
Python sklearn.cluster 模块-AffinityPropagation() 实例源码

Python sklearn.cluster 模块,AffinityPropagation() 实例源码


项目:CS-SMAF    作者:brian-cleary    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def compare_clusters(X,Y,method='spectral',s=10000):
    A = (X/np.linalg.norm(X,axis=0)).T
    A[np.isnan(A)] = 0
    B = (Y/np.linalg.norm(Y,axis=0)).T
    B[np.isnan(B)] = 0
    random_samples = np.zeros(A.shape[0],dtype=np.bool)
    random_samples[:min(s,A.shape[0])] = True
    A = A[random_samples]
    B = B[random_samples]
    dA = 1 - A.dot(A.T)
    dA = np.exp(-dA**2/2.)
    dB = 1 - B.dot(B.T)
    dB = np.exp(-dB**2/2.)
    del A,B
    if method == 'spectral':
        n = max(5,min(30,X.shape[1]/50))
        lA = SpectralClustering(n_clusters=n,affinity='precomputed').fit_predict(dA)
        lB = SpectralClustering(n_clusters=n,affinity='precomputed').fit_predict(dB)
    elif method == 'ap':
        lA = AffinityPropagation(affinity='precomputed').fit_predict(dA)
        lB = AffinityPropagation(affinity='precomputed').fit_predict(dB)
    return adjusted_mutual_info_score(lA,lB)
项目:QR-Replace    作者:Metruption    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def constructParallelograms(dataset):
        dataset is a list of points to find clusters in
    returns a list of the parallelograms found.
    af = AffinityPropagation().fit(dataset)
    print(af.cluster_centers_, af.labels_, len(af.cluster_centers_))
    clusters = []
    count = 0
    while (count < len(af.cluster_centers_)):
        pointlist = af.cluster_centers_[count].tolist()
        clusters += [Point(pointlist[0], pointlist[1])]
        count += 1

    return extrapolateParallelogram(clusters[0], clusters[1], clusters[2])
项目:yellowbrick    作者:districtDataLabs    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_clusterer_enforcement(self):
        Assert that only clustering estimators can be passed to cluster viz
        nomodels = [
            SVC, SVR, Ridge, RidgeCV, LinearRegression, RandomForestClassifier

        for nomodel in nomodels:
            with self.assertRaises(YellowbrickTypeError):
                visualizer = ClusteringscoreVisualizer(nomodel())

        models = [
            KMeans, MiniBatchKMeans, AffinityPropagation, MeanShift, DBSCAN, Birch

        for model in models:
                visualizer = ClusteringscoreVisualizer(model())
            except YellowbrickTypeError:
                self.fail("Could not pass clustering estimator to visualizer")
项目:lol-category    作者:vonum    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def affinity_prop(data):
  af = AffinityPropagation(damping=0.5, convergence_iter=15, affinity='euclidean').fit(data)
  print 'Affinity Propagation'
  print metrics.silhouette_score(data, af.labels_)
  print collections.Counter(af.labels_)

# mean_shift(np.array(data))
# affinity_prop(np.array(data))
项目:pysapc    作者:bioinfocao    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def clusterSimilarityWithSklearnAPC(data_file,damping=0.9,max_iter=200,convergence_iter=15,preference='min'):
    Compare Sparse Affinity Propagation (SAP) result with SKlearn Affinity Propagation (AP) Clustering result.
    Please note that convergence condition for Sklearn AP is "no change in the number of estimated clusters",
    for SAP the condition is "no change in the cluster assignment". 
    So SAP may take more iterations and the there will be slightly difference in final cluster assignment (exemplars for each sample).
    # loading data

    # get preference
    if preference=='min':
    elif preference=='median':

    print('{0},start SKlearn Affinity Propagation'.format(datetime.Now()))
    af=AffinityPropagation(damping=damping, preference=preference, affinity='precomputed',verbose=True)
    cluster_centers_indices,labels = af.cluster_centers_indices_,af.labels_
    sk_exemplars=np.asarray([cluster_centers_indices[i] for i in labels])
    print('{0},start Fast Sparse Affinity Propagation Cluster'.format(datetime.Now()))

