
Python discord 模块-ClientException() 实例源码

Python discord 模块,ClientException() 实例源码


项目:Luna    作者:Moonlington    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def join(self, *, channel: discord.Channel):
        """Joins a voice channel."""
            await self.bot.create_voice_client(channel)
        except discord.InvalidArgument:
            out = await self.bot.say('This is not a voice channel...')
            await asyncio.sleep(5)
                await self.bot.delete_messages([ctx.message, out])
        except discord.ClientException:
            out = await self.bot.say('Already in a voice channel...')
            await asyncio.sleep(5)
                await self.bot.delete_messages([ctx.message, out])
            out = await self.bot.say('Ready to play audio in ' + channel.name)
            await asyncio.sleep(5)
                await self.bot.delete_messages([ctx.message, out])
项目:TnyBot-discord    作者:00firestar00    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def load_cogs(self, cogs: List):
        for cog, kwargs in cogs:
                # This is taken from self.load_extensions but allows kwargs to be passed
                if cog in self.extensions:

                lib = importlib.import_module("src." + cog)
                if not hasattr(lib, 'setup'):
                    del lib
                    del sys.modules[cog]
                    raise discord.ClientException("extension does not have a setup function")

                lib.setup(self, kwargs)
                self.extensions[cog] = lib
            except Exception as e:
                print('Failed to load extension {}\n{}: {}'.format(cog, type(e).__name__, e))
项目:Pixie    作者:GetRektByMe    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def run(self):
        # We load plugins in run rather than on_ready due to on_ready being able to be called multiple times
        for plugin in plugins:
            # We try to load the extension,and we account for if it fails
                self.logger.info("{0} has been loaded".format(plugin))
            # Except discord.ClientException so it doesn't fail to load all cogs when a cog doesn't have a setup function
            except discord.ClientException:
                self.logger.critical("{0} does not have a setup function!".format(plugin))
            # Except import error (importlib raises this) so bot doesn't crash when it's raised
            except ImportError as IE:
        # We check if discord.opus is loaded,despite it not having a reason to be
        if not discord.opus.is_loaded():
            # Load discord.opus so we can use voice
            self.logger.info("Opus has been loaded")
项目:CorpBot.py    作者:corpnewt    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def join(self, ctx, channel : discord.Channel):
        """Joins a voice channel."""
            await self.create_voice_client(channel)
        except discord.ClientException:
            await self.bot.say('Already in a voice channel...')
        except discord.InvalidArgument:
            await self.bot.say('This is not a voice channel...')
            await self.bot.say('Ready to play audio in ' + channel.name)
项目:Ruby-Bot    作者:ahuei123456    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def join(self, channel: discord.Channel):
        """Joins a voice channel."""
            await self.create_voice_client(channel)
        except discord.ClientException:
            await self.bot.say('Already in a voice channel...')
        except discord.InvalidArgument:
            await self.bot.say('This is not a voice channel...')
            await self.bot.say('Ready to play audio in ' + channel.name)
项目:Sparcli    作者:4Kaylum    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def joinVC(self, toJoin, channel=None):
        Joins a given voice channel.
        Will join the VC of a member if a member is passed.

        if channel == None:
            channel = self.lastChannel

        # Join a channel if specified
        if type(toJoin) == Channel:
            loadedVC = self.sparcli.join_voice_channel(toJoin)
            self.voiceClient = loadedVC
            return loadedVC

        # No channel specified,join the user's VC
        memberVC = toJoin.voice.voice_channel
        if memberVC == None:
            await self.sparcli.send_message(channel, 'You aren\'t currently in a voice channel.')
            return False

        # Join the member's VC
            # Try to join
            loadedVC = await self.sparcli.join_voice_channel(memberVC)
            self.voiceClient = loadedVC
            return loadedVC

        except ClientException:
            # You're already in it
            loadedVC = self.sparcli.voice_client_in(toJoin.server)
            self.voiceClient = loadedVC
            return loadedVC

