编辑#2(标记为重复):我已经看过这个Conditional Elevation问题(并实际实现了它),它与我的不一样.当前提升状态不会改变Inno Setup实际保存卸载注册表信息的位置(在HKCU或HKLM中).如果查看Inno source code (Install.pas #507),您会看到Privilegesrequired指令是存储注册表的主要因素.如果将此设置为最低,则无论安装程序是否提升都无关紧要 – 它将安装注册表项到HKCU,当所需的行为是根据用户安装首选项选择一个或另一个时,而不是当前的提升状态.所以这就是说,我正在寻找一种解决方案来根据代码变量更改注册表根目录,无论当前的Privilegesrequired或Elevation设置如何.
您可以获得的最接近的是使用未记录的(已弃用)Privilegesrequired = none.
>使用未授权帐户启动安装程序时,它会在不提示您提升的情况下启动.如果您决定在安装过程中需要升高,则可以使用restart the installer elevated.
>当您使用特权帐户启动安装程序时,它始终会提示您提升,如果拒绝,则不会启动.因此安装程序始终运行升级.同样,如果您决定继续进行升级,则必须重新启动安装程序.见How to Start a Process Unelevated或Run un-elevated command from an elevated prompt?.
function MoveHKCUUninstallKeyToHKLM: Boolean; var UninstallKey: string; AppId: string; I: Integer; ValueNames: Tarrayofstring; ValueName: string; ValueStr: string; ValueDWord: Cardinal; begin if '{#emit SetupSetting("AppId")}' <> '' then begin AppId := '{#emit SetupSetting("AppId")}'; end else begin AppId := '{#emit SetupSetting("AppName")}'; end; Result := False; if AppId = '' then begin Log('Cannot identify AppId'); end else begin UninstallKey := 'Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\' + AppId + '_is1'; Log(Format( 'AppId identified as "%s",using uninstall key "%s"',[AppId,UninstallKey])); if not RegKeyExists(HKEY_CURRENT_USER,UninstallKey) then begin Log('HKCU uninstall key not found'); end else if RegKeyExists(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,UninstallKey) then begin Log('HKLM uninstall key exists already'); end else begin Log('HKCU uninstall key found and HKLM key not exists yet'); if not RegGetValueNames(HKEY_CURRENT_USER,UninstallKey,ValueNames) then begin Log('Cannot list uninstall key values'); end else begin I := 0; Result := True; while (I < GetArrayLength(ValueNames)) and Result do begin ValueName := ValueNames[I]; if RegQueryStringValue(HKEY_CURRENT_USER,ValueName,ValueStr) then begin if not RegWriteStringValue( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,ValueStr) then begin Log(Format('Error moving "%s" string value',[ValueName])); Result := False; end else begin Log(Format('Moved "%s" string value',[ValueName])); end; end else if RegQueryDWordValue( HKEY_CURRENT_USER,ValueDWord) then begin if not RegWriteDWordValue( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,ValueDWord) then begin Log(Format('Error moving "%s" dword value',[ValueName])); Result := False; end else begin Log(Format('Moved "%s" dword value',[ValueName])); end; end else begin { All uninstall values written by Inno Setup are either string or dword } Log(Format('Value "%s" is neither string nor dword',[ValueName])); Result := False; end; Inc(I); end; if Result then begin if not RegDeleteKeyIncludingSubkeys(HKEY_CURRENT_USER,UninstallKey) then begin Log('Error removing HKCU uninstall key'); Result := False; end else begin Log('Removed HKCU uninstall key'); end; end; if not Result then begin if not RegDeleteKeyIncludingSubkeys(HKEY_CURRENT_USER,UninstallKey) then begin Log('Failed to move uninstall key to HKLM,' + 'and also Failed to rollback the changes'); end else begin Log('Failed to move uninstall key to HKLM,rolled back the changes'); end; end; end; end; end; end; procedure CurStepChanged(CurStep: TSetupStep); begin if CurStep = sspostInstall then begin Log('Post install'); MoveHKCUUninstallKeyToHKLM; end; end;
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