Python theano.tensor 模块,round() 实例源码
def call(self, x, mask=None):
if self.mode == 'maximum_likelihood':
# draw maximum likelihood sample from Bernoulli distribution
# x* = argmax_x p(x) = 1 if p(x=1) >= 0.5
# 0 otherwise
return T.round(x, mode='half_away_from_zero')
elif self.mode == 'random':
# draw random sample from Bernoulli distribution
# x* = x ~ p(x) = 1 if p(x=1) > uniform(0,1)
# 0 otherwise
return self.srng.binomial(size=x.shape, n=1, p=x, dtype=theano.config.floatX)
elif self.mode == 'mean_field':
# draw mean-field approximation sample from Bernoulli distribution
# x* = E[p(x)] = E[Bern(x; p)] = p
return x
elif self.mode == 'nrlu':
return nrlu(x)
raise NotImplementedError('UnkNown sample mode!')
def get_pseudo_likehood_cost(self,updates):
# ??????xi[:,bit_i_idx]=1-xi[:,bit_i_idx]
#?????e^(-FE(x_i)) / (e^(-FE(x_i)) + e^(-FE(x_{\i})))
return cost
def compute_activations(self, input_data, do_round = True):
layer_input = input_data
layer_signals = []
for i, (w, b, k) in enumerate(zip(,, self.get_scales())):
scaled_input = layer_input*k
if not do_round:
spikes = scaled_input
eta = tt.round(scaled_input) - scaled_input
spikes = scaled_input + disconnected_grad(eta)
nonlinearity = get_named_activation_function(self.hidden_activations if i<len( else self.output_activation)
output = nonlinearity((spikes/k).dot(w)+b)
layer_signals.append({'input': layer_input, 'scaled_input': scaled_input, 'eta': eta, 'spikes': spikes, 'output': output})
layer_input = output
return layer_signals
def get_all_signals(self, input_):
scale = self.get_scale()
scaled_input = input_*scale
inc_phi = self.phi + scaled_input
epsilon = tt.round(inc_phi) - inc_phi
spikes = inc_phi + epsilon
# spikes = tt.round(inc_phi)
new_phi = inc_phi-spikes
output = spikes / scale
signals = dict(
add_update(self.phi, new_phi)
return signals
def herd(x, shape = None):
phi = shared_like(x, name='phi') if shape is None else create_shared_variable(np.zeros(shape), name='phi{}'.format(shape))
phi_ = phi + x
s = tt.round(phi_)
add_update(phi, phi_ - s)
return s
def get_pseudo_likelihood_cost(self, updates):
"""stochastic approximation to the pseudo-likelihood"""
# index of bit i in expression p(x_i | x_{\i})
bit_i_idx = theano.shared(value=0, name='bit_i_idx')
# binarize the input image by rounding to nearest integer
xi = T.round(self.input)
# calculate free energy for the given bit configuration
fe_xi = self.free_energy(xi)
