
[译]How to handle background services in ANDROID O?

[译]How to handle background services in ANDROID O?

如何处理Android O的后台Service

前段时间公司项目中做Android O的适配。在了解Android O新功能时,看到这个文章,虽然介绍的是Android O的预览版,但读了一遍感觉不错,记录下来。顺便翻译一下(不翻译大家肯定也看得懂,只是觉得单纯转一下太low了)...

How to handle background services in ANDROID O? 2017.04.02

nothing makes an android developer more crazy than a new version of Android.

Google has just revealed the DP1 of the next iteration of android: Android O. There are many new exciting features and under the hood performance improvements in the newest version of android.

谷歌已经发布了Android O的预览版。新版本的Android O对性能进行了提升 并且 增加了很多令人兴奋的新功能

While others talk about what will be the name of Android O, let’s analyze this flavour of android from developer’s perspective. For android developers there are four groundbreaking changes:

当大家在讨论Andorid O是什么的时候,让我们从开发的角度来讨论一下Android O。对于开发者来说,这里有四个突破性的变化:

  • Background execution limits
  • Location updates limit
  • Removing of implicit broadcasts
  • Notification channels

Here, in this article let’s talk about background execution limitation. Background execution limitations mainly apply to two major components:


  • Service
  • Wakelocks

Let’s talk about the limitations applied on services in this article.
这篇文章里,让我们讨论后台服务限制对 services 的影响。

What is the service in android?

Let’s first refresh what is the service in Android? As per the android documentation:

首先让我们回忆一下在Android中什么是service 。Android API文章

A Service is an application component that can perform long-running operations in the background, and it does not provide a user interface.

Service 不提供用户界面,提供长时间后台操作的一个应用程序组件。

So, fundamentally Service is the same thing as the activity but it doesn't have the UI component in it. So, it doesn't have to perform smooth animation at 60 fps. That’s why it can run perform any task for the longer period of time than the activity.

因此,从根本上讲,除了没有UI组件,Service和Actiivity在功能上是相同的。因此,Service不必执行60 fps的平滑刷帧动画。这是为什么相对于Activity,Service可以执行长时间后台任务的原因。

There are three types of the service:


  • Started Service  — A service is started when an application component (such as an activity) calls startService().
  • Bound Service  — A service is bound when an application component binds to it by calling bindService().
  • Scheduled Service  — A service is scheduled when an API such as the JobScheduler.

Background vs Foreground applications:

后台应用 VS 前台应用

To learn background execution changes, we need to kNow the difference between background and foreground application first.


Rule of thumb, your application will be considered as a foreground service if any of the below three cases are true:


  • Your application has currently visible activity.
  • Your application has foreground service running.
  • Your application is connected to another foreground app by binding the service or by consuming their content providers.
    应用绑定了其他前台应用或者被其他content providers使用。

If any of the above scenarios is not true in the current instance, your application is considered to be in the background.


Why do we need to restrict the use of background services?


Whenever your applications run in the background using services, your application consumes two precIoUs resources:


  • 1) Memory 内存
  • 2) Battery 电量

These two are limited resources on the mobile devices and most of the low to mid-range devices doesn’t have plenty of memory or battery inside it.

在大多数的中端和低端设备上,内存和电量 是不够丰富的。

Suppose, if your application is doing some very intensive tasks in the background and using the larger amount of RAM to perform that task, then this will create the very junky user experience, especially if the user is using another resource-intensive app, such as playing a game or watching a video in foreground.

假使,如果应用程序使用很多的RAM,来运行密集的后台任务,将会产生非常糟糕的用户体验。特别是用户在使用其他消耗资源的应用,例如:打游戏 或 看视频。

As per the documentation for the started service the best practice is,When the operation is complete, the service should stop itself.


But, many applications have long running background services, which basically runs for the infinite time to either maintain the socket connection with the server or monitor some tasks or user activity. These services create battery drain and also they constantly consume memory.


From past couple of releases of android (Starting from Marshmallow), Google is trying very hard to increase the battery life and reduce the memory consumption used by the applications by introducing the doze mode and app standby by delaying the background execution by some amount of time if the phone is idle.

从过去发布的几个Android版本开始(从 Marshmallow版本开发),为了提升电池的使用寿命和减少内存的消耗,Google做了很多工作。包括引入doze模式 和 手机空闲时,延迟后台运行服务的执行。

But most of the time despite of kNowing the downsides of the long-running services developers still use them. (Mostly because it is easy to implement and maintain rather than using other workarounds.)


What are the limitations on services starting from Android O?

从Android O开始,新增了哪些Server的限制

Starting from Android O, if your application is in the background (check above three conditions), your application is allowed to create and run background services for some minutes.

从Android O开始,如果你的应用运行在后台(检查以上三个条件),你的应用只允许在后台运行几分钟。

After some minutes passed, your application will enter in the idle stage. When your application enteres in the idle stage, the system will stop all the background services just like your service calls Service.stopSelf().

几分钟之后,应用程序将进入闲置状态。当应用程序进入闲置状态,Andorid系统将停止后台Service,就像Server调用了Service.stopSelf() 方法

And here comes the fun part…

As I discussed above, the problem of battery drain and memory consumption are mainly caused by started services. To eliminate this, Android O completely prevents the use of startService() method to start the service. If you call startService() on Android O, you will end up getting IllegalArgumentException

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