
Centos 7设置静态IP,修改时区

Centos 7设置静态IP

# vi /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-enxxx
IPADDR="192.168.1.xxx"    #要分配给机器的静态IP地址 因为是在虚拟机中,所以我设置成与我的机器同一网段
GATEWAY="192.168.1.xxx"     #网关 设置为与自己机器相同就可以了
NETMASK="" #子网掩码
NM_CONTROLLED="no"       #这个配置项值为no,代表不由网络控制器接口控制,而是便用配置文件
# systemctl restart network


timedatectl 查看系统时间方面的各种状态.

# timedatectl
      Local time: Wed 2019-05-15 18:30:43 CST
  Universal time: Wed 2019-05-15 10:30:43 UTC
        RTC time: Wed 2019-05-15 10:30:43
       Time zone: Asia/Shanghai (CST, +0800)
     NTP enabled: yes
NTP synchronized: yes
 RTC in local TZ: yes
      DST active: n/a

Warning: The system is configured to read the RTC time in the local time zone.
         This mode can not be fully supported. It will create varIoUs problems
         with time zone changes and daylight saving time adjustments. The RTC
         time is never updated, it relies on external facilities to maintain it.
         If at all possible, use RTC in UTC by calling
         'timedatectl set-local-rtc 0'.
# timedatectl list-timezones # 列出所有时区
# timedatectl set-local-rtc 1 # 将硬件时钟调整为与本地时钟一致, 0 为设置为 UTC 时间
# timedatectl set-timezone Asia/Shanghai # 设置系统时区为上海

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