这个实例在windows、OS X、IOS和Android等平台运行正常。
1 unit Unit3; 2 3 interface 4 5 uses 6 System.SysUtils,System.Types,System.UITypes,System.Classes,System.Variants,7 FMX.Types,FMX.Controls,FMX.Forms,FMX.Graphics,FMX.Dialogs,FMX.Objects,8 FMX.Controls.Presentation,FMX.Edit,FMX.StdCtrls,DelphiZXingQRCode,9 FMX.ListBox,system.math; 10 11 type 12 TForm3 = class(TForm) 13 Button1: TButton; 14 edtText: TEdit; 15 imgQRCode: timage; 16 cmbEncoding: TComboBox; 17 edtQuietZone: TEdit; 18 procedure Button1Click(Sender: TObject); 19 private 20 { Private declarations } 21 BMP: TBitmap; 22 public 23 { Public declarations } 24 end; 25 26 var 27 Form3: TForm3; 28 29 implementation 30 31 {$R *.fmx} 32 33 procedure TForm3.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); 34 const 35 downsizeQuality: Integer = 2; // bigger value,better quality,slower rendering 36 var 37 QRCode: TDelphiZXingQRCode; 38 Row,Column: Integer; 39 pixelColor : TAlphaColor; 40 vBitMapData : TBitmapData; 41 pixelCount,y,x: Integer; 42 columnPixel,rowPixel: Integer; 43 function GetPixelCount(AWidth,AHeight: Single): Integer; 44 begin 45 if QRCode.Rows > 0 then 46 Result := Trunc(Min(AWidth,AHeight)) div QRCode.Rows 47 else 48 Result := 0; 49 end; 50 begin 51 QRCode := TDelphiZXingQRCode.Create; 52 try 53 QRCode.Data := edtText.Text; 54 QRCode.Encoding := TQRCodeEncoding(cmbEncoding.ItemIndex); 55 QRCode.QuietZone := StrToIntDef(edtQuietZone.Text,4); 56 pixelCount := GetPixelCount(imgQRCode.Width,imgQRCode.Height); 57 case imgQRCode.WrapMode of 58 timageWrapMode.iwOriginal,timageWrapMode.iwTile,timageWrapMode.iwCenter: 59 begin 60 if pixelCount > 0 then 61 imgQRCode.Bitmap.SetSize(QRCode.Columns * pixelCount,62 QRCode.Rows * pixelCount); 63 end; 64 timageWrapMode.iwFit: 65 begin 66 if pixelCount > 0 then 67 begin 68 imgQRCode.Bitmap.SetSize(QRCode.Columns * pixelCount * downsizeQuality,69 QRCode.Rows * pixelCount * downsizeQuality); 70 pixelCount := pixelCount * downsizeQuality; 71 end; 72 end; 73 timageWrapMode.iwStretch: 74 raise Exception.Create(‘Not a good idea to stretch the QR Code‘); 75 end; 76// if imgQRCode.Bitmap.Canvas.BeginScene then 77// begin 78 try 79 imgQRCode.Bitmap.Canvas.Clear(TAlphaColors.White); 80 if pixelCount > 0 then 81 begin 82 if imgQRCode.Bitmap.Map(TMapAccess.maWrite,vBitMapData) then 83 begin 84 try 85 for Row := 0 to QRCode.Rows - 1 do 86 begin 87 for Column := 0 to QRCode.Columns - 1 do 88 begin 89 if (QRCode.IsBlack[Row,Column]) then 90 pixelColor := TAlphaColors.Black 91 else 92 pixelColor := TAlphaColors.White; 93 columnPixel := Column * pixelCount; 94 rowPixel := Row * pixelCount; 95 for x := 0 to pixelCount - 1 do 96 for y := 0 to pixelCount - 1 do 97 vBitMapData.SetPixel(columnPixel + x,98 rowPixel + y,pixelColor); 99 end; 100 end; 101 finally 102 imgQRCode.Bitmap.Unmap(vBitMapData); 103 end; 104 end; 105 end; 106 finally 107// imgQRCode.Bitmap.Canvas.EndScene; 108// end; 109 end; 110 finally 111 QRCode.Free; 112 end; 113 end; 114 115 end.
1 object Form3: TForm3 2 Left = 0 3 Top = 0 4 Caption = ‘Form3‘ 5 ClientHeight = 487 6 ClientWidth = 328 7 FormFactor.Width = 320 8 FormFactor.Height = 480 9 FormFactor.Devices = [Desktop] 10 DesignerMasterStyle = 3 11 object Button1: TButton 12 Position.X = 32.000000000000000000 13 Position.Y = 104.000000000000000000 14 Size.Width = 89.000000000000000000 15 Size.Height = 44.000000000000000000 16 Size.PlatformDefault = False 17 TabOrder = 0 18 Text = ‘Button1‘ 19 OnClick = Button1Click 20 end 21 object edtText: TEdit 22 Touch.InteractiveGestures = [LongTap,DoubleTap] 23 TabOrder = 1 24 Position.X = 32.000000000000000000 25 Position.Y = 56.000000000000000000 26 Size.Width = 233.000000000000000000 27 Size.Height = 32.000000000000000000 28 Size.PlatformDefault = False 29 end 30 object imgQRCode: timage 31 MultiResBitmap = < 32 item 33 end> 34 Anchors = [akLeft,akTop,akRight,akBottom] 35 MarginWrapMode = Center 36 Position.X = 32.000000000000000000 37 Position.Y = 192.000000000000000000 38 Size.Width = 250.000000000000000000 39 Size.Height = 250.000000000000000000 40 Size.PlatformDefault = False 41 end 42 object cmbEncoding: TComboBox 43 Items.Strings = ( 44 ‘Auto‘ 45 ‘Numeric‘ 46 ‘Alphanumeric‘ 47 ‘ISO-8859-1‘ 48 ‘UTF-8 without BOM‘ 49 ‘UTF-8 with BOM‘) 50 ItemIndex = 0 51 Position.X = 136.000000000000000000 52 Position.Y = 112.000000000000000000 53 Size.Width = 145.000000000000000000 54 Size.Height = 32.000000000000000000 55 Size.PlatformDefault = False 56 TabOrder = 3 57 end 58 object edtQuietZone: TEdit 59 Touch.InteractiveGestures = [LongTap,DoubleTap] 60 TabOrder = 4 61 Text = ‘4‘ 62 Position.X = 32.000000000000000000 63 Position.Y = 152.000000000000000000 64 Size.Width = 100.000000000000000000 65 Size.Height = 32.000000000000000000 66 Size.PlatformDefault = False 67 end 68 end
2015-02-13 新的demo,简化调用方式,要配合下面的DelphiZXIngQRCode.pas
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unit DelphiZXIngQRCode; // ZXing QRCode port to Delphi,by Debenu Pty Ltd // www.debenu.com // Original copyright notice (* * copyright 2008 ZXing authors * * Licensed under the Apache License,Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND,either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. *) interface uses System.UITypes,FMX.Types; type TQRCodeEncoding = (qrAuto,qrNumeric,qrAlphanumeric,qrISO88591,qrUTF8NoBOM,qrUTF8BOM); T2DBooleanArray = array of array of Boolean; TDelphiZXingQRCode = class protected FData: String; FRows: Integer; FColumns: Integer; FEncoding: TQRCodeEncoding; FQuietZone: Integer; FElements: T2DBooleanArray; procedure SetEncoding(NewEncoding: TQRCodeEncoding); procedure SetData(const NewData: string); procedure SetQuietZone(NewQuietZone: Integer); function GetIsBlack(Row,Column: Integer): Boolean; procedure Update; public constructor Create; procedure DrawQrcode(imgQRCode: timage; QRCode: TDelphiZXingQRCode); property Data: string read FData write SetData; property Encoding: TQRCodeEncoding read FEncoding write SetEncoding; property QuietZone: Integer read FQuietZone write SetQuietZone; property Rows: Integer read FRows; property Columns: Integer read FColumns; property IsBlack[Row,Column: Integer]: Boolean read GetIsBlack; end; implementation uses System.Generics.Collections,Math,Classes,System.SysUtils; type TByteArray = array of Byte; T2DByteArray = array of array of Byte; TIntegerArray = array of Integer; const NUM_MASK_PATTERNS = 8; QUIET_ZONE_SIZE = 4; ALPHANUMERIC_TABLE: array [0 .. 95] of Integer = (-1,-1,// 0x00-0x0f -1,// 0x10-0x1f 36,37,38,39,40,41,42,43,// 0x20-0x2f 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,44,// 0x30-0x3f -1,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,// 0x40-0x4f 25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,-1 // 0x50-0x5f ); DEFAULT_BYTE_MODE_ENCODING = ‘ISO-8859-1‘; POSITION_DETECTION_PATTERN: array [0 .. 6,0 .. 6] of Integer = ((1,1),(1,1)); HORIZONTAL_SEParaTION_PATTERN: array [0 .. 0,0 .. 7] of Integer = ((0,0)); VERTICAL_SEParaTION_PATTERN: array [0 .. 6,0 .. 0] of Integer = ((0),(0),(0)); POSITION_ADJUSTMENT_PATTERN: array [0 .. 4,0 .. 4] of Integer = ((1,1)); // From Appendix E. Table 1,JIS0510X:2004 (p 71). The table was double-checked by komatsu. POSITION_ADJUSTMENT_PATTERN_COORDINATE_TABLE: array [0 .. 39,0 .. 6] of Integer = ((-1,-1),// Version 1 (6,// Version 2 (6,// Version 3 (6,// Version 4 (6,// Version 5 (6,// Version 6 (6,// Version 7 (6,// Version 8 (6,46,// Version 9 (6,50,// Version 10 (6,54,// Version 11 (6,58,// Version 12 (6,62,// Version 13 (6,66,// Version 14 (6,48,70,// Version 15 (6,74,// Version 16 (6,78,// Version 17 (6,56,82,// Version 18 (6,86,// Version 19 (6,90,// Version 20 (6,72,94,// Version 21 (6,98,// Version 22 (6,102,// Version 23 (6,80,106,// Version 24 (6,84,110,// Version 25 (6,114,// Version 26 (6,118,// Version 27 (6,122,// Version 28 (6,126,// Version 29 (6,52,104,130,// Version 30 (6,108,134,// Version 31 (6,60,112,138,// Version 32 (6,142,// Version 33 (6,146,// Version 34 (6,150),// Version 35 (6,76,128,154),// Version 36 (6,132,158),// Version 37 (6,136,162),// Version 38 (6,166),// Version 39 (6,170) // Version 40 ); // Type info cells at the left top corner. TYPE_INFO_COORDINATES: array [0 .. 14,0 .. 1] of Integer = ((8,0),(8,2),3),4),5),7),8),(7,(5,(4,(3,(2,(0,8)); // From Appendix D in JISX0510:2004 (p. 67) VERSION_INFO_poly = $1F25; // 1 1111 0010 0101 // From Appendix C in JISX0510:2004 (p.65). TYPE_INFO_poly = $537; TYPE_INFO_MASK_PATTERN = $5412; VERSION_DECODE_INFO: array [0 .. 33] of Integer = ( $07C94,$085BC,$09A99,$0A4D3,$0BBF6,$0C762,$0D847,$0E60D,$0F928,$10B78,$1145D,$12A17,$13532,$149A6,$15683,$168C9,$177EC,$18EC4,$191E1,$1AFAB,$1B08E,$1CC1A,$1D33F,$1ED75,$1F250,$209D5,$216F0,$228BA,$2379F,$24B0B,$2542E,$26A64,$27541,$28C69); type TMode = (qmTerminator,qmNumeric,qmAlphanumeric,qmStructuredAppend,qmByte,qmECI,qmkanji,qmFNC1FirstPosition,qmFNC1SecondPosition,qmHanzi); const ModeCharacterCountBits: array [TMode] of array [0 .. 