
Android 9.0 SystemUI 下拉状态栏快捷开关

systemUI 下拉状态栏快捷开关是 QSPanel,qs_panel.xml,@+id/quick_settings_panel,本篇文章就来看看这些快捷开关是如何呈现的以及如何新增一个快捷开关?基于 AOSP 9.0 分析。

systemUI 下拉状态栏快捷开关

QSPanel 创建是从 StatusBar#makeStatusBarView 开始的。


protected void makeStatusBarView() {
   final QSTileHost qsh = systemUIFactory.getInstance().createQSTileHost(mContext, this,
   mBrightnessMirrorController = new BrightnessMirrorController(mStatusBarWindow,
           (visible) -> {
               mBrightnessMirrorVisible = visible;
   fragmentHostManager.addTagListener(QS.TAG, (tag, f) -> {
       QS qs = (QS) f;
       if (qs instanceof QSFragment) {
           ((QSFragment) qs).setHost(qsh);
           mQSPanel = ((QSFragment) qs).getQsPanel();

先看  systemUIFactory#createQSTileHost。


public QSTileHost createQSTileHost(Context context, StatusBar statusBar,
       StatusBarIconController iconController) {
   return new QSTileHost(context, statusBar, iconController);

这里进行 QSTileHost 初始化。


public QSTileHost(Context context, StatusBar statusBar,
       StatusBarIconController iconController) {
   Dependency.get(TunerService.class).addTunable(this, TILES_SETTING);

这里进行了 TunerService 注册,在 TunerServiceImpl#addTunable 重写。


public void addTunable(Tunable tunable, String... keys) {
   for (String key : keys) {
       addTunable(tunable, key);
private void addTunable(Tunable tunable, String key) {
   if (!mTunableLookup.containsKey(key)) {
       mTunableLookup.put(key, new ArraySet<Tunable>());
   if (LeakDetector.ENABLED) {
       Dependency.get(LeakDetector.class).trackCollection(mTunables, "TunerService.mTunables");
   Uri uri = Settings.Secure.getUriFor(key);
   if (!mListeningUris.containsKey(uri)) {
       mListeningUris.put(uri, key);
       mContentResolver.registerContentObserver(uri, false, mObserver, mCurrentUser);
   // Send the first state.
   String value = Settings.Secure.getStringForUser(mContentResolver, key, mCurrentUser);
   tunable.onTuningChanged(key, value);

tunable.onTuningChanged 回调 QSTileHost#onTuningChanged。


public void onTuningChanged(String key, String newValue) {
   if (!TILES_SETTING.equals(key)) {
   if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "Recreating tiles");
   if (newValue == null && UserManager.isDeviceInDemoMode(mContext)) {
       newValue = mContext.getResources().getString(R.string.quick_settings_tiles_retail_mode);
   //调用 QSTileHost#loadTileSpecs,获得 config 里字符串信息
   final List<String> tileSpecs = loadTileSpecs(mContext, newValue);
   int currentUser = ActivityManager.getCurrentUser();
   if (tileSpecs.equals(mTileSpecs) && currentUser == mCurrentUser) return;
   mTiles.entrySet().stream().filter(tile -> !tileSpecs.contains(tile.getKey())).forEach(
           tile -> {
               if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "Destroying tile: " + tile.getKey());
   final LinkedHashMap<String, QSTile> newTiles = new LinkedHashMap<>();
   for (String tileSpec : tileSpecs) {
       QSTile tile = mTiles.get(tileSpec);
       if (tile != null && (!(tile instanceof CustomTile)
               || ((CustomTile) tile).getUser() == currentUser)) {
           if (tile.isAvailable()) {
               if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "Adding " + tile);
               if (!(tile instanceof CustomTile) && mCurrentUser != currentUser) {
               newTiles.put(tileSpec, tile);
           } else {
       } else {
           if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "Creating tile: " + tileSpec);
           try {
               //这里通过 字符串 一个个实例化 Tile
               tile = createTile(tileSpec);
               if (tile != null) {
                   if (tile.isAvailable()) {
                       newTiles.put(tileSpec, tile);
                   } else {
           } catch (Throwable t) {
               Log.w(TAG, "Error creating tile for spec: " + tileSpec, t);
   mCurrentUser = currentUser;
   for (int i = 0; i < mCallbacks.size(); i++) {

