
cocos2dx 3.x版本 openssl 更新的问题 最后又3.x版本最新的libs下载地址

Cocos2d-x Developer Blog

Cocos Creator 1.0.2 released!

Cocos Creator 1.0.2 officially released!

We are excited to release version 1.0.2 of Cocos Creator. Cocos Creator is a new,unified,development tool that handles every step in the game development process.

Posted in Announcement Tagged with: cocos-creator

OpenSSL update

Cocos2d-x has upgradedOpenSSLto version1.0.2g.

BeginningJuly 11,2016,Google Play will block publishing of any new apps or updates that use older versions ofOpenSSL. It is important that you update the use ofOpenSSLin your projects.

If you use v2.x or use older versions of v3.x,you can just updateCURLandOpenSSL. To do this:

  • modifyCocos2d-x root/external/config.jsonto update the dependency version. For v3.x the dependency version isv3-deps-92,and for v2.x it isv2-deps-5
  • execute thedownload-deps.pyscript in yourCocos2d-x root.

Feel free to post on ourforumsif you run into difficulty.

链接:http://pan.baidu.com/s/1qXUaV0K 密码:5gc1


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