            # You can't join it
            await self.sparcli.send_message(channel, 'I am unable to join that voice channel.')
            return False
项目:clifford-discord-bot    作者:jwill89    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def join_voice(self, channel: discord.Channel):
        """Joins a voice channel."""
            await self.create_voice_client(channel)
        except discord.ClientException:
            await self.bot.say('Already in a voice channel...')
        except discord.InvalidArgument:
            await self.bot.say('This is not a voice channel...')
            await self.bot.say('Ready to play audio in ' + channel.name)
项目:FalltoSkyBot    作者:Sakiut    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def join(self, channel : discord.Channel):
        """Rejoindre un channel vocal"""
            await self.create_voice_client(channel)
        except discord.ClientException:
            await self.bot.say('Already in a voice channel...')
        except discord.InvalidArgument:
            await self.bot.say('This is not a voice channel...')
            await self.bot.say('Ready to play audio in ' + channel.name)
项目:apex-sigma-core    作者:lu-ci    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def send_to_channels(ev, embed, marker, triggers=None):
    channels = await get_channels(ev, marker)
    for channel in channels:
            if triggers:
                mentions = await get_triggers(ev.db, triggers, channel.guild)
                if mentions:
                    mentions = ' '.join(mentions)
                    await channel.send(mentions, embed=embed)
                    await channel.send(embed=embed)
                await channel.send(embed=embed)
        except discord.ClientException:
项目:apex-sigma-core    作者:lu-ci    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def afk_comeback_check(ev, message):
    if message.guild:
        pfx = await ev.bot.get_prefix(message)
        if not message.content.startswith(pfx):
            if not sigma_mention_check(message.content, ev.bot.user.id):
                afk_data = await ev.db[ev.db.db_cfg.database]['AwayUsers'].find_one({'UserID': message.author.id})
                if afk_data:
                    await ev.db[ev.db.db_cfg.database]['AwayUsers'].delete_one({'UserID': message.author.id})
                    response = discord.Embed(color=0x3B88C3, title='? I have removed your AFK status.')
                    removal = await message.channel.send(embed=response)
                    await asyncio.sleep(5)
                        await removal.delete()
                    except discord.ClientException:
项目:apex-sigma-core    作者:lu-ci    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def clockwork_function_reminder_clockwork(ev):
    while True:
        reminders = await ev.db[ev.db.db_cfg.database]['Reminders'].find({}).to_list(None)
        for reminder in reminders:
            current_stamp = arrow.utcNow().timestamp
            execution_stamp = reminder['ExecutionStamp']
            if current_stamp > execution_stamp:
                await ev.db[ev.db.db_cfg.database]['Reminders'].delete_one({'ReminderID': reminder['ReminderID']})
                channel = discord.utils.find(lambda x: x.id == reminder['ChannelID'], ev.bot.get_all_channels())
                author = discord.utils.find(lambda x: x.id == reminder['UserID'], ev.bot.get_all_members())
                if channel:
                    target = channel
                elif author:
                    target = author
                    target = None
                if target:
                    dt_stamp = arrow.get(reminder['CreationStamp']).datetime
                    title = f'? Your Reminder'
                    response = discord.Embed(color=0xff3333, title=title, timestamp=dt_stamp)
                    response.description = reminder.get('TextMessage')
                    if author:
                        response.set_author(name=author.name, icon_url=user_avatar(author))
                    response.set_footer(text=f'Reminder: {reminder.get("ReminderID")}')
                        if author:
                            await target.send(f'{author.mention},your reminder executed.', embed=response)
                            await target.send(embed=response)
                    except discord.ClientException:
        await asyncio.sleep(1)
项目:Red_Star    作者:medeor413    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def connect(self, data):
            Connect to a channel in the specific server,or move if already in vc
            :param: false or default channel id
            :param data: message data to get author out of
            :return: True if connected,False if something went wrong
                m_channel = self.parent.channel_manager.get_channel(self.guild, "voice_music")
            except ChannelNotFoundError:
                m_channel = None
            except AttributeError:
                self.parent.logger.error("Failed to get channel.")
                m_channel = None
            if not m_channel and data.author.voice and data.author.voice.channel:
                m_channel = data.author.voice.channel
            elif not m_channel:
                raise UserPermissionError("Must be in voice chat.")
            self.vc = data.guild.voice_client
            if self.vc:
                await self.vc.move_to(m_channel)
                return m_channel
            perms = m_channel.permissions_for(self.guild.me)
            if perms.connect and perms.speak and perms.use_voice_activation:
                    self.vc = await m_channel.connect()
                    if self.queue:
                        await self.skip_song(data)
                    return m_channel
                except(InvalidArgument, ClientException):
                    self.parent.logger.exception("Error connecting to voice chat. ", exc_info=True)
                    return False
                return False
项目:dogbot    作者:slice    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def join(self, ctx):
        """Summons the bot to your voice channel."""
        msg = await ctx.send('\N{RUNNER} Connecting to voice...')

