
Python html 模块-unescape() 实例源码

Python html 模块,unescape() 实例源码


项目:sketal    作者:vk-brain    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def unquote(data: (str, dict, list)):
    """???????,????????????? ????? ?? ??

    :param data: ?????? ??? ????????????
    :return: ??????????????? ?????

    temp = data

    if issubclass(temp.__class__, str):
        return html.unescape(html.unescape(temp))

    if issubclass(temp.__class__, dict):
        for k, v in temp.items():
            temp[k] = unquote(v)

    if issubclass(temp.__class__, list):
        for i in range(len(temp)):
            temp[i] = unquote(temp[i])

    return temp
项目:thesaurus_query.vim    作者:Ron89    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _woxikon_de_url_handler(target):
    Query woxikon for sysnonym
    time_out_choice = float(get_variable(
        'tq_online_backends_timeout', _timeout_period_default))
        response = urlopen(fixurl(u'http://synonyms.woxikon.com/de/{0}'.format(target)).decode('ASCII'), timeout = time_out_choice)
        web_content = StringIO(unescape(decode_utf_8(response.read())))
    except HTTPError:
        return 1
    except URLError as err:
        if isinstance(err.reason, socket.timeout):  # timeout error?
            return 1
        return -1   # other error
    except socket.timeout:  # timeout error Failed to be captured by URLError
        return 1
    return web_content
项目:as_mais_lidas    作者:nandopedrosa    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __folha_get_script_content(line, is_title=False):
    Processes the Folha de São Paulo script lines to get the Title and Link of the most read news
    :param line:  a line from the script
    :return: title or link
    start_index = line.index('"') + 1
    last_index = line.rindex('"')
    content = line[start_index:last_index]

    # We have to escape html entities for the Title content
    if is_title:
        content = html.unescape(content)
        content = content.replace("\;", "")  # Unescape still leaves some garbage we have to clean...

    return content
项目:kitsuchan-2    作者:n303p4    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def image(self, ctx, *, query: str):
        """Grab an image off the Internet using Qwant.

        * query - A string to be used in the search criteria.
        params = urllib.parse.urlencode({"count": "100", "offset": "1", "q": query})
        url = BASE_URL_QWANT_API.format(params)
        async with ctx.bot.session.request("GET", url, headers=self.headers) as response:
            if response.status == 200:
                data = await response.json()
                if not data["data"]["result"]["items"]:
                    await ctx.send("No results found. :<")
                item = systemrandom.choice(data["data"]["result"]["items"])
                embed = discord.Embed(title=html.unescape(item["title"]))
                embed.description = f"{item['url']}\n{item['media']}"
                embed.set_footer(text="Powered by Qwant")
                await ctx.send(embed=embed)
                message = "Couldn't reach Qwant. x.x"
                await ctx.send(message)
项目:chandl    作者:gebn    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def unescape_html(html_):
    Replace HTML entities (e.g. `&pound;`) in a string.

    :param html_: The escaped HTML.
    :return: The input string with entities replaces.

    # http://stackoverflow.com/a/2360639

    if sys.version_info.major == 2:  # 2.7
        # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences,pycompatibility
        from HTMLParser import HTMLParser
        return HTMLParser().unescape(html_)

    if sys.version_info.minor == 3:  # 3.3
        # noinspection pycompatibility
        from html.parser import HTMLParser
        # noinspection PyDeprecation
        return HTMLParser().unescape(html_)