    # Caculate similarity between sk_exemplars and sap_exemplars
    exemplars_similarity=sparseAP_cy.arrSamePercent(np.array(sk_exemplars), np.array(sap_exemplars))

    return exemplars_similarity
项目:pysapc    作者:bioinfocao    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def testDense():
    Test dense similarity matrix,Compare FSAPC result with SKlearn Affinity Propagation (AP) Clustering result
    print("Exemplar label similarity between sklearn.cluster.AffinityPropagation and SAP is: {0}".format(exemplars_similarity))
项目:base_function    作者:Rockyzsu    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def affinity(fig):
    global X_iris, geo
    ax = fig.add_subplot(geo + 3, projection='3d', title='affinity')
    affinity = cluster.AffinityPropagation(preference=-50)
    res = affinity.labels_
    for n, i in enumerate(X_iris):
        ax.scatter(*i[: 3], c='bgrcmyk'[res[n] % 7], marker='o')

    ax.set_xlabel('X Label')
    ax.set_ylabel('Y Label')
    ax.set_zlabel('Z Label')
    return res
项目:word2vec_pipeline    作者:NIHOPA    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def compute_local_affinity(V):
    global damping

    cluster_args = {"damping": damping}
    cluster = cluster_clf(**cluster_args)

    DV = cdist(V, V, metric='cosine')
    z_labels = cluster.fit_predict(DV)

    # print "{} unique labels found".format(np.unique(z_labels).shape)
    return V, z_labels
项目:word2vec_pipeline    作者:NIHOPA    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def compute_affinity(item):

    text, f_idx, table_name, f_sql = item
    tokens = text.split()

    # Find out which tokens are defined
    valid_tokens = [w for w in tokens if w in M]

    labels = np.array(list(set(valid_tokens)))

    token_clf_index = np.array([M.word2index[w]
                                for w in labels])

    if not labels.size:
        msg = "Document has no valid tokens! This is problem."
        raise ValueError(msg)

    V = np.array([M[w] for w in labels])
    DV = cdist(V, metric='cosine')

    # Values are sometimes "slightly" less than zero due to rounding
    DV[DV < 0] = 0

    cluster_args = {"damping": damping}
    cluster = cluster_clf(**cluster_args)

    y_labels = cluster.fit_predict(DV)

    data = {}

    data = {
        "token_clf_index": token_clf_index,
        "y_labels": y_labels,

    return f_idx, f_sql, data
项目:indefinite-pronouns    作者:dnrb    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_cluster_assignments(sim_matrix, parameters):
    (np.array,list of int) -> list of int
    sim_matrix: list of list of float -- similarity matrix between exemplars
    parameters: list of parameters in the format ["method:method_name",
            where order doesn't matter
            (k and damping only relevant for certain clustering methods)
            the possible values for each parameter are listed in the
            function below.

    Returns a list of integers. The integer at each index of the list corresponds
    to the cluster number of the exemplar at the same index in sim_matrix.

    algorithm = next((re.split(':',f)[1] for f in parameters if f[:4] == 'algo'), 'ap')
    # from { 'hierarchical','kmeans','ap','ward' }
    method = next((re.split(':',f)[1] for f in parameters if f[:6] == 'method'), 'single')
    # from {'single','complete','average'} (only relevant for hierarchical clustering)
    kMk = next((int(re.split(':',f)[1]) for f in parameters if f[:1] == 'k'), 8)
    # any integer <= the data length
    damping = next((re.split(':',f)[1] for f in parameters if f[:4] == 'damping'), 0.5)
    # only relevant for AP -- in [0.5,1]
    if algorithm == 'hierarchical':
        clustering = hierarchy.linkage(sim_matrix, method)
        k = get_k(clustering, 20)
        cluster_assignments = hierarchy.fcluster(clustering, k, criterion = 'maxclust')-1
    elif algorithm == 'kmeans':
        cluster_assignments = KMeans(n_clusters = kMk).fit_predict(sim_matrix)
    elif algorithm == 'ap':
        cluster_assignments = AffinityPropagation().fit_predict(sim_matrix)
    elif algorithm == 'ward':
        clustering = hierarchy.ward(sim_matrix)
        k = get_k(clustering, criterion = 'maxclust')-1
    return cluster_assignments
项目:w2vec-similarity    作者:jayantj    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def affinity_propagation_clusters(similarity_matrix):
  return AffinityPropagation(affinity='precomputed').fit(similarity_matrix)
项目:Particle-Picking-Cryo-EM    作者:hqythu    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def main():
    centers = get_list('out_center.txt')
    labels = get_list('142-label.txt')
    judge(centers, labels)
    n_class = int(len(centers) * 0.18)
    est = KMeans(n_clusters=n_class, max_iter=1000)
    new_list = []
    for x, y in est.cluster_centers_:
        min_num = 10000
        min_x = -1
        min_y = -1
        for x_, y_ in centers:
            dist = distance(x, y, x_, y_)
            if (dist < min_num) or (min_x == -1):
                min_num = dist
                min_x = x_
                min_y = y_
        new_list.append([min_x, min_y])
    judge(new_list, labels)
    judge(est.cluster_centers_, labels)

