
Python xml.dom.minidom 模块-parse() 实例源码

Python xml.dom.minidom 模块,parse() 实例源码


项目:Causality    作者:vcla    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def filter_changes(changes, keys_in_grammar):
    keys_for_filtering = []
    for key in keys_in_grammar:
        # print("testing: {}".format(key))
        if "_" in key:
            prefix, postfix = key.rsplit("_",1)
            if postfix in ("on","off"):
    keys_for_filtering = set(keys_for_filtering)
    # print("KEYS FOR FILTERING: {}".format(keys_for_filtering))
    for x in [x for x in changes.keys() if x not in keys_for_filtering]:

# returns a forest where each option is a different parse. the parses have the same format as trees (but or-nodes Now only have one option selected).
项目:core-framework    作者:RedhawkSDR    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_DomainManagerApplicationLifecycle(self):
        self.assertNotEqual(self._domMgr, None)
        self.assertEqual(len(self._domMgr._get_applicationFactories()), 0)
        self.assertEqual(len(self._domMgr._get_applications()), 0)

        # This filename isn't in compliance with SCA,but it is necessary for OSSIE
        self.assertEqual(len(self._domMgr._get_applicationFactories()), 1)
        self.assertEqual(len(self._domMgr._get_applications()), 0)

        appFact = self._domMgr._get_applicationFactories()[0]
        dom = minidom.parse(os.path.join(scatest.getSdrPath(), "dom/waveforms/CommandWrapper/CommandWrapper.sad.xml"))
        expectedId = dom.getElementsByTagName("softwareassembly")[0].getAttribute("id")
        providedId = appFact._get_identifier()
        self.assertEqual(providedId, expectedId, msg="Violation of SR:155 and/or SR:156")

        expectedname = dom.getElementsByTagName("softwareassembly")[0].getAttribute("name")
        providedname = appFact._get_name()
        self.assertEqual(providedname, expectedname, msg="Violation of SR:153")

        self.assertEqual(len(self._domMgr._get_applicationFactories()), 0)
项目:FBI-Scraper    作者:GKalliatakis    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _dopost(method, auth=False, **params):
    #uncomment to check you aren't killing the flickr server
    #print "***** do post %s" % method

    params = _prepare_params(params)
    url = '%s%s/?api_key=%s%s'% \
          (HOST, API, API_KEY, _get_auth_url_suffix(method, auth, params))

    # There's no reason this can't be str(urlencode(params)). I just wanted to
    # have it the same as the rest.
    payload = '%s' % (urlencode(params))

    #another useful debug print statement
    if debug:
        print "_dopost url", url
        print "_dopost payload", payload

    return _get_data(minidom.parse(urlopen(url, payload)))
项目:hostapd-mana    作者:adde88    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _parseSVNEntries(self, entriesFile):
        Given a readable file object which represents a .svn/entries
        file,return the revision as a string. If the file cannot be
        parsed,return the string "UnkNown".
            from xml.dom.minidom import parse
            doc = parse(entriesFile).documentElement
            for node in doc.childNodes:
                if hasattr(node, 'getAttribute'):
                    rev = node.getAttribute('revision')
                    if rev is not None:
                        return rev.encode('ascii')
            return "UnkNown"
项目:enigma2    作者:OpenLD    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def read(self):
        basicsatxml = minidom.parse(self.filename)

