



  1. http://www.onexsoft.com/download.html

  1. wget http://www.onexsoft.com/software/sqluldr2linux64.zip

  1. -rwxrwxrwx 1 oracle oinstall 185894 1月 27 2016 sqluldr2linux64.bin

  1. [oracle@hecomoracleserver2 sqluldr2]$ ./sqluldr2linux64.bin

  2. sql*UnLoader: Fast Oracle Text Unloader (GZIP, Parallel), Release 4.0.1
  3. (@) copyright Lou Fangxin (Anysql.net) 2004 - 2010, all rights reserved.

  4. License: Free for non-commercial useage, else 100 USD per server.

  5. Usage: sqlULDR2 keyword=value [,keyword=value,...]

  6. Valid Keywords:
  7.    user = username/password@tnsname
  8.    sql = sql file name
  9.    query = select statement
  10.    field = separator string between fields
  11.    record = separator string between records
  12.    rows = print progress for every given rows (default, 1000000)
  13.    file = output file name(default: uldrdata.txt)
  14.    log = log file name, prefix with + to append mode
  15.    fast = auto tuning the session level parameters(YES)
  16.    text = output type (MYSQL, CSV, MysqLINS, ORACLEINS, FORM, SEARCH).
  17.    charset = character set name of the target database.
  18.    ncharset= national character set name of the target database.
  19.    parfile = read command option from parameter file

  20.   for field and record, you can use '0x' to specify hex character code,
  21.   \r=0x0d \n=0x0a |=0x7c ,=0x2c, \t=0x09, :=0x3a, #=0x23, "=0x22



  1. ./sqluldr2linux64.bin user=gltest/gltest query="select * from T_H_BK_CUSTOMER_20180114_0;" file=/home/oracle/sqluldr2/T_H_BK_CUSTOMER_20180114_0.csv

  1. ./sqluldr2linux64.bin user=gltest/gltest@orcl query="select * from T_H_BK_CUSTOMER_20180114_0;" file=/home/oracle/sqluldr2/T_H_BK_CUSTOMER_20180114_0.csv

  1. ./sqluldr2linux64.bin user=gltest/gltest@ query="select * from T_H_BK_CUSTOMER_20180114_0;" file=/home/oracle/sqluldr2/T_H_BK_CUSTOMER_20180114_0.csv



  1. [oracle@gloracleserver2 sqluldr2]$ more customer.txt
  2. user=gltest/gltest
  3. query=select ent_code,code,name,cust_levels,dept_code,poi_id,status,createon,createby,lastupdateon from v30_md_customer;

  1. [oracle@gloracleserver2 sqluldr2]$ ./sqluldr2linux64.bin parfile=/home/oracle/sqluldr2/customer.txt file=/home/oracle/sqluldr2/customer.csv
  2.            0 rows exported at 2018-01-16 20:25:09, size 0 MB.
  3.      1000000 rows exported at 2018-01-16 20:25:11, size 96 MB.
  4.      2000000 rows exported at 2018-01-16 20:25:14, size 196 MB.
  5.      3000000 rows exported at 2018-01-16 20:25:16, size 296 MB.
  6.      4000000 rows exported at 2018-01-16 20:25:18, size 392 MB.
  7.      5000000 rows exported at 2018-01-16 20:25:21, size 492 MB.
  8.      6000000 rows exported at 2018-01-16 20:25:23, size 592 MB.
  9.      7000000 rows exported at 2018-01-16 20:25:26, size 692 MB.
  10.      8000000 rows exported at 2018-01-16 20:25:28, size 788 MB.
  11.      9000000 rows exported at 2018-01-16 20:25:31, size 888 MB.
  12.     10000000 rows exported at 2018-01-16 20:25:34, size 988 MB.
  13.     11000000 rows exported at 2018-01-16 20:25:36, size 1088 MB.
  14.     11317061 rows exported at 2018-01-16 20:25:37, size 1121 MB.
  15.          output file /home/oracle/sqluldr2/customer.csv closed at 11317061 rows, size 1121 MB.


        1. 导出文件里有中文显示乱码,需要设置参数charset=UTF8

        2. ORA-24345: A Truncation or null fetch error occurred,设置参数safe=yes


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