看下 QSTileHost#loadTileSpecs,是获得 config 里字符串信息。


protected List<String> loadTileSpecs(Context context, String tileList) {
   final Resources res = context.getResources();
   final String defaultTileList = res.getString(R.string.quick_settings_tiles_default);
   if (tileList == null) {
       tileList = res.getString(R.string.quick_settings_tiles);
       if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "Loaded tile specs from config: " + tileList);
   } else {
       if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "Loaded tile specs from setting: " + tileList);
   final ArrayList<String> tiles = new ArrayList<String>();
   boolean addedDefault = false;
   for (String tile : tileList.split(",")) {
       tile = tile.trim();
       if (tile.isEmpty()) continue;
       if (tile.equals("default")) {
           if (!addedDefault) {
               addedDefault = true;
       } else {
   return tiles;

其中 quick_settings_tiles_default 值在 AOSP/frameworks/base/packages/systemUI/res/values/config.xml 里:

<string name="quick_settings_tiles_default" translatable="false">


再看 QSTileHost#onTuningChanged 中的调用 QSTileHost#createTile 方法


public QSTile createTile(String tileSpec) {
   for (int i = 0; i < mQsFactories.size(); i++) {
       QSTile t = mQsFactories.get(i).createTile(tileSpec);
       if (t != null) {
           return t;
   return null;

调用 QSFactory#createTile,由 QSFactoryImpl#createTile 实现了。


public QSTile createTile(String tileSpec) {
   QSTileImpl tile = createTileInternal(tileSpec);
   if (tile != null) {
       tile.handleStale(); // Tile was just created, must be stale.
   return tile;
private QSTileImpl createTileInternal(String tileSpec) {
   // Stock tiles.
   switch (tileSpec) {
       case "wifi":
           return new WifiTile(mHost);
       case "bt":
           return new BluetoothTile(mHost);
       case "cell":
           return new CellularTile(mHost);
       case "dnd":
           return new DndTile(mHost);
       case "inversion":
           return new ColorInversionTile(mHost);
       case "airplane":
           return new AirplaneModeTile(mHost);
       case "work":
           return new WorkModeTile(mHost);
       case "rotation":
           return new RotationLockTile(mHost);
       case "flashlight":
           return new FlashlightTile(mHost);
       case "location":
           return new LocationTile(mHost);
       case "cast":
           return new CastTile(mHost);
       case "hotspot":
           return new Hotspottile(mHost);
       case "user":
           return new UserTile(mHost);
       case "battery":
           return new BatterySaverTile(mHost);
       case "saver":
           return new DataSaverTile(mHost);
       case "night":
           return new NightdisplayTile(mHost);
       case "nfc":
           return new NfcTile(mHost);
   // Intent tiles.
   if (tileSpec.startsWith(IntentTile.PREFIX)) return IntentTile.create(mHost, tileSpec);
   if (tileSpec.startsWith(CustomTile.PREFIX)) return CustomTile.create(mHost, tileSpec);
   // Debug tiles.
   if (Build.IS_DEBUGGABLE) {
       if (tileSpec.equals(GarbageMonitor.MemoryTile.TILE_SPEC)) {
           return new GarbageMonitor.MemoryTile(mHost);
   // broken tiles.
   Log.w(TAG, "Bad tile spec: " + tileSpec);
   return null;