        for sat in basicsatxml.firstChild.childNodes:
            if sat.nodeType == sat.ELEMENT_NODE and sat.localName == "sat":
                print sat.localName
                satname = str(sat.getAttribute("name"))
                satpos = str(sat.getAttribute("position"))
                self.addSat(satname, satpos)
                for transponder in sat.childNodes:
                    if transponder.nodeType == transponder.ELEMENT_NODE and transponder.localName == "transponder":
                        parameters = {}
                        paramlist = ["frequency", "symbol_rate", "polarization", "fec", "system", "modulation", "tsid", "onid"]
                        for param in paramlist:
                            entry = str(transponder.getAttribute(param))
                            if entry != "":
                                parameters[param] = entry
                        if len(parameters.keys()) > 1:
                            self.addTransponder(satpos, parameters)
        print self.transponderlist
项目:script.skin.helper.skinbackup    作者:marcelveldt    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def backup_skinshortcuts_properties(propertiesfile, dest_path):
        '''parse skinshortcuts properties file and translate images'''
        # look for any backgrounds and translate them
        propfile = xbmcvfs.File(propertiesfile)
        data = propfile.read()
        allprops = eval(data) if data else []
        for count, prop in enumerate(allprops):
            if prop[2] == "background":
                background = prop[3] if prop[3] else ""
                defaultid = prop[1]
                if background.endswith(".jpg") or background.endswith(".png") or background.endswith(".gif"):
                    background = get_clean_image(background)
                    extension = background.split(".")[-1]
                    newthumb = os.path.join(dest_path, "%s-background-%s.%s" %
                                            (xbmc.getSkinDir(), normalize_string(defaultid), extension))
                    newthumb_vfs = "special://profile/addon_data/script.skinshortcuts/%s-background-%s.%s" % (
                        xbmc.getSkinDir(), extension)
                    if xbmcvfs.exists(background):
                        copy_file(background, newthumb)
                        allprops[count] = [prop[0], prop[1], prop[2], newthumb_vfs]
        # write updated properties file
        propfile = xbmcvfs.File(propertiesfile, "w")
项目:secutils    作者:zkvL7    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def getTargets(self, path):
        targets = list()
        # Recursively proceesses all nmap XML files from all specified folders 
        if len(path) > 0:
            # Obtains all nmap XML files from each folder
            p = path[0] + '*.xml'
            if (len(glob(p)) == 0):
                self.printMsg(5, "[!] [Error] There's no xml files in " + p[:-5])
                for f in glob(p):
                    self.printMsg(3, "Processing " + f.split(self.separator)[-1] + " ...")
                    dom = parse(f)
                    nmaprun = dom.documentElement
                    # For each host in nmap XML file
                    for node in nmaprun.getElementsByTagName('host'):
                        # Extracts IP addresses from all hosts with status = "up"
                        if node.getElementsByTagName('status')[0].getAttribute('state') == "up":
            del path[0]
        return targets
项目:secutils    作者:zkvL7    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def getPorts(self, path):
        ports = list()
        # Recursively proceesses all nmap XML files from all specified folders 
        if len(path) > 0:
            # Obtains all nmap XML files from each folder
            p = path[0] + '*.xml'
            if (len(glob(p)) == 0):
                self.printMsg(5, "[!] [Error] There's no xml files in " + p[:-5])                    
                for f in glob(p):
                    self.printMsg(3, "Processing " + f.split(self.separator)[-1] + " ...")
                    dom = parse(f)
                    nmaprun = dom.documentElement
                    # For each host in nmap XML file
                    for node in nmaprun.getElementsByTagName('host'):
                        # Validate sif host is up & has ports node
                        if node.getElementsByTagName('status')[0].getAttribute('state') == "up" and node.getElementsByTagName('ports'):
                            # For each port in port node extracts port id if state is "open"
                            for port in node.getElementsByTagName('ports')[0].getElementsByTagName('port'):
                                if port.getElementsByTagName('state')[0].getAttribute('state') == "open":
            del path[0]
        return sorted(set(ports))
项目:Generative-ConvACs    作者:HUJI-Deep    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def convert_and_parse_xml(src_model_fname):
    dst_model_fname = os.path.basename(src_model_fname).split('.')[0] + '.xml.mdl'
    with open(dst_model_fname, 'wb') as wfile:
        with open(src_model_fname, 'rb') as rfile:
            for line in rfile.readlines():
                newline = line
                if '<CNT>' in line:
                    newline = line.strip() + '</CNT>'
                elif '<MEAN>' in line:
                    newline = line.strip() + '</MEAN>'

                elif pn_re.findall(line):
                    newline = pn_re.sub(r'@ \2 \3 \4 \5 @',line)

                wfile.write(newline.strip() + os.linesep)

    xmldoc = minidom.parse(dst_model_fname)
    return xmldoc
项目:OSPTF    作者:xSploited    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def prepare_loader_manifest(target_dir_smali, target_package, loader_class):

    manifest = minidom.parse(os.path.join(target_dir_smali, ANDROID_MANIFEST))

