
Python graphene 模块-Field() 实例源码

Python graphene 模块,Field() 实例源码


项目:graphene-django    作者:graphql-python    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_filter_filterset_information_on_Meta_related():
    class ReporterFilterNode(DjangoObjectType):

        class Meta:
            model = Reporter
            interfaces = (Node, )
            filter_fields = ['first_name', 'articles']

    class ArticleFilterNode(DjangoObjectType):

        class Meta:
            model = Article
            interfaces = (Node, )
            filter_fields = ['headline', 'reporter']

    class Query(ObjectType):
        all_reporters = DjangoFilterConnectionField(ReporterFilterNode)
        all_articles = DjangoFilterConnectionField(ArticleFilterNode)
        reporter = Field(ReporterFilterNode)
        article = Field(ArticleFilterNode)

    schema = Schema(query=Query)
    articles_field = ReporterFilterNode._Meta.fields['articles'].get_type()
    assert_arguments(articles_field, 'headline', 'reporter')
项目:graphene-gae    作者:graphql-python    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def convert_local_structured_property(ndb_structured_property, registry=None):
    is_required = ndb_structured_property._required
    is_repeated = ndb_structured_property._repeated
    model = ndb_structured_property._modelclass
    name = ndb_structured_property._code_name

    def dynamic_type():
        _type = registry.get_type_for_model(model)
        if not _type:
            return None

        if is_repeated:
            _type = List(_type)

        if is_required:
            _type = NonNull(_type)

        return Field(_type)

    field = Dynamic(dynamic_type)
    return ConversionResult(name=name, field=field)
项目:graphql-python-subscriptions    作者:hballard    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def schema(data):
    class UserType(graphene.ObjectType):
        id = graphene.String()
        name = graphene.String()

    class Query(graphene.ObjectType):
        test_string = graphene.String()

    class Subscription(graphene.ObjectType):
        user = graphene.Field(UserType, id=graphene.String())
        user_filtered = graphene.Field(UserType, id=graphene.String())
        context = graphene.String()
        error = graphene.String()

        def resolve_user(self, args, context, info):
            id = args['id']
            name = data[args['id']]['name']
            return UserType(id=id, name=name)

        def resolve_user_filtered(self, name=name)

        def resolve_context(self, info):
            return context

        def resolve_error(self, info):
            raise Exception('E1')

    return graphene.Schema(query=Query, subscription=Subscription)
项目:graphql-pynamodb    作者:yfilali    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def convert_relationship_to_dynamic(type, attribute, registry=None):
    def dynamic_type():
        _type = registry.get_type_for_model(attribute.model)
        if not _type:
            return None

        if isinstance(attribute, OnetoOne):
            return Field(_type)

        if isinstance(attribute, OnetoMany):
            if is_node(_type):
                return PynamoConnectionField(_type)
            return Field(List(_type))

    return Dynamic(dynamic_type)
项目:graphql-pynamodb    作者:yfilali    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def assert_attribute_conversion(attribute, graphene_field, **kwargs):
    graphene_type = convert_pynamo_attribute(attribute, attribute)
    assert isinstance(graphene_type, graphene_field)
    field = graphene_type.Field()
    return field
项目:graphql-pynamodb    作者:yfilali    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_should_onetoone_convert_field():
    class A(PynamoObjectType):
        class Meta:
            model = Article
            interfaces = (Node,)

    dynamic_field = convert_pynamo_attribute(Reporter.favorite_article, Reporter.favorite_article, A._Meta.registry)
    assert isinstance(dynamic_field, Dynamic)
    graphene_type = dynamic_field.get_type()
    assert isinstance(graphene_type, graphene.Field)
    assert graphene_type.type == A
项目:graphql-pynamodb    作者:yfilali    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_should_onetomany_convert_nonnode_field():
    class A(PynamoObjectType):
        class Meta:
            model = Article