    # db = DBSCAN(eps=0.3,min_samples=180).fit(centers)
    # print(db.core_sample_indices_)
    # judge(new_list,labels)
    # print(est.cluster_centers_)
    # save_list('result.txt',est.cluster_centers_)
    # af = AffinityPropagation(preference=180).fit(centers)
    # judge(af.cluster_centers_,labels)
项目:icing    作者:slipguru    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, damping=.5, max_iter=200,
                 copy=True, preference=None, affinity='euclidean',
                 verbose=False, convergence_percentage=0.999999):
        super(AffinityPropagation, self).__init__(
        self.convergence_percentage = convergence_percentage
项目:icing    作者:slipguru    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def fit(self, X, **kwargs):
        """Apply affinity propagation clustering.

        Create affinity matrix from negative euclidean distances if required.

        X: array-like or sparse matrix,
                shape (n_samples,n_features) or (n_samples,n_samples)
            Data matrix or,if affinity is ``precomputed``,matrix of
            similarities / affinities.
        if not issparse(X):
            return super(AffinityPropagation, self).fit(X, **kwargs)

        # Since X is sparse,this converts it in a coo_matrix if required
        X = check_array(X, accept_sparse='coo')
        if self.affinity == "precomputed":
            self.affinity_matrix_ = X
        elif self.affinity == "euclidean":
            self.affinity_matrix_ = coo_matrix(
                -euclidean_distances(X, squared=True))
            raise ValueError("Affinity must be 'precomputed' or "
                             "'euclidean'. Got %s instead"
                             % str(self.affinity))

        self.cluster_centers_indices_, self.labels_, self.n_iter_ = \
                self.affinity_matrix_, self.preference, max_iter=self.max_iter,
                convergence_iter=self.convergence_iter, damping=self.damping,
                copy=self.copy, verbose=self.verbose, return_n_iter=True,

        if self.affinity != "precomputed":
            self.cluster_centers_ = X.data[self.cluster_centers_indices_].copy()

        return self
项目:TextStageProcessor    作者:mhyhre    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def make_aa_clustering(self, short_filenames, input_texts):

        output_dir = self.output_dir + 'affinity_propagation/'
        if not os.path.exists(output_dir):

        if self.need_tf_idf:
            self.signals.PrintInfo.emit("?????? TF-IDF...")
            idf_filename = output_dir + 'tf_idf.csv'
            msg = self.calculate_and_write_tf_idf(idf_filename, input_texts)

        vectorizer = CountVectorizer()
        X = vectorizer.fit_transform(input_texts)

        svd = TruncatedSVD(2)
        normalizer = normalizer(copy=False)
        lsa = make_pipeline(svd, normalizer)
        X = lsa.fit_transform(X)

        aa_clusterizator = AffinityPropagation(damping=self.aa_damping,

        predict_result = aa_clusterizator.fit_predict(X)
        self.signals.PrintInfo.emit('\n??????? ?? ??????????:\n')

        clasters_output = ''
        for claster_index in range(max(predict_result) + 1):
            clasters_output += ('??????? ' + str(claster_index) + ':\n')
            for predict, document in zip(predict_result, short_filenames):
                if predict == claster_index:
                    clasters_output += ('  ' + str(document) + '\n')
            clasters_output += '\n'
        self.signals.PrintInfo.emit('????????? ?:' + str(output_dir + 'clusters.txt'))
        writeStringToFile(clasters_output, output_dir + 'clusters.txt')

