


Cancer biology


Cramping tumours


Jan 18th 2007

From The Economist print edition


An old observation about cancer cells may lead to a new treatment



CANCER cells manage their energy production in a most peculiar way.(1)A healthy cell relies on its mitochondria[1] (descendants of bacteria that took up residence in the single-celled ancestors of animals and plants about 2 billion years ago) to oxidise sugar molecules and release useful energy. Most cancer cells,however,use a less efficient mechanism called glycolysis[2] to power themselves. They thus cut their mitochondria out of the loop.



That cancer cells often rely on glycolysis was discovered by otto Warburg in 1930. (2)But until recently the Warburg effect,as it has come to be kNown,was little more than a curiosity—and a contentIoUs one at that[3]. Now,it looks a lot more interesting,for Evangelos Michelakis and his colleagues at the University of Alberta,in Canada,are testing a drug called dichloroacetate that suppresses the Warburg effect and reactivates the mitochondria. The result shows why mitochondrial suppression is so important to tumours: when they are unsuppressed,the tumour they are in stops growing.

肿瘤细胞通常依靠糖酵解供能是otto Warburg于1930年发现的,但这一被后人称为“Warburg效应”的现象一直以来只是让人感到好奇而已,而且还颇有争议。现在,此效应引起了更多的关注——加拿大阿尔贝达大学的Evangelos Michelakis及其同事们正在试验一种名为二氯醋酸、能够抑制Warburg效应并激活线粒体的药物。为何线粒体抑制对肿瘤如此重要从试验结果可见一斑:当线粒体未受到抑制时,线粒体所在的肿瘤就会停止生长。


At first sight,this is all terribly paradoxical. Cancer cells multiply rapidly—and such multiplication requires a lot of energy. normally,glycolysis is merely the prelude to energy production. It breaks glucose down into molecules called pyruvate that are fed to the mitochondria for processing. This breakdown yields some energy,but not much. (3)However,it does not require oxygen—a substance that cancer cells are frequently deprived of,as tumours often fail to develop the blood vessels needed to supply it.



Cancer cells seem to adjust so well to glycolysis that even if blood vessels do grow into a tumour and the oxygen thus returns,they stick with it.(4)From the cancer‘s point of view that is a very good choice,as one of the other jobs of the mitochondria is to kill a cell if it goes bad—a process kNown as apoptosis.



The role of dichloroacetate is to re-activate the mitochondria by stimulating an enzyme that Feeds pyruvate into their energy-generating cycle. (The drug is already tested and approved for the treatment of certain mitochondrial diseases.) It seems this reactivation also allows the mitochondria to stimulate apoptosis.



At least,that is what Dr Michelakis thinks is going on. His results are certainly reminiscent of those obtained last year by Valeria Fantin and Philip Leder of HarvardMedicalSchool. Dr Fantin and Dr Leder used a trick called RNA interference to modify glycolysis in the tumours of some specially bred laboratory mice.

不管怎样,Michelakis的想法得到了实现。他的结果自然让人们想起了去年哈佛医学院Valeria Fantin和Philip Leder所得到的结果。Fantin和Leder采用一种名为“RNA干扰”技术,对一些专门喂养的实验室小鼠体内肿瘤糖酵解作用加以了改进。


If too much pyruvate is being made,the surplus is normally turned into lactic acid. ((5)Athletes whose muscles demand more energy than their mitochondria can deliver suffer from a build-up of lactic acid as their glycolytic pathways go into overdrive. It is this build-up that causes cramp[4].) The RNA interference employed by Dr Fantin and Dr Leder stops the conversion of pyruvate into lactic acid,causing it to build up. Their hope was that,overwhelmed with pyruvate,the mitochondria would be forced to respond.

丙酮酸如果产生过多,多余的丙酮酸通常都会转化为乳酸。(运动员由于其肌肉所需能量超出线粒体供能水平,因此糖酵解途径就会过度运转,从而导致乳酸蓄积,后者又导致能量之源被切断。)Fantin 和Feder所采用的RNA干扰技术阻止了丙酮酸转化成乳酸,从而使其不断蓄积。他们希望,当丙酮酸大量蓄积时,线粒体就会被迫产生反应。


And respond they did. Apoptosis shot up in the treated animals. Dr Fantin and Dr Leder also observed a marked decline in tumour growth rates. The survival rate of animals went up,too. None of the members of an untreated control group survived the four-month period over which the experiment was conducted. By contrast,80% of the treated animals survived.



(6)RNA interference is the subject of eager investigation among pharmaceutical companies,but so far it has yet to yield a drug approved by the regulators. Dichloroacetate,by contrast,is already employed for other purposes. That does not mean it will work as an anti-cancer agent in the real world,of course. But it does give it a head start. And even if dichloroacetate itself does not work,Dr Michelakis‘s study points towards a new approach to stopping cancer in its tracks.





1. mitochondria n. 线粒体

2. glycolysis n. 糖酵解

3. at that 而且: That‘s an idea,and a good one at that. 那倒是个主意,而且是个好主意。

4. cramp 抽筋,痉挛[C][U]: The swimmer was seized with a cramp and had to be helped out of the water. 那个在游泳的人突然抽起筋来,让别人帮着上了岸。

5. head start 抢先起步的优势;有利的开端

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