    dynamic_field = convert_pynamo_attribute(Reporter.articles, Reporter.articles, graphene.Field)
    assert graphene_type.type == graphene.List(A)
项目:graphql-pynamodb    作者:yfilali    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_root_scan_should_warn_on_params():
    class ArticleNode(PynamoObjectType):
        class Meta:
            model = Article
            interfaces = (Node,)

    class Query(graphene.ObjectType):
        node = Node.Field()
        articles = PynamoConnectionField(ArticleNode)

    query = '''
        query ArticlesQuery {
          articles(after: "QXJ0aWNsZU5vZGU6MQ==") {
            edges {
              node {

    schema = graphene.Schema(query=Query)
    result = schema.execute(query)
    assert result.errors
    assert isinstance(result.errors[0].original_error, NotImplementedError)
项目:graphql-pynamodb    作者:yfilali    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_node_replacedfield():
    idfield = Human._Meta.fields['pub_date']
    assert isinstance(idfield, Field)
    assert idfield.type == Int
项目:graphene-mongo    作者:joaovitorsilvestre    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def to_attrs(self):
        return {
            'single': self.single(),
            'list': self.list(),
            'fields': self.fields,
            'model': self.model,
            'mutate': self.mutate().Field()
项目:graphene-mongo    作者:joaovitorsilvestre    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def resolver(g_schema, mongo_doc, operators_single=None, operators_list=None, is_list=False, validator=None):
        def auto_resolver(root, contex, info):
            return resolver_query(g_schema, info, is_list=is_list, validator=validator)

        if is_list:
            return graphene.List(g_schema, **operators_list, resolver=auto_resolver)
            return graphene.Field(g_schema, **operators_single, resolver=auto_resolver)
项目:graphene-mongo    作者:joaovitorsilvestre    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def reference_field(f_name, mongo_field):
    """ Generate a schema for RefereceField,or get a schema already done saved in _generated_schemas """
    from graphene_mongo import MongoSchema

    document = mongo_field.document_type_obj  # document that this ReferenceField references

    schema = MongoSchema.get_or_generate_schema(document).schema
    return graphene.Field(schema)
项目:graphene-django    作者:graphql-python    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def assert_orderable(field):
    args = get_args(field)
    assert 'order_by' in args, \
        'Field cannot be ordered'
项目:graphene-django    作者:graphql-python    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def assert_conversion(django_field, *args, **kwargs):
    field = django_field(help_text='Custom Help Text', null=True, **kwargs)
    graphene_type = convert_django_field(field)
    assert isinstance(graphene_type, graphene_field)
    field = graphene_type.Field()
    assert field.description == 'Custom Help Text'
    nonnull_field = django_field(null=False, **kwargs)
    if not nonnull_field.null:
        nonnull_graphene_type = convert_django_field(nonnull_field)
        nonnull_field = nonnull_graphene_type.Field()
        assert isinstance(nonnull_field.type, graphene.NonNull)
        return nonnull_field
    return field
项目:graphene-django    作者:graphql-python    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_should_manytomany_convert_connectionorlist_list():
    class A(DjangoObjectType):

        class Meta:
            model = Reporter

    graphene_field = convert_django_field(Reporter._Meta.local_many_to_many[0], A._Meta.registry)
    assert isinstance(graphene_field, graphene.Dynamic)
    dynamic_field = graphene_field.get_type()
    assert isinstance(dynamic_field, graphene.Field)
    assert isinstance(dynamic_field.type, graphene.List)
    assert dynamic_field.type.of_type == A
项目:graphene-django    作者:graphql-python    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_should_onetoone_reverse_convert_model():
    # Django 1.9 uses 'rel',<1.9 uses 'related
    related = getattr(Film.details, 'rel', None) or \
        getattr(Film.details, 'related')

    class A(DjangoObjectType):

        class Meta:
            model = FilmDetails

    graphene_field = convert_django_field(related, graphene.Field)
    assert dynamic_field.type == A
项目:graphene-django    作者:graphql-python    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_should_query_simplelazy_objects():
    class ReporterType(DjangoObjectType):

        class Meta:
            model = Reporter
            only_fields = ('id', )