    # 3.4+
    # noinspection pycompatibility
    import html
    return html.unescape(html_)
项目:tumanov_castleoaks    作者:Roamdev    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_autopost_form(self, request, obj):
        initial_text = self.get_autopost_text(obj)
        initial_text = unescape(strip_tags(initial_text)).strip()
        initial_text = re_newlines.sub('\n', initial_text)
        initial_text = initial_text[:conf.TEXT_MAX_LENGTH]

        if request.method == 'POST':
            return AutpostForm(
                    'networks': conf.ALLOWED_NETWORK_NAMES,
                    'text': initial_text,
            return AutpostForm(
                    'networks': conf.ALLOWED_NETWORK_NAMES,
项目:Laima-discord-Bot    作者:glouis    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def convert_to_embed(entry):
    first_ligne = first_ligne_regex.search(entry.summary).group(0)
    fl_without_tags = tag_regex.subn('', first_ligne)[0]
    description = html.unescape(fl_without_tags)
    colour = discord.Colour.magenta()
    timestamp = datetime.fromtimestamp(mktime(entry.published_parsed))
    embed = discord.Embed(title=entry.title, description=description, url=entry.link, colour=colour, timestamp=timestamp)
    image = first_img_regex.search(entry.summary)
    if image:
        image_url = img_src_url_regex.search(image.group(0)).group(0)
    embed.set_author(name=_(krosFeed["name"]), url=_(krosFeed["url"]), icon_url=krosFeed["icon"])
    return embed

# Get the new entries that have not yet been parsed
# Parameters:
#   - Feed: dict,the Feed containing the entries
#   - entry_id: str,the id of the last entry that have been parsed
# Return:
#   - last_entries: list,discord embeds presenting the data of each not parsed entry
项目:senti    作者:stevenxxiu    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def write_unitn(cls, out_path, unitn_path, download_path, is_train):
        with open(unitn_path) as unitn_sr, open(download_path) as download_sr, open(out_path, 'a+') as out_sr:
            for unitn_line, download_line in zip(unitn_sr, download_sr):
                doc_id_unitn, label_unitn, text_unitn = \
                    re.match(r'\d+\t(\d+)\t(negative|neutral|positive)\t(.+)', unitn_line).groups()
                doc_id_download, label_download, text_download = \
                    re.match(r'\d+\t(\d+)\t(negative|neutral|positive)\t(.+)', download_line).groups()
                text_unitn = text_unitn.encode().decode('unicode-escape')
                text_unitn = text_unitn.replace(r'’', '\'')
                if is_train:
                    text_unitn = html.unescape(text_unitn)
                    text_unitn = text_unitn.replace('""', '"')
                text_download = html.unescape(html.unescape(text_download))
                assert doc_id_unitn == doc_id_download
                assert label_unitn == label_download
                text = text_unitn
                if text_download != 'Not Available':
                    # some differences are impossible to reconcile,some unitn data have the wrong order
                    # if re.sub(r'\s+',' ',text_unitn) != re.sub(r'\s+',text_download):
                    #     logging.error(out_path)
                    #     logging.error(text_unitn)
                    #     logging.error(text_download)
                    # assert re.sub(r'\s+',text_unitn) == re.sub(r'\s+',text_download)
                    text = text_download
                out_sr.write(json.dumps({'id': doc_id_unitn, 'text': text, 'label': cls.class_map[label_unitn]}) + '\n')
项目:webtiles    作者:gammafunk    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def parse_chat_message(self, message):
        """Parse a game chat message,returning a tuple with the sender's
        username and the chat text. HTML entities in the text are


        if self.protocol_version <= 1:
            # Remove html formatting
            msg_pattern = r'<span[^>]+>([^<]+)</span>: <span[^>]+>([^<]+)</span>'
            match = re.match(msg_pattern, message["content"])
            if not match:
                raise WebTilesError("Unable to parse chat message: %s",

            sender = match.group(1)
            chat_text = match.group(2)
            sender = message["sender"]
            chat_text = message["text"]

        return (sender, html.unescape(chat_text))
项目:Chiaki-Nanami    作者:Ikusaba-san    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def from_data(cls, question):
        return cls(
            incorrect=tuple(map(unescape, question['incorrect_answers'])),