    #Comprobamos los permisos destino. De no existir los damos de alta
    permissions = minidom.parse(LOADER_PERMISSIONS)
    for child_permission in permissions.getElementsByTagName("uses-permission"):
        permission = child_permission.attributes['android:name'].value
        if permission not in manifest.toxml():

    #Agregamos receiver
    receiver = minidom.parse(LOADER_RECEIVER)
    receiver.getElementsByTagName("receiver")[0].attributes['android:name'].value = target_package + "." + loader_class

    fo = open(os.path.join(target_dir_smali, ANDROID_MANIFEST), "wt")
项目:nojs    作者:chrisdickinson    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _PatchedManifest(manifest_path):
  """Patches an Android manifest to always include the 'tools' namespace
  declaration,as it is not propagated by the manifest merger from the SDK.

  See https://issuetracker.google.com/issues/63411481
  doc = minidom.parse(manifest_path)
  manifests = doc.getElementsByTagName('manifest')
  assert len(manifests) == 1
  manifest = manifests[0]

  manifest.setAttribute('xmlns:%s' % TOOLS_NAMESPACE_PREFIX, TOOLS_NAMESPACE)

  tmp_prefix = os.path.basename(manifest_path)
  with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(prefix=tmp_prefix) as patched_manifest:
    yield patched_manifest.name
项目:nojs    作者:chrisdickinson    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _ParseConfigFile(config_path):
  print 'Parsing %s' % config_path
  issues_dict = {}
  dom = minidom.parse(config_path)
  for issue in dom.getElementsByTagName('issue'):
    issue_id = issue.attributes['id'].value
    severity = issue.getAttribute('severity')

    path_elements = (
        for p in issue.getElementsByTagName('ignore'))
    paths = set(p.value for p in path_elements if p)

    regexp_elements = (
        for p in issue.getElementsByTagName('ignore'))
    regexps = set(r.value for r in regexp_elements if r)

    issues_dict[issue_id] = _Issue(severity, paths, regexps)
  return issues_dict
项目:nojs    作者:chrisdickinson    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _ParseAndMergeResultFile(result_path, issues_dict):
  print 'Parsing and merging %s' % result_path
  dom = minidom.parse(result_path)
  for issue in dom.getElementsByTagName('issue'):
    issue_id = issue.attributes['id'].value
    severity = issue.attributes['severity'].value
    path = issue.getElementsByTagName('location')[0].attributes['file'].value
    # Strip temporary file path.
    path = re.sub(_TMP_DIR_RE, '', path)
    # Escape Java inner class name separator and suppress with regex instead
    # of path. Doesn't use re.escape() as it is a bit too aggressive and
    # escapes '_',causing trouble with PRODUCT_DIR.
    regexp = path.replace('$', r'\$')
    if issue_id not in issues_dict:
      issues_dict[issue_id] = _Issue(severity, set(), set())
项目:warriorframework    作者:warriorframework    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def getChildTextbyParentAttribute (datafile, pnode, patt, pattval, cnode):
    Seraches XML file for the parent node with a specific value. Finds the child node and returns
    its text
    datafile = xml file searched
    pnode = parent node
    patt = parent node attribute
    patval = parent node attribute value
    cnode = child node
    tree = ElementTree.parse(datafile)
    root = tree.getroot()
    value = False
    for node in root.findall(pnode):
        attribute = node.get(patt)
        if attribute == pattval:
            cnode = node.find(cnode)
            if cnode is not None:
                value = cnode.text
                return None
    return value
项目:warriorframework    作者:warriorframework    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def getChildTextbyParentTag (datafile, cnode):
    Seraches XML file for the first parent. Finds the child node and returns its text
    datafile = xml file searched
    pnode = parent node
    cnode = child node
    value = False
    tree = ElementTree.parse(datafile)
    root = tree.getroot()
    node = root.find(pnode)
    if node is not None:
        child = node.find(cnode)
        if child is not None:
            value = child.text
            return value
            # print_info("Could not find cnode under the given pnode")
            return value
        # print_info("Could not find pnode in the provided file")
        return value
项目:warriorframework    作者:warriorframework    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def getChildAttributebyParentTag (datafile, cnode, cattrib):
    """Find the attribute in child node by traversing through the parent node
    in the given file
    datafile = xml file searched
    pnode = parent node
    cnode = child node
    cattrob = child node attrib
    tree = ElementTree.parse(datafile)
    root = tree.getroot()
    node = root.find(pnode)
    if node is not None:
        child = node.find(cnode)
        if child is not None:
            value = child.get(cattrib)
            return value
            # print_info("Could not find cnode under the given pnode")
            return False
        # print_info("Could not find pnode in the provided file")
        return False
项目:warriorframework    作者:warriorframework    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def verifyParentandChildrenMatch (datafile, cvalue, rnode, rvalue):
    Searches XML file for the parent node. Finds the 1st child node and checks its value
    if value is a match,then search for second child and check if its value matches
    datafile = xml file searched
    pnode = parent node
    cnode = child node
    cvalue = child node value
    rnode = reference node
    rvalue = refernce node value
    tree = ElementTree.parse(datafile)
    root = tree.getroot()
    status = False
    for node in root.findall(pnode):
        value = node.find(cnode).text
        if value == cvalue:

            if node.find(rnode) is not None:
                cnodev = node.find(rnode).text
                # print_debug("-D- cnodev: '%s',rvalue : '%s'" % (cnodev,rvalue))
                if cnodev == rvalue:
                    # print_debug("-D- BREAK END METHOD verifyParentandChildrenMatch_Status '%s'" % status)
                    return True
    return status
项目:warriorframework    作者:warriorframework    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def getElementsListWithTagAttribValueMatch(datafile, tag, attrib, value):
    This method takes an xml document as input and finds all the sub elements (parent/children)
    containing specified tag and an attribute with the specified value.

    Returns a list of matching elements.

    datafile = input xml file to be parsed.
    tag = tag value of the sub-element(parent/child) to be searched for.
    attrib = attribute name for  the sub-element with above given tag should have.
    value = attribute value that the sub-element with above given tag,attribute should have.
    element_list = []
    root = ElementTree.parse(datafile).getroot()
    for element in root.iterfind(".//%s[@%s='%s']" % (tag, value)):
    return element_list
项目:warriorframework    作者:warriorframework    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def getElementWithTagAttribValueMatch(start, value):
    When start is an xml datafile,it finds the root and first element with:
    Or when it's an xml element,it finds the first child element with:
    If there is not a match,it returns False.
    node = False
    if isinstance(start, (file, str)):
        # check if file exist here
        if file_Utils.fileExists(start):
            node = ElementTree.parse(start).getroot()
            print_warning('The file={0} is not found.'.format(start))
    elif isinstance(start, ElementTree.Element):
        node = start
    if node is not False and node is not None:
        elementName = ".//%s[@%s='%s']" % (tag, value)
        element = node.find(elementName)
        element = node
    return element
项目:warriorframework    作者:warriorframework    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def getConfigElementTextWithSpecificXpath(datafile, xpath):
    This method takes an xml document as input and finds the first sub element (parent/children)
    containing specified xpath which should be a filepath to a netconf config file

    Returns the element text attribute

    parent = parent element
    xpath = a valid xml path value as supported by python,refer https://docs.python.org/2/library/xml.etree.elementtree.html
    root = ElementTree.parse(datafile).getroot()
    elem1 = root.find(xpath).text

    elem2_root = ElementTree.parse(elem1)
    elem2 = elem2_root.find('config')
    elem2_string = ElementTree.tostring(elem2)
    return elem2_string
项目:warriorframework    作者:warriorframework    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def getChildElementWithSpecificXpath(start, xpath):
    This method takes a xml file or parent element as input and finds the first child
    containing specified xpath

    Returns the child element.

    start = xml file or parent element
    xpath = a valid xml path value as supported by python,refer https://docs.python.org/2/library/xml.etree.elementtree.html
    node = False
    if isinstance(start, ElementTree.Element):
        node = start
    if node is not False or node is not None:
        element = node.find(xpath)
        element = False
    return element
项目:warriorframework    作者:warriorframework    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def del_tags_from_xml(xml, tag_list=[]):
        It deletes the tags either by their names or xpath

