
C hexfloat编译时解析

C99语言具有直接指定二进制浮点文字(因此称为“hexfloats”)的指数和尾数的能力,例如,0x1.0p0是1 * pow(2,0)或1.0. C 11标准包括C99标准库,包括从字符串序列化和反序列化hexfloats的能力,但由于某些神秘的原因,不包括文字本身.


(2)如何在Visual Studio 2013支持的C 11子集中实现编译时hexfloat解析? GCC允许在C中使用hexfloat文字,因此这在GNU世界中不是问题.

编辑:显然hexfloats无法添加到C 11,因为它会与用户定义的文字“p”冲突.特别具有讽刺意味的是,由于没有人使用(UDL),因此无法实现实际有用的功能.


对于那些需要符合标准的constexpr十六进制浮点文字或等效功能的人(或者只是对编译时的一些解析感兴趣:)),这里是C 11及更高版本的解决方案.它不是用户定义的文字形式,但非常接近.用法类似于HEX_LF_C(0x3.02ca7b893217bp-3456),以使文字为0x3.02ca7b893217bp-3456.


对于C 11更简单的版本,对于C 14更具可读性,但使用不太简单,请参阅version 6 of this answer.

在这里代码(和here’s its live demo):

class HEX_LF_C
    using size_t=decltype(sizeof(0)); // avoid including extra headers
    static constexpr const long double _0x1p256=1.15792089237316195424e77L; // 2^256
    struct BadDigit{};
    // Unportable,but will work for ANSI charset
    static constexpr int hexDigit(char c)
        return '0'<=c&&c<='9' ? c-'0' :
               'a'<=c&&c<='f' ? c-'a'+0xa :
               'A'<=c&&c<='F' ? c-'A'+0xA : throw BadDigit{};
    // lightweight constexpr analogue of std::strtoull
    template<typename Int>
    static constexpr Int getNumber(const char* array,int base,size_t begin,size_t end,Int accumulated=Int(0))
        return begin==end ? accumulated :
               array[begin]=='-' ? -getNumber<Int>(array,base,begin+1,end) :
               array[begin]=='+' ? +getNumber<Int>(array,end) :
    // lightweight constexpr version of std::scalbn
    static constexpr long double scalbn(long double value,int exponent)
        // Trying hard to avoid hitting compiler recursion limit
        return exponent==0 ? value : exponent>0 ?
            (exponent>+255 ? scalbn(value*_0x1p256,exponent-256) : scalbn(value*2,exponent-1)) :
            (exponent<-255 ? scalbn(value/_0x1p256,exponent+256) : scalbn(value/2,exponent+1));
    // constexpr version of std::strlen
    static constexpr size_t strlen(const char* array)
    { return *array ? 1+strlen(array+1) : 0; }
    static constexpr size_t findChar(const char* array,char charToFind,size_t end)
        return begin==end ? end :
               array[begin]==charToFind ? begin :
    static constexpr size_t mantisSAEnd(const char* str)
    { return findChar(str,'p',strlen(str)); }

    static constexpr size_t pointPos(const char* str)
    { return findChar(str,'.',mantisSAEnd(str)); }

    static constexpr int exponent(const char* str)
        return mantisSAEnd(str)==strlen(str) ? 0 :
    static constexpr bool isSign(char ch) { return ch=='+'||ch=='-'; }
    static constexpr size_t mantissaBegin(const char* str)
        return isSign(*str)+
               2*(str[isSign(*str)]=='0' && str[isSign(*str)+1]=='x');
    static constexpr unsigned long long beforePoint(const char* str)
        return getNumber<unsigned long long>(str,16,mantissaBegin(str),pointPos(str));
    static constexpr long double addDigits(const char* str,long double currentValue,long double currentFactor)
        return begin==end ? currentValue :
    // If you don't need to force compile-time evaluation,you can use this
    // directly (having made it public)
    template<size_t N>
    static constexpr long double get(const char (&str)[N])
        return (str[0]=='-' ? -1 : 1)*
    struct UnsupportedLiteralLength{};
    // This helps to convert string literal to a valid template parameter
    // It just packs the given chunk (8 chars) of the string into a ulonglong.
    // We rely here and in LF_Evaluator on the fact that 32 chars is enough
    // for any useful long double hex literal (on x87 arch).
    // Will need tweaking if support for wider long double types is required.
    template<size_t N>
    static constexpr unsigned long long string_in_ull(const char (&array)[N],size_t start,size_t numIndex)
        // relying on CHAR_BIT==8 here
        return N>32 ? throw UnsupportedLiteralLength{} :
               start==end || start>=N ? 0 :
               string_in_ull(array,start+1,numIndex) |
    // This is to force compile-time evaluation of the hex constant
    template<unsigned long long A,unsigned long long B,unsigned long long C,unsigned long long D>
    struct LF_Evaluator
        static constexpr char ch(unsigned long long X,int charIndex) { return X>>charIndex*8; }
        static constexpr const char string[32]={
        static constexpr long double value=get(string);

#define HEX_LF_C(num) HEX_LF_C::LF_Evaluator<                    \

// Now some usage examples

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>

int main()
    enum { constexprTest=static_cast<int>(HEX_LF_C(0x2.34f7a87dp+19)) };
    std::cout << "constexpr test: " << constexprTest << "\n";
    std::cout << "value expected: " << 1157053 << "\n";

    std::cout << "need: 0x9.234f87ac95p+954\n";
    std::cout << "got : " << std::hexfloat << HEX_LF_C(0x9.234f87ac95p+954) << "\n";

    std::cout << "need: -0x9.00234f87ac95p-1954\n";
    std::cout << "got : " << std::hexfloat << HEX_LF_C(-0x9.00234f87ac95p-1954) << "\n";

#if defined __GNUG__ && !defined __clang__ // clang emits errors in pedantic mode
    static_assert(0x3.02ca7b893217bp-3456L==HEX_LF_C(0x3.02ca7b893217bp-3456),"Something is broken");
    std::cout << std::boolalpha << "Works correctly as compared to GCC? "
              << (0x3.4d0a89f5c217bp-3456L==HEX_LF_C(0x3.4d0a89f5c217bp-3456)) << "\n";
    std::cout << "0x" << "9.2f3ca523p+73" << "\n";
    constexpr auto x=HEX_LF_C(9.2f3ca523p+73);
    std::cout << std::hexfloat << x << "\n";


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