












因此,我们可以求得sinw=sintw/k1,则k1=sintw/sinw,同样可得 k0=sin(1-t)w/sinw.





在这里,我们贴出cocos2dx 3.6中四元数的实现代码,大家学习学习。

     * Interpolates between two quaternions using spherical linear interpolation.
     * Spherical linear interpolation provides smooth transitions between different
     * orientations and is often useful for animating models or cameras in 3D.
     * Note: For accurate interpolation,the input quaternions must be at (or close to) unit length.
     * This method does not automatically normalize the input quaternions,so it is up to the
     * caller to ensure they call normalize beforehand,if necessary.
     * @param q1x The x component of the first quaternion.
     * @param q1y The y component of the first quaternion.
     * @param q1z The z component of the first quaternion.
     * @param q1w The w component of the first quaternion.
     * @param q2x The x component of the second quaternion.
     * @param q2y The y component of the second quaternion.
     * @param q2z The z component of the second quaternion.
     * @param q2w The w component of the second quaternion.
     * @param t The interpolation coefficient.
     * @param dstx A pointer to store the x component of the slerp in.
     * @param dsty A pointer to store the y component of the slerp in.
     * @param dstz A pointer to store the z component of the slerp in.
     * @param dstw A pointer to store the w component of the slerp in.
    static void slerp(float q1x,float q1y,float q1z,float q1w,float q2x,float q2y,float q2z,float q2w,float t,float* dstx,float* dsty,float* dstz,float* dstw);

void Quaternion::slerp(float q1x,float* dstw)
    // Fast slerp implementation by kwhatmough:
    // It contains no division operations,no trig,no inverse trig
    // and no sqrt. Not only does this code tolerate small constraint
    // errors in the input quaternions,it actually corrects for them.
    GP_ASSERT(dstx && dsty && dstz && dstw);
    GP_ASSERT(!(t < 0.0f || t > 1.0f));

    if (t == 0.0f)
        *dstx = q1x;
        *dsty = q1y;
        *dstz = q1z;
        *dstw = q1w;
    else if (t == 1.0f)
        *dstx = q2x;
        *dsty = q2y;
        *dstz = q2z;
        *dstw = q2w;

    if (q1x == q2x && q1y == q2y && q1z == q2z && q1w == q2w)
        *dstx = q1x;
        *dsty = q1y;
        *dstz = q1z;
        *dstw = q1w;

    float halfY,alpha,beta;
    float u,f1,f2a,f2b;
    float ratio1,ratio2;
    float halfSecHalfTheta,versHalfTheta;
    float sqNotU,sqU;

    float cosTheta = q1w * q2w + q1x * q2x + q1y * q2y + q1z * q2z;

    // As usual in all slerp implementations,we fold theta.
    alpha = cosTheta >= 0 ? 1.0f : -1.0f;
    halfY = 1.0f + alpha * cosTheta;

    // Here we bisect the interval,so we need to fold t as well.
    f2b = t - 0.5f;
    u = f2b >= 0 ? f2b : -f2b;
    f2a = u - f2b;
    f2b += u;
    u += u;
    f1 = 1.0f - u;

    // One iteration of Newton to get 1-cos(theta / 2) to good accuracy.
    halfSecHalfTheta = 1.09f - (0.476537f - 0.0903321f * halfY) * halfY;
    halfSecHalfTheta *= 1.5f - halfY * halfSecHalfTheta * halfSecHalfTheta;
    versHalfTheta = 1.0f - halfY * halfSecHalfTheta;

    // Evaluate series expansions of the coefficients.
    sqNotU = f1 * f1;
    ratio2 = 0.0000440917108f * versHalfTheta;
    ratio1 = -0.00158730159f + (sqNotU - 16.0f) * ratio2;
    ratio1 = 0.0333333333f + ratio1 * (sqNotU - 9.0f) * versHalfTheta;
    ratio1 = -0.333333333f + ratio1 * (sqNotU - 4.0f) * versHalfTheta;
    ratio1 = 1.0f + ratio1 * (sqNotU - 1.0f) * versHalfTheta;

    sqU = u * u;
    ratio2 = -0.00158730159f + (sqU - 16.0f) * ratio2;
    ratio2 = 0.0333333333f + ratio2 * (sqU - 9.0f) * versHalfTheta;
    ratio2 = -0.333333333f + ratio2 * (sqU - 4.0f) * versHalfTheta;
    ratio2 = 1.0f + ratio2 * (sqU - 1.0f) * versHalfTheta;

    // Perform the bisection and resolve the folding done earlier.
    f1 *= ratio1 * halfSecHalfTheta;
    f2a *= ratio2;
    f2b *= ratio2;
    alpha *= f1 + f2a;
    beta = f1 + f2b;

    // Apply final coefficients to a and b as usual.
    float w = alpha * q1w + beta * q2w;
    float x = alpha * q1x + beta * q2x;
    float y = alpha * q1y + beta * q2y;
    float z = alpha * q1z + beta * q2z;

    // This final adjustment to the quaternion's length corrects for
    // any small constraint error in the inputs q1 and q2 But as you
    // can see,it comes at the cost of 9 additional multiplication
    // operations. If this error-correcting feature is not required,// the following code may be removed.
    f1 = 1.5f - 0.5f * (w * w + x * x + y * y + z * z);
    *dstw = w * f1;
    *dstx = x * f1;
    *dsty = y * f1;
    *dstz = z * f1;

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    本文实践自 RayWenderlich、Ali Hafizji 的文章《How To Create Dynamic Textures with CCRenderTexture in Cocos2D 2.X》,文中使用Cocos2D,我在这里使用Cocos2D-x 2.1.4进行学习和移植。在这篇文章,将会学习到如何创建实时纹理、如何用Gimp创建无缝拼接纹
Cocos-code-ide使用入门学习地点:杭州滨江邮箱:appdevzw@163.com微信公众号:HopToad 欢迎转载,转载标注出处:http://blog.csdn.netotbaron/article/details/424343991.  软件准备 下载地址:http://cn.cocos2d-x.org/download 2.  简介2.1         引用C
第一次開始用手游引擎挺激动!!!进入正题。下载资源1:从Cocos2D-x官网上下载,进入网页http://www.cocos2d-x.org/download,点击Cocos2d-x以下的Download  v3.0,保存到自定义的文件夹2:从python官网上下载。进入网页https://www.python.org/downloads/,我当前下载的是3.4.0(当前最新
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1.  来源 QuickV3sample项目中的2048样例游戏,以及最近《最强大脑》娱乐节目。将2048改造成一款挑战玩家对数字记忆的小游戏。邮箱:appdevzw@163.com微信公众号:HopToadAPK下载地址:http://download.csdn.net/detailotbaron/8446223源码下载地址:http://download.csdn.net/
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1. 圆形音量button事实上作者的本意应该是叫做“电位计button”。可是我觉得它和我们的圆形音量button非常像,所以就这么叫它吧~先看效果:好了,不多解释,本篇到此为止。(旁白: 噗。就这样结束了?)啊才怪~我们来看看代码:[cpp] viewplaincopyprint?CCContro