

        if resize:
            bg_size = (self.width * RESIZE_PERCENTAGE, self.height)
            bg_img.thumbnail(bg_size, Image.ANTIALIAS)
            left = self.width - bg_img.size[0]
            self.image.paste(bg_img, (left, 0))
                                           Image.ANTIALIAS), 0))
项目:ORELS-Cogs    作者:orels1    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def text(self, ctx, *, text):
        """Draws text on a background"""

        # check text length

        if len(text) > 24:
            await self.bot.say("Too big for me")

            result = Image.open(self.drawing_settings["userbar"][ctx.message.server.id]["background"]).convert('RGBA')

            process = Image.new('RGBA', (400,100),0))

            # get a font
            fnt = ImageFont.truetype('data/drawing/font.ttf', 37)
            fnt_sm = ImageFont.truetype('data/drawing/font.ttf', 20)

            # get a drawing context
            d = ImageDraw.Draw(process)

            # get sign
            sign = self.drawing_settings["text"][ctx.message.server.id]["bot_sign"]
            if sign == "username":
                sign = ctx.message.author.name

            # calculate text position
            author_width = fnt_sm.getsize("— " + sign)[0]

            # draw text,half opacity
            d.text((25,25), "«" + text + "»",255))
            d.text((400 - author_width - 25, 65), "— " + sign, font=fnt_sm,128))
            d.rectangle([(10,10),(390,90)], fill=None, outline=(200,200,128))

            result = Image.alpha_composite(result, process)


            await self.bot.send_file(ctx.message.channel, 'data/drawing/temp.png')

项目:YOLO_train_data_generator    作者:leetenki    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def overlay(src_image, overlay_image, pos_x, pos_y):
    # ??????????????
    ol_height, ol_width = overlay_image.shape[:2]

    # OpenCV???????PIL???
    # BGRA??RGBA???
    src_image_RGBA = cv2.cvtColor(src_image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
    overlay_image_RGBA = cv2.cvtColor(overlay_image, cv2.COLOR_BGRA2RGBA)


    # ??????RGBA??????
    src_image_PIL = src_image_PIL.convert('RGBA')
    overlay_image_PIL = overlay_image_PIL.convert('RGBA')

    # ????????????????
    tmp = Image.new('RGBA', src_image_PIL.size, 0))
    # ?????????????
    tmp.paste(overlay_image_PIL, (pos_x, pos_y), overlay_image_PIL)
    # ??????????????????
    result = Image.alpha_composite(src_image_PIL, tmp)

    return  cv2.cvtColor(np.asarray(result), cv2.COLOR_RGBA2BGRA)

# ?????????????
项目:cosinus    作者:hdk5    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def draw_picture(img_src):
    fap_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "fap.png")

    # ?????????? ????????
    response = requests.get(img_src)
    image_bytes = io.BytesIO(response.content)

    # ?????????
    image = Image.open(image_bytes)
    fap_pic = Image.open(fap_path)

    if image.mode != 'RGBA':
        image = image.convert('RGBA')

    image_width, image_height = image.size
    fap_width, fap_height = fap_pic.size

    def find_coeffs(pa, pb):
        """ https://stackoverflow.com/questions/14177744/
            ????? ????????? ????,??? ??????? - ???????
        matrix = []
        for p1, p2 in zip(pa, pb):
            matrix.append([p1[0], p1[1], -p2[0]*p1[0], -p2[0]*p1[1]])
            matrix.append([0, p1[0], -p2[1]*p1[0], -p2[1]*p1[1]])
        A = numpy.matrix(matrix, dtype=numpy.float)
        B = numpy.array(pb).reshape(8)
        res = numpy.dot(numpy.linalg.inv(A.T * A) * A.T, B)
        return numpy.array(res).reshape(8)

    trans_coeff = find_coeffs(
        [(0, (image_width-1,image_height-1), image_height-1)])

    resp_pic = image.transform(fap_pic.size, Image.PERSPECTIVE, trans_coeff, Image.BILINEAR)

    # ??????????? gesture ? image
    resp_bytes = io.BytesIO()
    Image.alpha_composite(resp_pic, fap_pic).save(resp_bytes, format='PNG')

    return resp_bytes
项目:cosinus    作者:hdk5    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def draw_gesture(img_src):
    gesture_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "gesture.png")

