

ClustrixDB 可以被安装在 CentOS 6.X 任意系统上,也支持安装在多个云环境上 。

第一: 在第一个节点上安装 ClustrixDB


shell> tar xvjf current_version.tar.bz2
shell> cd current_version
shell> sudo ./clxnode_install.py


第二: 在安装向导里确认调整部分配置选项

在第一个节点上安装ClustrixDB,键入合适的推荐参数。参考: ClustrixDB Installation Options 修改参数值。.

第三: 每个节点的安全性配置

配置 ClustrixDB 对外部应用程序提供服的端口和内部通信端口.

选项 A:允许所有内部结点间的通信


选项 B: 开启指定的端口



在 Clustrix 节点间的内部访问

这些是节点间通信的必需的一些端口. 必须确保集群内部端口是可以访问的.

TCP 22 SSH Administration and upgrade
TCP,UDP 2048 Control Port ClustrixDB specialized administrative tool
TCP,UDP 2424 NannyPort nanny - Clustrix process manager
TCP 3306 sql

Database communication

TCP 7888 clxdbi Database interface for ClustrixGUI
TCP,UDP 24378 - 24410 Multiport ClustrixDB internode communication



TCP 22 SSH Remote management and cluster access
TCP 80 HTTP ClustrixGUI
TCP 3306 sql Database access
TCP 3581 Health Check Heartbeat monitor for cluster

For instructions for specific cloud environments,please see Installing ClustrixDB at a cloud provider.

Step 4: Install Software on Additional Nodes

从第一个配置节点的命令行运行flex_clone,以在其他节点上安装相同版本的ClustrixDB。 需要为集群的每个节点都运行一次。

Run flex_clone from a node with ClustrixDB already installed
shell> /opt/clustrix/bin/flex_clone.sh 'new node IP'

Step 5: 配置集群

You can Now connect to your new database to configure your cluster. ClustrixDB uses your existingMysqLclient to access the ClustrixDB database. First,execute the following from a command line prompt.

shell> MysqL

Follow this Syntax from the resulting MysqL promptto provide the license number and configure your cluster. Be sure to include the curly bracketsthat surround your license key. (If you do not already have a license key,please contactClustrix Sales.)

SET GLOBAL license = '{license key including curly brackets}'
ALTER CLUSTER ADD 'ip' [,'ip'] ... 

For example,this adds three nodes to the cluster.

sql> ALTER CLUSTER ADD '','','';

Step 6: 验证NTP 是否在整个集群中同步

This test will only succeed once all nodes have been successfully added to your cluster using the prevIoUs step.

To verify that the clocks are synchronized between all nodes of the cluster,run the following from a command line prompt:

shell> /opt/clustrix/bin/clx cmd 'ntpstat'

See Setting Up NTP for ClustrixDB on CentOS if this step identifies issues.

Step 7: 校验 ClustrixDB 配置

Execute the following from a command line prompt to access the “test” database created during installation:

shell> MysqL -u root test

Step 8: 访问 GUI

You should Now be able to access the ClustrixGUI Administration UI to monitor and manage your cluster. Provide the IP or hostname of one of the nodes of your cluster in the address bar of a browser and press Enter. Clustrix recommends using Chrome.

Please contact Clustrix Supportif you experience any problems during installation.


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