2] of Integer = ((0,(10,14),(9,13),16),12),12)); ModeBits: array [TMode] of Integer = (0,13); type TErrorCorrectionLevel = class private FBits: Integer; public procedure Assign(Source: TErrorCorrectionLevel); function Ordinal: Integer; property Bits: Integer read FBits; end; TECB = class private Count: Integer; DataCodewords: Integer; public constructor Create(Count,DataCodewords: Integer); function GetCount: Integer; function GetDataCodewords: Integer; end; TECBArray = array of TECB; TECBlocks = class private ECCodewordsPerBlock: Integer; ECBlocks: TECBArray; public constructor Create(ECCodewordsPerBlock: Integer; ECBlocks: TECB); overload; constructor Create(ECCodewordsPerBlock: Integer; ECBlocks1,ECBlocks2: TECB); overload; destructor Destroy; override; function GetTotalECCodewords: Integer; function GetNumBlocks: Integer; function GetECCodewordsPerBlock: Integer; function GetECBlocks: TECBArray; end; TByteMatrix = class protected Bytes: T2DByteArray; FWidth: Integer; fheight: Integer; public constructor Create(Width,Height: Integer); function Get(X,Y: Integer): Integer; procedure SetBoolean(X,Y: Integer; Value: Boolean); procedure SetInteger(X,Y: Integer; Value: Integer); function GetArray: T2DByteArray; procedure Assign(Source: TByteMatrix); procedure Clear(Value: Byte); function Hash: string; property Width: Integer read FWidth; property Height: Integer read fheight; end; TBitArray = class private Bits: array of Integer; Size: Integer; procedure EnsureCapacity(Size: Integer); public constructor Create; overload; constructor Create(Size: Integer); overload; function GetSizeInBytes: Integer; function GetSize: Integer; function Get(I: Integer): Boolean; procedure SetBit(Index: Integer); procedure AppendBit(Bit: Boolean); procedure AppendBits(Value,NumBits: Integer); procedure AppendBitArray(NewBitArray: TBitArray); procedure ToBytes(BitOffset: Integer; Source: TByteArray; Offset,NumBytes: Integer); procedure XorOperation(Other: TBitArray); end; TCharacterSetECI = class end; TVersion = class private VersionNumber: Integer; AlignmentPatternCenters: array of Integer; ECBlocks: array of TECBlocks; TotalCodewords: Integer; ECCodewords: Integer; public constructor Create(VersionNumber: Integer; AlignmentPatternCenters: array of Integer; ECBlocks1,ECBlocks2,ECBlocks3,ECBlocks4: TECBlocks); destructor Destroy; override; class function GetVersionForNumber(VersionNum: Integer): TVersion; class function ChooseVersion(NumInputBits: Integer; ecLevel: TErrorCorrectionLevel): TVersion; function GetTotalCodewords: Integer; function GetECBlocksForLevel(ecLevel: TErrorCorrectionLevel): TECBlocks; function GetDimensionForVersion: Integer; end; TMaskUtil = class public function GetDataMaskBit(MaskPattern,X,Y: Integer): Boolean; end; TQRCode = class private FMode: TMode; FECLevel: TErrorCorrectionLevel; FVersion: Integer; FMatrixWidth: Integer; FMaskPattern: Integer; FNumTotalBytes: Integer; FNumDataBytes: Integer; FNumECBytes: Integer; FNumRSBlocks: Integer; FMatrix: TByteMatrix; FQRCodeError: Boolean; public constructor Create; destructor Destroy; override; function At(X,Y: Integer): Integer; function IsValid: Boolean; function IsValidMaskPattern(MaskPattern: Integer): Boolean; procedure SetMatrix(NewMatrix: TByteMatrix); procedure SetECLevel(NewECLevel: TErrorCorrectionLevel); procedure SetAll(VersionNum,NumBytes,NumDataBytes,NumRSBlocks,NumECBytes,MatrixWidth: Integer); property QRCodeError: Boolean read FQRCodeError; property Mode: TMode read FMode write FMode; property Version: Integer read FVersion write FVersion; property NumDataBytes: Integer read FNumDataBytes; property NumTotalBytes: Integer read FNumTotalBytes; property NumRSBlocks: Integer read FNumRSBlocks; property MatrixWidth: Integer read FMatrixWidth; property MaskPattern: Integer read FMaskPattern write FMaskPattern; property ecLevel: TErrorCorrectionLevel read FECLevel; end; TMatrixUtil = class private FMatrixUtilError: Boolean; procedure ClearMatrix(Matrix: TByteMatrix); procedure EmbedBasicPatterns(Version: Integer; Matrix: TByteMatrix); procedure EmbedTypeInfo(ecLevel: TErrorCorrectionLevel; MaskPattern: Integer; Matrix: TByteMatrix); procedure MaybeEmbedVersionInfo(Version: Integer; Matrix: TByteMatrix); procedure EmbedDataBits(DataBits: TBitArray; MaskPattern: Integer; Matrix: TByteMatrix); function FindMSBSet(Value: Integer): Integer; function CalculateBCHCode(Value,poly: Integer): Integer; procedure MakeTypeInfoBits(ecLevel: TErrorCorrectionLevel; MaskPattern: Integer; Bits: TBitArray); procedure MakeVersionInfoBits(Version: Integer; Bits: TBitArray); function IsEmpty(Value: Integer): Boolean; procedure EmbedTimingPatterns(Matrix: TByteMatrix); procedure EmbedDarkDotAtLeftBottomCorner(Matrix: TByteMatrix); procedure EmbedHorizontalSeparationPattern(XStart,YStart: Integer; Matrix: TByteMatrix); procedure EmbedVerticalSeparationPattern(XStart,YStart: Integer; Matrix: TByteMatrix); procedure EmbedPositionAdjustmentPattern(XStart,YStart: Integer; Matrix: TByteMatrix); procedure EmbedPositionDetectionPattern(XStart,YStart: Integer; Matrix: TByteMatrix); procedure EmbedPositionDetectionPatternsAndSeparators(Matrix: TByteMatrix); procedure MaybeEmbedPositionAdjustmentPatterns(Version: Integer; Matrix: TByteMatrix); public constructor Create; property MatrixUtilError: Boolean read FMatrixUtilError; procedure BuildMatrix(DataBits: TBitArray; ecLevel: TErrorCorrectionLevel; Version,MaskPattern: Integer; Matrix: TByteMatrix); end; function GetModeBits(Mode: TMode): Integer; begin Result := ModeBits[Mode]; end; function GetModeCharacterCountBits(Mode: TMode; Version: TVersion): Integer; var Number: Integer; Offset: Integer; begin Number := Version.VersionNumber; if (Number <= 9) then begin Offset := 0; end else if (Number <= 26) then begin Offset := 1; end else begin Offset := 2; end; Result := ModeCharacterCountBits[Mode][Offset]; end; type TBlockPair = class private FDataBytes: TByteArray; FErrorCorrectionBytes: TByteArray; public constructor Create(BA1,BA2: TByteArray); function GetDataBytes: TByteArray; function GetErrorCorrectionBytes: TByteArray; end; TGenericGFpoly = class; TGenericGF = class private FExpTable: TIntegerArray; FLogTable: TIntegerArray; FZero: TGenericGFpoly; FOne: TGenericGFpoly; FSize: Integer; FPrimitive: Integer; FGeneratorBase: Integer; FInitialized: Boolean; FpolyList: array of TGenericGFpoly; procedure CheckInit; procedure Initialize; public class function CreateQRCodeField256: TGenericGF; class function AddOrSubtract(A,B: Integer): Integer; constructor Create(Primitive,Size,B: Integer); destructor Destroy; override; function GetZero: TGenericGFpoly; function Exp(A: Integer): Integer; function GetGeneratorBase: Integer; function Inverse(A: Integer): Integer; function Multiply(A,B: Integer): Integer; function BuildMonomial(Degree,Coefficient: Integer): TGenericGFpoly; end; TGenericGFpolyArray = array of TGenericGFpoly; TGenericGFpoly = class private FField: TGenericGF; FCoefficients: TIntegerArray; public constructor Create(AField: TGenericGF; ACoefficients: TIntegerArray); destructor Destroy; override; function Coefficients: TIntegerArray; function Multiply(Other: TGenericGFpoly): TGenericGFpoly; function MultiplyByMonomial(Degree,Coefficient: Integer): TGenericGFpoly; function Divide(Other: TGenericGFpoly): TGenericGFpolyArray; function GetCoefficients: TIntegerArray; function IsZero: Boolean; function GetCoefficient(Degree: Integer): Integer; function GetDegree: Integer; function AddOrSubtract(Other: TGenericGFpoly): TGenericGFpoly; end; TReedSolomonEncoder = class private FField: TGenericGF; FCachedGenerators: TObjectList<TGenericGFpoly>; public constructor Create(AField: TGenericGF); destructor Destroy; override; procedure Encode(ToEncode: TIntegerArray; ECBytes: Integer); function BuildGenerator(Degree: Integer): TGenericGFpoly; end; TEncoder = class private FEncoderError: Boolean; function ApplyMaskPenaltyRule1Internal(Matrix: TByteMatrix; IsHorizontal: Boolean): Integer; function ChooseMode(const Content: string; var EncodeOptions: Integer) : TMode; overload; function FilterContent(const Content: string; Mode: TMode; EncodeOptions: Integer): string; procedure Append8BitBytes(const Content: string; Bits: TBitArray; EncodeOptions: Integer); procedure AppendAlphanumericBytes(const Content: string; Bits: TBitArray); procedure AppendBytes(const Content: string; Mode: TMode; Bits: TBitArray; EncodeOptions: Integer); procedure Appendkanjibytes(const Content: string; Bits: TBitArray); procedure AppendLengthInfo(NumLetters,VersionNum: Integer; Mode: TMode; Bits: TBitArray); procedure AppendModeInfo(Mode: TMode; Bits: TBitArray); procedure AppendNumericBytes(const Content: string; Bits: TBitArray); function ChooseMaskPattern(Bits: TBitArray; ecLevel: TErrorCorrectionLevel; Version: Integer; Matrix: TByteMatrix): Integer; function GenerateECBytes(DataBytes: TByteArray; NumECBytesInBlock: Integer): TByteArray; function GetAlphanumericCode(Code: Integer): Integer; procedure GetNumDataBytesAndNumECBytesForBlockID(NumTotalBytes,BlockID: Integer; var NumDataBytesInBlock: TIntegerArray; var NumECBytesInBlock: TIntegerArray); procedure InterleaveWithECBytes(Bits: TBitArray; NumTotalBytes,NumRSBlocks: Integer; var Result: TBitArray); // function IsOnlyDoubleByteKanji(const Content: string): Boolean; procedure TerminateBits(NumDataBytes: Integer; var Bits: TBitArray); function CalculateMaskPenalty(Matrix: TByteMatrix): Integer; function ApplyMaskPenaltyRule1(Matrix: TByteMatrix): Integer; function ApplyMaskPenaltyRule2(Matrix: TByteMatrix): Integer; function ApplyMaskPenaltyRule3(Matrix: TByteMatrix): Integer; function ApplyMaskPenaltyRule4(Matrix: TByteMatrix): Integer; // procedure Encode(const Content: string; ECLevel: TErrorCorrectionLevel; QRCode: TQRCode); overload; procedure Encode(const Content: string; EncodeOptions: Integer; ecLevel: TErrorCorrectionLevel; QRCode: TQRCode); public constructor Create; property EncoderError: Boolean read FEncoderError; end; function TEncoder.ApplyMaskPenaltyRule1(Matrix: TByteMatrix): Integer; begin Result := ApplyMaskPenaltyRule1Internal(Matrix,True) + ApplyMaskPenaltyRule1Internal(Matrix,False); end; // Apply mask penalty rule 2 and return the penalty. Find 2x2 blocks with the same color and give // penalty to them. function TEncoder.ApplyMaskPenaltyRule2(Matrix: TByteMatrix): Integer; var Penalty: Integer; TheArray: T2DByteArray; Width: Integer; Height: Integer; X: Integer; Y: Integer; Value: Integer; begin Penalty := 0; TheArray := Matrix.GetArray; Width := Matrix.Width; Height := Matrix.Height; for Y := 0 to Height - 2 do begin for X := 0 to Width - 2 do begin Value := TheArray[Y][X]; if ((Value = TheArray[Y][X + 1]) and (Value = TheArray[Y + 1][X]) and (Value = TheArray[Y + 1][X + 1])) then begin Inc(Penalty,3); end; end; end; Result := Penalty; end; // Apply mask penalty rule 3 and return the penalty. Find consecutive cells of 00001011101 or // 10111010000,and give penalty to them. If we find patterns like 000010111010000,we give // penalties twice (i.e. 40 * 2). function TEncoder.ApplyMaskPenaltyRule3(Matrix: TByteMatrix): Integer; var Penalty: Integer; TheArray: T2DByteArray; Width: Integer; Height: Integer; X: Integer; Y: Integer; begin Penalty := 0; TheArray := Matrix.GetArray; Width := Matrix.Width; Height := Matrix.Height; for Y := 0 to Height - 1 do begin for X := 0 to Width - 1 do begin if ((X + 6 < Width) and (TheArray[Y][X] = 1) and (TheArray[Y][X + 1] = 0) and (TheArray[Y][X + 2] = 1) and (TheArray[Y][X + 3] = 1) and (TheArray[Y][X + 4] = 1) and (TheArray[Y][X + 5] = 0) and (TheArray[Y][X + 6] = 1) and (((X + 10 < Width) and (TheArray[Y][X + 7] = 0) and (TheArray[Y][X + 8] = 0) and (TheArray[Y][X + 9] = 0) and (TheArray[Y][X + 10] = 0)) or ((X - 4 >= 0) and (TheArray[Y][X - 1] = 0) and (TheArray[Y][X - 2] = 0) and (TheArray[Y][X - 3] = 0) and (TheArray[Y][X - 4] = 0)))) then begin Inc(Penalty,40); end; if ((Y + 6 < Height) and (TheArray[Y][X] = 1) and (TheArray[Y + 1][X] = 0) and (TheArray[Y + 2][X] = 1) and (TheArray[Y + 3][X] = 1) and (TheArray[Y + 4][X] = 1) and (TheArray[Y + 5][X] = 0) and (TheArray[Y + 6][X] = 1) and (((Y + 10 < Height) and (TheArray[Y + 7][X] = 0) and (TheArray[Y + 8][X] = 0) and (TheArray[Y + 9][X] = 0) and (TheArray[Y + 10][X] = 0)) or ((Y - 4 >= 0) and (TheArray[Y - 1][X] = 0) and (TheArray[Y - 2][X] = 0) and (TheArray[Y - 3][X] = 0) and (TheArray[Y - 4][X] = 0)))) then begin Inc(Penalty,40); end; end; end; Result := Penalty; end; // Apply mask penalty rule 4 and return the penalty. Calculate the ratio of dark cells and give // penalty if the ratio is far from 50%. It gives 10 penalty for 5% distance. Examples: // - 0% => 100 // - 40% => 20 // - 45% => 10 // - 50% => 0 // - 55% => 10 // - 55% => 20 // - 100% => 100 function TEncoder.ApplyMaskPenaltyRule4(Matrix: TByteMatrix): Integer; var NumDarkCells: Integer; TheArray: T2DByteArray; Width: Integer; Height: Integer; NumTotalCells: Integer; DarkRatio: Double; X: Integer; Y: Integer; begin NumDarkCells := 0; TheArray := Matrix.GetArray; Width := Matrix.Width; Height := Matrix.Height; for Y := 0 to Height - 1 do begin for X := 0 to Width - 1 do begin if (TheArray[Y][X] = 1) then begin Inc(NumDarkCells); end; end; end; NumTotalCells := Matrix.Height * Matrix.Width; DarkRatio := NumDarkCells / NumTotalCells; Result := Round(Abs((DarkRatio * 100 - 50)) / 50); end; // Helper function for applyMaskPenaltyRule1. We need this for doing this calculation in both // vertical and horizontal orders respectively. function TEncoder.ApplyMaskPenaltyRule1Internal(Matrix: TByteMatrix; IsHorizontal: Boolean): Integer; var Penalty: Integer; NumSameBitCells: Integer; PrevBit: Integer; TheArray: T2DByteArray; I: Integer; J: Integer; Bit: Integer; ILimit: Integer; JLimit: Integer; begin Penalty := 0; NumSameBitCells := 0; PrevBit := -1; // Horizontal mode: // for (int i = 0; i < matrix.height(); ++i) { // for (int j = 0; j < matrix.width(); ++j) { // int bit = matrix.get(i,j); // Vertical mode: // for (int i = 0; i < matrix.width(); ++i) { // for (int j = 0; j < matrix.height(); ++j) { // int bit = matrix.get(j,i); if (IsHorizontal) then begin ILimit := Matrix.Height; JLimit := Matrix.Width; end else begin ILimit := Matrix.Width; JLimit := Matrix.Height; end; TheArray := Matrix.GetArray; for I := 0 to ILimit - 1 do begin for J := 0 to JLimit - 1 do begin if (IsHorizontal) then begin Bit := TheArray[I][J]; end else begin Bit := TheArray[J][I]; end; if (Bit = PrevBit) then begin Inc(NumSameBitCells); // Found five repetitive cells with the same color (bit). // We‘ll give penalty of 3. if (NumSameBitCells = 5) then begin Inc(Penalty,3); end else if (NumSameBitCells > 5) then begin // After five repetitive cells,we‘ll add the penalty one // by one. Inc(Penalty,1);; end; end else begin NumSameBitCells := 1; // Include the cell itself. PrevBit := Bit; end; end; NumSameBitCells := 0; // Clear at each row/column. end; Result := Penalty; end; { TQRCode } constructor TQRCode.Create; begin FMode := qmTerminator; FQRCodeError := False; FECLevel := nil; FVersion := -1; FMatrixWidth := -1; FMaskPattern := -1; FNumTotalBytes := -1; FNumDataBytes := -1; FNumECBytes := -1; FNumRSBlocks := -1; FMatrix := nil; end; destructor TQRCode.Destroy; begin if (Assigned(FECLevel)) then begin FECLevel.Free; end; if (Assigned(FMatrix)) then begin FMatrix.Free; end; inherited; end; function TQRCode.At(X,Y: Integer): Integer; var Value: Integer; begin // The value must be zero or one. Value := FMatrix.Get(X,Y); if (not((Value = 0) or (Value = 1))) then begin FQRCodeError := True; end; Result := Value; end; function TQRCode.IsValid: Boolean; begin Result := // First check if all version are not uninitialized. ((FECLevel <> nil) and (FVersion <> -1) and (FMatrixWidth <> -1) and (FMaskPattern <> -1) and (FNumTotalBytes <> -1) and (FNumDataBytes <> -1) and (FNumECBytes <> -1) and (FNumRSBlocks <> -1) and // Then check them in other ways.. IsValidMaskPattern(FMaskPattern) and (FNumTotalBytes = FNumDataBytes + FNumECBytes) and // ByteMatrix stuff. (Assigned(FMatrix)) and (FMatrixWidth = FMatrix.Width) and // See 7.3.1 of JISX0510:2004 (Fp.5). (FMatrix.Width = FMatrix.Height)); // Must be square. end; function TQRCode.IsValidMaskPattern(MaskPattern: Integer): Boolean; begin Result := (MaskPattern >= 0) and (MaskPattern < NUM_MASK_PATTERNS); end; procedure TQRCode.SetMatrix(NewMatrix: TByteMatrix); begin if (Assigned(FMatrix)) then begin FMatrix.Free; FMatrix := nil; end; FMatrix := NewMatrix; end; procedure TQRCode.SetAll(VersionNum,MatrixWidth: Integer); begin FVersion := VersionNum; FNumTotalBytes := NumBytes; FNumDataBytes := NumDataBytes; FNumRSBlocks := NumRSBlocks; FNumECBytes := NumECBytes; FMatrixWidth := MatrixWidth; end; procedure TQRCode.SetECLevel(NewECLevel: TErrorCorrectionLevel); begin if (Assigned(FECLevel)) then begin FECLevel.Free; end; FECLevel := TErrorCorrectionLevel.Create; FECLevel.Assign(NewECLevel); end; { TByteMatrix } procedure TByteMatrix.Clear(Value: Byte); var X,Y: Integer; begin for Y := 0 to fheight - 1 do begin for X := 0 to FWidth - 1 do begin Bytes[Y][X] := Value; end; end; end; constructor TByteMatrix.Create(Width,Height: Integer); var Y: Integer; X: Integer; begin FWidth := Width; fheight := Height; SetLength(Bytes,Height); for Y := 0 to Height - 1 do begin SetLength(Bytes[Y],Width); for X := 0 to Width - 1 do begin Bytes[Y][X] := 0; end; end; end; function TByteMatrix.Get(X,Y: Integer): Integer; begin if (Bytes[Y][X] = 255) then Result := -1 else Result := Bytes[Y][X]; end; function TByteMatrix.GetArray: T2DByteArray; begin Result := Bytes; end; function TByteMatrix.Hash: string; var X,Y: Integer; Counter: Integer; CC: Integer; begin Result := ‘‘; for Y := 0 to fheight - 1 do begin Counter := 0; for X := 0 to FWidth - 1 do begin CC := Get(X,Y); if (CC = -1) then CC := 255; Counter := Counter + CC; end; Result := Result + Char((Counter mod 26) + 65); end; end; procedure TByteMatrix.SetBoolean(X,Y: Integer; Value: Boolean); begin Bytes[Y][X] := Byte(Value) and $FF; end; procedure TByteMatrix.SetInteger(X,Y,Value: Integer); begin Bytes[Y][X] := Value and $FF; end; procedure TByteMatrix.Assign(Source: TByteMatrix); var SourceLength: Integer; begin SourceLength := Length(Source.Bytes); SetLength(Bytes,SourceLength); if (SourceLength > 0) then begin Move(Source.Bytes[0],Bytes[0],SourceLength); end; FWidth := Source.Width; fheight := Source.Height; end; { TEncoder } function TEncoder.CalculateMaskPenalty(Matrix: TByteMatrix): Integer; var Penalty: Integer; begin Penalty := 0; Inc(Penalty,ApplyMaskPenaltyRule1(Matrix)); Inc(Penalty,ApplyMaskPenaltyRule2(Matrix)); Inc(Penalty,ApplyMaskPenaltyRule3(Matrix)); Inc(Penalty,ApplyMaskPenaltyRule4(Matrix)); Result := Penalty; end; { procedure TEncoder.Encode(const Content: string; ECLevel: TErrorCorrectionLevel; QRCode: TQRCode); begin Encode(Content,ECLevel,nil,QRCode); end; } procedure TEncoder.Encode(const Content: string; EncodeOptions: Integer; ecLevel: TErrorCorrectionLevel; QRCode: TQRCode); var Mode: TMode; DataBits: TBitArray; FinalBits: TBitArray; HeaderBits: TBitArray; HeaderAndDataBits: TBitArray; Matrix: TByteMatrix; NumLetters: Integer; MatrixUtil: TMatrixUtil; BitsNeeded: Integer; ProvisionalBitsNeeded: Integer; ProvisionalVersion: TVersion; Version: TVersion; ECBlocks: TECBlocks; NumDataBytes: Integer; Dimension: Integer; FilteredContent: string; begin DataBits := TBitArray.Create; HeaderBits := TBitArray.Create; // Pick an encoding mode appropriate for the content. Note that this will not attempt to use // multiple modes / segments even if that were more efficient. Twould be nice. // Collect data within the main segment,separately,to count its size if needed. Don‘t add it to // main payload yet. Mode := ChooseMode(Content,EncodeOptions); FilteredContent := FilterContent(Content,Mode,EncodeOptions); AppendBytes(FilteredContent,DataBits,EncodeOptions); // (With ECI in place,) Write the mode marker AppendModeInfo(Mode,HeaderBits); // Hard part: need to kNow version to kNow how many bits length takes. But need to kNow how many // bits it takes to kNow version. First we take a guess at version by assuming version will be // the minimum,1: ProvisionalVersion := TVersion.GetVersionForNumber(1); try ProvisionalBitsNeeded := HeaderBits.GetSize + GetModeCharacterCountBits (Mode,ProvisionalVersion) + DataBits.GetSize; finally ProvisionalVersion.Free; end; ProvisionalVersion := TVersion.ChooseVersion(ProvisionalBitsNeeded,ecLevel); try // Use that guess to calculate the right version. I am still not sure this works in 100% of cases. BitsNeeded := HeaderBits.GetSize + GetModeCharacterCountBits(Mode,ProvisionalVersion) + DataBits.GetSize; Version := TVersion.ChooseVersion(BitsNeeded,ecLevel); finally ProvisionalVersion.Free; end; HeaderAndDataBits := TBitArray.Create; FinalBits := TBitArray.Create; try HeaderAndDataBits.AppendBitArray(HeaderBits); // Find "length" of main segment and write it if (Mode = qmByte) then begin NumLetters := DataBits.GetSizeInBytes; end else begin NumLetters := Length(FilteredContent); end; AppendLengthInfo(NumLetters,Version.VersionNumber,HeaderAndDataBits); // Put data together into the overall payload HeaderAndDataBits.AppendBitArray(DataBits); ECBlocks := Version.GetECBlocksForLevel(ecLevel); NumDataBytes := Version.GetTotalCodewords - ECBlocks.GetTotalECCodewords; // Terminate the bits properly. TerminateBits(NumDataBytes,HeaderAndDataBits); // Interleave data bits with error correction code. InterleaveWithECBytes(HeaderAndDataBits,Version.GetTotalCodewords,ECBlocks.GetNumBlocks,FinalBits); // QRCode qrCode = new QRCode(); // This is passed in QRCode.SetECLevel(ecLevel); QRCode.Mode := Mode; QRCode.Version := Version.VersionNumber; // Choose the mask pattern and set to "qrCode". Dimension := Version.GetDimensionForVersion; Matrix := TByteMatrix.Create(Dimension,Dimension); QRCode.MaskPattern := ChooseMaskPattern(FinalBits,ecLevel,Matrix); Matrix.Free; Matrix := TByteMatrix.Create(Dimension,Dimension); // Build the matrix and set it to "qrCode". MatrixUtil := TMatrixUtil.Create; try MatrixUtil.BuildMatrix(FinalBits,QRCode.ecLevel,QRCode.Version,QRCode.MaskPattern,Matrix); finally MatrixUtil.Free; end; QRCode.SetMatrix(Matrix); // QRCode will free the matrix finally DataBits.Free; HeaderAndDataBits.Free; FinalBits.Free; HeaderBits.Free; Version.Free; end; end; function TEncoder.FilterContent(const Content: string; Mode: TMode; EncodeOptions: Integer): string; var X: Integer; CanAdd: Boolean; begin Result := ‘‘; // for X := 1 to Length(Content) do for X := Low(Content) to High(Content) do // 2015-02-04,edited by vclclx。 