# How many times should the cache be used before making an API request
# to get more questions,the lower this number,the more likely it will
# make an HTTP request. Set to 0 to always use the API
# Note that the toggler is only called when the trivia session doesn't
# have any questions in the queue,so be careful when making this really
# high. Otherwise the question cache might never be filled.
项目:ax-cogs    作者:Aioxas    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _cookie(self):
        """Retrieves a random fortune cookie fortune."""
        regex = ["class=\"cookie-link\">([^`]*?)<\/a>", "<p>([^`]*?)<\/p>",
                 "(?:\\\\['])", "<strong>([^`]*?)<\/strong>",
        url = "http://www.fortunecookiemessage.com"
        await self.file_check()
        async with aiohttp.request("GET", headers={"encoding": "utf-8"}) as resp:
            test = str(await resp.text())
            fortune = re.findall(regex[0], test)
            fortest = re.match("<p>", fortune[0])
            if fortest is not None:
                fortune = re.findall(regex[1], fortune[0])
            title = re.findall(regex[3], test)
            info = re.findall(regex[4], test)
            info[0] = html.unescape(info[0])
            dailynum = re.findall(regex[5], test)
            await self.bot.say("Your fortune is:")
            await self.bot.upload("data/horoscope/cookie-edit.png")
            await self.bot.say("\n" + title[1] +
                               info[1] + "\n" + title[2] + dailynum[0])
项目:Feeds    作者:nblock    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def parse_node(self, response, node):
        il = FeedEntryItemloader(response=response,
        il.add_value('updated', node.xpath('//pubDate/text()').extract_first())
        categories = node.xpath('//category/text()').extract()
        for category in categories:
            il.add_value('category', html.unescape(category))
        title = node.xpath('(//title)[2]/text()').extract()
        if not title and categories:
            # Fallback to the first category if no title is provided
            # (e.g. comic).
            title = categories[0]
        il.add_value('title', html.unescape(title))
        link = node.xpath('(//link)[2]/text()').extract_first()
        il.add_value('link', link)
        return scrapy.Request(link, self._parse_article, Meta={'il': il})
项目:cn-mooc-dl    作者:Rhilip    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def clean_filename(string: str) -> str:
    Sanitize a string to be used as a filename.

    If minimal_change is set to true,then we only strip the bare minimum of
    characters that are problematic for filesystems (namely,':','/' and '\x00','\n').
    string = unescape(string)
    string = unquote(string)
    string = re.sub(r'<(?P<tag>.+?)>(?P<in>.+?)<(/(?P=tag))>', "\g<in>", string)

    string = string.replace(':', '_').replace('/', '_').replace('\x00', '_')

    string = re.sub('[\n\\\*><?\"|\t]', '', string)
    string = string.strip()

    return string
项目:sublimeTextConfig    作者:luoye-fe    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _html(self, deFinition):
        """Generate documentation string in HTML format

        if sys.version_info >= (3, 4):
            escaped_doc = html.escape(
                html.unescape(deFinition.doc), quote=False)
                escaped_doc = cgi.escape(
                        HTMLParser, deFinition.doc.encode('utf8')
            except AttributeError:
                # Python 3.x < 3.4
                escaped_doc = cgi.escape(
                    HTMLParser.unescape(HTMLParser, deFinition.doc)

        escaped_doc = escaped_doc.replace('\n', '<br>')

        return '{0}\n{1}'.format(deFinition.full_name, escaped_doc)
项目:falsy    作者:pingf    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def load_data(self, ws, result, payload):
        data = json.loads(result['result']['result']['value'])
        if data is None:
            raise ChromeEmptyException('data is null')
        charset = data['charset']
        data['body'] = self.beautify(html.unescape(data['body']), charset)
        data['head'] = self.beautify(data['head'], charset)
        data['text'] = self.beautify(data['text'], charset)
        effect = self.effect_url(data)
        hostname = urlparse(effect).hostname if effect else None
        data['ip'] = socket.gethostbyname(hostname) if hostname else None
        if len(data['body']) <= len('<body></body>'):
            raise ChromeShortException('too short in retry')
        if payload.get('need_screenshot', True):
            screen = self.screenshot(ws, payload.get('shot_quality', 40), payload.get('shot_format', 'jpeg'))
            screen = None
        data['screenshot'] = screen
        current_cookies = self.get_cookies(ws)
        data['cookies'] = current_cookies
        return data
项目:hackpad-email-reader    作者:Stek-io    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def extract_url(self, text):
        Extract Hackpad Archive URL from a text