# flip bit x_i of matrix xi and preserve all other bits x_{\i}
# Equivalent to xi[:,bit_i_idx] = 1-xi[:,bit_i_idx],but assigns
# the result to xi_flip,instead of working in place on xi.
xi_flip = T.set_subtensor(xi[:, bit_i_idx], 1 - xi[:, bit_i_idx])
# calculate free energy with bit flipped
fe_xi_flip = self.free_energy(xi_flip)
# equivalent to e^(-FE(x_i)) / (e^(-FE(x_i)) + e^(-FE(x_{\i})))
cost = T.mean(self.n_visible * T.log(T.nnet.sigmoid(fe_xi_flip -
# increment bit_i_idx % number as part of updates
updates[bit_i_idx] = (bit_i_idx + 1) % self.n_visible
return cost
def get_pseudo_likelihood_cost(self, bit_i_idx])
# calculate free energy with bit flipped
fe_xi_flip = self.free_energy(xi_flip)
# equivalent to e^(-FE(x_i)) / (e^(-FE(x_i)) + e^(-FE(x_{\i})))
cost = T.mean(self.n_visible * T.log(T.nnet.sigmoid(fe_xi_flip -
# increment bit_i_idx % number as part of updates
updates[bit_i_idx] = (bit_i_idx + 1) % self.n_visible
return cost
def get_pseudo_likelihood_cost(self, bit_i_idx])
# calculate free energy with bit flipped
fe_xi_flip = self.free_energy(xi_flip)
# equivalent to e^(-FE(x_i)) / (e^(-FE(x_i)) + e^(-FE(x_{\i})))
cost = T.mean(self.n_visible * T.log(T.nnet.sigmoid(fe_xi_flip -
# increment bit_i_idx % number as part of updates
updates[bit_i_idx] = (bit_i_idx + 1) % self.n_visible
return cost
def binary_accuracy(prediction, target):
return T.mean(T.eq(prediction, T.round(target)))
def create_validator(self):
Generate theano function to check error and accuracy of the network.
Returns: theano function that takes input (train_x,train_y)
and returns error and accuracy
print("Creating {} Validator...".format(
# create prediction
val_prediction = lasagne.layers.get_output(,
# check how much error in prediction
if self.val_cost is None:
if self.num_classes is None or self.num_classes == 0:
self.val_cost = self.mse_loss(val_prediction, self.y)
val_acc = T.constant(0)
self.val_cost = self.cross_entropy_loss(val_prediction, self.y)
# check the accuracy of the prediction
if self.num_classes > 1:
val_acc = T.mean(T.eq(T.argmax(val_prediction, axis=1),
T.argmax(self.y, axis=1)),
elif self.num_classes == 1:
val_acc = T.mean(T.eq(T.round(val_prediction,
return theano.function([self.input_var, self.y],
[self.val_cost, val_acc])
def round(x):
return T.round(x, mode='half_to_even')
def binarization(W,H,binary=True,deterministic=False,stochastic=False,srng=None):
# (deterministic == True) <-> test-time <-> inference-time
if not binary or (deterministic and stochastic):
# print("not binary")
Wb = W
# [-1,1] -> [0,1]
Wb = hard_sigmoid(W/H)
# stochastic BinaryConnect
if stochastic:
# print("stoch")
Wb = T.cast(srng.binomial(n=1, p=Wb, size=T.shape(Wb)), theano.config.floatX)
# Deterministic BinaryConnect (round to nearest)
# print("det")
Wb = T.round(Wb)
# 0 or 1 -> -1 or 1
Wb = T.cast(T.switch(Wb,-H), theano.config.floatX)
return Wb
# This class extends the Lasagne DenseLayer to support BinaryConnect
def binarize_conv_filters(W):
"""Binarize convolution weights and find the weight scaling factor
W : theano tensor : convolution layer weight of dimension no_filters x no_feat_maps x h x w
# symbolic binary weight
Wb = T.cast(T.switch(, 0),1,-1), theano.config.floatX)
# BinaryNet method
#Wb = T.cast(T.switch(T.round(hard_sigmoid(W),1,-1)),theano.config.floatX)
# weight scaling factor
# FIXME: directly compute the mean along axis 1,2,3 instead of reshaping
alpha = T.mean( T.reshape(T.abs_(W), (W.shape[0], W.shape[1]*W.shape[2]*W.shape[3])), axis=1)
return Wb, alpha
def fixed_point(array, no_mag_bits, no_int_bits):
"""Convert to fixed point and convert it back to float
factor = 2.0 ** (no_mag_bits - no_int_bits)
max_val = 2. ** no_mag_bits - 1
scaled_arr = array * factor
# round to the nearest value
scaled_arr = np.around(scaled_arr)
# saturation
scaled_arr = np.clip(scaled_arr, max_val)
return scaled_arr/factor
def get_pseudo_likelihood_cost(self, bit_i_idx])
# calculate free energy with bit flipped
fe_xi_flip = self.free_energy(xi_flip)