        self.draw_clusters_plot(X, predict_result, short_filenames)
项目:apicultor    作者:sonidosmutantes    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def find_number_of_sources(cosine_distance):
    cos_dist = np.resize(cosine_distance, new_shape = (len(cosine_distance), len(cosine_distance))) 
    ap = AP(affinity = 'precomputed').fit(cos_dist)
    counter = Counter(ap.labels_).most_common()
    source = 0
    for i in xrange(len(counter)):
        if counter[i][1] == counter[0][1]:     
            source += 1
    return source
项目:text-analytics-with-python    作者:dipanjanS    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def affinity_propagation(feature_matrix):

    sim = feature_matrix * feature_matrix.T
    sim = sim.todense()
    ap = AffinityPropagation()
    clusters = ap.labels_          
    return ap, clusters

# get clusters using affinity propagation
项目:contextual-advertising-deploy    作者:andreicnica    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def cluster_keyterms(keyterms, word2vec_model):
    This function takes a list of keyterms,filters out only the words that can be used in the model
    and clusters them
    keyterms : list of keyterms in dictionary format. They contain the following details: lemma_string,pos,len,
    word2vec_model : embedding model
    cluster of keyterms
    from sklearn import cluster

    #filter keyterms to work with the embedding model
    filtered_keyterms = filter_keyterms_byVocab(keyterms, word2vec_model.vocab)
    X = []
    for kt1 in filtered_keyterms:
        line = []
        for kt2 in filtered_keyterms:
            sim = word2vec_model.n_similarity(kt1, kt2)


    # preference = [np.amin(X)] * len(filtered_keyterms)
    preference = [np.median(X)] * len(filtered_keyterms)

    print "Start Affinity Propagation ..."
    af = cluster.AffinityPropagation(affinity="precomputed", damping=0.5, preference = preference)
    print "Finished affinity propagation"

    af_cluster_indices = af.cluster_centers_indices_
    af_labels = af.labels_
    n_clusters = len(af_cluster_indices)

    clusters = []

    for i in range(n_clusters):
        cluster_center_1 = filtered_keyterms[af_cluster_indices[i]]

        ## compute cluster composition
        cluster_members = []
        for ktIdx in range(len(af_labels)):
            if af_labels[ktIdx] == i:

        cluster_data = {
            "idx" : i,
            "center": cluster_center_1,
            "members": cluster_members,
            "len": len(cluster_members)


    return clusters

# if __name__ == "__main__":
#     process_keyterm_clusters(GENERATION_NT_CANDIDATES)
项目:fitr    作者:abrahamnunes    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, copy=True, verbose=False):
        self.algorithm = AP(damping=damping,
项目:sampling    作者:e-baumer    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def create_stratum(self, column_names, **kwargs):
        Use affinity propagation to find number of strata for each column. 
        column_names is a list of the covariates to be split into strata and 
        used for classification. This funciton adds a column to the data frame
        for each column as column_name_strata that gives the strata designation
        for that variable.  The whole data frame is returned.

        for colname in column_names:
            X = self.data[colname].reshape(-1, 1)

            if np.isnan(X).any():
                raise ValueError("There are NaN values in self.data[%s] that the \
                                  clustering algorithm can't handle" % colname)

            elif np.unique(self.data[colname]).shape[0] <=2:
                string_name = colname+'_strata'
                self.data[string_name] = self.data[colname].astype(int)

                af_model = AP(damping = 0.9)
                strata_groups = af_model.fit(X)

                #cluster_centers_indices = af.cluster_centers_indices_
                #n_clusters_ = len(cluster_centers_indices)

                string_name = colname+'_strata'
                self.data[string_name] = strata_groups.labels_

        return self.data

    #In the main function,you need to call create_stratum before create_unique_strata
项目:extract    作者:dblalock    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def makeAffinityProp(X=None, k=-1):
    return cluster.AffinityPropagation(damping=.9, preference=-200)
项目:extract    作者:dblalock    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def makeClusterers(X, k=2):
    return [('MiniBatchKMeans', makeKMeans(X, k)),
            ('AffinityPropagation', makeAffinityProp()),
            ('MeanShift', makeMeanShift(X)),
            ('SpectralClustering', makeSpectral(X,
            ('Ward', makeWard(X,
            ('AgglomerativeAvg', makeAvgLinkage(X,
            ('AgglomerativeMax', makeMaxLinkage(X,
            ('AgglomerativeWard', makeWardLinkage(X,
            ('DBSCAN', makeDBScan())]
项目:errorgeopy    作者:alpha-beta-soup    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def affinity_propagation(location, location_callback):
    """Returns one or more clusters of a set of points,using an affinity
    propagation algorithm.
    The result is sorted with the first value being the largest cluster.

