
Python scipy.signal 模块-lombscargle() 实例源码

Python scipy.signal 模块,lombscargle() 实例源码


项目:CerebralCortex-2.0-legacy    作者:MD2Korg    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def lomb(data: List[DataPoint],
         low_frequency: float,
         high_frequency: float):
    Lomb–Scargle periodogram implementation
    :param data: List[DataPoint]
    :param high_frequency: float
    :param low_frequency: float
    :return lomb-scargle pgram and frequency values

    time_stamps = np.array([dp.start_time.timestamp() for dp in data])
    samples = np.array([dp.sample for dp in data])
    frequency_range = np.linspace(low_frequency, high_frequency, len(data))
    result = signal.lombscargle(time_stamps, samples, frequency_range)
    return result, frequency_range
项目:astrobase    作者:waqasbhatti    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_frequency_grid(times,
    '''This calculates a frequency grid for the period finding functions in this

    Based on the autofrequency function in astropy.stats.lombscargle.



    baseline = times.max() - times.min()
    nsamples = times.size

    df = 1. / baseline / samplesperpeak

    if minfreq is not None:
        f0 = minfreq
        f0 = 0.5 * df

    if maxfreq is not None:
        Nf = int(npceil((maxfreq - f0) / df))
        Nf = int(0.5 * samplesperpeak * nyquistfactor * nsamples)

    if returnf0dfnf:
        return f0, df, Nf, f0 + df * nparange(Nf)
        return f0 + df * nparange(Nf)

## DWORETSKY STRING LENGTH (Dworetsky+ 1983) ##
##     (don't use this -- it's very slow)    ##
项目:astrobase    作者:waqasbhatti    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def parallel_scipylsp_worker(task):
    This is a worker to wrap the scipy lombscargle function.


        return lombscargle(*task)
    except Exception as e:
        return npnan
项目:lombscargle    作者:jakevdp    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def lombscargle_scipy(t, y, frequency, normalization='normalized',
    """Lomb-Scargle Periodogram

    This is a wrapper of ``scipy.signal.lombscargle`` for computation of the
    Lomb-Scargle periodogram. This is a relatively fast version of the naive
    O[N^2] algorithm,but cannot handle heteroskedastic errors.

    t,y: array_like
        times,values,and errors of the data points. These should be
        broadcastable to the same shape.
    frequency : array_like
        frequencies (not angular frequencies) at which to calculate periodogram
    normalization : string (optional,default='normalized')
        normalization to use for the periodogram
        Todo: figure out what options to use
    center_data : bool (optional,default=True)
        if True,pre-center the data by subtracting the weighted mean
        of the input data.

    power : array_like
        Lomb-Scargle power associated with each frequency.
        Units of the result depend on the normalization.

    .. [1] M. Zechmeister and M. Kurster,A&A 496,577-584 (2009)
    .. [2] W. Press et al,Numerical Recipies in C (2002)
    .. [3] Scargle,J.D. 1982,ApJ 263:835-853
    if not HAS_SCIPY:
        raise ValueError("scipy must be installed to use lombscargle_scipy")

    t, y = np.broadcast_arrays(t, y)
    frequency = np.asarray(frequency)
    assert t.ndim == 1
    assert frequency.ndim == 1

    if center_data:
        y = y - y.mean()

    # Note: scipy input accepts angular frequencies
    p = signal.lombscargle(t, 2 * np.pi * frequency)

    if normalization == 'unnormalized':
    elif normalization == 'normalized':
        p *= 2 / (t.size * np.mean(y ** 2))
        raise ValueError("normalization='{0}' "
                         "not recognized".format(normalization))
    return p
项目:Orbit-Fitting    作者:jacob-i-skinner    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def periodogram(x, rv, f, max_period):
    Computes a Lomb-Scargle Periodogram of the input RV data.
    This was adapted from Jake Vanderplas' article "Fast Lomb-Scargle Periodograms in Python."

    x : list
        The times at which the data points were gathered.

    rv : list
        The values of the measurand at the corresponding time,x.

    f : float
        The number of samples to take over the interval.

    max_period : float
        The maximum of the interval of periods to check.

    periods : array_like[len(f)]
        Equally spaced array of possible period values.

    powers : array_like[len(f)]
        The calculated Power values over the range of periods,
        these form the normalized Lomb-Scargle Periodogram.

    delta_x : float
        The smallest separation between two values in x.

    from scipy.signal import lombscargle

    # Sort the time data chronologically.
    x = np.sort(np.array(x))
    rv = np.array(rv)

    # Start delta_x very large
    delta_x = np.inf

    # Iteratively lower delta_x
    for i in range(0, len(x)-2):        
        if x[i+1]-x[i] < delta_x and x[i+1]-x[i] != 0:
            delta_x = x[i+1]-x[i]

    # Compute the periodogram
    periods = np.linspace(delta_x, max_period, num = f)
    ang_freqs = 2 * pi / periods
    powers = lombscargle(x, rv - rv.mean(), ang_freqs)
    powers *= 2 / (len(x) * rv.std() ** 2)

    return periods, powers, delta_x
项目:Orbit-Fitting    作者:jacob-i-skinner    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def dataWindow(x, max_period):
    Computes a data window of the dataset. That is,a periodogram with
    the all of the RV values and variances set to 1.

    x : list
        The times at which the data points were gathered.

    f : float
        The number of samples to take over the interval.

    max_period : float
        The maximum of the interval of periods to check.

    periods : array_like[len(f)]
        Equally spaced array of possible period values.

    powers : array_like[len(f)]
        The calculated Power values over the range of periods,
        these form the normalized Lomb-Scargle Periodogram.

    from scipy.signal import lombscargle

    # Sort the time data chronologically.
    x = np.sort(np.array(x))
    delta_x = np.inf

    # Iteratively lower the measure delta_x
    for i in range(0, len(x)-2):
        if x[i+1]-x[i] < delta_x and x[i+1]-x[i] != 0:
            delta_x = x[i+1]-x[i]

    periods = np.linspace(delta_x, np.ones(len(x)), ang_freqs)
    powers *= 2 / len(x)

    return periods, powers

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