    class Query(graphene.ObjectType):
        reporter = graphene.Field(ReporterType)

        def resolve_reporter(self, info):
            return SimpleLazyObject(lambda: Reporter(id=1))

    schema = graphene.Schema(query=Query)
    query = '''
        query {
          reporter {
    result = schema.execute(query)
    assert not result.errors
    assert result.data == {
        'reporter': {
            'id': '1'
项目:graphene-django    作者:graphql-python    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_should_query_well():
    class ReporterType(DjangoObjectType):

        class Meta:
            model = Reporter

    class Query(graphene.ObjectType):
        reporter = graphene.Field(ReporterType)

        def resolve_reporter(self, info):
            return Reporter(first_name='ABA', last_name='X')

    query = '''
        query ReporterQuery {
          reporter {
    expected = {
        'reporter': {
            'firstName': 'ABA',
            'lastName': 'X',
            'email': ''
    schema = graphene.Schema(query=Query)
    result = schema.execute(query)
    assert not result.errors
    assert result.data == expected
项目:graphene-django    作者:graphql-python    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_should_handle_inherited_choices():
    class BaseModel(models.Model):
        choice_field = models.IntegerField(choices=((0, 'zero'), (1, 'one')))

    class ChildModel(BaseModel):
        class Meta:
            proxy = True

    class BaseType(DjangoObjectType):
        class Meta:
            model = BaseModel

    class ChildType(DjangoObjectType):
        class Meta:
            model = ChildModel

    class Query(graphene.ObjectType):
        base = graphene.Field(BaseType)
        child = graphene.Field(ChildType)

    schema = graphene.Schema(query=Query)
    query = '''
        query {
          child {
    result = schema.execute(query)
    assert not result.errors
项目:graphene-django    作者:graphql-python    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_should_base_field_convert_string():
    assert_conversion(serializers.Field, graphene.String)
项目:graphene-django    作者:graphql-python    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_should_model_convert_field():

    class MyModelSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer):
        class Meta:
            model = None
            fields = '__all__'

    assert_conversion(MyModelSerializer, graphene.Field, is_input=False)
项目:graphene-gae    作者:graphql-python    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def convert_ndb_scalar_property(graphene_type, ndb_prop, registry=None, **kwargs):
    kwargs['description'] = "%s %s property" % (ndb_prop._name, graphene_type)
    _type = graphene_type

    if ndb_prop._repeated:
        _type = List(_type)

    if ndb_prop._required:
        _type = NonNull(_type)

    return Field(_type, **kwargs)
项目:graphene-gae    作者:graphql-python    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def convert_ndb_json_property(ndb_prop, registry=None):
    return Field(JSONString, description=ndb_prop._name)
项目:graphene-gae    作者:graphql-python    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def convert_ndb_datetime_property(ndb_prop, registry=None):
    return Field(DateTime, description=ndb_prop._name)
项目:elizabeth-cloud    作者:wemake-services    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def make_resolvable_fields(inner_fields):
    result = {}

    for name, field in inner_fields.items():
            name: Field(String, **get_field_args(field)),
            'resolve_{}'.format(name): partial(resolve, name),
    return result
项目:elizabeth-cloud    作者:wemake-services    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def convert_fields_to_graph(fields):
    for name, field in fields.items():
        inner_fields = get_fields(field, callables=True)
        inner_fields = make_resolvable_fields(inner_fields)

        field_class = type(name.capitalize(), (ObjectType, ), inner_fields)
        fields[name] = Field(field_class)

    return fields
项目:graphql-pynamodb    作者:yfilali    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __new__(cls, name, bases, attrs):
        # Also ensure initialization is only performed for subclasses of Model
        # (excluding Model class itself).
        if not is_base_type(bases, PynamoObjectTypeMeta):
            return type.__new__(cls, attrs)

        options = Options(
            attrs.pop('Meta', None),

        if not options.registry:
            options.registry = get_global_registry()
        assert isinstance(options.registry, Registry), (
            'The attribute registry in {}.Meta needs to be an'
            ' instance of Registry,received "{}".'
        ).format(name, options.registry)