    # ?????????? ????????
    response = requests.get(img_src)
    image_bytes = io.BytesIO(response.content)

    # ?????????
    image = Image.open(image_bytes)
    gesture = Image.open(gesture_path)

    if image.mode != 'RGBA':
        image = image.convert('RGBA')

    if gesture.mode != 'RGBA':
        gesture = gesture.convert('RGBA')

    # ????????? ?????? gesture ??? image
    image_width, image_height = image.size
    gest_width, gest_height = gesture.size

    k = 2 / 3
    if (image_width / image_height) < (gest_width / gest_height):
        new_width = k * image_width
        new_height = new_width / gest_width * gest_height
        new_height = k * image_height
        new_width = new_height / gest_height * gest_width

    gesture = gesture.resize((int(new_width), int(new_height)))
    gest_width, gest_height = gesture.size
    diff0 = image_width - gest_width
    diff1 = image_height - gest_height
    gesture = ImageOps.expand(gesture, border=(diff0, diff1, fill=0)

    # ??????????? gesture ? image
    gestured_image = io.BytesIO()
    Image.alpha_composite(image, gesture).save(gestured_image, format='PNG')
    # ???? ?????,??? ??? ???????? ?????????

    return gestured_image
项目:PyLabyrinthe    作者:yoann-darche    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def render(self, dt):
        Fonction qui assure le mix des map pour générer l'image final

        #self.mapFinal = Image.new('RGBA',(self._ctxGfx.nx * self._ctxGfx.rx,self._ctxGfx.ny * self._ctxGfx.ry),(0,255))

        # Vérifie si le plateau de base a été généré
        if self.plateau is None: 

        # calcule la couche dynamique (basé sur l'état des effets)
        if self.renderFx(dt):
            self.mapLastFx = Image.alpha_composite(self.plateau,self.mapFx)        

        self.mapFinal = self.mapLastFx.copy()

        #self.mapFinal = Image.alpha_composite(self.plateau,self.mapFx)

        # Calcul l'éclairage
        if self._Map.IsShadowEnabled == True:            

        self.tkPlateau = ImageTk.PhotoImage(image=self.mapFinal,  master=self._ctxGfx.can)

        if self.tkPlateauId is not None:
            self._ctxGfx.can.itemconfig(self.tkPlateauId , image=self.tkPlateau)
            self.tkPlateauId = self._ctxGfx.can.create_image(0, anchor=Tk.NW, image=self.tkPlateau, state= Tk.norMAL)


        # %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
        # %% Affichage des Persos      %%
        # %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

        # Pour chaque perso
        for p in self._EntityList.ActivePlayerList:

        # Pour chaque monstre
        for p in self._EntityList.ActiveMonsterList:
项目:pcbot    作者:pckv    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def prank(message: discord.Message, phrase: Annotate.CleanContent="IT'S A"):
    """ Prank! """
    phrase = phrase.upper()

    # Initialize the image and font
    image_text = Image.new("RGBA", image_base.size, 0))
    image_font = ImageFont.truetype(prank_path + "American Captain.ttf", 50)
    image_context = ImageDraw.Draw(image_text)

    # Set width and height and scale down when necessary
    width, height = image_context.textsize(phrase, image_font)
    font_size = 50

    if width > image_width:
        scaled_font = None

        while width > image_width:
            scaled_font = ImageFont.truetype(prank_path + "American Captain.ttf", font_size)
            width, scaled_font)
            font_size -= 1

        image_font = scaled_font

    # Set x and y coordinates for centered text
    x = (image_width - width) / 2
    y = (image_height - height / 2) - image_height / 1.3

    # Draw border
    shadow_offset = font_size // 25
    image_context.text((x - shadow_offset, phrase, font=image_font, 255))
    image_context.text((x + shadow_offset, 255))
    image_context.text((x, y - shadow_offset), y + shadow_offset), 255))

    # Draw text
    image_context.text((x, 255))

    # Combine the base image with the font image
    image = Image.alpha_composite(image_base, image_text)

    # Upload the image
    buffer = BytesIO()
    image.save(buffer, "PNG")
    await client.send_file(message.channel, buffer, filename="pranked.png")
项目:ebooks    作者:ZerataX    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def meme_image(image_name, memename, serverid):
    print("Creating " + memename + " meme using " + image_name + " for server " + serverid)
    with open("info.json", "r") as info_file:
        data = info_file.read()
        data = json.loads(data)
    if not os.path.isfile("images/" + data["memes_images"][memename]["image"]):
        print("Downloading new Images")
        file_download(data["memes_images"][memename]["image_url"], data["memes_images"][memename]["image"])