begin CanAdd := False; if (Mode = qmNumeric) then begin CanAdd := (Content[X] >= ‘0‘) and (Content[X] <= ‘9‘); end else if (Mode = qmAlphanumeric) then begin CanAdd := GetAlphanumericCode(Ord(Content[X])) > 0; end else if (Mode = qmByte) then begin if (EncodeOptions = 3) then begin CanAdd := Ord(Content[X]) <= $FF; end else if ((EncodeOptions = 4) or (EncodeOptions = 5)) then begin CanAdd := True; end; end; if (CanAdd) then begin Result := Result + Content[X]; end; end; end; // Return the code point of the table used in alphanumeric mode or // -1 if there is no corresponding code in the table. function TEncoder.GetAlphanumericCode(Code: Integer): Integer; begin if (Code < Length(ALPHANUMERIC_TABLE)) then begin Result := ALPHANUMERIC_TABLE[Code]; end else begin Result := -1; end; end; // Choose the mode based on the content function TEncoder.ChooseMode(const Content: string; var EncodeOptions: Integer): TMode; var AllNumeric: Boolean; AllAlphanumeric: Boolean; AllISO: Boolean; I: Integer; C: WideChar; begin if (EncodeOptions = 0) then begin AllNumeric := Length(Content) > 0; // I := 1; // while (I <= Length(Content)) and (AllNumeric) do I := Low(Content); // 2015-02-04,edited by vclclx。 while (I <= High(Content)) and (AllNumeric) do // 2015-02-04,edited by vclclx。 begin C := Content[I]; if ((C < ‘0‘) or (C > ‘9‘)) then begin AllNumeric := False; end else begin Inc(I); end; end; if (not AllNumeric) then begin AllAlphanumeric := Length(Content) > 0; // I := 1; // while (I <= Length(Content)) and (AllAlphanumeric) do I := Low(Content); // 2015-02-04,edited by vclclx。 while (I <= High(Content)) and (AllAlphanumeric) do // 2015-02-04,edited by vclclx。 begin C := Content[I]; if (GetAlphanumericCode(Ord(C)) < 0) then begin AllAlphanumeric := False; end else begin Inc(I); end; end; end else begin AllAlphanumeric := False; end; if (not AllAlphanumeric) then begin AllISO := Length(Content) > 0; // I := 1; // while (I <= Length(Content)) and (AllISO) do I := Low(Content); // 2015-02-04,edited by vclclx。 while (I <= High(Content)) and (AllISO) do // 2015-02-04,edited by vclclx。 begin C := Content[I]; if (Ord(C) > $FF) then begin AllISO := False; end else begin Inc(I); end; end; end else begin AllISO := False; end; if (AllNumeric) then begin Result := qmNumeric; end else if (AllAlphanumeric) then begin Result := qmAlphanumeric; end else if (AllISO) then begin Result := qmByte; EncodeOptions := 3; end else begin Result := qmByte; EncodeOptions := 4; end; end else if (EncodeOptions = 1) then begin Result := qmNumeric; end else if (EncodeOptions = 2) then begin Result := qmAlphanumeric; end else begin Result := qmByte; end; end; constructor TEncoder.Create; begin FEncoderError := False; end; { function TEncoder.IsOnlyDoubleByteKanji(const Content: string): Boolean; var I: Integer; Char1: Integer; begin Result := True; I := 0; while ((I < Length(Content)) and Result) do begin Char1 := Ord(Content[I + 1]); if (((Char1 < $81) or (Char1 > $9F)) and ((Char1 < $E0) or (Char1 > $EB))) then begin Result := False; end; end; end; } function TEncoder.ChooseMaskPattern(Bits: TBitArray; ecLevel: TErrorCorrectionLevel; Version: Integer; Matrix: TByteMatrix): Integer; var MinPenalty: Integer; BestMaskPattern: Integer; MaskPattern: Integer; MatrixUtil: TMatrixUtil; Penalty: Integer; begin MinPenalty := MaxInt; BestMaskPattern := -1; // We try all mask patterns to choose the best one. for MaskPattern := 0 to NUM_MASK_PATTERNS - 1 do begin MatrixUtil := TMatrixUtil.Create; try MatrixUtil.BuildMatrix(Bits,Version,MaskPattern,Matrix); finally MatrixUtil.Free; end; Penalty := CalculateMaskPenalty(Matrix); if (Penalty < MinPenalty) then begin MinPenalty := Penalty; BestMaskPattern := MaskPattern; end; end; Result := BestMaskPattern; end; // Terminate bits as described in 8.4.8 and 8.4.9 of JISX0510:2004 (p.24). procedure TEncoder.TerminateBits(NumDataBytes: Integer; var Bits: TBitArray); var Capacity: Integer; I: Integer; NumBitsInLastByte: Integer; NumPaddingBytes: Integer; begin Capacity := NumDataBytes shl 3; if (Bits.GetSize > Capacity) then begin FEncoderError := True; Exit; end; I := 0; while ((I < 4) and (Bits.GetSize < Capacity)) do begin Bits.AppendBit(False); Inc(I); end; // Append termination bits. See 8.4.8 of JISX0510:2004 (p.24) for details. // If the last byte isn‘t 8-bit aligned,we‘ll add padding bits. NumBitsInLastByte := Bits.GetSize and $07; if (NumBitsInLastByte > 0) then begin for I := NumBitsInLastByte to 7 do begin Bits.AppendBit(False); end; end; // If we have more space,we‘ll fill the space with padding patterns defined in 8.4.9 (p.24). NumPaddingBytes := NumDataBytes - Bits.GetSizeInBytes; for I := 0 to NumPaddingBytes - 1 do begin if ((I and $01) = 0) then begin Bits.AppendBits($EC,8); end else begin Bits.AppendBits($11,8); end; end; if (Bits.GetSize <> Capacity) then begin FEncoderError := True; end; end; // Get number of data bytes and number of error correction bytes for block id "blockID". Store // the result in "numDataBytesInBlock",and "numECBytesInBlock". See table 12 in 8.5.1 of // JISX0510:2004 (p.30) procedure TEncoder.GetNumDataBytesAndNumECBytesForBlockID(NumTotalBytes,BlockID: Integer; var NumDataBytesInBlock: TIntegerArray; var NumECBytesInBlock: TIntegerArray); var NumRSBlocksInGroup1: Integer; NumRSBlocksInGroup2: Integer; NumTotalBytesInGroup1: Integer; NumTotalBytesInGroup2: Integer; NumDataBytesInGroup1: Integer; NumDataBytesInGroup2: Integer; NumECBytesInGroup1: Integer; NumECBytesInGroup2: Integer; begin if (BlockID >= NumRSBlocks) then begin FEncoderError := True; Exit; end; // numRsBlocksInGroup2 = 196 % 5 = 1 NumRSBlocksInGroup2 := NumTotalBytes mod NumRSBlocks; // numRsBlocksInGroup1 = 5 - 1 = 4 NumRSBlocksInGroup1 := NumRSBlocks - NumRSBlocksInGroup2; // numTotalBytesInGroup1 = 196 / 5 = 39 NumTotalBytesInGroup1 := NumTotalBytes div NumRSBlocks; // numTotalBytesInGroup2 = 39 + 1 = 40 NumTotalBytesInGroup2 := NumTotalBytesInGroup1 + 1; // numDataBytesInGroup1 = 66 / 5 = 13 NumDataBytesInGroup1 := NumDataBytes div NumRSBlocks; // numDataBytesInGroup2 = 13 + 1 = 14 NumDataBytesInGroup2 := NumDataBytesInGroup1 + 1; // numEcBytesInGroup1 = 39 - 13 = 26 NumECBytesInGroup1 := NumTotalBytesInGroup1 - NumDataBytesInGroup1; // numEcBytesInGroup2 = 40 - 14 = 26 NumECBytesInGroup2 := NumTotalBytesInGroup2 - NumDataBytesInGroup2; // Sanity checks. // 26 = 26 if (NumECBytesInGroup1 <> NumECBytesInGroup2) then begin FEncoderError := True; Exit; end; // 5 = 4 + 1. if (NumRSBlocks <> (NumRSBlocksInGroup1 + NumRSBlocksInGroup2)) then begin FEncoderError := True; Exit; end; // 196 = (13 + 26) * 4 + (14 + 26) * 1 if (NumTotalBytes <> ((NumDataBytesInGroup1 + NumECBytesInGroup1) * NumRSBlocksInGroup1) + ((NumDataBytesInGroup2 + NumECBytesInGroup2) * NumRSBlocksInGroup2)) then begin FEncoderError := True; Exit; end; if (BlockID < NumRSBlocksInGroup1) then begin NumDataBytesInBlock[0] := NumDataBytesInGroup1; NumECBytesInBlock[0] := NumECBytesInGroup1; end else begin NumDataBytesInBlock[0] := NumDataBytesInGroup2; NumECBytesInBlock[0] := NumECBytesInGroup2; end; end; // Interleave "bits" with corresponding error correction bytes. On success,store the result in // "result". The interleave rule is complicated. See 8.6 of JISX0510:2004 (p.37) for details. procedure TEncoder.InterleaveWithECBytes(Bits: TBitArray; NumTotalBytes,NumRSBlocks: Integer; var Result: TBitArray); var DataBytesOffset: Integer; MaxnumDataBytes: Integer; MaxnumECBytes: Integer; Blocks: TObjectList<TBlockPair>; NumDataBytesInBlock: TIntegerArray; NumECBytesInBlock: TIntegerArray; Size: Integer; DataBytes: TByteArray; ECBytes: TByteArray; I,J: Integer; BlockPair: TBlockPair; begin SetLength(ECBytes,0); // "bits" must have "getNumDataBytes" bytes of data. if (Bits.GetSizeInBytes <> NumDataBytes) then begin FEncoderError := True; Exit; end; // Step 1. Divide data bytes into blocks and generate error correction bytes for them. We‘ll // store the divided data bytes blocks and error correction bytes blocks into "blocks". DataBytesOffset := 0; MaxnumDataBytes := 0; MaxnumECBytes := 0; // Since,we kNow the number of reedsolmon blocks,we can initialize the vector with the number. Blocks := TObjectList<TBlockPair>.Create(True); try Blocks.Capacity := NumRSBlocks; for I := 0 to NumRSBlocks - 1 do begin SetLength(NumDataBytesInBlock,1); SetLength(NumECBytesInBlock,1); GetNumDataBytesAndNumECBytesForBlockID(NumTotalBytes,I,NumDataBytesInBlock,NumECBytesInBlock); Size := NumDataBytesInBlock[0]; SetLength(DataBytes,Size); Bits.ToBytes(8 * DataBytesOffset,DataBytes,Size); ECBytes := GenerateECBytes(DataBytes,NumECBytesInBlock[0]); BlockPair := TBlockPair.Create(DataBytes,ECBytes); Blocks.Add(BlockPair); MaxnumDataBytes := Max(MaxnumDataBytes,Size); MaxnumECBytes := Max(MaxnumECBytes,Length(ECBytes)); Inc(DataBytesOffset,NumDataBytesInBlock[0]); end; if (NumDataBytes <> DataBytesOffset) then begin FEncoderError := True; Exit; end; // First,place data blocks. for I := 0 to MaxnumDataBytes - 1 do begin for J := 0 to Blocks.Count - 1 do begin DataBytes := TBlockPair(Blocks.Items[J]).GetDataBytes; if (I < Length(DataBytes)) then begin Result.AppendBits(DataBytes[I],8); end; end; end; // Then,place error correction blocks. for I := 0 to MaxnumECBytes - 1 do begin for J := 0 to Blocks.Count - 1 do begin ECBytes := TBlockPair(Blocks.Items[J]).GetErrorCorrectionBytes; if (I < Length(ECBytes)) then begin Result.AppendBits(ECBytes[I],8); end; end; end; finally Blocks.Free; end; if (NumTotalBytes <> Result.GetSizeInBytes) then // Should be same. begin FEncoderError := True; Exit; end; end; function TEncoder.GenerateECBytes(DataBytes: TByteArray; NumECBytesInBlock: Integer): TByteArray; var NumDataBytes: Integer; ToEncode: TIntegerArray; ReedSolomonEncoder: TReedSolomonEncoder; I: Integer; ECBytes: TByteArray; GenericGF: TGenericGF; begin NumDataBytes := Length(DataBytes); SetLength(ToEncode,NumDataBytes + NumECBytesInBlock); for I := 0 to NumDataBytes - 1 do begin ToEncode[I] := DataBytes[I] and $FF; end; GenericGF := TGenericGF.CreateQRCodeField256; try ReedSolomonEncoder := TReedSolomonEncoder.Create(GenericGF); try ReedSolomonEncoder.Encode(ToEncode,NumECBytesInBlock); finally ReedSolomonEncoder.Free; end; finally GenericGF.Free; end; SetLength(ECBytes,NumECBytesInBlock); for I := 0 to NumECBytesInBlock - 1 do begin ECBytes[I] := ToEncode[NumDataBytes + I]; end; Result := ECBytes; end; // Append mode info. On success,store the result in "bits". procedure TEncoder.AppendModeInfo(Mode: TMode; Bits: TBitArray); begin Bits.AppendBits(GetModeBits(Mode),4); end; // Append length info. On success,store the result in "bits". procedure TEncoder.AppendLengthInfo(NumLetters,VersionNum: Integer; Mode: TMode; Bits: TBitArray); var NumBits: Integer; Version: TVersion; begin Version := TVersion.GetVersionForNumber(VersionNum); try NumBits := GetModeCharacterCountBits(Mode,Version); finally Version.Free; end; if (NumLetters > ((1 shl NumBits) - 1)) then begin FEncoderError := True; Exit; end; Bits.AppendBits(NumLetters,NumBits); end; // Append "bytes" in "mode" mode (encoding) into "bits". On success,store the result in "bits". procedure TEncoder.AppendBytes(const Content: string; Mode: TMode; Bits: TBitArray; EncodeOptions: Integer); begin if (Mode = qmNumeric) then begin AppendNumericBytes(Content,Bits); end else if (Mode = qmAlphanumeric) then begin AppendAlphanumericBytes(Content,Bits); end else if (Mode = qmByte) then begin Append8BitBytes(Content,Bits,EncodeOptions); end else if (Mode = qmkanji) then begin Appendkanjibytes(Content,Bits); end else begin FEncoderError := True; Exit; end; end; procedure TEncoder.AppendNumericBytes(const Content: string; Bits: TBitArray); var ContentLength: Integer; I: Integer; Num1: Integer; Num2: Integer; Num3: Integer; begin ContentLength := Length(Content); // I := 0; // while (I < ContentLength) do I := Low(Content); // 2015-02-04,edited by vclclx。 while (I <= High(Content)) do // 2015-02-04,edited by vclclx。 begin // Num1 := Ord(Content[I + 0 + 1]) - Ord(‘0‘); Num1 := Ord(Content[I + 0]) - Ord(‘0‘); // 2015-02-04,edited by vclclx。 // if (I + 2 < ContentLength) then if (I + 2 <= High(Content)) then // 2015-02-04,edited by vclclx。 begin // Encode three numeric letters in ten bits. // Num2 := Ord(Content[I + 1 + 1]) - Ord(‘0‘); // Num3 := Ord(Content[I + 2 + 1]) - Ord(‘0‘); Num2 := Ord(Content[I + 1]) - Ord(‘0‘); // 2015-02-04,edited by vclclx。 Num3 := Ord(Content[I + 2]) - Ord(‘0‘); // 2015-02-04,edited by vclclx。 Bits.AppendBits(Num1 * 100 + Num2 * 10 + Num3,10); Inc(I,3); end else // if (I + 1 < ContentLength) then if (I + 1 <= High(Content)) then // 2015-02-04,edited by vclclx。 begin // Encode two numeric letters in seven bits. // Num2 := Ord(Content[I + 1 + 1]) - Ord(‘0‘); Num2 := Ord(Content[I + 1]) - Ord(‘0‘); // 2015-02-04,edited by vclclx。 Bits.AppendBits(Num1 * 10 + Num2,7); Inc(I,2); end else begin // Encode one numeric letter in four bits. Bits.AppendBits(Num1,4); Inc(I); end; end; end; procedure TEncoder.AppendAlphanumericBytes(const Content: string; Bits: TBitArray); var ContentLength: Integer; I: Integer; Code1: Integer; Code2: Integer; begin ContentLength := Length(Content); // I := 0; // while (I < ContentLength) do I := Low(Content); // 2015-02-04,edited by vclclx。 while (I <= High(Content)) do // 2015-02-04,edited by vclclx。 begin // Code1 := GetAlphanumericCode(Ord(Content[I + 0 + 1])); Code1 := GetAlphanumericCode(Ord(Content[I + 0])); // 2015-02-04,edited by vclclx。 if (Code1 = -1) then begin FEncoderError := True; Exit; end; // if (I + 1 < ContentLength) then if (I + 1 <= High(Content)) then // 2015-02-04,edited by vclclx。 begin // Code2 := GetAlphanumericCode(Ord(Content[I + 1 + 1])); Code2 := GetAlphanumericCode(Ord(Content[I + 1])); // 2015-02-04,edited by vclclx。 if (Code2 = -1) then begin FEncoderError := True; Exit; end; // Encode two alphanumeric letters in 11 bits. Bits.AppendBits(Code1 * 45 + Code2,11); Inc(I,2); end else begin // Encode one alphanumeric letter in six bits. Bits.AppendBits(Code1,6); Inc(I); end; end; end; procedure TEncoder.Append8BitBytes(const Content: string; Bits: TBitArray; EncodeOptions: Integer); var Bytes: TByteArray; I: Integer; // UTF8Version: string; UTF8Bytes: TBytes; // 2015-02-04,edited by vclclx。 begin SetLength(Bytes,0); if (EncodeOptions = 3) then begin SetLength(Bytes,Length(Content)); // for I := 1 to Length(Content) do for I := Low(Content) to High(Content) do // 2015-02-04,edited by vclclx。 begin // Bytes[I - 1] := Ord(Content[I]) and $FF; Bytes[I] := Ord(Content[I]) and $FF; // 2015-02-04,edited by vclclx。 end; end else if (EncodeOptions = 4) then begin // Add the UTF-8 BOM // UTF8Version := #$EF#$BB#$BF + UTF8Encode(Content); // SetLength(Bytes,Length(UTF8Version)); // if (Length(UTF8Version) > 0) then // begin // Move(UTF8Version[1],Length(UTF8Version)); // end; // 2015-02-04,edited by vclclx。 Bytes := [$EF,$BB,$BF]; with TUTF8Encoding.Create do try UTF8Bytes := GetBytes(Content); finally Free; end; if Length(UTF8Bytes) > 0 then begin SetLength(Bytes,3 + Length(UTF8Bytes)); Move(UTF8Bytes[0],Bytes[3],Length(UTF8Bytes)); end; end else if (EncodeOptions = 5) then begin // No BOM // UTF8Version := UTF8Encode(Content); // SetLength(Bytes,Length(UTF8Version)); // end; // 2015-02-04,edited by vclclx。 with TUTF8Encoding.Create do try UTF8Bytes := GetBytes(Content); finally Free; end; if Length(UTF8Bytes) > 0 then begin SetLength(Bytes,Length(UTF8Bytes)); Move(UTF8Bytes[0],Length(UTF8Bytes)); end; end; for I := 0 to Length(Bytes) - 1 do begin Bits.AppendBits(Bytes[I],8); end; end; procedure TEncoder.Appendkanjibytes(const Content: string; Bits: TBitArray); var Bytes: TByteArray; ByteLength: Integer; I: Integer; Byte1: Integer; Byte2: Integer; Code: Integer; Subtracted: Integer; Encoded: Integer; begin SetLength(Bytes,0); try except FEncoderError := True; Exit; end; ByteLength := Length(Bytes); I := 0; while (I < ByteLength) do begin Byte1 := Bytes[I] and $FF; Byte2 := Bytes[I + 1] and $FF; Code := (Byte1 shl 8) or Byte2; Subtracted := -1; if ((Code >= $8140) and (Code <= $9FFC)) then begin Subtracted := Code - $8140; end else if ((Code >= $E040) and (Code <= $EBBF)) then begin Subtracted := Code - $C140; end; if (Subtracted = -1) then begin FEncoderError := True; Exit; end; Encoded := ((Subtracted shr 8) * $C0) + (Subtracted and $FF); Bits.AppendBits(Encoded,13); Inc(I,2); end; end; procedure TMatrixUtil.ClearMatrix(Matrix: TByteMatrix); begin Matrix.Clear(Byte(-1)); end; constructor TMatrixUtil.Create; begin FMatrixUtilError := False; end; // Build 2D matrix of QR Code from "dataBits" with "ecLevel","version" and "getMaskPattern". On // success,store the result in "matrix" and return true. procedure TMatrixUtil.BuildMatrix(DataBits: TBitArray; ecLevel: TErrorCorrectionLevel; Version,MaskPattern: Integer; Matrix: TByteMatrix); begin ClearMatrix(Matrix); EmbedBasicPatterns(Version,Matrix); // Type information appear with any version. EmbedTypeInfo(ecLevel,Matrix); // Version info appear if version >= 7. MaybeEmbedVersionInfo(Version,Matrix); // Data should be embedded at end. EmbedDataBits(DataBits,Matrix); end; // Embed basic patterns. On success,modify the matrix and return true. // The basic patterns are: // - Position detection patterns // - Timing patterns // - Dark dot at the left bottom corner // - Position adjustment patterns,if need be procedure TMatrixUtil.EmbedBasicPatterns(Version: Integer; Matrix: TByteMatrix); begin // Let‘s get started with embedding big squares at corners. EmbedPositionDetectionPatternsAndSeparators(Matrix); // Then,embed the dark dot at the left bottom corner. EmbedDarkDotAtLeftBottomCorner(Matrix); // Position adjustment patterns appear if version >= 2. MaybeEmbedPositionAdjustmentPatterns(Version,Matrix); // Timing patterns should be embedded after position adj. patterns. EmbedTimingPatterns(Matrix); end; // Embed type information. On success,modify the matrix. procedure TMatrixUtil.EmbedTypeInfo(ecLevel: TErrorCorrectionLevel; MaskPattern: Integer; Matrix: TByteMatrix); var TypeInfoBits: TBitArray; I: Integer; Bit: Boolean; X1,Y1: Integer; X2,Y2: Integer; begin TypeInfoBits := TBitArray.Create; try MakeTypeInfoBits(ecLevel,TypeInfoBits); for I := 0 to TypeInfoBits.GetSize - 1 do begin // Place bits in LSB to MSB order. LSB (least significant bit) is the last value in // "typeInfoBits". Bit := TypeInfoBits.Get(TypeInfoBits.GetSize - 1 - I); // Type info bits at the left top corner. See 8.9 of JISX0510:2004 (p.46). X1 := TYPE_INFO_COORDINATES[I][0]; Y1 := TYPE_INFO_COORDINATES[I][1]; Matrix.SetBoolean(X1,Y1,Bit); if (I < 8) then begin // Right top corner. X2 := Matrix.Width - I - 1; Y2 := 8; Matrix.SetBoolean(X2,Y2,Bit); end else begin // Left bottom corner. X2 := 8; Y2 := Matrix.Height - 7 + (I - 8); Matrix.SetBoolean(X2,Bit); end; end; finally TypeInfoBits.Free; end; end; // Embed version information if need be. On success,modify the matrix and return true. // See 8.10 of JISX0510:2004 (p.47) for how to embed version information. procedure TMatrixUtil.MaybeEmbedVersionInfo(Version: Integer; Matrix: TByteMatrix); var VersionInfoBits: TBitArray; I,J: Integer; BitIndex: Integer; Bit: Boolean; begin if (Version < 7) then begin Exit; // Don‘t need version info. end; VersionInfoBits := TBitArray.Create; try MakeVersionInfoBits(Version,VersionInfoBits); BitIndex := 6 * 3 - 1; // It will decrease from 17 to 0. for I := 0 to 5 do begin for J := 0 to 2 do begin // Place bits in LSB (least significant bit) to MSB order. Bit := VersionInfoBits.Get(BitIndex); Dec(BitIndex); // Left bottom corner. Matrix.SetBoolean(I,Matrix.Height - 11 + J,Bit); // Right bottom corner. Matrix.SetBoolean(Matrix.Height - 11 + J,Bit); end; end; finally VersionInfoBits.Free; end; end; // Embed "dataBits" using "getMaskPattern". On success,modify the matrix and return true. // For