        assert (inspect.isclass(options.model) and issubclass(options.model, Model)), (
            'You need to pass a valid pynamodb Model in '
            '{}.Meta, options.model)

        cls = ObjectTypeMeta.__new__(cls, dict(attrs, _Meta=options))


        options.pynamo_fields = yank_fields_from_attrs(
        options.fields = merge(

        return cls
项目:graphql-pynamodb    作者:yfilali    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_should_custom_identifier():
    class EditorNode(PynamoObjectType):
        class Meta:
            model = Editor
            interfaces = (Node,)

    class Query(graphene.ObjectType):
        node = Node.Field()
        all_editors = PynamoConnectionField(EditorNode)

    query = '''
        query EditorQuery {
          allEditors {
            edges {
                node {
          node(id: "RWRpdG9yTm9kZTox") {
            ...on EditorNode {
    expected = {
        'allEditors': {
            'edges': [{
                'node': {
                    'id': 'RWRpdG9yTm9kZTox',
                    'name': 'John'
        'node': {
            'name': 'John'

    schema = graphene.Schema(query=Query)
    result = schema.execute(query)
    assert not result.errors
    assert result.data['allEditors'] == expected['allEditors']
项目:graphql-pynamodb    作者:yfilali    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_should_return_empty_cursors_on_empty():
    class ArticleNode(PynamoObjectType):
        class Meta:
            model = Article
            interfaces = (Node,)

    class ReporterNode(PynamoObjectType):
        class Meta:
            model = Reporter
            interfaces = (Node,)

    class Query(graphene.ObjectType):
        node = Node.Field()
        reporter = graphene.Field(ReporterNode)

        def resolve_reporter(self, **kwargs):
            return Reporter.get(2)

    query = '''
        query ReporterQuery {
          reporter {
            articles(first: 1) {
              edges {
                node {
              pageInfo {
    expected = {
        'reporter': {
            'articles': {
                'edges': [],
                'pageInfo': {
                    'hasNextPage': False,
                    'hasPrevIoUsPage': False,
                    'startCursor': '',
                    'endCursor': ''

    schema = graphene.Schema(query=Query)
    result = schema.execute(query)
    assert not result.errors
    assert result.data['reporter']['articles']['edges'] == expected['reporter']['articles']['edges']
    assert result.data['reporter']['articles']['pageInfo'] == expected['reporter']['articles']['pageInfo']
项目:graphql-pynamodb    作者:yfilali    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_should_support_last():
    class ArticleNode(PynamoObjectType):
        class Meta:
            model = Article
            interfaces = (Node, **kwargs):
            return Reporter.get(1)

    query = '''
        query ReporterQuery {
          reporter {
            articles(last: 1) {
              edges {
                node {
    expected = {
        'reporter': {
            'articles': {
                'edges': [{
                    'node': {
                        'id': 'QXJ0aWNsZU5vZGU6Mw==',
                        'headline': 'My Article'

    schema = graphene.Schema(query=Query)
    result = schema.execute(query)
    assert not result.errors
    assert result.data['reporter']['articles']['edges'] == expected['reporter']['articles']['edges']
项目:graphql-pynamodb    作者:yfilali    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_should_support_after():
    class ArticleNode(PynamoObjectType):
        class Meta:
            model = Article
            interfaces = (Node,
            articles(after: "QXJ0aWNsZU5vZGU6MQ==") {
              edges {
                node {
                        'headline': 'My Article'

    schema = graphene.Schema(query=Query)
    result = schema.execute(query)
    assert not result.errors
    assert result.data['reporter']['articles']['edges'] == expected['reporter']['articles']['edges']
项目:graphene-mongo    作者:joaovitorsilvestre    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def gen_mutation(model, graphene_schema, operators_mutation, fields_mutation, mutate_func, validator):
    """ We need to create a class that seems as follows (http://docs.graphene-python.org/en/latest/types/mutations/):