            1.xml: It takes xml file path or xml string as input
            2.tag_list: It contains list of tags which needs to be removed
            It returns xml string
    if os.path.exists(xml):
        tree = ElementTree.parse(xml)
        root = tree.getroot()
        root = ElementTree.fromstring(xml)
    for tag in tag_list:
        if 'xpath=' in tag:
            tag = tag.strip('xpath=')
            req_tags = getChildElementsListWithSpecificXpath(root, tag)
            req_tags = getChildElementsListWithSpecificXpath(root, ".//{0}".format(tag))
        recursive_delete_among_children(root, req_tags)

    xml_string = ElementTree.tostring(root, encoding='utf-8', method='xml')
    return xml_string
项目:warriorframework    作者:warriorframework    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def convert_xml_to_list_of_dict(file_name):
        Takes xml file path as input and
        converts to list of dictionaries
            file_name : It takes xml file path as input
            list_of_dict: list of dictionaries where keys
            are tag names and values are respective text of the tag.
    tree = ElementTree.parse(file_name)
    root = tree.getroot()
    list_of_dict = []
    for child in root:
        subchild_dict = OrderedDict()
        for subchild in child:
            subchild_dict[subchild.tag] = subchild.text

    return list_of_dict

#2016/06/22 ymizugaki add begin
项目:bpy_lambda    作者:bcongdon    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def parse():
    global xmlDefault
    global xmlPresets
    global default
    global presets

    # Parse default values
    default = parseNode(xmlDefault)

    # Parse preset values
    for setting in xmlPresets:

    return '{FINISHED}'

# Takes a node and parses it for data.  Relies on that setting.xml has
#   a valid format as specified by the DTD.
# For some reason minidom places an empty child node for every other node.
项目:flickr-crawler    作者:chenusc11    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _dopost(method, payload)))
项目:StageDP    作者:EastonWang    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def combineparse2sent(sent, parse):
    """ Combine constitent parse into sent
    parse = parse.split()
    tokenlist = [token.word for token in sent.tokenlist]
    parselist, tidx = [""] * len(tokenlist), 0
    while parse:
        item = parse.pop(0)
        parselist[tidx] += (" " + item)
        partialparse = parselist[tidx].replace(' ', '')
        word = tokenlist[tidx].replace(' ', '')
        # print word,partialparse
        if (word + ')') in partialparse:
            tidx += 1
    # Attach to sent
    for (tidx, token) in enumerate(sent.tokenlist):
        item = parselist[tidx]
        sent.tokenlist[tidx].partialparse = item
    return sent
项目:chromium-build    作者:discordapp    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _PatchedManifest(manifest_path):
  """Patches an Android manifest to always include the 'tools' namespace
  declaration, TOOLS_NAMESPACE)

  tmp_prefix = os.path.basename(manifest_path)
  with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(prefix=tmp_prefix) as patched_manifest:
    yield patched_manifest.name
项目:chromium-build    作者:discordapp    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _ParseConfigFile(config_path):
  print 'Parsing %s' % config_path
  issues_dict = {}
  dom = minidom.parse(config_path)
  for issue in dom.getElementsByTagName('issue'):
    issue_id = issue.attributes['id'].value
    severity = issue.getAttribute('severity')

    path_elements = (
        for p in issue.getElementsByTagName('ignore'))
    paths = set(p.value for p in path_elements if p)

    regexp_elements = (
        for p in issue.getElementsByTagName('ignore'))
    regexps = set(r.value for r in regexp_elements if r)

    issues_dict[issue_id] = _Issue(severity, regexps)
  return issues_dict
项目:chromium-build    作者:discordapp    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _ParseAndMergeResultFile(result_path, set())
项目:enigma2    作者:Openeight    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def read(self):
        basicsatxml = minidom.parse(self.filename)

        for sat in basicsatxml.firstChild.childNodes:
            if sat.nodeType == sat.ELEMENT_NODE and sat.localName == "sat":
                print sat.localName
                satname = str(sat.getAttribute("name"))
                satpos = str(sat.getAttribute("position"))
                self.addSat(satname, parameters)
        print self.transponderlist
项目:cuny-bdif    作者:aristotle-tek    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def query(self, cls, filters, limit=None, order_by=None):
        if not self.connection:

        if not self.connection:
            raise NotImplementedError("Can't query without a database connection")