        A list of NamedTuples (see get_cluster_named_tuple for a deFinition
        of the tuple).
    pts = location._tuple_points()
    if not pts:
        return None
    X = np.array(pts).reshape((len(pts), len(pts[0])))
    if np.any(np.isnan(X)) or not np.all(np.isfinite(X)):
        return None
    X = Imputer().fit_transform(X)
    X = X.astype(np.float32)
    afkwargs = {
        'damping': 0.5,
        'convergence_iter': 15,
        'max_iter': 200,
        'copy': True,
        'preference': None,
        'affinity': 'euclidean',
        'verbose': False
    af = AffinityPropagation(**afkwargs).fit(X)
    cluster_centers_indices = af.cluster_centers_indices_
    clusters = []
    for cluster_id, cluster_centre in enumerate(af.cluster_centers_):
        locations = []
        for j, label in enumerate(af.labels_):
            if not label == cluster_id:
        if not locations:
    return clusters
项目:apicultor    作者:sonidosmutantes    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def plot_similarity_clusters(desc1, desc2, plot = None):
    find similar sounds using Affinity Propagation clusters

    :param desc1: first descriptor values
    :param desc2: second descriptor values
      - euclidean_labels: labels of clusters

    if plot == True:
        print (Fore.magenta + "Clustering")

    min_max = preprocessing.scale(np.vstack((desc1,desc2)).T, with_mean=False, with_std=False)          
    pca = PCA(n_components=2, whiten=True)
    y = pca.fit(min_max).transform(min_max)

    euclidean = AffinityPropagation(convergence_iter=1800, affinity='euclidean')                           
    euclidean_labels= euclidean.fit_predict(y)

    if plot == True:


        print (Fore.WHITE + "Cada número representa el grupo al que pertence el sonido como ejemplar de otro/s. El grupo '0' esta coloreado en azul,el grupo '1' esta coloreado en rojo,el grupo '2' esta coloreado en amarillo. Observa el ploteo para ver qué sonidos son ejemplares de otros")
        print np.vstack((euclidean_labels,files)).T


        plt.scatter(y[euclidean_labels==0,0], y[euclidean_labels==0,1], c='b')
        plt.scatter(y[euclidean_labels==1, y[euclidean_labels==1, c='r')
        plt.scatter(y[euclidean_labels==2, y[euclidean_labels==2, c='y')
        plt.scatter(y[euclidean_labels==3, y[euclidean_labels==3, c='g')

    return euclidean_labels

# save clusters files in clusters directory
项目:ProjectOfDataMining    作者:IljaNovo    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def compute_affinity_propagation(preference_, X):
    #text = io.Input.local_read_text_file(inputFilePath)
    #input_array = text.split('\n')
    centers = [[1, 1], [-1, -1], [1, -1]]
    n_samples = 300
    #Make Blobs used for generating of labels_true array
    if (X == None):
        X, labels_true = make_blobs(n_samples = n_samples, centers=centers, cluster_std=1, random_state=0)
        print("Data is none!!!")
        print("Generating " + str(n_samples) + " samples")
    else :
        data, labels_true = make_blobs(n_samples=len(X), random_state=0)
    #slist = list()
    #for line in X:
    #    slist.append(line)
    #float_array = []
    #for line in input_array:
    #    float_line = [float(i) for i in line.split(' ')]
    #    float_array.append(float_line)
    #X = array(float_array)

    af = AffinityPropagation(preference=preference_).fit(X)
    cluster_centers_indices = af.cluster_centers_indices_
    labels = af.labels_
    n_clusters_ = len(cluster_centers_indices)
    print('Estimated number of clusters: %d' % n_clusters_)
    print("Homogeneity: %0.3f" % metrics.homogeneity_score(labels_true, labels))
    print("Completeness: %0.3f" % metrics.completeness_score(labels_true, labels))
    print("V-measure: %0.3f" % metrics.v_measure_score(labels_true, labels))
    print("Adjusted Rand Index: %0.3f" % metrics.adjusted_rand_score(labels_true, labels))
    print("Adjusted Mutual information: %0.3f" % metrics.adjusted_mutual_info_score(labels_true, labels))
#    print("Silhouette Coefficient: %0.3f" % metrics.silhouette_score(X,labels,metric='sqeuclidean'))
    print("Fowlkes Mallows score: %0.3f" % metrics.fowlkes_mallows_score(labels_true, labels))