# equivalent to e^(-FE(x_i)) / (e^(-FE(x_i)) + e^(-FE(x_{\i})))
cost = T.mean(self.n_visible * T.log(T.nnet.sigmoid(fe_xi_flip -
# increment bit_i_idx % number as part of updates
updates[bit_i_idx] = (bit_i_idx + 1) % self.n_visible
return cost
def round(x):
return T.round(x, mode='half_to_even')
def getPseudoLikelihoodcost(self, name='bit_i_idx')
# binarize the inputs image by rounding to nearest integer
xi = T.round(self.inputs)
# calculate free energy for the given bit configuration
fe_xi = self.freeEnergy(xi)
# flip bit x_i of matrix xi and preserve all other bits x_{\i}
# Equivalent to xi[:, bit_i_idx])
# calculate free energy with bit flipped
fe_xi_flip = self.freeEnergy(xi_flip)
# equivalent to e^(-FE(x_i)) / (e^(-FE(x_i)) + e^(-FE(x_{\i})))
cost = T.mean(self.n_visible * T.log(activation(fe_xi_flip - fe_xi)))
# increment bit_i_idx % number as part of updates
updates[bit_i_idx] = (bit_i_idx + 1) % self.n_visible
return cost
def __call__(self, inputs):
if self.scale != 1:
import theano
inputs = inputs * np.array(self.scale, dtype=theano.config.floatX)
inc_phi = self.phi + inputs
spikes = tt.round(inc_phi)
new_phi = inc_phi-spikes
add_update(self.phi, new_phi)
return spikes
def compile(self, optimizer, loss, class_mode="categorical", theano_mode=None):
self.optimizer = optimizers.get(optimizer)
self.loss = weighted_objective(objectives.get(loss))
# input of model
self.X_train = self.get_input(train=True)
self.X_test = self.get_input(train=False)
self.y_train = self.get_output(train=True)
self.y_test = self.get_output(train=False)
# target of model
self.y = T.zeros_like(self.y_train)
self.weights = T.ones_like(self.y_train)
train_loss = self.loss(self.y, self.y_train, self.weights)
test_loss = self.loss(self.y, self.y_test, self.weights) = 'train_loss' = 'test_loss' = 'y'
if class_mode == "categorical":
train_accuracy = T.mean(T.eq(T.argmax(self.y, axis=-1), T.argmax(self.y_train, axis=-1)))
test_accuracy = T.mean(T.eq(T.argmax(self.y, T.argmax(self.y_test, axis=-1)))
elif class_mode == "binary":
train_accuracy = T.mean(T.eq(self.y, T.round(self.y_train)))
test_accuracy = T.mean(T.eq(self.y, T.round(self.y_test)))
raise Exception("Invalid class mode:" + str(class_mode))
self.class_mode = class_mode
for r in self.regularizers:
train_loss = r(train_loss)
updates = self.optimizer.get_updates(self.params, self.constraints, train_loss)
if type(self.X_train) == list:
train_ins = self.X_train + [self.y, self.weights]
test_ins = self.X_test + [self.y, self.weights]
predict_ins = self.X_test
train_ins = [self.X_train, self.y, self.weights]
test_ins = [self.X_test, self.weights]
predict_ins = [self.X_test]
self._train = theano.function(train_ins, train_loss,
updates=updates, allow_input_downcast=True, mode=theano_mode)
self._train_with_acc = theano.function(train_ins, [train_loss, train_accuracy], mode=theano_mode)
self._predict = theano.function(predict_ins,
allow_input_downcast=True, mode=theano_mode)
self._test = theano.function(test_ins, test_loss, mode=theano_mode)
self._test_with_acc = theano.function(test_ins, [test_loss, test_accuracy], mode=theano_mode)
def __init__(self, rng, linp, rinp, n_in, n_out, W=None, b=None):
""" Initialize the parameters of the logistic regression
:type linp: theano.tensor.TensorType
:param linp: symbolic variable that describes the left input of the
architecture (one minibatch)
:type rinp: theano.tensor.TensorType
:param rinp: symbolic variable that describes the right input of the
architecture (one minibatch)
:type n_in: int
:param n_in: number of left input units
:type n_out: int
:param n_out: number of right input units
# initialize with 0 the weights W as a matrix of shape (n_in,n_out)
if W is None:
if n_in == n_out:
self.W = theano.shared(ortho_weight(n_in),borrow=True)
W_bound = numpy.sqrt(6. / (n_in+n_out))
self.W = theano.shared(numpy.asarray(rng.uniform(low=-W_bound,high=W_bound,size=(n_in,n_out
self.W = W
if b is None:
self.b = theano.shared(value=0., name='b')
self.b = theano.tensor.addbroadcast(self.b)
#self.b = theano.tensor.set_subtensor(self.b,0.)
