
c# – 是否有技术原因没有从DBNull到可空类型的隐式转换?




好吧,我不知道sqlTypes的情况,但肯定有一些技术原因,为什么在dbnull.Value和Nullable< T>的值之间添加隐式转换.使用HasValue = false将无法正常工作.

记住,dbnull是一种引用类型,尽管Nullable< T>像一个引用类型 – 假装能够采用空值 – 它实际上是一个值类型,具有值语义.

特别是,当类型为Nullable< T>的值时,存在一种奇怪的边缘情况.盒装.该行为在运行时特殊情况下为Nullable< T>类型的框值.到盒装版本的T,而不是Nullable< T>的盒装版本.

正如the MSDN documentation解释的那样:

When a nullable type is Boxed,the common language runtime automatically Boxes the underlying value of the Nullable(Of T) object,not the Nullable(Of T) object itself. That is,if the HasValue property is true,the contents of the Value property is Boxed. When the underlying value of a nullable type is unBoxed,the common language runtime creates a new Nullable(Of T) structure initialized to the underlying value.

If the HasValue property of a nullable type is false,the result of a Boxing operation is nothing. Consequently,if a Boxed nullable type is passed to a method that expects an object argument,that method must be prepared to handle the case where the argument is nothing. When nothing is unBoxed into a nullable type,the common language runtime creates a new Nullable(Of T) structure and initializes its HasValue property to false.

现在我们遇到了一个棘手的问题:C#语言规范(§4.3.2)说我们不能使用拆箱转换将dbnull.Value转换为Nullable< T>:

For an unBoxing conversion to a given nullable-type to succeed at run-time,the value of the source operand must be either null or a reference to a Boxed value of the underlying non-nullable-value-type of the nullable-type. If the source operand is a reference to an incompatible object,a system.invalidCastException is thrown.

根据§10.10.3,我们也不能使用用户定义的转换从对象转换为Nullable< T>

It is not possible to directly redefine a pre-defined conversion. Thus,conversion operators are not allowed to convert from or to object because implicit and explicit conversions already exist between object and all other types.



好吧,假设有一些神奇的运算符可以从对象转换为Nullable< T>,并且编译器有一些方法可以知道它何时适用. (我们不希望它用于指定返回对象的每个方法 – 如果方法实际返回一个字符串,它应该怎么做?)但是我们仍然有一个问题:转换可能不明确!如果方法返回long或dbnull.Value,我们做int? v = Method();,当方法返回一个盒装长的时候我们应该怎么做?


所以在这一点上,它不仅是对语言的指定行为的改变,一个潜在的重大性能打击,而且它可能会引发意外的异常!这似乎是不实施它的一个很好的理由.但如果您还需要一个理由,请记住每个功能都从minus 100 points开始.


object x = 23;
object y = null;

dynamic dx = x;
dynamic dy = y;

int? nx = (int?) dx;
int? ny = (int?) dy;

Console.WriteLine("nx.HasValue = {0}; nx.Value = {1}; ny.HasValue = {2};",nx.HasValue,nx.Value,ny.HasValue);


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