        state = self.state_for(ctx.guild)

        # already connected?
        if state.connected:
            return await msg.edit(content='I\'m already playing music in `{}`.'.format(state.channel))

        # can't join if we aren't in a voice channel.
        if ctx.author.voice is None:
            return await msg.edit(content='I can\'t join you if you aren\'t in a voice channel.')

        # the channel that the command invoker is in
        ch = ctx.author.voice.channel

        # check if we can join that channel.
        if not ctx.guild.me.permissions_in(ch).connect:
            return await msg.edit(content='\N{LOCK} I can\'t connect to that channel.')

            log.debug('Connecting to %s.', ch)
            await ch.connect()
        except TimeoutError:
            await msg.edit(content='\N{ALARM CLOCK} Couldn\'t connect,I took too long to reach discord\'s servers.')
            log.warning('Timed out while connecting to discord\'s voice servers.')
        except ClientException:
            await msg.edit(content='\N{CONFUSED FACE} I\'m already connected.')
            log.warning('I Couldn\'t detect being connected.')
            await msg.edit(content='\N{OK HAND SIGN} Connected!')
项目:csss-minion    作者:henrymzhao    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def join(self, channel : discord.Channel):
        """Joins a voice channel."""
        if str(ctx.message.author.voice_channel) is not null or str(ctx.message.author.voice_channel.id) != self.bot.music_channel:
            await self.embed_for_me('I can only play in Music voicechannel. This is '+str(ctx.message.author.voice_channel),ctx)
            return False

            await self.create_voice_client(channel)
        except discord.ClientException:
            await self.embed_for_me('Already in a voice channel...',ctx)
        except discord.InvalidArgument:
            await self.embed_for_me('This is not a voice channel...',ctx)
            await self.embed_for_me('Ready to play audio in '+channel.name,ctx)
项目:Chiaki-Nanami    作者:Ikusaba-san    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def add_cog(self, cog):
        if not isinstance(cog, Cog):
            raise discord.ClientException(f'cog must be an instance of {Cog.__qualname__}')

        # cog aliases
        for alias in cog.__aliases__:
            if alias in self.cog_aliases:
                raise discord.ClientException(f'"{alias}" already has a cog registered')
            self.cog_aliases[alias.lower()] = cog

        cog_name = cog.__class__.__name__
        self.cog_aliases[cog.__class__.name.lower()] = self.cogs[cog_name.lower()] = self.cogs.pop(cog_name)
项目:TnyBot-discord    作者:00firestar00    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def join(self, channel: discord.Channel):
        """Joins a voice channel."""
            await self.create_voice_client(channel)
        except discord.InvalidArgument:
            await self.bot.say("This is not a voice channel...")
        except discord.ClientException:
            await self.bot.say("Already in a voice channel...")
            await self.bot.say("Ready to play audio in " + channel.name)
项目:bonfire    作者:Phxntxm    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def create_voice_client(self, channel):
        """Creates a voice client and saves it"""
        # First join the channel and get the VoiceClient that we'll use to save per server
        await self.remove_voice_client(channel.server)

        server = channel.server
        state = self.get_voice_state(server)
        voice = self.bot.voice_client_in(server)
        # Attempt 3 times
        for i in range(3):
                if voice is None:
                    state.voice = await self.bot.join_voice_channel(channel)
                    if state.voice:
                        return True
                elif voice.channel == channel:
                    state.voice = voice
                    return True
                    # This shouldn't theoretically ever happen yet it does. Thanks discord
                    await voice.disconnect()
                    state.voice = await self.bot.join_voice_channel(channel)
                    if state.voice:
                        return True
            except (discord.ClientException, socket.gaierror, ConnectionResetError):