        :param text:
        :return: the located URL as a string
        archive_url = None
        regexes = [
        for r in regexes:
            matches = r.findall(text)

            if matches:
                archive_url = html.unescape(matches[0])
                self._logger.info("Located download URL: %s" % archive_url)

        return archive_url
项目:multipage_to_book_batch_converter    作者:uml-digitalinitiatives    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_ocr_from_hocr(hocr_file, out_dir):
    """Extract OCR from the Hocr data

    Keyword arguments
    hocr_file -- The HOCR file
    out_dir -- Directory to write OCR file to.
    output_file = os.path.join(out_dir, 'OCR.txt')
    if os.path.exists(output_file) and os.path.isfile(output_file) and options.overwrite:
        logger.debug("{} exists and we are deleting it.".format(output_file))
    if not os.path.exists(output_file):
        logger.debug("Generating OCR.")
        data = ''
        with open(hocr_file, 'r') as fpr:
            data += fpr.read()
        data = html.unescape(blanklines.sub('', htmlmatch.sub('\1', data)))
        with open(output_file, 'w') as fpw:
项目:Tutorial-chatterbot    作者:isipalma    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def unescape_html(chatbot, statement):
    Convert escaped html characters into unescaped html characters.
    For example: "&lt;b&gt;" becomes "<b>".
    import sys

    # Replace HTML escape characters
    if sys.version_info[0] < 3:
        from HTMLParser import HTMLParser
        html = HTMLParser()
        import html

    statement.text = html.unescape(statement.text)

    return statement
项目:ekphrasis    作者:cbaziotis    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def tokenize(self, text):
        escaped = html.unescape(text)
        tokenized = self.tok.findall(escaped)

        if self.verbose:
            self.verbose_text(text, tokenized)

        if self.lowercase:
            tokenized = [t.lower() for t in tokenized]

        return tokenized

# sentences = []

# [print(s) for s in sentences]
# tokenizer = SocialTokenizer(debug=True,verbose=True)
# for s in sentences:
#     tokenizer.tokenize(s)
项目:adhocracy4    作者:liqd    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def react_ratings_render_for_props(rf, user, question):
    request = rf.get('/')
    request.user = user
    template = '{% load react_ratings %}{% react_ratings question %}'
    context = {'request': request, "question": question}

    # normally annotated by queryset
    question.negative_rating_count = 0
    question.positive_rating_count = 0

    content_type = ContentType.objects.get_for_model(question)
    expected = (
        r'^<div data-a4-widget=\"ratings\" data-attributes='

    match = re.match(expected, helpers.render_template(template, context))
    assert match
    assert match.group('props')
    props = json.loads(html.unescape(match.group('props')))
    assert props['contentType'] == content_type.id
    assert props['objectId'] == question.id
    del props['contentType']
    del props['objectId']
    return props
项目:adhocracy4    作者:liqd    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_map_display_point(area_settings):
    point = {'test': [1, 2]}

    template = '{% load maps_tags %}{% map_display_point point polygon %}'
    context = {'point': point, 'polygon': area_settings.polygon}

    expected = (
        r' style="height: 300px"'
        r' data-map="display_point"'
        r' data-baseurl="{baseurl}"'
        r' data-attribution="{attribution}"'
        r' data-point="(?P<point>{{.+}})"'
        r' data-polygon="(?P<polygon>{{.+}})"'

