
asp-classic – 经典的ASP页面是否会运行在Windows 7之后的Windows版本上?

我们有一个使用传统ASP和VB6 / COM的遗留系统,并计划迁移到.NET堆栈.


对于VB6 / COM,微软已声明它没有计划在Windows 7之后的Windows版本中包含VB6运行时(是的,我知道这可以解释).

我还没有找到类似的经典ASP声明.我见过人们参考了Windows 2008 Server R2的Microsoft生命周期计划(这是2018年的某个时间)并推断:


我不确定是否购买,特别是因为我们有合同义务在它们出来后的几个月内支持新版本的Windows xx,因此保留Win2008R2作为解决方案不是一种选择.



根据 this blog post,它将在未来几年内与我们在一起:

Here’s some interesting news from 07001 and team. I was wondering what the lifecycle for ASP “Classic” was. I looked on the Microsoft Lifecycle page and didn’t see it. I was fortunate enough to talk to 07001 as well as 07003 and was told:

Classic ASP is actually very much alive. It will ship again with Windows Vista and Windows Longhorn Server – so will be supported at least 10 years from that ship date. – 07001

Asp.DLL is part of VISTA so the runtime will continue to be supported based on the Vista support lifecycle.

All classic ASP development tools (i.e.,Visual Interdev) are Now in their extended support period and we will not be updating tools for classic ASP.

To get the best tooling/platform option ASP.NET is the way to go. – 07003

据我所知,Windows Vista的最终发布日期是2007年1月30日,因此这意味着至少在2017年之前,新版本将支持经典ASP,可能会更进一步.

Scott Guthrie是微软的Corporate Vice President,Server & Tools Business,所以他知道他在谈论什么.

编辑:最后(2012年1月30日) – official confirmation经典ASP将与我们在一起很长时间,包括Windows 8:

The next major version of Internet information Services (IIS) will be shipped as part of the Windows 8 operating system. The use of ASP pages will be supported on Windows 8 for a minimum of 10 years from the Windows 8 release date.

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