    colors = cycle('bgrcmykbgrcmykbgrcmykbgrcmyk')
    for k, col in zip(range(n_clusters_), colors):
        class_members = labels == k
        cluster_center = X[cluster_centers_indices[k]]
        plt.plot(X[class_members, 0], X[class_members, col + '.')
        plt.plot(cluster_center[0], cluster_center[1], 'o', markerfacecolor=col, markeredgecolor='k', markersize=14)
        for x in X[class_members]:
            plt.plot([cluster_center[0], x[0]], [cluster_center[1], x[1]], col)

    plt.title('Estimated number of clusters: %d' % n_clusters_)
项目:MusicTaster    作者:JayveeHe    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def cluster_song_in_playlist(self, playlist_id, cluster_n=5, is_detailed=False):
            playlist_id: ??id
            is_detailed: ???????????

        playlist_obj = playlist_detail(playlist_id)
        song_list = []
        vec_list = []
        song_info_dict = {}
        ap_cluster = AffinityPropagation()
        data_process_logger.info('clustering playlist: %s' % playlist_obj['name'])
        for item in playlist_obj['tracks']:
            song = item['name'].lower()
            song_info_dict[song] = {
                'name': song,
                'artist': item['artists'][0]['name'],
                'id': item['id'],
                'album_img_url': item['album']['picUrl'],
                'site_url': 'http://music.163.com/#/song?id=%s' % item['id']
            # print song
            if song not in song_list:
                # print self.song2vec_model.vocab.get(song)
                # print self.song2vec_model.syn0norm == None
                if self.song2vec_model.vocab.get(song) and len(self.song2vec_model.syn0norm):
                    song_vec = self.song2vec_model.syn0norm[self.song2vec_model.vocab[song].index]
                        'The song %s of playlist-%s is not in dataset' % (song, playlist_obj['name']))
                    song_vec = [0 for i in range(self.song2vec_model.vector_size)]
        # song_list = list(song_list)
        if len(vec_list) > 1:
            cluster_result = ap_cluster.fit(vec_list, song_list)
            cluster_array = [[] for i in range(len(cluster_result.cluster_centers_indices_))]
            for i in range(len(cluster_result.labels_)):
                label = cluster_result.labels_[i]
                index = i
            return cluster_array, playlist_obj['name'], song_info_dict
            return [song_list], song_info_dict
项目:MusicTaster    作者:JayveeHe    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def cluster_artist_in_playlist(self, is_detailed=False):
            playlist_id: ??id
            is_detailed: ????????

        playlist_obj = playlist_detail(playlist_id)
        artist_list = []
        vec_list = []
        ap_cluster = AffinityPropagation()
        data_process_logger.info('clustering playlist: %s' % playlist_obj['name'])
        for item in playlist_obj['tracks']:
            artist = item['artists'][0]['name'].lower()
            # print artist
            if artist not in artist_list:
                # print self.song2vec_model.vocab.get(artist)
                # print self.song2vec_model.syn0norm == None
                if self.artist2vec_model.vocab.get(artist) and len(self.artist2vec_model.syn0norm):
                    artist_vec = self.artist2vec_model.syn0norm[self.artist2vec_model.vocab[artist].index]
                        'The artist %s of playlist-%s is not in dataset' % (artist, playlist_obj['name']))
                    artist_vec = [0 for i in range(self.artist2vec_model.vector_size)]
        # artist_list = list(artist_list)
        # vec_list = list(vec_list)
        if len(vec_list) > 1:
            cluster_result = ap_cluster.fit(vec_list, artist_list)
            cluster_array = [[] for i in range(len(cluster_result.cluster_centers_indices_))]
            for i in range(len(cluster_result.labels_)):
                label = cluster_result.labels_[i]
                index = i
            return cluster_array, {}
            return [artist_list], {}

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