    match = re.match(expected, context))
    assert match
    _point = match.group('point')
    assert json.loads(unescape(_point)) == point
    _polygon = match.group('polygon')
    assert json.loads(unescape(_polygon)) == area_settings.polygon
项目:adhocracy4    作者:liqd    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def react_comment_render_for_props(rf, question):
    request = rf.get('/')
    request.user = user
    template = '{% load react_comments %}{% react_comments question %}'
    context = {'request': request, "question": question}

    content_type = ContentType.objects.get_for_model(question)
    expected = (
        r'^<div data-a4-widget=\"comment\" data-attributes='

    match = re.match(expected, context))
    assert match
    assert match.group('props')
    props = json.loads(html.unescape(match.group('props')))
    assert props['subjectType'] == content_type.id
    assert props['subjectId'] == question.id
    del props['subjectType']
    del props['subjectId']
    return props
项目:dicio    作者:felipemfp    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def search(self, word):
        Search for word.
        if len(word.split()) > 1:
            return None

        _word = Utils.remove_accents(word).strip().lower()
            with self.get(BASE_URL.format(_word)) as request:
                page = html.unescape(request.read().decode(CHARSET))
            return None

        found = Word(word)

        found.meaning = self.scrape_meaning(page)
        found.synonyms = self.scrape_synonyms(page)
        found.extra = self.scrape_extra(page)

        return found
项目:course-data-tools    作者:StoDevX    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def sanitize_for_unicode(string: str):
    # Remove html entities
    string = html.unescape(string)

    string = string.replace('\u0091', '‘')
    string = string.replace('\u0092', '’')
    string = string.replace('\u0093', '“')
    string = string.replace('\u0094', '”')

    string = string.replace('\u0096', '–')
    string = string.replace('\u0097', '—')

    string = string.replace('\u00ad', '-')
    string = string.replace('\u00ae', '®')

    return string
项目:loompy    作者:linnaRSSon-lab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def materialize_attr_values(a: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
    scalar = False
    if np.isscalar(a):
        scalar = True
        a = np.array([a])
    result: np.ndarray = None
    if np.issubdtype(a.dtype, np.string_):
        # First ensure that what we load is valid ascii (i.e. ignore anything outside 7-bit range)
        temp = np.array([x.decode('ascii', 'ignore') for x in a])
        # Then unescape XML entities and convert to unicode
        result = np.array([html.unescape(x) for x in temp.astype(str)], dtype=np.str_)
    elif np.issubdtype(a.dtype, np.str_) or np.issubdtype(a.dtype, np.unicode_):
        result = np.array(a.astype(str), dtype=np.str_)
        result = a
    if scalar:
        return result[0]
        return result
项目:nsfw    作者:vied12    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def process_uba_report(self):
        thresholds = {
            'PM1': THRESHOLD_PM10,
            'NO2': THRESHOLD_NO2,
        count = 0
        for station in list(
                csv.DictReader(self.data.splitlines(), delimiter=';')
            val = int(station['Messwert (in µg/m³)'])
                station = Station.objects.get(id=station['Stationscode'])
            except ObjectDoesNotExist:
                station = Station.objects.create(
            if val >= thresholds[self.kind]:
                count += 1
        print('%s alerts created' % count)
项目:obplayer    作者:openbroadcaster    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_message_text(self, truncate=False):
        text = self.get_parameter("layer:SOREM:1.0:broadcast_Text");
        if not text:
            text = self.description if self.description else self.headline

        if truncate:
            parts = text.split('\n\n', 1)
            text = parts[0]

        text = text.replace('\n', ' ').replace('\r', '')

