
有没有办法在C 17中使这个C 14递归模板更短?

poly_eval函数将计算在特定x值处评估具有特定系数集的多项式的结果.例如,poly_eval(5,1,-2,-1)计算x ^ 2 – 2x – 1,x = 5.这都是constexpr所以如果给它常量,它将在编译时计算答案.

它目前使用递归模板在编译时构建多项式求值表达式,并依赖于C 14为constexpr.我想知道是否有人能想出一个很好的方法删除递归模板,可能使用C 17.执行模板的代码使用clang和gcc中的__uint128_t类型.

#include <type_traits>
#include <tuple>

template <typename X_t,typename Coeff_1_T>
constexpr auto poly_eval_accum(const X_t &x,const Coeff_1_T &c1)
    return ::std::pair<X_t,Coeff_1_T>(x,c1);

template <typename X_t,typename Coeff_1_T,typename... Coeff_TList>
constexpr auto poly_eval_accum(const X_t &x,const Coeff_1_T &c1,const Coeff_TList &... coeffs)
    const auto &tmp_result = poly_eval_accum(x,coeffs...);
    auto saved = tmp_result.second + tmp_result.first * c1;
    return ::std::pair<X_t,decltype(saved)>(tmp_result.first * x,saved);

template <typename X_t,typename... Coeff_TList>
constexpr auto poly_eval(const X_t &x,const Coeff_TList &... coeffs)
    static_assert(sizeof...(coeffs) > 0,"Must have at least one coefficient.");
    return poly_eval_accum(x,coeffs...).second;

// This is just a test function to exercise the template.
__uint128_t multiply_lots(__uint128_t num,__uint128_t n2)
    const __uint128_t cf = 5;
    return poly_eval(cf,num,n2,10);

// This is just a test function to exercise the template to make sure
// it computes the result at compile time.
__uint128_t eval_const()
    return poly_eval(5,1);



下面有两个很好的答案.一个clear and terse,but may not handle certain situations involving complex types (expression trees,matrices,etc..) well,虽然它做得很好.它还依赖于有些模糊的运算符.

一个是不那么简洁,但仍然是much clearer than my original recursive template,and it handles types just as well.它扩展为’cn x *(cn-1 x *(cn-2 …’,而我的递归版本扩展为cn x * cn-1 x * x * cn -2 ….对于大多数合理的类型,它们应该是等价的,并且可以很容易地修改答案以扩展到我的递归扩展到的内容.



使用逗号运算符的功能(显然是C 17折叠),我想你可以写如下poly_eval()
template <typename X_t,typename C_t,typename ... Cs_t>
constexpr auto poly_eval (X_t const & x,C_t a,Cs_t const & ... cs)
   ( (a *= x,a += cs),...,(void)0 );

   return a;



– 编辑 –

添加一个替代版本来解决返回类型的问题,使用std :: common_type表达式的decltype(),如OP建议的那样;在这个版本中,a再次是一个常量引用.

template <typename X_t,C_t const & c1,Cs_t const & ... cs)
   decltype(((x * c1) + ... + (x * cs))) ret { c1 };

   ( (ret *= x,ret += cs),(void)0 );

   return ret;

– 编辑2 –


template <typename X_t,C_t const & a,Cs_t const & ... cs)
   using unused = int[];

   std::common_type_t<decltype(x * a),decltype(x * cs)...>  ret { a };

   (void)unused { 0,(ret *= x,ret += cs)... };

   return ret;


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