self.b = b
# compute vector of class-membership probabilities in symbolic form
self.p_y_given_x = T.nnet.sigmoid(T.batched_dot(, self.W), rinp)+ self.b)
self.predict_y = T.round(self.p_y_given_x)
# parameters of the model
self.params = [self.W, self.b]
def ready(self):
# input (where first dimension is time)
self.x = T.matrix()
# target (where first dimension is time)
if self.output_type == 'real':
self.y = T.matrix(name='y', dtype=theano.config.floatX)
elif self.output_type == 'binary':
self.y = T.matrix(name='y', dtype='int32')
elif self.output_type == 'softmax': # only vector labels supported
self.y = T.vector(name='y', dtype='int32')
raise NotImplementedError
# initial hidden state of the RNN
self.h0 = T.vector()
# learning rate = T.scalar()
if self.activation == 'tanh':
activation = T.tanh
elif self.activation == 'sigmoid':
activation = T.nnet.sigmoid
elif self.activation == 'relu':
activation = lambda x: x * (x > 0)
elif self.activation == 'cappedrelu':
activation = lambda x: T.minimum(x * (x > 0), 6)
raise NotImplementedError
self.rnn = RNN(input=self.x, n_in=self.n_in,
n_hidden=self.n_hidden, n_out=self.n_out,
activation=activation, output_type=self.output_type,
if self.output_type == 'real':
self.predict = theano.function(inputs=[self.x, ],
elif self.output_type == 'binary':
self.predict_proba = theano.function(inputs=[self.x,
outputs=self.rnn.p_y_given_x, mode=mode)
self.predict = theano.function(inputs=[self.x,
elif self.output_type == 'softmax':
self.predict_proba = theano.function(inputs=[self.x,
outputs=self.rnn.y_out, mode=mode)
raise NotImplementedError
def ready(self):
# input (where first dimension is time)
self.x = T.matrix()
# target (where first dimension is time)
if self.output_type == 'real':
self.y = T.matrix(name='y',
elif self.output_type == 'softmax':
self.predict_proba = theano.function(inputs=[self.x,
outputs=self.rnn.y_out, mode=mode)
raise NotImplementedError
def get_all_signals(self, input_, corruption_type = 'round', rng = None):
scale = self.get_scale()
scaled_input = input_*scale
if corruption_type == 'round':
epsilon = tt.round(scaled_input) - scaled_input
elif corruption_type == 'randround':
rng = get_theano_rng(rng)
epsilon = tt.where(rng.uniform(scaled_input.shape)>(scaled_input % 1), tt.floor(scaled_input), tt.ceil(scaled_input))-scaled_input
print 'Stoch ROUNDING'
elif corruption_type == 'rand':
rng = get_theano_rng(1234)
epsilon = rng.uniform(scaled_input.shape)-.5
raise Exception('fdsfsd')
spikes = scaled_input + epsilon
output = spikes / scale
signals = dict(
return signals
# def get_all_signals(self,input_):
# scale = self.get_scale()
# scaled_input = input_*scale
# # epsilon = tt.round(scaled_input) - scaled_input
# rng = get_theano_rng(1234)
# epsilon = rng.uniform(scaled_input.shape)-.5
# spikes = scaled_input + epsilon
# output = spikes / scale
# signals = dict(
# input=input_,
# scaled_input=scaled_input,
# spikes=spikes,
# epsilon=epsilon,
# output=output,
# )
# return signals
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