        if sys.version.startswith('3'):
            import html
            text = html.unescape(text)
            text = text.replace('&apos;', "\'").replace('&quot;', '\"').replace('&amp;', '&').replace('&gt;', '>').replace('&lt;', '<')
        return text
项目:automemer    作者:seanlobo    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _command_details(self, output, link_only=False):
        response = ""
        command = output.get('@mention').split()
        if len(command) != 2:
            response += "command must be in the form `details <meme_url>`\n"
            meme_url = html.unescape(command[1][1:-1])
            meme_data = scrape_reddit.update_reddit_meme(
                self.cursor, self.conn, meme_url, self.lock
            if meme_data is None:
                response += "I Could find any data for this url: `{}`,sorry\n".format(meme_url)
                if link_only:
                    for meme in meme_data:
                        response += meme.get('link') + '\n'
                    for meme in meme_data:
                        for key, val in sorted(meme.items()):
                            response += "`{key}`: {data}\n".format(key=key, data=val)
                        response += '\n'
        return response
项目:slack-today-i-did    作者:eeue56    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def functions_that_return(self, channel: str, text: str) -> ChannelMessages:
        """ give a type,return functions that return things of that type
        func_names = []
        text = text.strip()
        text = html.unescape(text)

        for (name, func) in self.kNown_functions().items():
            if str(func.__annotations__.get('return', None)) == text:
                func_names.append((name, func.__annotations__))

        message = f"The following functions return `{text}`:\n"
        message += '```\n'
        message += '\n'.join(name for (name, type) in func_names)
        message += '\n```'

        return ChannelMessage(channel, message)
项目:docflow    作者:strinking    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_return_values(resp: str) -> Optional[str]:
    Attempts to extract the return values
    from the response body. If this is longer
    than around 250 characters,chances are
    high that it's garbage,meaning that
    no return values were found.

    start = resp.find(RETURN_VALUE_HEADER)
    if start is None:
        return None
    start += len(RETURN_VALUE_HEADER)
    end = resp.find(b"<h3>", start)
    ret_vals = unescape(remove_tags(resp[start:end]))
    return ret_vals if len(ret_vals) < 250 else None
项目:ztool-backhend-mongo    作者:Z-Tool    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_list(items):
        items = eval(items)
        return jsonify(status='error', data={'message': 'items error'}), 400
    # items = items.split(',')
    data = []
    for item in items:
            r = requests.get('https://hacker-news.firebaseio.com/v0/item/' + str(item) + '.json')
        except Exception as e:
            return jsonify(status='error', data={'message': 'request error'}), 400
            result = r.json()
            if result.get('text', None):
                result['text'] = html.unescape(result['text'])
    return jsonify(status='success', data=data)
项目:Harmonbot    作者:Harmon758    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def jeopardy_wait_for_answer(self):
        if self.jeopardy_question_active:
            message = await self.bot.wait_for_message(timeout = clients.wait_time, check = lambda m: self.jeopardy_answer.lower() in [s + m.content.lower() for s in ["", "a ", "an ", "the "]] or m.content.lower() == BeautifulSoup(html.unescape(self.jeopardy_answer.lower()), "html.parser").get_text().lower())
            if message and not message.content.startswith('>'):
                self.jeopardy_answered = message.author

    #jeopardy stats
项目:Harmonbot    作者:Harmon758    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _trivia_countdown(self, answer_message, embed):
        while self.trivia_countdown:
            await asyncio.sleep(1)
            self.trivia_countdown -= 1
            embed.set_footer(text = "You have {} seconds left to answer".format(self.trivia_countdown))
            await self.bot.edit_message(answer_message, embed = embed)