    class CreatePerson(graphene.Mutation):
        class Input:
            name = graphene.String()

        ok = graphene.Boolean()
        person = graphene.Field(lambda: Person)

        def mutate(root,args,context,info):
            person = Person(name=args.get('name'))
            ok = True
            return CreatePerson(person=person,ok=ok) 

    def user_mutate(root, info):
        if validator:
            validator(model, {}, {})

        obj = mutate_func(args, context)
        if not isinstance(obj, model):
            raise TypeError('Failed to resolve mutation of the schema {}'
                            ' because mutate function must return a instance of {},and the return type was {}.'
                            .format(graphene_schema.__name__, model.__name__, type(obj)))

        graphene_obj = mongo_to_graphene(obj, fields_mutation)
        return Create(**{to_snake_case(model.__name__): graphene_obj})

    def generic_mutate(root, {})

        obj = model(**args)
        graphene_obj = mongo_to_graphene(obj, fields_mutation)
        return Create(**{to_snake_case(model.__name__): graphene_obj})

    Create = type('Create' + model.__name__, (graphene.Mutation,), {
        'Input': type('Input', (), operators_mutation),
        to_snake_case(model.__name__): graphene.Field(lambda: graphene_schema),
        'mutate': staticmethod(generic_mutate) if not mutate_func else staticmethod(user_mutate)

    return Create
项目:graphene-django    作者:graphql-python    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_should_query_field():
    r1 = Reporter(last_name='ABA')
    r2 = Reporter(last_name='Griffin')

    class ReporterType(DjangoObjectType):

        class Meta:
            model = Reporter
            interfaces = (Node, )

    class Query(graphene.ObjectType):
        reporter = graphene.Field(ReporterType)
        debug = graphene.Field(DjangoDebug, name='__debug')

        def resolve_reporter(self, **args):
            return Reporter.objects.first()

    query = '''
        query ReporterQuery {
          reporter {
          __debug {
            sql {
    expected = {
        'reporter': {
            'lastName': 'ABA',
        '__debug': {
            'sql': [{
                'rawsql': str(Reporter.objects.order_by('pk')[:1].query)
    schema = graphene.Schema(query=Query)
    result = schema.execute(query, context_value=context(), middleware=[DjangoDebugMiddleware()])
    assert not result.errors
    assert result.data == expected
项目:graphene-django    作者:graphql-python    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_should_query_list():
    r1 = Reporter(last_name='ABA')
    r2 = Reporter(last_name='Griffin')

    class ReporterType(DjangoObjectType):

        class Meta:
            model = Reporter
            interfaces = (Node, )

    class Query(graphene.ObjectType):
        all_reporters = graphene.List(ReporterType)
        debug = graphene.Field(DjangoDebug, name='__debug')

        def resolve_all_reporters(self, **args):
            return Reporter.objects.all()

    query = '''
        query ReporterQuery {
          allReporters {
          __debug {
            sql {
    expected = {
        'allReporters': [{
            'lastName': 'ABA', {
            'lastName': 'Griffin',
        '__debug': {
            'sql': [{
                'rawsql': str(Reporter.objects.all().query)
    schema = graphene.Schema(query=Query)
    result = schema.execute(query, middleware=[DjangoDebugMiddleware()])
    assert not result.errors
    assert result.data == expected
项目:graphene-django    作者:graphql-python    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_should_query_connection():
    r1 = Reporter(last_name='ABA')
    r2 = Reporter(last_name='Griffin')

    class ReporterType(DjangoObjectType):

        class Meta:
            model = Reporter
            interfaces = (Node, )

    class Query(graphene.ObjectType):
        all_reporters = DjangoConnectionField(ReporterType)
        debug = graphene.Field(DjangoDebug, **args):
            return Reporter.objects.all()