    frame = Image.open("images/" + data["memes_images"][memename]["image"]).convert("RGBA")
    pic = Image.open("server/" + serverid + "/" + image_name).convert("RGBA")
    if data["memes_images"][memename]["background"] == True:
        Box = data["memes_images"][memename]["Box"]
        if pic.size[0] < pic.size[1]:
            scale = (Box[2]/pic.size[0])
            pic = pic.resize((Box[2],int(pic.size[1]*scale)), PIL.Image.ANTIALIAS)
            if pic.size[1] < Box[3] - Box[1]:
                scale = (Box[3]/pic.size[1])
                pic = pic.resize(((int(pic.size[0]*scale),Box[3])), PIL.Image.ANTIALIAS)
            scale = (Box[3]/pic.size[1])
            pic = pic.resize(((int(pic.size[0]*scale), PIL.Image.ANTIALIAS)
            if pic.size[0] < Box[2] - Box[0]:
                scale = (Box[2]/pic.size[0])
                pic = pic.resize((Box[2], PIL.Image.ANTIALIAS)
        center = [(pic.size[0]-Box[2])/2, (pic.size[1]-Box[3])/2]

        pic = pic.crop((center[0],center[1],center[0]+Box[2],center[1]+Box[3]))

        background = Image.new('RGBA', frame.size, (data["memes_images"][memename]["backgrond_color"][0],data["memes_images"][memename]["backgrond_color"][1],data["memes_images"][memename]["backgrond_color"][2],data["memes_images"][memename]["backgrond_color"][3]))
        frame = Image.alpha_composite(background, frame)
        frame.save("server/" + serverid + "/output/"+ data["memes_images"][memename]["image"]);
        if pic.size[1] < frame.size[1]:
            scale = (frame.size[1]/pic.size[1])
            pic = pic.resize(((int(pic.size[0]*scale),frame.size[1])), PIL.Image.ANTIALIAS)
        if pic.size[0] < frame.size[0]:
            scale = (frame.size[0]/pic.size[0])
            pic = pic.resize((frame.size[0], PIL.Image.ANTIALIAS)
        if pic.size[1] < frame.size[1]:
            scale = (frame.size[1]/pic.size[1])
            pic = pic.resize(((int(pic.size[0]*scale), PIL.Image.ANTIALIAS)
        pic.paste(frame, (10, pic.size[1]-frame.size[1]-30),frame)
        background = Image.new('RGBA', pic.size,data["memes_images"][memename]["backgrond_color"][3]))
        pic = Image.alpha_composite(background, pic)
        pic.save("server/" + serverid + "/output/"+ data["memes_images"][memename]["image"]);

    print(memename + " meme saved to: server/" + serverid + "/output/" + data["memes_images"][memename]["image"])
    return("server/" + serverid + "/output/" + data["memes_images"][memename]["image"])
项目:serverless-its    作者:pbs    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def apply_transform(img, overlay, overlay_position=None):

        *overlay_position, overlay = overlay

        if 'overlay' in NAMESPACES:
            loader = OverlayTransform.get_loader(NAMESPACES['overlay']['loader'])
            raise ConfigError("No Backend has been set up for overlays.")

        if overlay.lower() not in OVERLAYS:
            namespace, *filename = overlay.split('/')
            filename = Path("/".join(filename))
            overlay_image = loader[0].load_image(namespace, filename)
            namespace, *filename = OVERLAYS[overlay.lower()].split('/')
            filename = Path("/".join(filename))
            overlay_image = loader[0].load_image(namespace, filename)

        # placement of top left corner of overlay
        if len(overlay_position) == 0:
            overlay_position = OVERLAY_PLACEMENT

            x_coord = floor((int(overlay_position[0]) / 100) * img.width)
            y_coord = floor((int(overlay_position[1]) / 100) * img.height)
        except ValueError as e:
            raise ITSTransformError(
                "Invalid arguments supplied to Overlay Transform." +
                "Overlay takes overlay_image_pathxPXxPY," +
                "where overlay_image_path is the path to the overlay image and " +
                "(PX,PY) are optional percentage parameters indicating where " +
                "the top left corner of the overlay should be placed."