    # url = "http://api.futuretraxex.com/v1/getRandomQuestion
    # await self.bot.say(BeautifulSoup(html.unescape(data["q_text"]),"html.parser").get_text() + "\n1. " + data["q_options_1"] + "\n2. " + data["q_options_2"] + "\n3. " + data["q_options_3"] + "\n4. " + data["q_options_4"])
    # if answer == data["q_correct_option"]:
    # await self.bot.say("The answer was " + str(data["q_correct_option"]) + ". " + data["q_options_" + str(data["q_correct_option"])] + "\n" + correct_players_output)
项目:CorpBot.py    作者:corpnewt    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def cleanjson(self, json):
        json = html.unescape(json)
        # Clean out html formatting
        json = json.replace('_','[blank]')
        json = json.replace('<br>','\n')
        json = json.replace('<br/>','\n')
        json = json.replace('<i>', '*')
        json = json.replace('</i>', '*')
        return json
项目:arch-security-tracker    作者:archlinux    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def advisory_fetch_from_mailman(url):
        response = get(url)
        if 200 != response.status_code:
            return None
        asa = unescape(sub('</?A[^<]*?>', response.text))
        start = '<PRE>'
        start_marker = '{}Arch Linux Security Advisory'.format(start)
        end = '\n-------------- next part --------------'
        asa = asa[asa.index(start_marker) + len(start):asa.index(end)]
        return asa.strip()
    except Exception:
        return None
项目:Ruby-Bot    作者:ahuei123456    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def on_status(self, status):
            text = html.unescape(status.text)

            if is_reply(status):
            if not str(status.user.id) in self.id:

        except Exception as e:
项目:Ruby-Bot    作者:ahuei123456    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def archive(userid, filename='saved.txt'):
    with open(filename, 'a') as save:
        for status in tweepy.Cursor(api_twitter.user_timeline, id=userid).items(200):
项目:Ruby-Bot    作者:ahuei123456    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def encode_info(info_text, data):
    info = ''

    for label in info_text:
            line = label.format(**data) + '\n'
            info += html.unescape(line)
        except AttributeError:

    return info
项目:Ruby-Bot    作者:ahuei123456    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_text(status):
    status = get_status(status)
        status = status.extended_tweet
        text = status['full_text']
        print('tweet is extended (01)')
    except AttributeError:
            text = status.full_text
            print('tweet is extended (02)')
        except AttributeError:
            text = status.text
            print('tweet is not extended')

    return html.unescape(text)
项目:Pyanimelist    作者:GetRektByMe    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def search_all_anime(self, search_query: str) -> List[Anime]:
        A function to get data for all search results from a query
        :param str search_query: is what'll be queried for the search results
        :return: List of anime objects
        :rtype: List
        with aiohttp.ClientSession(auth=self._auth, headers={"User-Agent": self.user_agent}) as session:
            async with session.get(ANIME_SEARCH_URL, params={"q": search_query}) as response:
                # Raise an error if we get the wrong response code
                if response.status != 200:
                    raise ResponseError(response.status)
                response_data = await response.read()
                entries = etree.fromstring(response_data)
                animes = []
                for entry in entries:
                                synopsis=html.unescape(entry.find("synopsis").text.replace("<br />", "").replace("[i]", "").replace("[/i]", "")),
                    except AttributeError:
                return animes
项目:Pyanimelist    作者:GetRektByMe    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def search_all_manga(self, search_query: str) -> List[Manga]:
        A function to get data for all search results from a query
        :param str search_query: is what'll be queried for the search results
        :return: List of anime objects
        :rtype: List
        with aiohttp.ClientSession(auth=self._auth, headers={"User-Agent": self.user_agent}) as session:
            async with session.get(MANGA_SEARCH_URL, params={"q": search_query}) as response:
                # Raise an error if we get the wrong response code
                if response.status != 200:
                    raise ResponseError(response.status)
                response_data = await response.read()
                entries = etree.fromstring(response_data)
                mangas = []
                for entry in entries:
                    except AttributeError:
                return mangas
项目:memes-reposter    作者:vaniakosmos    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, item):
        Meta = self._get_Meta(item)
        url, type, text = Meta['url'], Meta['type'], Meta['text'],

        self.id = item['id']
        self.subreddit = item['subreddit']
        self.title = unescape(item['title'])
        self.score = int(item['score'])
        self.url = url
        self.comments = 'https://redd.it/' + item['id']
        self.created_at = int(item['created_utc'])
        self.type = type
        self.nsfw = item['over_18']
        self.text = text
项目:ChemDataExtractor    作者:mcs07    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _process_name(name):
    """Fix issues with Jochem names."""

