
Python scipy.signal 模块-blackman() 实例源码

Python scipy.signal 模块,blackman() 实例源码


项目:NetPower_Testbed    作者:Vignesh2208    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def getFFT(signal,T):

    N = len(signal)
    xf = np.linspace(0.0, 1.0/(2.0*float(T)), N/2)
    w = blackman(N)
    ffts = []
    sfft = fft(np.array(signal)*w)

    return xf,sfft
项目:NetPower_Testbed    作者:Vignesh2208    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def getFFT(signal,sfft
项目:QuantumClassicalDynamics    作者:dibondar    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def plot_spectrum(sys):
    Plot the High Harmonic Generation spectrum
    # Power spectrum emitted is calculated using the Larmor formula
    #   (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Larmor_formula)
    # which says that the power emitted is proportional to the square of the acceleration
    # i.e.,the RHS of the second Ehrenfest theorem

    N = len(sys.P_average_RHS)
    k = np.arange(N)

    # frequency range
    omegas = (k - N / 2) * np.pi / (0.5 * sys.t)

    # spectra of the
    spectrum = np.abs(
        # used windows fourier transform to calculate the spectra
        # rhttp://docs.scipy.org/doc/scipy/reference/tutorial/fftpack.html
        fftpack.fft((-1) ** k * blackman(N) * sys.P_average_RHS)
    ) ** 2
    spectrum /= spectrum.max()

    plt.semilogy(omegas / sys.omega_laser, spectrum)
    plt.ylabel('spectrum (arbitrary units)')
    plt.xlabel('frequency / $\\omega_L$')
    plt.xlim([0, 45.])
    plt.ylim([1e-15, 1.])
项目:qudi    作者:Ulm-IQO    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_ft_windows():
    """ Retrieve the available windows to be applied on signal data before FT.

    @return: dict with keys being the window name and items being again a dict
             containing the actual function and the normalization factor to
             calculate correctly the amplitude spectrum in the Fourier Transform

    To find out the amplitude normalization factor check either the scipy
    implementation on
    or just perform a sum of the window (oscillating parts of the window should
    be averaged out and constant offset factor will remain):
        MM=1000000  # choose a big number

    win = {'none': {'func': np.ones, 'ampl_norm': 1.0},
           'hamming': {'func': signal.hamming, 'ampl_norm': 1.0/0.54},
           'hann': {'func': signal.hann, 'ampl_norm': 1.0/0.5},
           'blackman': {'func': signal.blackman, 'ampl_norm': 1.0/0.42},
           'triang': {'func': signal.triang,
           'flattop': {'func': signal.flattop, 'ampl_norm': 1.0/0.2156},
           'bartlett': {'func': signal.bartlett,
           'parzen': {'func': signal.parzen, 'ampl_norm': 1.0/0.375},
           'bohman': {'func': signal.bohman, 'ampl_norm': 1.0/0.4052847},
           'blackmanharris': {'func': signal.blackmanharris, 'ampl_norm': 1.0/0.35875},
           'nuttall': {'func': signal.nuttall, 'ampl_norm': 1.0/0.3635819},
           'barthann': {'func': signal.barthann, 'ampl_norm': 1.0/0.5}}
    return win
项目:pit-speech-separation    作者:snsun    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def stft(time_signal, time_dim=None, size=1024, shift=256,
         window=signal.blackman, fading=True, window_length=None):
    Calculates the short time Fourier transformation of a multi channel multi
    speaker time signal. It is able to add additional zeros for fade-in and
    fade out and should yield an STFT signal which allows perfect

    :param time_signal: multi channel time signal.
    :param time_dim: Scalar dim of time.
        Default: None means the biggest dimension
    :param size: Scalar FFT-size.
    :param shift: Scalar FFT-shift. Typically shift is a fraction of size.
    :param window: Window function handle.
    :param fading: Pads the signal with zeros for better reconstruction.
    :param window_length: Sometimes one desires to use a shorter window than
        the fft size. In that case,the window is padded with zeros.
        The default is to use the fft-size as a window size.
    :return: Single channel complex STFT signal
        with dimensions frames times size/2+1.
    if time_dim is None:
        time_dim = np.argmax(time_signal.shape)