        return False
项目:main_bot    作者:PythonBuddies    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def load_cog(cog):
        print('Loaded {0}'.format(cog))
    except (ImportError, discord.ClientException) as e:
        print('Failed to load cog {0}\n{1}: {2}'.format(
            cog, e))
项目:snake    作者:AnonymousDapper    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def join(self, channel : discord.Channel):
      await self.create_client(channel)
    except discord.ClientException:
      await self.bot.say("\N{CROSS MARK} already in a voice channel")
    except discord.InvalidArgument:
      await self.bot.say("\N{CROSS MARK} no a valid voice channel")
      await self.bot.say("Joined **{}** in **{}**".format(channel.name, channel.server.name))
项目:snake    作者:AnonymousDapper    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def load_extension(self, extension_name):
        for shard in self.shards.values():
            if extension_name in shard.extensions:
                ext_lib = import_module(extension_name)

                if not hasattr(ext_lib, "setup"):
                    del ext_lib
                    del sys.modules[extension_name]
                    raise discord.ClientException("extension does not have a setup function")

                shard.extensions[extension_name] = ext_lib
                self.extensions[extension_name] = ext_lib
项目:nyx    作者:Cappycot    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def add_cog(self, cog):
        lower_name = type(cog).__name__.lower()
        if lower_name in self.lower_cogs:
            raise ClientException(
                "The cog {} is already registered.".format(lower_name))
        self.lower_cogs[lower_name] = cog
项目:apex-sigma-plugins    作者:lu-ci    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def afk_comeback_check(ev, message):
    if message.guild:
        if not message.content.startswith(ev.bot.get_prefix(message)):
            afk_data = ev.db[ev.db.db_cfg.database]['AwayUsers'].find_one({'UserID': message.author.id})
            if afk_data:
                ev.db[ev.db.db_cfg.database]['AwayUsers'].delete_one({'UserID': message.author.id})
                response = discord.Embed(color=0x3B88C3, title='? I have removed your AFK status.')
                removal = await message.channel.send(embed=response)
                await asyncio.sleep(5)
                    await removal.delete()
                except discord.ClientException:
项目:apex-sigma-plugins    作者:lu-ci    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def clockwork_function_reminder_clockwork(ev):
    while True:
        reminders = ev.db[ev.db.db_cfg.database]['Reminders'].find({})
        for reminder in reminders:
            current_stamp = arrow.utcNow().timestamp
            execution_stamp = reminder['ExecutionStamp']
            if current_stamp > execution_stamp:
                ev.db[ev.db.db_cfg.database]['Reminders'].delete_one({'ReminderID': reminder['ReminderID']})
                channel = discord.utils.find(lambda x: x.id == reminder['ChannelID'], ev.bot.get_all_members())
                if channel:
                    target = channel
                elif author:
                    target = author
                    target = None
                if target:
                    response = discord.Embed(color=0x1ABC9C, timestamp=arrow.get(reminder['CreationStamp']).datetime)
                    if author:
                        response.set_author(name=author.name, icon_url=user_avatar(author))
                    response.add_field(name='? Reminder Message', value=f"```\n{reminder['TextMessage']}\n```")
                        if author:
                            await target.send(author.mention, embed=response)
                            await target.send(embed=response)
                    except discord.ClientException:
        await asyncio.sleep(1)
项目:Pixie    作者:GetRektByMe    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def join_vc_and_play_stream(self, channel: discord.Channel = None):
        """Has the bot join a voice channel and also starts the stream from listen.moe"""
            # Because the bot needs a channel to join,if it's None we'll just return the function assuming they're not in a voice channel
            if channel is None:
                # Set it to the voice channel for the member who triggers the command
                channel = ctx.message.author.voice.voice_channel
                # Check if again None (If the command user isn't in a voice channel)
                if channel is None:
                    # Tell the user they actually need to tell us what channel they want Pixie to join
                    await self.bot.say("```xl\nSorry,I'm not too sure what channel you want me to join unless you tell me!```")
                    # Exit out of the function so we don't try joining None
            # Get the VoiceClient object
            voice_client = await self.bot.join_voice_channel(channel)
            # Set it to stereo and set sample rate to 48000
            voice_client.encoder_options(sample_rate=48000, channels=2)
            # Set the user agent and create the player
            player = voice_client.create_ffmpeg_player("http://listen.moe:9999/stream", headers={"User-Agent": user_agent})
            # Set default player volume
            player.volume = self.default_vol / 100
            # Start the player
            # Be a tsun while telling the user that you joined the channel
            await self.bot.say("```xl\nI-I didn't join {0.channel} because you told me to... you b-b-baka! *hmph*```".format(voice_client))
            # Add to the dict of server ids linked to objects
            self.players.update({ctx.message.server.id: player})
        # Here we account for our bot not having enough perms or for the bot region being a bit dodgy
        except asyncio.TimeoutError:
            await self.bot.say("```xl\nSorry,I timed out trying to join!```")
        # This here pms the owner of the bot by the owner id in the setup file telling them if Opus isn't loaded
        except OpusNotLoaded:
            # Get the member object (here we assume the owner is in a server that the bot can see)
            member = discord.utils.get(self.bot.get_all_members(), id=setup_file["discord"]["owner_id"])
            # Send a message to tell the owner that the Opus isn't loaded
            await self.bot.send_message(member, "```xl\nOpus library not loaded.```")
        # Account for if the bot is in a channel on the server already
        except discord.ClientException:
            await self.bot.say("```xl\nSorry,I'm already in a voice channel on this server!```")
项目:modis    作者:Infraxion    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def vsetup(self, author):
        """Creates the voice client