看到这里通过对应的字符串分别实例化 Tile。

以上涉及资源文件加载及对应实例化,接下来看看代码如何加载的,看 QSPanel#onAttachedToWindow 方法



protected void onAttachedToWindow() {
   final TunerService tunerService = Dependency.get(TunerService.class);
   tunerService.addTunable(this, QS_SHOW_BRIGHTnesS);
   if (mHost != null) {
   if (mBrightnessMirrorController != null) {

public void setTiles(Collection<QSTile> tiles) {
   setTiles(tiles, false);

public void setTiles(Collection<QSTile> tiles, boolean collapsedView) {
   if (!collapsedView) {
   for (TileRecord record : mRecords) {
   for (QSTile tile : tiles) {
       addTile(tile, collapsedView);

protected TileRecord addTile(final QSTile tile, boolean collapsedView) {
   final TileRecord r = new TileRecord();
   r.tile = tile;
   r.tileView = createTileView(tile, collapsedView);
   if (mTileLayout != null) {
   return r;

mTileLayout.addTile(r);由 PagedTileLayout#addTile 实现。


PagedTileLayout 是 ViewPager,重点看  setAdapter,看数据源如何 add 的。

public void addTile(TileRecord tile) {

private void postdistributeTiles() {

private final Runnable mdistribute = new Runnable() {
   public void run() {

private void distributeTiles() {
   if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "distributing tiles");
   final int NP = mPages.size();
   for (int i = 0; i < NP; i++) {
   int index = 0;
   final int NT = mTiles.size();
   for (int i = 0; i < NT; i++) {
       TileRecord tile = mTiles.get(i);
       if (mPages.get(index).isFull()) {
           if (++index == mPages.size()) {
               if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "Adding page for "
                       + tile.tile.getClass().getSimpleName());
               mPages.add((TilePage) LayoutInflater.from(getContext())
                       .inflate(R.layout.qs_paged_page, this, false));
       if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "Adding " + tile.tile.getClass().getSimpleName() + " to "
               + index);
   if (mNumPages != index + 1) {
       mNumPages = index + 1;
       while (mPages.size() > mNumPages) {
           mPages.remove(mPages.size() - 1);
       if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "Size: " + mNumPages);
       setCurrentItem(0, false);

至此,systemUI 下拉状态栏快捷开关模块代码流程分析完毕。




1、首先在 AOSP/frameworks/base/packages/systemUI/res/values/config.xml 里面添加截屏 Camera 的选项

<string name="quick_settings_tiles_default" translatable="false">

2、在 AOSP/frameworks/base/packages/systemUI/res/values/strings.xml 里面还要加一个字符串

<string name="quick_settings_camera_label">Camera</string>

3、在 AOSP/frameworks/base/packages/systemUI/src/com/android/systemUI/qs/tiles/ 目录下创建 CameraTile.java,实现 QSTileImpl:

package com.android.systemUI.qs.tiles;

import android.content.Intent;
import android.provider.MediaStore;
import android.widget.Toast;
import com.android.systemUI.R;
import com.android.systemUI.plugins.qs.QSTile;
import com.android.systemUI.qs.QSHost;
import com.android.systemUI.qs.tileimpl.QSTileImpl;
import com.android.internal.logging.nano.MetricsProto.MetricsEvent;

public class CameraTile extends QSTileImpl<QSTile.BooleanState> {

   public CameraTile(QSHost host) {

   public BooleanState newTileState() {
       return new BooleanState();

   protected void handleClick() {
       Toast.makeText(mContext,"Camera Click",Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();

   protected void handleUpdateState(BooleanState state, Object arg) {
       state.label = mContext.getString(R.string.quick_settings_camera_label);
       state.icon = ResourceIcon.get(R.drawable.ic_qs_bluetooth_on);

   public int getMetricsCategory() {
       return MetricsEvent.QS_CAMERA;

   public Intent getLongClickIntent() {
       return new Intent(MediaStore.ACTION_IMAGE_CAPTURE);

   protected void handleSetListening(boolean listening) {


   public CharSequence getTileLabel() {
       return mContext.getString(R.string.quick_settings_camera_label);


4、在 AOSP/frameworks/base/proto/src/metrics_constants.proto,增加常量:

QS_CAMERA = 1568;

5、在 AOSP/frameworks/base/packages/systemUI/src/com/android/systemUI/qs/tileimpl/QSFactoryImpl.java,增加

private QSTileImpl createTileInternal(String tileSpec) {
   // Stock tiles.
   switch (tileSpec) {
       case "wifi":
           return new WifiTile(mHost);
       // 省略部分代码
       case "nfc":
           return new NfcTile(mHost);
       case "camera":
           return new CameraTile(mHost);
   // 省略部分代码


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