        from urllib import urlencode

        query = str(self._build_query(cls, limit, order_by))
        if query:
            url = "/%s?%s" % (self.db_name, urlencode({"query": query}))
            url = "/%s" % self.db_name
        resp = self._make_request('GET', url)
        if resp.status == 200:
            doc = parse(resp)
            raise Exception("Error: %s" % resp.status)
        return self._object_lister(cls, doc)
项目:cuny-bdif    作者:aristotle-tek    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def save_object(self, obj, expected_value=None):
        Marshal the object and do a PUT
        doc = self.marshal_object(obj)
        if obj.id:
            url = "/%s/%s" % (self.db_name, obj.id)
            url = "/%s" % (self.db_name)
        resp = self._make_request("PUT", url, body=doc.toxml())
        new_obj = self.get_object_from_doc(obj.__class__, None, parse(resp))
        obj.id = new_obj.id
        for prop in obj.properties():
                propname = prop.name
            except AttributeError:
                propname = None
            if propname:
                value = getattr(new_obj, prop.name)
                if value:
                    setattr(obj, prop.name, value)
        return obj
项目:gn_build    作者:realcome    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _ParseConfigFile(config_path):
  print 'Parsing %s' % config_path
  issues_dict = {}
  dom = minidom.parse(config_path)
  for issue in dom.getElementsByTagName('issue'):
    issue_id = issue.attributes['id'].value
    severity = issue.getAttribute('severity')

    path_elements = (
        for p in issue.getElementsByTagName('ignore'))
    paths = set(p.value for p in path_elements if p)

    regexp_elements = (
        for p in issue.getElementsByTagName('ignore'))
    regexps = set(r.value for r in regexp_elements if r)