    query = '''
        query ReporterQuery {
          allReporters(first:1) {
            edges {
              node {
          __debug {
            sql {
    expected = {
        'allReporters': {
            'edges': [{
                'node': {
                    'lastName': 'ABA',
    schema = graphene.Schema(query=Query)
    result = schema.execute(query, middleware=[DjangoDebugMiddleware()])
    assert not result.errors
    assert result.data['allReporters'] == expected['allReporters']
    assert 'COUNT' in result.data['__debug']['sql'][0]['rawsql']
    query = str(Reporter.objects.all()[:1].query)
    assert result.data['__debug']['sql'][1]['rawsql'] == query
项目:graphene-django    作者:graphql-python    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_should_query_connectionfilter():
    from ...filter import DjangoFilterConnectionField

    r1 = Reporter(last_name='ABA')
    r2 = Reporter(last_name='Griffin')

    class ReporterType(DjangoObjectType):

        class Meta:
            model = Reporter
            interfaces = (Node, )

    class Query(graphene.ObjectType):
        all_reporters = DjangoFilterConnectionField(ReporterType, fields=['last_name'])
        s = graphene.String(resolver=lambda *_: "S")
        debug = graphene.Field(DjangoDebug, middleware=[DjangoDebugMiddleware()])
    assert not result.errors
    assert result.data['allReporters'] == expected['allReporters']
    assert 'COUNT' in result.data['__debug']['sql'][0]['rawsql']
    query = str(Reporter.objects.all()[:1].query)
    assert result.data['__debug']['sql'][1]['rawsql'] == query
项目:graphene-django    作者:graphql-python    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init_subclass_with_Meta__(cls, model=None, skip_registry=False,
                                    only_fields=(), exclude_fields=(), filter_fields=None, connection=None,
                                    connection_class=None, use_connection=None, interfaces=(), **options):
        assert is_valid_django_model(model), (
            'You need to pass a valid Django Model in {}.Meta,received "{}".'
        ).format(cls.__name__, model)

        if not registry:
            registry = get_global_registry()

        assert isinstance(registry, (
            'The attribute registry in {} needs to be an instance of '
            'Registry, registry)

        if not DJANGO_FILTER_INSTALLED and filter_fields:
            raise Exception("Can only set filter_fields if Django-Filter is installed")

        django_fields = yank_fields_from_attrs(
            construct_fields(model, registry, only_fields, exclude_fields),

        if use_connection is None and interfaces:
            use_connection = any((issubclass(interface, Node) for interface in interfaces))

        if use_connection and not connection:
            # We create the connection automatically
            if not connection_class:
                connection_class = Connection

            connection = connection_class.create_type(
                '{}Connection'.format(cls.__name__), node=cls)

        if connection is not None:
            assert issubclass(connection, Connection), (
                "The connection must be a Connection. Received {}"

        _Meta = DjangoObjectTypeOptions(cls)
        _Meta.model = model
        _Meta.registry = registry
        _Meta.filter_fields = filter_fields
        _Meta.fields = django_fields
        _Meta.connection = connection

        super(DjangoObjectType, cls).__init_subclass_with_Meta__(_Meta=_Meta, interfaces=interfaces, **options)

        if not skip_registry:
项目:graphene-django    作者:graphql-python    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_should_query_postgres_fields():
    from django.contrib.postgres.fields import IntegerRangeField, ArrayField, JSONField, HStoreField

    class Event(models.Model):
        ages = IntegerRangeField(help_text='The age ranges')
        data = JSONField(help_text='Data')
        store = HStoreField()
        tags = ArrayField(models.CharField(max_length=50))

    class EventType(DjangoObjectType):

        class Meta:
            model = Event

    class Query(graphene.ObjectType):
        event = graphene.Field(EventType)

        def resolve_event(self, info):
            return Event(
                ages=(0, 10),
                data={'angry_babies': True},
                store={'h': 'store'},
                tags=['child', 'angry', 'babies']

    schema = graphene.Schema(query=Query)
    query = '''
        query myQuery {
          event {
    expected = {
        'event': {
            'ages': [0, 10],
            'tags': ['child', 'babies'],
            'data': '{"angry_babies": true}',
            'store': '{"h": "store"}',
    result = schema.execute(query)
    assert not result.errors
    assert result.data == expected

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