    # Unescape HTML entities
    name = unescape(name)

    # Remove bracketed stuff on the end
    name = NG_RE.sub('', name).strip()  # Nomenclature groups
    name = END_RE.sub('', name).strip(',')  # Words
    name = RATIO_RE.sub('',')  # Ratios

    # Remove stuff off start
    name = START_RE.sub('', name).strip()

    # Remove balanced start and end brackets if none in between
    name = BRACKET_RE.sub('\g<1>', name)

    # Un-invert CAS style names
    comps = name.split(',')
    if len(comps) == 2:
        if comps[1].endswith('-'):
            name = comps[0]
            name = '%s%s' % (comps[1], name)
    elif len(comps) > 2:
        name = comps[0]
        for i in range(1, len(comps)):
            if comps[i].endswith('-'):
                name = '%s%s' % (comps[i], name)
                name = '%s %s' % (name, comps[i])
    return name
项目:0ops.exed    作者:whisperaven    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def unescape_html(content):
    if unescape is not None:
        return unescape(content)
        return HTMLParser().unescape(content)
项目:dbapi    作者:acrazing    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def list_comments(self, topic_id, start=0):

        :param topic_id: ??ID
        :param start: ??
        :return: ???????
        xml = self.api.xml(API_GROUP_GET_TOPIC % topic_id, params={'start': start})
        xml_results = xml.xpath('//ul[@id="comments"]/li')
        results = []
        for item in xml_results:
                author_avatar = item.xpath('.//img/@src')[0]
                author_url = item.xpath('.//div[@class="user-face"]/a/@href')[0]
                author_alias = slash_right(author_url)
                author_signature = item.xpath('.//h4/text()')[1].strip()
                author_nickname = item.xpath('.//h4/a/text()')[0].strip()
                created_at = item.xpath('.//h4/span/text()')[0].strip()
                content = etree.tostring(item.xpath('.//div[@class="reply-doc content"]/p')[0]).decode('utf8').strip()
                cid = item.get('id')
                    'id': cid,
                    'author_avatar': author_avatar,
                    'author_url': author_url,
                    'author_alias': author_alias,
                    'author_signature': author_signature,
                    'author_nickname': author_nickname,
                    'created_at': created_at,
                    'content': unescape(content),
            except Exception as e:
                self.api.logger.exception('parse comment exception: %s' % e)
        return build_list_result(results, xml)
项目:peony-twitter    作者:odrling    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def print_rt(self, tweet):
        text = html.unescape(tweet.retweeted_status.text)
        fmt = "@{user.screen_name} RT @{rt.user.screen_name}: {text}"
        return fmt.format(user=tweet.user, rt=tweet.retweeted_status,
项目:peony-twitter    作者:odrling    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def print_tweet(self, tweet):
        text = html.unescape(tweet.text)
        fmt = "@{user.screen_name}: {text}"
        return fmt.format(user=tweet.user, text=text)
项目:peony-twitter    作者:odrling    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def direct_message(self, data):
        dm = data.direct_message
        text = html.unescape(dm.text)
        fmt = "@{sender} ? @{recipient}: {text}\n" + "-" * 10
项目:peony-twitter    作者:odrling    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def favorited(self, data):
        print(data.source.screen_name, "favorited:",
              html.unescape(data.target_object.text) + "\n" + "-" * 10)
项目:peony-twitter    作者:odrling    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_home(**params):
    req = client.api.statuses.home_timeline.get(count=200, **params)
    responses = req.iterator.with_since_id()

    home = []
    async for tweets in responses:
        for tweet in reversed(tweets):
            text = html.unescape(tweet.text)
            print("@{user.screen_name}: {text}".format(user=tweet.user,
            print("-" * 10)

        await asyncio.sleep(180)

    return home

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