    issues_dict[issue_id] = _Issue(severity, regexps)
  return issues_dict
项目:Causality    作者:vcla    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def generate_parses(causal_tree):
    node_type = causal_tree["node_type"]
    if "children" not in causal_tree:
        return (causal_tree,)
    partial_causal_parses = []
    # make a copy of the current node,minus the children (so we're keeping symbol_type,symbol,energy,node_type,etc)
    current_node = causal_tree.copy()
    if node_type in ("or","root",):
        for child_node in causal_tree["children"]:
            for parse in generate_parses(child_node):
                current_node["children"] = (parse,)
    elif node_type in ("and",):
        # generate causal parses on each tree
        # build all cartesian products of those causal parses;
        # each cartesian product is a set of children for the and node,a separate partial parse graph to return
        child_parses = []
        for child_node in causal_tree["children"]:
        for product in itertools.product(*child_parses):
            current_node["children"] = product
        raise Exception("UNKNowN NODE TYPE: {}".format(node_type))
    return partial_causal_parses
项目:Causality    作者:vcla    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def parse_can_jump_from(parse,prev_parse):
    # "timer" -> "jump"
    timer = get_symbol_matches_from_parse("timer",prev_parse)
    jump = get_symbol_matches_from_parse("jump",prev_parse)
    if timer and jump and timer["alternate"] == parse["symbol"] and timer["symbol"] == jump["symbol"]:
        return True
    return False
项目:Causality    作者:vcla    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_symbol_matches_from_parse(symbol,parse):
    matches = []
    if "symbol_type" in parse:
        if parse["symbol_type"] == symbol:
    if "children" in parse:
        for child in parse["children"]:
            child_matches = get_symbol_matches_from_parse(symbol,child)
            matches += child_matches
    return matches
项目:Causality    作者:vcla    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_actions_used(parse, first = True):
    actions = set()
    if "symbol_type" in parse and parse["symbol_type"] in ("event",):
        #print("EVENT USED: {}".format(causal_tree['symbol']))
    if "children" in parse:
        for child in parse['children']:
            actions.update(get_actions_used(child, False))
    return actions
项目:Causality    作者:vcla    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def complete_parse_tree(active_parse_tree, fluent_hash, event_hash, frame, completions, source, event_timeouts):
    # we have a winner! let's show them what they've won,bob!
    global debug_calculate_energy
    #debug_calculate_energy = True
    ### don't need this energy = calculate_energy(active_parse_tree,get_energies(fluent_hash,event_hash))
    debug_calculate_energy = False
    fluent = active_parse_tree["symbol"]
    agents_responsible = []
    # if there are agents in the parse,print out who they were
    keys = get_fluent_and_event_keys_we_care_about((active_parse_tree,))
    # WARNING: if we have two event types in the same parse,we can wind up adding the same parse multiple times.
    # BACKLOG: make sure the "if not found" solution below doesn't break anything else when it solves the above
    for event_key in keys["events"]:
        event = get_best_energy_event(event_hash[event_key]['energies'],newerthan=(frame - event_timeouts[event_key]))
        agent = event["agent"]
        if agent:
        if "_" in fluent:
            prefix, postfix = fluent.rsplit("_","off",):
                fluent = prefix
        if fluent not in completions:
            completions[fluent] = {}
        completion = completions[fluent]
        if frame not in completion:
            completion[frame] = []
        completion_frame = completion[frame]
        found = False
        for item in completion_frame:
            if item['parse']['id'] == active_parse_tree['id']:
                found = True
        if not found:
            #completion_frame.append({"frame": frame,"fluent": fluent,"energy": energy,"parse": active_parse_tree,"agents": agents_responsible,"sum": fluent_hash[active_parse_tree['symbol']]['energy'],'source': source})
            completion_frame.append({"frame": frame, "fluent": fluent, "parse": active_parse_tree, "agents": agents_responsible, "sum": fluent_hash[active_parse_tree['symbol']]['energy'], 'source': source})
    #print("{} PARSE TREE {} COMPLETED at {}: energy({}) BY {}\n{}\n***{}***".format(fluent,active_parse_tree['id'],frame,source,make_tree_like_lisp(active_parse_tree),active_parse_tree))
    #print("Agents responsible: {}".format(agents_responsible))
    if kDebugEnergies:
        debug_energies(fluent_hash, event_hash)
项目:Causality    作者:vcla    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def add_missing_parses(fluent, completions):
    ## here we're just getting the completions for one specific frame
    ## we want to go through all the possible parses for that fluent
    ## and make sure they're spoken for in completions
    for symbol in (completions[0]['parse']['symbol'],):
        parse_ids_completed = []
        for completion in completions:
        #print("IDS: {}".format(parse_ids_completed))
        anti_symbol = invert_name(symbol)
        possible_trees = fluent_hash[symbol]['trees']
        unpossible_trees = fluent_hash[anti_symbol]['trees']
        for possible_tree in possible_trees + unpossible_trees:
            # if this tree is a "primary" for this symbol
            if possible_tree['symbol'] in (symbol,anti_symbol):
                other_parses = possible_tree['parses']
                for other_parse in other_parses:
                    if other_parse['id'] not in parse_ids_completed:
                        #print("ADDING ID: {}".format(other_parse['id']))
                        #complete_parse_tree(other_parse,fluent_hash,event_hash,effective_frames[symbol],completions,'missing') ### what is this 'effective frames' thing?
                        # we have a winner! let's show them what they've won,bob!
                        #### don't need this energy = calculate_energy(other_parse,event_hash))
                        agents_responsible = []
                        source = 'missing'
                        #completions.append({"frame": frame,"parse": other_parse,"sum": fluent_hash[other_parse['symbol']]['energy'],'source': source})
                        completions.append({"frame": frame, "parse": other_parse, "sum": fluent_hash[other_parse['symbol']]['energy'], 'source': source})
                        #print("{} PARSE TREE {} COMPLETED at {}: energy({}) BY {}\n{}\n***{}***".format(fluent,other_parse['id'],make_tree_like_lisp(other_parse),other_parse))
                        #print("Agents responsible: {}".format(agents_responsible))
                        if kDebugEnergies:
                            debug_energies(fluent_hash, event_hash)
    #print "---"
    return completions

# clears out any parses that have not been touched within N frames,printing out any over reporting_threshold_energy
项目:Causality    作者:vcla    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_actions_from_parse(parse):
    actions = []
    if "symbol_type" in parse:
        if parse["symbol_type"] == "event":
            #tmp_event,tmp_event_value = parse["symbol"].rsplit("_",1)
    if "children" in parse:
        for child in parse["children"]:
            child_actions = get_actions_from_parse(child)
            actions += child_actions
    return actions
项目:ochem_predict_nn    作者:connorcoley    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def main(db_fpath, N = 15):
    '''Read reactions from Lowe's patent reaction SMILES'''