        # Only the overlay has an alpha channel
        if(img.mode != "RGBA"):
            new_img = img.copy()
            # overlay and input img have alpha channels
            # make an image the size of the background with
            # RGBA mode and alpha composite new image with background
            # this maintains the alpha channel of the background
            new_img = Image.new("RGBA", img.size)
            new_img = Image.alpha_composite(new_img, img)

        new_img.paste(overlay_image, Box=[x_coord, y_coord], mask=overlay_image)

        img = new_img
        return img
项目:SDV-Summary    作者:Sketchy502    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def generateAvatar(player, assets=None):
    if player['isMale'] == 'true':
        gender = 'male'
        gender = 'female'

    if assets is None:
        assets = loadAvatarassets()

    base = assets['base'][gender]

    leg_colour = (int(player['pantsColor'][0]), int(player['pantsColor'][1]), int(player['pantsColor'][2]))
    legs = tintimage(assets['legs'][gender], leg_colour)

    hair = cropImg(assets['hair'], int(player['hair']), defaultSize=(16, 32*3), objectsize=(16, 32), resize=True, displacement=(0, 0))
    hair_color = tuple(map(int, player['hairstyleColor']))
    hair = tintimage(hair, hair_color)

    acc = cropImg(assets['accessories'], int(player['accessory']), 16*2), 16), 1))
    if int(player['accessory']) <= 5:
        acc = tintimage(acc, hair_color)

    shirt = cropImg(assets['shirts'], int(player['shirt']), defaultSize=(8, 8*4), objectsize=(8, 8), displacement=(4, 14))

    skin_x = int(player['skin']) % 24 * 1
    skin_y = int(player['skin']) // 24 * 1
    skin_color = assets['skin colors'].getpixel((skin_x, skin_y))
    base = tintimage(base, skin_color)
    arms = tintimage(assets['arms'][gender], skin_color)

    body = base.load()
    eyeColor = tuple(map(int, player['newEyeColor']))
    white = (255, 255)
    if player['isMale'] == 'true':
        body[6, 10] = eyeColor
        body[9, 10] = eyeColor
        body[6, 11] = eyeColor
        body[9, 11] = eyeColor
        body[5, 10] = white
        body[10, 10] = white
        body[5, 11] = white
        body[10, 11] = white
        body[6, 11] = eyeColor
        body[6, 12] = eyeColor
        body[9, 12] = eyeColor
        body[5, 11] = white
        body[5, 12] = white
        body[10, 12] = white

    base = Image.alpha_composite(base, hair)
    base = Image.alpha_composite(base, arms)
    base = Image.alpha_composite(base, legs)
    base = Image.alpha_composite(base, shirt)
    base = Image.alpha_composite(base, acc)
    base = Image.alpha_composite(base, assets['boots'][gender])
    return base
项目:stn-ocr    作者:Bartzi    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def interpolate_at_intersection(self, images):

        def interpolate_width(data):
            interpolation_start = data.shape[1] - num_interpolation_pixels
            for i in range(num_interpolation_pixels):
                data[:, interpolation_start + i, 3] *= (num_interpolation_pixels - i) / num_interpolation_pixels
            return data

        def interpolate_height(data):
            interpolation_start = data.shape[0] - num_interpolation_pixels
            for i in range(num_interpolation_pixels):
                data[interpolation_start + i, 3] *= (num_interpolation_pixels - i) / num_interpolation_pixels
            return data

        pre_blend_images = []
        num_interpolation_pixels = int(self.image_size * self.interpolation_area)
        for y_idx in range(self.image_rows):
            for x_idx in range(self.image_columns):
                image_idx = y_idx * self.image_columns + x_idx
                image = images[image_idx]
                x_start, y_start = self.get_start_indices(y_idx, x_idx)
                image_data = np.asarray(image).copy().astype(np.float64)

                # create horizontal alpha mask
                if x_idx < self.image_columns - 1:
                    image_data = interpolate_width(image_data)

                if x_idx > 0:
                    image_data = np.fliplr(image_data)
                    image_data = interpolate_width(image_data)
                    image_data = np.fliplr(image_data)

                # create vertical alpha mask
                if y_idx < self.image_rows - 1:
                    image_data = interpolate_height(image_data)

                if y_idx > 0:
                    image_data = np.flipud(image_data)
                    image_data = interpolate_height(image_data)
                    image_data = np.flipud(image_data)

                pre_blend_image = np.zeros(self.dest_image_size + (4, dtype=np.uint8)
                pre_blend_image[y_start:y_start + self.image_size, x_start:x_start + self.image_size] = image_data.astype(np.uint8)
                pre_blend_images.append(Image.fromarray(pre_blend_image, blend_image)

        dest_image = dest_image.convert('RGB')
        return dest_image

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