    # Pad with zeros to have enough samples for the window function to fade.
    if fading:
        pad = [(0, 0)] * time_signal.ndim
        pad[time_dim] = [size - shift, size - shift]
        time_signal = np.pad(time_signal, pad, mode='constant')

    # Pad with trailing zeros,to have an integral number of frames.
    frames = _samples_to_stft_frames(time_signal.shape[time_dim], size, shift)
    samples = _stft_frames_to_samples(frames, shift)
    pad = [(0, 0)] * time_signal.ndim
    pad[time_dim] = [0, samples - time_signal.shape[time_dim]]
    time_signal = np.pad(time_signal, mode='constant')

    if window_length is None:
        window = window(size)
        window = window(window_length)
        window = np.pad(window, (0, size - window_length), mode='constant')

    time_signal_seg = segment_axis(time_signal,
                                   size - shift, axis=time_dim)

    letters = string.ascii_lowercase
    mapping = letters[:time_signal_seg.ndim] + ',' + letters[time_dim + 1] \
              + '->' + letters[:time_signal_seg.ndim]

    return rfft(np.einsum(mapping, time_signal_seg, window),
                axis=time_dim + 1)
项目:pit-speech-separation    作者:snsun    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def istft(stft_signal,
          window=signal.blackman, window_length=None):
    Calculated the inverse short time Fourier transform to exactly reconstruct
    the time signal.

    :param stft_signal: Single channel complex STFT signal
        with dimensions frames times size/2+1.
    :param size: Scalar FFT-size.
    :param shift: Scalar FFT-shift. Typically shift is a fraction of size.
    :param window: Window function handle.
    :param fading: Removes the additional padding,if done during STFT.
    :param window_length: Sometimes one desires to use a shorter window than
        the fft size. In that case,the window is padded with zeros.
        The default is to use the fft-size as a window size.
    :return: Single channel complex STFT signal
    :return: Single channel time signal.
    assert stft_signal.shape[1] == size // 2 + 1

    if window_length is None:
        window = window(size)
        window = window(window_length)
        window = np.pad(window, mode='constant')

    window = _biorthogonal_window_loopy(window, shift)

    # Why? Line created by Hai,Lukas does not kNow,why it exists.
    window *= size

    time_signal = scipy.zeros(stft_signal.shape[0] * shift + size - shift)

    for j, i in enumerate(range(0, len(time_signal) - size + shift, shift)):
        time_signal[i:i + size] += window * np.real(irfft(stft_signal[j]))

    # Compensate fade-in and fade-out
    if fading:
        time_signal = time_signal[
                      size - shift:len(time_signal) - (size - shift)]

    return time_signal
项目:nn_mask    作者:ZitengWang    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def stft(time_signal,the window is padded with zeros.
        The default is to use the fft-size as a window size.
    :return: Single channel complex STFT signal
        with dimensions frames times size/2+1.
    if time_dim is None:
        time_dim = np.argmax(time_signal.shape)
    # Pad with zeros to have enough samples for the window function to fade.
    if fading:
        pad = [(0,0)] * time_signal.ndim
        pad[time_dim] = [size - shift,size - shift]
        time_signal = np.pad(time_signal,pad,mode='constant')
    # Pad with trailing zeros,
                axis=time_dim + 1)
项目:nn_mask    作者:ZitengWang    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def istft(stft_signal, signal_len, shift)):
        time_signal[i:i + size] += window * np.real(irfft(stft_signal[j]))
    time_signal = time_signal[0:signal_len]
    # Compensate fade-in and fade-out
    #if fading:
    #    time_signal = time_signal[
    #                  size - shift:len(time_signal) - (size - shift)]

    return time_signal
项目:nn-gev    作者:fgnt    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def stft(time_signal,
                axis=time_dim + 1)
项目:nn-gev    作者:fgnt    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def istft(stft_signal, shift)):
        time_signal[i:i + size] += window * np.real(irfft(stft_signal[j]))

    # Compensate fade-in and fade-out
    if fading:
        time_signal = time_signal[
                      size - shift:len(time_signal) - (size - shift)]

    return time_signal

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