        # Open file
        file_generator = get_reaction_file(db_fpath)
        documents = []
        for i, rxn in enumerate(file_generator):
            if i == N:

            print('~~~~~~~ {} ~~~~~~'.format(i))
            print('{}: {}'.format(i, rxn))
            document = minidom.parse(rxn)
                dic = doc_to_dic(document)
                dic['random'] = random()
            except ValueError as e:

            # Report progress and insert every 1000
            if ((i+1) % 1000) == 0:
                print('{}/{}'.format(i+1, N))
                result = collection.insert(documents)
                documents = []

        if documents: result = collection.insert(documents)
    except KeyboardInterrupt:
        print('Stopped early!')     

    print('Created {} database entries'.format(collection.find().count()))

    return True
项目:core-framework    作者:RedhawkSDR    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_DomainManagerId(self):
        self.assertNotEqual(self._domMgr, None)

        # Load the ID from the XML file
        dom = minidom.parse(os.path.join(scatest.getSdrPath(), "dom/domain/DomainManager.dmd.xml"))
        expectedId = dom.getElementsByTagName("domainmanagerconfiguration")[0].getAttribute("id")
        providedId = self._domMgr._get_identifier()
        self.assertEqual(providedId, msg="Violation of SR:213 and/or SR:214")

        # According to SCA section D.8.1,the id is supposed to be a DCE UUID
        self.assertIsDceUUID(expectedId, msg="Violation of SCA D.8.1")
项目:derbystatter    作者:WFTDA    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def xml(self, name):
        """Extra a parsed DOM of the given XML file in the archive"""
        if self.xmlFiles.has_key(name):
            return self.xmlFiles[name]
            f = self.zf.open(name)
            return None
        dom = parse(f)
        if USE_EL_TREE:
            dom = dom.getroot()
        self.xmlFiles[name] = dom
        return dom
项目:code    作者:ActiveState    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def makeRoot(cls, xmlFileName):
        return cls(minidom.parse(xmlFileName))
项目:darkc0de-old-stuff    作者:tuwid    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def bingSearch(query, index):
    global BING_URLS

    url = 'http://api.search.live.net/xml.aspx?Appid='+BING_APP_ID+'&query='\
    xml = minidom.parse(urllib2.urlopen(url))

    for node in xml.getElementsByTagName('web:Url'):

# Checks the urls for errors
项目:FBI-Scraper    作者:GKalliatakis    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def getExif(photo_id_):
        method = 'flickr.photos.getExif'
        data = _doget(method, photo_id=photo_id_)
        return Exif.parse(data.rsp.photo)
项目:FBI-Scraper    作者:GKalliatakis    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def parse(photo):
        camera = getattr(photo, 'camera', '')
        tags = []
        if hasattr(photo, 'exif'):
            if isinstance(photo.exif, list):
                tags = [ExifTag.parse(e) for e in photo.exif]
                tags = [ExifTag.parse(photo.exif)]
        return Exif(camera, tags)
项目:FBI-Scraper    作者:GKalliatakis    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def parse(exif):
        raw = ''
        if hasattr(exif, 'raw'):
            raw = exif.raw.text
        clean = ''
        if hasattr(exif, 'clean'):
            clean = exif.clean.text
        return ExifTag(exif.tagspace, exif.tagspaceid, exif.tag, exif.label,
                       raw, clean)
项目:FBI-Scraper    作者:GKalliatakis    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _doget(method, **params):
    #uncomment to check you aren't killing the flickr server
    #print "***** do get %s" % method

    params = _prepare_params(params)
    url = '%s%s/?api_key=%s&method=%s&%s%s'% \
          (HOST, method, urlencode(params),
                  _get_auth_url_suffix(method, params))

    #another useful debug print statement
    if debug:       
        print "_doget", url

    return _get_data(minidom.parse(urlopen(url)))
项目:kicadSolderTool    作者:pIoUpus    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, filepath):
        self.filepath = filepath
        self.xmldoc = minidom.parse(filepath)
        self.components = self.xmldoc.getElementsByTagName('components')[0]
        self.components = self.components.getElementsByTagName('comp')

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