            author (discord.Member): The user that the voice ui will seek

        if self.vready:
            logger.warning("Attempt to init voice when already initialised")

        if self.state != 'starting':
            logger.error("Attempt to init from wrong state ('{}'),must be 'starting'.".format(self.state))

        self.logger.debug("Setting up voice")

        # Create voice client
        self.vchannel = author.voice.voice_channel
        if self.vchannel:
            self.statuslog.info("Connecting to voice")
                self.vclient = await client.join_voice_channel(self.vchannel)
            except discord.ClientException as e:
                self.statuslog.warning("I'm already connected to a voice channel.")
            except discord.opus.OpusNotLoaded as e:
                logger.error("Could not load Opus. This is an error with your FFmpeg setup.")
                self.statuslog.error("Could not load Opus.")
            except discord.discordException as e:
                self.statuslog.error("I Couldn't connect to the voice channel. Check my permissions.")
            except Exception as e:
                self.statuslog.error("Internal error connecting to voice,disconnecting.")
                logger.error("Error connecting to voice {}".format(e))
            self.statuslog.error("You're not connected to a voice channel.")

        self.vready = True
项目:foxpy    作者:plusreed    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def joinchannel(self, message):
        if message.author.voice.voice_channel is None:
            await self.bot.say("Sorry,I Couldn't do that. You're not in a voice channel.")
            await self.bot.say("I can join a voice channel in this server if you append the `joinchannel` command with"
                               "a voice channel ID.")
            except discord.InvalidArgument:
                # await self.bot.say("Sorry,looks like that ID isn't a voice channel ID.")
            except asyncio.TimeoutError:
                await self.bot.say("Couldn't connect to the voice channel in time.")
            except discord.ClientException:
                await self.bot.say("Sorry,it looks like I'm already connected to a voice channel.")
                await self.bot.say("Joined the voice channel! Hello,**" + discord.VoiceClient.channel.name + "**!")
                if not discord.opus.is_loaded():
                    import config
                    if config.DEBUG:
                        if discord.opus.is_loaded():
                            await self.bot.say("Opus loaded")

        # This is commented out because I don't kNow if it'll work.
        elif id:
            await self.bot.say("Please wait,I'm trying to find that channel...")
            except discord.InvalidArgument:
                await self.bot.say("Sorry,looks like that ID isn't a voice channel ID.")
            except asyncio.TimeoutError:
                await self.bot.say("Couldn't connect to the voice channel in time.")
            except discord.ClientException:
                await self.bot.say("Sorry,it looks like I'm already connected to a voice channel.")
            except discord.opus.OpusNotLoaded:
                await self.bot.say("Whoops,`libopus` isn't loaded.")
                await self.bot.say("Successfully resolved the ID.")
                await self.bot.say("Joined the voice channel! Hello,**" + discord.VoiceClient.channel.name + "**!")
                # Load opus in the background

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