
Python scipy.signal 模块-welch() 实例源码

Python scipy.signal 模块,welch() 实例源码


项目:droppy    作者:BV-DR    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def getPSD( df , dw = 0.05, roverlap = 0.5, window='hanning', detrend='constant') :
      Compute the power spectral density

   if type(df) == pd.Series : df = pd.DataFrame(df)

   nfft = int ( (2*pi / dw) / dx(df) )
   nperseg = 2**int(log(nfft)/log(2))
   noverlap = nperseg * roverlap

   """ Return the PSD of a time signal """
   try : 
      from scipy.signal import welch
   except :
      raise Exception("Welch function not found,please install scipy > 0.12")

   data = []
   for iSig in range(df.shape[1]) :
      test = welch( df.values[:,iSig]  , fs = 1. / dx(df) , window=window, nperseg=nperseg, noverlap=noverlap, nfft=nfft, detrend=detrend, return_onesided=True, scaling='density')
      data.append( test[1] / (2*pi) )
   xAxis = test[0][:] * 2*pi
   return pd.DataFrame( data = np.transpose(data), index = xAxis , columns = [ "psd("+ str(x) +")" for  x in df.columns ]  )
项目:Epileptic-Seizure-Prediction    作者:cedricsimar    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def compute_power_spectral_density(self, windowed_signal):

        # Windowed signal of shape [channel][sample] [16 x 12000]
        ret = []

        # Welch parameters
        sliding_window = 512
        overlap = 0.25
        n_overlap = int(sliding_window * overlap)

        # compute psd using Welch method
        freqs, power = signal.welch(windowed_signal, fs=SAMPLING_FREQUENCY,
                                    nperseg=sliding_window, noverlap=n_overlap)

        for psd_freq in PSD_FREQ:
            tmp = (freqs >= psd_freq[0]) & (freqs < psd_freq[1])

        return(np.log(np.array(ret) / np.sum(ret, axis=0)))
项目:brainpipe    作者:EtienneCmb    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get(self, x, **kwargs):
        # Check size of x:
        if len(x.shape) == 1:
            x = x.reshape(1, len(x), 1)
        elif len(x.shape) == 2:
            x = x[np.newaxis, ...]
        self._nelec, self._npts, self._ntrials = x.shape

        # Split x in window:
        if self._window is not None:
            x = np.transpose(
                np.array([x[:, k[0]:k[1], :] for k in self._window]), (
                                                           1, 2, 0, 3))

        # Compute PSD:
        return welch(x, fs=self._sf, axis=1, **kwargs)
项目:d3-su-picker    作者:sanandak    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def getPSD(self, ens):
        Calculate and return average power spectral density for ensemble
        `ens` using Welch's method
        print('in getpsd,ens=', ens, self)
        if not self.segyfile:
            raise Exception("File not opened")
        enstrcs = [t for t in self.segyfile.traces if t.header.original_field_record_number == ens]
        psds = [sig.welch(t.data, fs=1/self.dt, scaling='spectrum') for t in enstrcs]
        # psds is [(f,psd),(f,psd)...]
        freqs = psds[0][0]
        psdonly = [p for (f, p) in psds]
        psdonly = np.array(psdonly).transpose()
        psdavg = np.mean(psdonly, 1)
        print(freqs.shape, psdavg.shape)
        return(freqs, psdavg)
项目:mne-hcp    作者:mne-tools    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def plot_psd(X, label, Fs, nfft, color=None):

    freqs, psd = welch(X, fs=Fs, nperseg=nfft,
                       noverlap=int(nfft * 0.8))
    freqs = freqs[freqs > 0]
    psd = psd[freqs > 0]
    plt.plot(np.log10(freqs), 10 * np.log10(psd.ravel()), label=label,

# Now we read in the data
# Then we plot the power spectrum of the MEG and reference channels,
# apply the reference correction and add the resulting cleaned MEG channels
# to our comparison.
项目:piradar    作者:scivision    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def cwplot(fb_est,rx,t,fs:int,fn) -> None:
#%% time
    fg,axs = subplots(1,2,figsize=(12,6))
    ax = axs[0]
    ax.plot(t, rx.T.real)
    ax.set_xlabel('time [sec]')
    ax.set_title('Noisy,jammed receive signal')
    #%% periodogram
    if DTPG >= (t[-1]-t[0]):
        dt = (t[-1]-t[0])/4
        dt = DTPG

    dtw = 2*dt #  seconds to window
    tstep = ceil(dt*fs)
    wind = ceil(dtw*fs);
    nfft = zeropadfactor*wind

    f,Sraw = signal.welch(rx.ravel(), fs,

    if np.iscomplex(rx).any():
        f = np.fft.fftshift(f); Sraw = np.fft.fftshift(Sraw)

    ax.plot(f,Sraw,'r',label='raw signal')

    fc_est = f[Sraw.argmax()]

    ax.set_xlabel('frequency [Hz]')


    if fn is None: # simulation
        ax.axvline(ft+fb0,color='red',linestyle='--',label='true freq.')
        esttxt += f'true: {ft+fb0} Hz '

    for e in fb_est:
        ax.axvline(e,color='blue',label='est. freq.')

    esttxt += ' est: ' + str(fb_est) +' Hz'

项目:decoding_challenge_cortana_2016_3rd    作者:kingjr    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _psd_welch(x, sfreq, fmin=0, fmax=np.inf, n_fft=256, n_overlap=0,
    """Compute power spectral density (PSD) using Welch's method.

    x : array,shape=(...,n_times)
        The data to compute PSD from.
    sfreq : float
        The sampling frequency.
    fmin : float
        The lower frequency of interest.
    fmax : float
        The upper frequency of interest.
    n_fft : int
        The length of the tapers ie. the windows. The smaller
        it is the smoother are the PSDs. The default value is 256.
        If ``n_fft > len(inst.times)``,it will be adjusted down to
    n_overlap : int
        The number of points of overlap between blocks. Will be adjusted
        to be <= n_fft. The default value is 0.
    n_jobs : int
        Number of cpus to use in the computation.

    psds : ndarray,shape (...,n_freqs) or
        The power spectral densities. All dimensions up to the last will
        be the same as input.
    freqs : ndarray,shape (n_freqs,)
        The frequencies.
    from scipy.signal import welch
    dshape = x.shape[:-1]
    n_times = x.shape[-1]
    x = x.reshape(-1, n_times)

    # Prep the PSD
    n_fft, n_overlap = _check_nfft(n_times, n_fft, n_overlap)
    win_size = n_fft / float(sfreq)
    logger.info("Effective window size : %0.3f (s)" % win_size)
    freqs = np.arange(n_fft // 2 + 1, dtype=float) * (sfreq / n_fft)
    freq_mask = (freqs >= fmin) & (freqs <= fmax)
    freqs = freqs[freq_mask]

    # Parallelize across first N-1 dimensions
    parallel, my_pwelch, n_jobs = parallel_func(_pwelch, n_jobs=n_jobs)
    x_splits = np.array_split(x, n_jobs)
    f_psd = parallel(my_pwelch(d, noverlap=n_overlap, nfft=n_fft,
                     fs=sfreq, freq_mask=freq_mask,
                     for d in x_splits)

    # Combining/reshaping to original data shape
    psds = np.concatenate(f_psd, axis=0)
    psds = psds.reshape(np.hstack([dshape, -1]))
    return psds, freqs

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