debugging purposes,it skips masking process if "getMaskPattern" is -1. // See 8.7 of JISX0510:2004 (p.38) for how to embed data bits. procedure TMatrixUtil.EmbedDataBits(DataBits: TBitArray; MaskPattern: Integer; Matrix: TByteMatrix); var BitIndex: Integer; Direction: Integer; X,XX: Integer; Bit: Boolean; MaskUtil: TMaskUtil; begin MaskUtil := TMaskUtil.Create; try BitIndex := 0; Direction := -1; // Start from the right bottom cell. X := Matrix.Width - 1; Y := Matrix.Height - 1; while (X > 0) do begin // Skip the vertical timing pattern. if (X = 6) then begin Dec(X,1); end; while ((Y >= 0) and (Y < Matrix.Height)) do begin for I := 0 to 1 do begin XX := X - I; // Skip the cell if it‘s not empty. if (not IsEmpty(Matrix.Get(XX,Y))) then begin Continue; end; if (BitIndex < DataBits.GetSize) then begin Bit := DataBits.Get(BitIndex); Inc(BitIndex); end else begin // Padding bit. If there is no bit left,we‘ll fill the left cells with 0,as described // in 8.4.9 of JISX0510:2004 (p. 24). Bit := False; end; // Skip masking if mask_pattern is -1. if (MaskPattern <> -1) then begin if (MaskUtil.GetDataMaskBit(MaskPattern,XX,Y)) then begin Bit := not Bit; end; end; Matrix.SetBoolean(XX,Bit); end; Inc(Y,Direction); end; Direction := -Direction; // Reverse the direction. Inc(Y,Direction); Dec(X,2); // Move to the left. end; finally MaskUtil.Free; end; // All bits should be consumed. if (BitIndex <> DataBits.GetSize()) then begin FMatrixUtilError := True; Exit; end; end; // Return the position of the most significant bit set (to one) in the "value". The most // significant bit is position 32. If there is no bit set,return 0. Examples: // - findMSBSet(0) => 0 // - findMSBSet(1) => 1 // - findMSBSet(255) => 8 function TMatrixUtil.FindMSBSet(Value: Integer): Integer; var NumDigits: Integer; begin NumDigits := 0; while (Value <> 0) do begin Value := Value shr 1; Inc(NumDigits); end; Result := NumDigits; end; // Calculate BCH (Bose-Chaudhuri-Hocquenghem) code for "value" using polynomial "poly". The BCH // code is used for encoding type information and version information. // Example: Calculation of version information of 7. // f(x) is created from 7. // - 7 = 000111 in 6 bits // - f(x) = x^2 + x^1 + x^0 // g(x) is given by the standard (p. 67) // - g(x) = x^12 + x^11 + x^10 + x^9 + x^8 + x^5 + x^2 + 1 // Multiply f(x) by x^(18 - 6) // - f‘(x) = f(x) * x^(18 - 6) // - f‘(x) = x^14 + x^13 + x^12 // Calculate the remainder of f‘(x) / g(x) // x^2 // __________________________________________________ // g(x) )x^14 + x^13 + x^12 // x^14 + x^13 + x^12 + x^11 + x^10 + x^7 + x^4 + x^2 // -------------------------------------------------- // x^11 + x^10 + x^7 + x^4 + x^2 // // The remainder is x^11 + x^10 + x^7 + x^4 + x^2 // Encode it in binary: 110010010100 // The return value is 0xc94 (1100 1001 0100) // // Since all coefficients in the polynomials are 1 or 0,we can do the calculation by bit // operations. We don‘t care if cofficients are positive or negative. function TMatrixUtil.CalculateBCHCode(Value,poly: Integer): Integer; var MSBSetInpoly: Integer; begin // If poly is "1 1111 0010 0101" (version info poly),msbSetInpoly is 13. We‘ll subtract 1 // from 13 to make it 12. MSBSetInpoly := FindMSBSet(poly); Value := Value shl (MSBSetInpoly - 1); // Do the division business using exclusive-or operations. while (FindMSBSet(Value) >= MSBSetInpoly) do begin Value := Value xor (poly shl (FindMSBSet(Value) - MSBSetInpoly)); end; // Now the "value" is the remainder (i.e. the BCH code) Result := Value; end; // Make bit vector of type information. On success,store the result in "bits" and return true. // Encode error correction level and mask pattern. See 8.9 of // JISX0510:2004 (p.45) for details. procedure TMatrixUtil.MakeTypeInfoBits(ecLevel: TErrorCorrectionLevel; MaskPattern: Integer; Bits: TBitArray); var TypeInfo: Integer; BCHCode: Integer; MaskBits: TBitArray; begin if ((MaskPattern >= 0) and (MaskPattern < NUM_MASK_PATTERNS)) then begin TypeInfo := (ecLevel.Bits shl 3) or MaskPattern; Bits.AppendBits(TypeInfo,5); BCHCode := CalculateBCHCode(TypeInfo,TYPE_INFO_poly); Bits.AppendBits(BCHCode,10); MaskBits := TBitArray.Create; try MaskBits.AppendBits(TYPE_INFO_MASK_PATTERN,15); Bits.XorOperation(MaskBits); finally MaskBits.Free; end; if (Bits.GetSize <> 15) then // Just in case. begin FMatrixUtilError := True; Exit; end; end; end; // Make bit vector of version information. On success,store the result in "bits" and return true. // See 8.10 of JISX0510:2004 (p.45) for details. procedure TMatrixUtil.MakeVersionInfoBits(Version: Integer; Bits: TBitArray); var BCHCode: Integer; begin Bits.AppendBits(Version,6); BCHCode := CalculateBCHCode(Version,VERSION_INFO_poly); Bits.AppendBits(BCHCode,12); if (Bits.GetSize() <> 18) then begin FMatrixUtilError := True; Exit; end; end; // Check if "value" is empty. function TMatrixUtil.IsEmpty(Value: Integer): Boolean; begin Result := (Value = -1); end; procedure TMatrixUtil.EmbedTimingPatterns(Matrix: TByteMatrix); var I: Integer; Bit: Integer; begin // -8 is for skipping position detection patterns (size 7),and two horizontal/vertical // separation patterns (size 1). Thus,8 = 7 + 1. for I := 8 to Matrix.Width - 9 do begin Bit := (I + 1) mod 2; // Horizontal line. if (IsEmpty(Matrix.Get(I,6))) then begin Matrix.SetInteger(I,Bit); end; // Vertical line. if (IsEmpty(Matrix.Get(6,I))) then begin Matrix.SetInteger(6,Bit); end; end; end; // Embed the lonely dark dot at left bottom corner. JISX0510:2004 (p.46) procedure TMatrixUtil.EmbedDarkDotAtLeftBottomCorner(Matrix: TByteMatrix); begin if (Matrix.Get(8,Matrix.Height - 8) = 0) then begin FMatrixUtilError := True; Exit; end; Matrix.SetInteger(8,Matrix.Height - 8,1); end; procedure TMatrixUtil.EmbedHorizontalSeparationPattern(XStart,YStart: Integer; Matrix: TByteMatrix); var X: Integer; begin // We kNow the width and height. for X := 0 to 7 do begin if (not IsEmpty(Matrix.Get(XStart + X,YStart))) then begin FMatrixUtilError := True; Exit; end; Matrix.SetInteger(XStart + X,YStart,HORIZONTAL_SEParaTION_PATTERN[0][X]); end; end; procedure TMatrixUtil.EmbedVerticalSeparationPattern(XStart,YStart: Integer; Matrix: TByteMatrix); var Y: Integer; begin // We kNow the width and height. for Y := 0 to 6 do begin if (not IsEmpty(Matrix.Get(XStart,YStart + Y))) then begin FMatrixUtilError := True; Exit; end; Matrix.SetInteger(XStart,YStart + Y,VERTICAL_SEParaTION_PATTERN[Y][0]); end; end; // Note that we cannot unify the function with embedPositionDetectionPattern() despite they are // almost identical,since we cannot write a function that takes 2D arrays in different sizes in // C/C++. We should live with the fact. procedure TMatrixUtil.EmbedPositionAdjustmentPattern(XStart,YStart: Integer; Matrix: TByteMatrix); var X,Y: Integer; begin // We kNow the width and height. for Y := 0 to 4 do begin for X := 0 to 4 do begin if (not IsEmpty(Matrix.Get(XStart + X,YStart + Y))) then begin FMatrixUtilError := True; Exit; end; Matrix.SetInteger(XStart + X,POSITION_ADJUSTMENT_PATTERN[Y][X]); end; end; end; procedure TMatrixUtil.EmbedPositionDetectionPattern(XStart,Y: Integer; begin // We kNow the width and height. for Y := 0 to 6 do begin for X := 0 to 6 do begin if (not IsEmpty(Matrix.Get(XStart + X,POSITION_DETECTION_PATTERN[Y][X]); end; end; end; // Embed position detection patterns and surrounding vertical/horizontal separators. procedure TMatrixUtil.EmbedPositionDetectionPatternsAndSeparators (Matrix: TByteMatrix); var PDPWidth: Integer; HSPWidth: Integer; VSPSize: Integer; begin // Embed three big squares at corners. PDPWidth := Length(POSITION_DETECTION_PATTERN[0]); // Left top corner. EmbedPositionDetectionPattern(0,Matrix); // Right top corner. EmbedPositionDetectionPattern(Matrix.Width - PDPWidth,Matrix); // Left bottom corner. EmbedPositionDetectionPattern(0,Matrix.Width - PDPWidth,Matrix); // Embed horizontal separation patterns around the squares. HSPWidth := Length(HORIZONTAL_SEParaTION_PATTERN[0]); // Left top corner. EmbedHorizontalSeparationPattern(0,HSPWidth - 1,Matrix); // Right top corner. EmbedHorizontalSeparationPattern(Matrix.Width - HSPWidth,Matrix); // Left bottom corner. EmbedHorizontalSeparationPattern(0,Matrix.Width - HSPWidth,Matrix); // Embed vertical separation patterns around the squares. VSPSize := Length(VERTICAL_SEParaTION_PATTERN); // Left top corner. EmbedVerticalSeparationPattern(VSPSize,Matrix); // Right top corner. EmbedVerticalSeparationPattern(Matrix.Height - VSPSize - 1,Matrix); // Left bottom corner. EmbedVerticalSeparationPattern(VSPSize,Matrix.Height - VSPSize,Matrix); end; // Embed position adjustment patterns if need be. procedure TMatrixUtil.MaybeEmbedPositionAdjustmentPatterns(Version: Integer; Matrix: TByteMatrix); var Index: Integer; Coordinates: array of Integer; NumCoordinates: Integer; X,J: Integer; begin if (Version >= 2) then begin Index := Version - 1; NumCoordinates := Length(POSITION_ADJUSTMENT_PATTERN_COORDINATE_TABLE[Index]); SetLength(Coordinates,NumCoordinates); Move(POSITION_ADJUSTMENT_PATTERN_COORDINATE_TABLE[Index][0],Coordinates[0],NumCoordinates * SizeOf(Integer)); for I := 0 to NumCoordinates - 1 do begin for J := 0 to NumCoordinates - 1 do begin Y := Coordinates[I]; X := Coordinates[J]; if ((X = -1) or (Y = -1)) then begin Continue; end; // If the cell is unset,we embed the position adjustment pattern here. if (IsEmpty(Matrix.Get(X,Y))) then begin // -2 is necessary since the x/y coordinates point to the center of the pattern,not the // left top corner. EmbedPositionAdjustmentPattern(X - 2,Y - 2,Matrix); end; end; end; end; end; { TBitArray } procedure TBitArray.AppendBits(Value,NumBits: Integer); var NumBitsLeft: Integer; begin if ((NumBits < 0) or (NumBits > 32)) then begin end; EnsureCapacity(Size + NumBits); for NumBitsLeft := NumBits downto 1 do begin AppendBit(((Value shr (NumBitsLeft - 1)) and $01) = 1); end; end; constructor TBitArray.Create(Size: Integer); begin Size := Size; SetLength(Bits,(Size + 31) shr 5); end; constructor TBitArray.Create; begin Size := 0; SetLength(Bits,1); end; function TBitArray.Get(I: Integer): Boolean; begin Result := (Bits[I shr 5] and (1 shl (I and $1F))) <> 0; end; function TBitArray.GetSize: Integer; begin Result := Size; end; function TBitArray.GetSizeInBytes: Integer; begin Result := (Size + 7) shr 3; end; procedure TBitArray.SetBit(Index: Integer); begin Bits[Index shr 5] := Bits[Index shr 5] or (1 shl (Index and $1F)); end; procedure TBitArray.AppendBit(Bit: Boolean); begin EnsureCapacity(Size + 1); if (Bit) then begin Bits[Size shr 5] := Bits[Size shr 5] or (1 shl (Size and $1F)); end; Inc(Size); end; procedure TBitArray.ToBytes(BitOffset: Integer; Source: TByteArray; Offset,NumBytes: Integer); var I: Integer; J: Integer; TheByte: Integer; begin for I := 0 to NumBytes - 1 do begin TheByte := 0; for J := 0 to 7 do begin if (Get(BitOffset)) then begin TheByte := TheByte or (1 shl (7 - J)); end; Inc(BitOffset); end; Source[Offset + I] := TheByte; end; end; procedure TBitArray.XorOperation(Other: TBitArray); var I: Integer; begin if (Length(Bits) = Length(Other.Bits)) then begin for I := 0 to Length(Bits) - 1 do begin // The last byte Could be incomplete (i.e. not have 8 bits in // it) but there is no problem since 0 XOR 0 == 0. Bits[I] := Bits[I] xor Other.Bits[I]; end; end; end; procedure TBitArray.AppendBitArray(NewBitArray: TBitArray); var OtherSize: Integer; I: Integer; begin OtherSize := NewBitArray.GetSize; EnsureCapacity(Size + OtherSize); for I := 0 to OtherSize - 1 do begin AppendBit(NewBitArray.Get(I)); end; end; procedure TBitArray.EnsureCapacity(Size: Integer); begin if (Size > (Length(Bits) shl 5)) then begin SetLength(Bits,Size); end; end; { TErrorCorrectionLevel } procedure TErrorCorrectionLevel.Assign(Source: TErrorCorrectionLevel); begin Self.FBits := Source.FBits; end; function TErrorCorrectionLevel.Ordinal: Integer; begin Result := 0; end; { TVersion } class function TVersion.ChooseVersion(NumInputBits: Integer; ecLevel: TErrorCorrectionLevel): TVersion; var VersionNum: Integer; Version: TVersion; NumBytes: Integer; ECBlocks: TECBlocks; NumECBytes: Integer; NumDataBytes: Integer; TotalInputBytes: Integer; begin Result := nil; // In the following comments,we use numbers of Version 7-H. for VersionNum := 1 to 40 do begin Version := TVersion.GetVersionForNumber(VersionNum); // numBytes = 196 NumBytes := Version.GetTotalCodewords; // getNumECBytes = 130 ECBlocks := Version.GetECBlocksForLevel(ecLevel); NumECBytes := ECBlocks.GetTotalECCodewords; // getNumDataBytes = 196 - 130 = 66 NumDataBytes := NumBytes - NumECBytes; TotalInputBytes := (NumInputBits + 7) div 8; if (NumDataBytes >= TotalInputBytes) then begin Result := Version; Exit; end else begin Version.Free; end; end; end; constructor TVersion.Create(VersionNumber: Integer; AlignmentPatternCenters: array of Integer; ECBlocks1,ECBlocks4: TECBlocks); var Total: Integer; ECBlock: TECB; ECBArray: TECBArray; I: Integer; begin Self.VersionNumber := VersionNumber; SetLength(Self.AlignmentPatternCenters,Length(AlignmentPatternCenters)); if (Length(AlignmentPatternCenters) > 0) then begin Move(AlignmentPatternCenters[0],Self.AlignmentPatternCenters[0],Length(AlignmentPatternCenters) * SizeOf(Integer)); end; SetLength(ECBlocks,4); ECBlocks[0] := ECBlocks1; ECBlocks[1] := ECBlocks2; ECBlocks[2] := ECBlocks3; ECBlocks[3] := ECBlocks4; Total := 0; ECCodewords := ECBlocks1.GetECCodewordsPerBlock; ECBArray := ECBlocks1.GetECBlocks; for I := 0 to Length(ECBArray) - 1 do begin ECBlock := ECBArray[I]; Inc(Total,ECBlock.GetCount * (ECBlock.GetDataCodewords + ECCodewords)); end; TotalCodewords := Total; end; destructor TVersion.Destroy; var X: Integer; begin for X := 0 to Length(ECBlocks) - 1 do begin ECBlocks[X].Free; end; inherited; end; function TVersion.GetDimensionForVersion: Integer; begin Result := 17 + 4 * VersionNumber; end; function TVersion.GetECBlocksForLevel(ecLevel: TErrorCorrectionLevel) : TECBlocks; begin Result := ECBlocks[ecLevel.Ordinal]; end; function TVersion.GetTotalCodewords: Integer; begin Result := TotalCodewords; end; class function TVersion.GetVersionForNumber(VersionNum: Integer): TVersion; begin if (VersionNum = 1) then begin Result := TVersion.Create(1,[],TECBlocks.Create(7,TECB.Create(1,19)),TECBlocks.Create(10,16)),TECBlocks.Create(13,13)),TECBlocks.Create(17,9))); end else if (VersionNum = 2) then begin Result := TVersion.Create(2,[6,18],34)),TECBlocks.Create(16,28)),TECBlocks.Create(22,22)),TECBlocks.Create(28,16))); end else if (VersionNum = 3) then begin Result := TVersion.Create(3,22],TECBlocks.Create(15,55)),TECBlocks.Create(26,44)),TECBlocks.Create(18,TECB.Create(2,17)),13))); end else if (VersionNum = 4) then begin Result := TVersion.Create(4,26],TECBlocks.Create(20,80)),32)),24)),TECB.Create(4,9))); end else if (VersionNum = 5) then begin Result := TVersion.Create(5,30],108)),TECBlocks.Create(24,43)),15),11),12))); end else if (VersionNum = 6) then begin Result := TVersion.Create(6,34],68)),27)),15))); end else if (VersionNum = 7) then begin Result := TVersion.Create(7,38],78)),31)),15)),14))); end else if (VersionNum = 8) then begin Result := TVersion.Create(8,42],97)),38),39)),18),15))); end else if (VersionNum = 9) then begin Result := TVersion.Create(9,46],TECBlocks.Create(30,116)),TECB.Create(3,36),37)),13))); end else if (VersionNum = 10) then begin Result := TVersion.Create(10,50],68),69)),43),TECB.Create(6,19),20)),16))); end else if (VersionNum = 11) then begin Result := TVersion.Create(11,54],81)),50),51)),22),23)),TECB.Create(8,13))); end else if (VersionNum = 12) then begin Result := TVersion.Create(12,58],92),93)),20),21)),TECB.Create(7,15))); end else if (VersionNum = 13) then begin Result := TVersion.Create(13,62],107)),37),38)),TECB.Create(12,12))); end else if (VersionNum = 14) then begin Result := TVersion.Create(14,66],115),40),TECB.Create(5,41)),TECB.Create(11,13))); end else if (VersionNum = 15) then begin Result := TVersion.Create(15,70],87),88)),41),42)),24),25)),13))); end else if (VersionNum = 16) then begin Result := TVersion.Create(16,74],98),99)),45),46)),TECB.Create(15,TECB.Create(13,16))); end else if (VersionNum = 17) then begin Result := TVersion.Create(17,78],107),TECB.Create(10,46),47)),TECB.Create(17,15))); end else if (VersionNum = 18) then begin Result := TVersion.Create(18,82],120),121)),TECB.Create(9,TECB.Create(19,15))); end else if (VersionNum = 19) then begin Result := TVersion.Create(19,86],113),114)),44),45)),21),TECB.Create(16,14))); end else if (VersionNum = 20) then begin Result := TVersion.Create(20,90],16))); end else if (VersionNum = 21) then begin Result := TVersion.Create(21,94],116),117)),17))); end else if (VersionNum = 22) then begin Result := TVersion.Create(22,98],111),112)),TECB.Create(34,13))); end else if (VersionNum = 23) then begin Result := TVersion.Create(23,102],121),122)),47),TECB.Create(14,48)),16))); end else if (VersionNum = 24) then begin Result := TVersion.Create(24,106],117),118)),TECB.Create(30,17))); end else if (VersionNum = 25) then begin Result := TVersion.Create(25,110],106),TECB.Create(22,16))); end else if (VersionNum = 26) then begin Result := TVersion.Create(26,114],114),115)),TECB.Create(28,TECB.Create(33,17))); end else if (VersionNum = 27) then begin Result := TVersion.Create(27,118],122),123)),23),TECB.Create(26,16))); end else if (VersionNum = 28) then begin Result := TVersion.Create(28,122],TECB.Create(23,TECB.Create(31,16))); end else if (VersionNum = 29) then begin Result := TVersion.Create(29,126],TECB.Create(21,TECB.Create(37,16))); end else if (VersionNum = 30) then begin Result := TVersion.Create(30,130],TECB.Create(25,16))); end else if (VersionNum = 31) then begin Result := TVersion.Create(31,134],TECB.Create(29,TECB.Create(42,16))); end else if (VersionNum = 32) then begin Result := TVersion.Create(32,138],TECB.Create(35,16))); end else if (VersionNum = 33) then begin Result := TVersion.Create(33,142],TECB.Create(46,16))); end else if (VersionNum = 34) then begin Result := TVersion.Create(34,146],TECB.Create(44,TECB.Create(59,17))); end else if (VersionNum = 35) then begin Result := TVersion.Create(35,150],TECB.Create(39,TECB.Create(41,16))); end else if (VersionNum = 36) then begin Result := TVersion.Create(36,154],TECB.Create(64,16))); end else if (VersionNum = 37) then begin Result := TVersion.Create(37,158],TECB.Create(49,TECB.Create(24,16))); end else if (VersionNum = 38) then begin Result := TVersion.Create(38,162],TECB.Create(18,TECB.Create(32,TECB.Create(48,16))); end else if (VersionNum = 39) then begin Result := TVersion.Create(39,166],TECB.Create(20,TECB.Create(40,TECB.Create(43,TECB.Create(67,16))); end else if (VersionNum = 40) then begin Result := TVersion.Create(40,170],118),119)),TECB.Create(61,16))); end else begin Result := nil; end; end; { TMaskUtil } // Return the mask bit for "getMaskPattern" at "x" and "y". See 8.8 of JISX0510:2004 for mask // pattern conditions. function TMaskUtil.GetDataMaskBit(MaskPattern,Y: Integer): Boolean; var Intermediate: Integer; Temp: Integer; begin Intermediate := 0; if ((MaskPattern >= 0) and (MaskPattern < NUM_MASK_PATTERNS)) then begin case (MaskPattern) of 0: Intermediate := (Y + X) and 1; 1: Intermediate := Y and 1; 2: Intermediate := X mod 3; 3: Intermediate := (Y + X) mod 3; 4: Intermediate := ((Y shr 1) + (X div 3)) and 1; 5: begin Temp := Y * X; Intermediate := (Temp and 1) + (Temp mod 3); end; 6: begin Temp := Y * X; Intermediate := ((Temp and 1) + (Temp mod 3)) and 1; end; 7: begin Temp := Y * X; Intermediate := ((Temp mod 3) + ((Y + X) and 1)) and 1; end; end; end; Result := Intermediate = 0; end; { TECBlocks } constructor TECBlocks.Create(ECCodewordsPerBlock: Integer; ECBlocks: TECB); begin Self.ECCodewordsPerBlock := ECCodewordsPerBlock; SetLength(Self.ECBlocks,1); Self.ECBlocks[0] := ECBlocks; end; constructor TECBlocks.Create(ECCodewordsPerBlock: Integer; ECBlocks1,ECBlocks2: TECB); begin Self.ECCodewordsPerBlock := ECCodewordsPerBlock; SetLength(Self.ECBlocks,2); ECBlocks[0] := ECBlocks1; ECBlocks[1] := ECBlocks2; end; destructor TECBlocks.Destroy; var X: Integer; begin for X := 0 to Length(ECBlocks) - 1 do begin ECBlocks[X].Free; end; inherited; end; function TECBlocks.GetECBlocks: TECBArray; begin Result := ECBlocks; end; function TECBlocks.GetECCodewordsPerBlock: Integer; begin Result := ECCodewordsPerBlock; end; function TECBlocks.GetNumBlocks: Integer; var Total: Integer; I: Integer; begin Total := 0; for I := 0 to Length(ECBlocks) - 1 do begin Inc(Total,ECBlocks[I].GetCount); end; Result := Total; end; function TECBlocks.GetTotalECCodewords: Integer; begin Result := ECCodewordsPerBlock * GetNumBlocks; end; { TBlockPair } constructor TBlockPair.Create(BA1,BA2: TByteArray); begin FDataBytes := BA1; FErrorCorrectionBytes := BA2; end; function TBlockPair.GetDataBytes: TByteArray; begin Result := FDataBytes; end; function TBlockPair.GetErrorCorrectionBytes: TByteArray; begin Result := FErrorCorrectionBytes; end; { TReedSolomonEncoder } function TReedSolomonEncoder.BuildGenerator(Degree: Integer): TGenericGFpoly; var LastGenerator: TGenericGFpoly; NextGenerator: TGenericGFpoly; poly: TGenericGFpoly; D: Integer; CA: TIntegerArray; begin if (Degree >= FCachedGenerators.Count) then begin LastGenerator := TGenericGFpoly (FCachedGenerators[FCachedGenerators.Count - 1]); for D := FCachedGenerators.Count to Degree do begin SetLength(CA,2); CA[0] := 1; CA[1] := FField.Exp(D - 1 + FField.GetGeneratorBase); poly := TGenericGFpoly.Create(FField,CA); NextGenerator := LastGenerator.Multiply(poly); FCachedGenerators.Add(NextGenerator); LastGenerator := NextGenerator; end; end; Result := TGenericGFpoly(FCachedGenerators[Degree]); end; constructor TReedSolomonEncoder.Create(AField: TGenericGF); var GenericGFpoly: TGenericGFpoly; IntArray: TIntegerArray; begin FField := AField; // Contents of FCachedGenerators will be freed by FGenericGF.Destroy FCachedGenerators := TObjectList<TGenericGFpoly>.Create(False); SetLength(IntArray,1); IntArray[0] := 1; GenericGFpoly := TGenericGFpoly.Create(AField,IntArray); FCachedGenerators.Add(GenericGFpoly); end; destructor TReedSolomonEncoder.Destroy; begin FCachedGenerators.Free; inherited; end; procedure TReedSolomonEncoder.Encode(ToEncode: TIntegerArray; ECBytes: Integer); var DataBytes: Integer; Generator: TGenericGFpoly; InfoCoefficients: TIntegerArray; Info: TGenericGFpoly; Remainder: TGenericGFpoly; Coefficients: TIntegerArray; NumZeroCoefficients: Integer; I: Integer; begin SetLength(Coefficients,0); if (ECBytes > 0) then begin DataBytes := Length(ToEncode) - ECBytes; if (DataBytes > 0) then begin Generator := BuildGenerator(ECBytes); SetLength(InfoCoefficients,DataBytes); InfoCoefficients := copy(ToEncode,DataBytes); Info := TGenericGFpoly.Create(FField,InfoCoefficients); Info := Info.MultiplyByMonomial(ECBytes,1); Remainder := Info.Divide(Generator)[1]; Coefficients := Remainder.GetCoefficients; NumZeroCoefficients := ECBytes - Length(Coefficients); for I := 0 to NumZeroCoefficients - 1 do begin ToEncode[DataBytes + I] := 0; end; Move(Coefficients[0],ToEncode[DataBytes + NumZeroCoefficients],Length(Coefficients) * SizeOf(Integer)); end; end; end; { TECB } constructor TECB.Create(Count,DataCodewords: Integer); begin Self.Count := Count; Self.DataCodewords := DataCodewords; end; function TECB.GetCount: Integer; begin Result := Count; end; function TECB.GetDataCodewords: Integer; begin Result := DataCodewords; end; { TGenericGFpoly } function TGenericGFpoly.AddOrSubtract(Other: TGenericGFpoly): TGenericGFpoly; var SmallerCoefficients: TIntegerArray; LargerCoefficients: TIntegerArray; Temp: TIntegerArray; SumDiff: TIntegerArray; LengthDiff: Integer; I: Integer; begin SetLength(SmallerCoefficients,0); SetLength(LargerCoefficients,0); SetLength(Temp,0); SetLength(SumDiff,0); Result := nil; if (Assigned(Other)) then begin if (FField = Other.FField) then begin if (IsZero) then begin Result := Other; Exit; end; if (Other.IsZero) then begin Result := Self; Exit; end; SmallerCoefficients := FCoefficients; LargerCoefficients := Other.Coefficients; if (Length(SmallerCoefficients) > Length(LargerCoefficients)) then begin Temp := SmallerCoefficients; SmallerCoefficients := LargerCoefficients; LargerCoefficients := Temp; end; SetLength(SumDiff,Length(LargerCoefficients)); LengthDiff := Length(LargerCoefficients) - Length(SmallerCoefficients); // copy high-order terms only found in higher-degree polynomial‘s coefficients if (LengthDiff > 0) then begin // SumDiff := copy(LargerCoefficients,LengthDiff); Move(LargerCoefficients[0],SumDiff[0],LengthDiff * SizeOf(Integer)); end; for I := LengthDiff to Length(LargerCoefficients) - 1 do begin SumDiff[I] := TGenericGF.AddOrSubtract (SmallerCoefficients[I - LengthDiff],LargerCoefficients[I]); end; Result := TGenericGFpoly.Create(FField,SumDiff); end; end; end; function TGenericGFpoly.Coefficients: TIntegerArray; begin Result := FCoefficients; end; constructor TGenericGFpoly.Create(AField: TGenericGF; ACoefficients: TIntegerArray); var CoefficientsLength: Integer; FirstNonZero: Integer; begin FField := AField; SetLength(FField.FpolyList,Length(FField.FpolyList) + 1); FField.FpolyList[Length(FField.FpolyList) - 1] := Self; CoefficientsLength := Length(ACoefficients); if ((CoefficientsLength > 1) and (ACoefficients[0] = 0)) then begin // Leading term must be non-zero for anything except the constant polynomial "0" FirstNonZero := 1; while ((FirstNonZero < CoefficientsLength) and (ACoefficients[FirstNonZero] = 0)) do begin Inc(FirstNonZero); end; if (FirstNonZero = CoefficientsLength) then begin FCoefficients := AField.GetZero.Coefficients; end else begin SetLength(FCoefficients,CoefficientsLength - FirstNonZero); FCoefficients := copy(ACoefficients,FirstNonZero,Length(FCoefficients)); end; end else begin FCoefficients := ACoefficients; end; end; destructor TGenericGFpoly.Destroy; begin Self.FField := FField; inherited; end; function TGenericGFpoly.Divide(Other: TGenericGFpoly): TGenericGFpolyArray; var Quotient: TGenericGFpoly; Remainder: TGenericGFpoly; DenominatorLeadingTerm: Integer; InverseDenominatorLeadingTerm: Integer; DegreeDifference: Integer; Scale: Integer; Term: TGenericGFpoly; IterationQuotient: TGenericGFpoly; begin SetLength(Result,0); if ((FField = Other.FField) and (not Other.IsZero)) then begin Quotient := FField.GetZero; Remainder := Self; DenominatorLeadingTerm := Other.GetCoefficient(Other.GetDegree); InverseDenominatorLeadingTerm := FField.Inverse(DenominatorLeadingTerm); while ((Remainder.GetDegree >= Other.GetDegree) and (not Remainder.IsZero)) do begin DegreeDifference := Remainder.GetDegree - Other.GetDegree; Scale := FField.Multiply(Remainder.GetCoefficient(Remainder.GetDegree),InverseDenominatorLeadingTerm); Term := Other.MultiplyByMonomial(DegreeDifference,Scale); IterationQuotient := FField.BuildMonomial(DegreeDifference,Scale); Quotient := Quotient.AddOrSubtract(IterationQuotient); Remainder := Remainder.AddOrSubtract(Term); end; SetLength(Result,2); Result[0] := Quotient; Result[1] := Remainder; end; end; function TGenericGFpoly.GetCoefficient(Degree: Integer): Integer; begin Result := FCoefficients[Length(FCoefficients) - 1 - Degree]; end; function TGenericGFpoly.GetCoefficients: TIntegerArray; begin Result := FCoefficients; end; function TGenericGFpoly.GetDegree: Integer; begin Result := Length(FCoefficients) - 1; end; function TGenericGFpoly.IsZero: Boolean; begin Result := FCoefficients[0] = 0; end; function TGenericGFpoly.Multiply(Other: TGenericGFpoly): TGenericGFpoly; var ACoefficients: TIntegerArray; BCoefficients: TIntegerArray; Product: TIntegerArray; ALength: Integer; BLength: Integer; I: Integer; J: Integer; ACoeff: Integer; begin SetLength(ACoefficients,0); SetLength(BCoefficients,0); Result := nil; if (FField = Other.FField) then begin if (IsZero or Other.IsZero) then begin Result := FField.GetZero; Exit; end; ACoefficients := FCoefficients; ALength := Length(ACoefficients); BCoefficients := Other.Coefficients; BLength := Length(BCoefficients); SetLength(Product,ALength + BLength - 1); for I := 0 to ALength - 1 do begin ACoeff := ACoefficients[I]; for J := 0 to BLength - 1 do begin Product[I + J] := TGenericGF.AddOrSubtract(Product[I + J],FField.Multiply(ACoeff,BCoefficients[J])); end; end; Result := TGenericGFpoly.Create(FField,Product); end; end; function TGenericGFpoly.MultiplyByMonomial(Degree,Coefficient: Integer) : TGenericGFpoly; var I: Integer; Size: Integer; Product: TIntegerArray; begin Result := nil; if (Degree >= 0) then begin if (Coefficient = 0) then begin Result := FField.GetZero; Exit; end; Size := Length(Coefficients); SetLength(Product,Size + Degree); for I := 0 to Size - 1 do begin Product[I] := FField.Multiply(FCoefficients[I],Coefficient); end; Result := TGenericGFpoly.Create(FField,Product); end; end; { TGenericGF } class function TGenericGF.AddOrSubtract(A,B: Integer): Integer; begin Result := A xor B; end; function TGenericGF.BuildMonomial(Degree,Coefficient: Integer): TGenericGFpoly; var Coefficients: TIntegerArray; begin CheckInit(); if (Degree >= 0) then begin if (Coefficient = 0) then begin Result := FZero; Exit; end; SetLength(Coefficients,Degree + 1); Coefficients[0] := Coefficient; Result := TGenericGFpoly.Create(Self,Coefficients); end else begin Result := nil; end; end; procedure TGenericGF.CheckInit; begin if (not FInitialized) then begin Initialize; end; end; constructor TGenericGF.Create(Primitive,B: Integer); begin FInitialized := False; FPrimitive := Primitive; FSize := Size; FGeneratorBase := B; if (FSize < 0) then begin Initialize; end; end; class function TGenericGF.CreateQRCodeField256: TGenericGF; begin Result := TGenericGF.Create($011D,256,0); end; destructor TGenericGF.Destroy; var X: Integer; Y: Integer; begin for X := 0 to Length(FpolyList) - 1 do begin if (Assigned(FpolyList[X])) then begin for Y := X + 1 to Length(FpolyList) - 1 do begin if (FpolyList[Y] = FpolyList[X]) then begin FpolyList[Y] := nil; end; end; FpolyList[X].Free; end; end; inherited; end; function TGenericGF.Exp(A: Integer): Integer; begin CheckInit; Result := FExpTable[A]; end; function TGenericGF.GetGeneratorBase: Integer; begin Result := FGeneratorBase; end; function TGenericGF.GetZero: TGenericGFpoly; begin CheckInit; Result := FZero; end; procedure TGenericGF.Initialize; var X: Integer; I: Integer; CA: TIntegerArray; begin SetLength(FExpTable,FSize); SetLength(FLogTable,FSize); X := 1; for I := 0 to FSize - 1 do begin FExpTable[I] := X; X := X shl 1; // x = x * 2; we‘re assuming the generator alpha is 2 if (X >= FSize) then begin X := X xor FPrimitive; X := X and (FSize - 1); end; end; for I := 0 to FSize - 2 do begin FLogTable[FExpTable[I]] := I; end; // logTable[0] == 0 but this should never be used SetLength(CA,1); CA[0] := 0; FZero := TGenericGFpoly.Create(Self,CA); SetLength(CA,1); CA[0] := 1; FOne := TGenericGFpoly.Create(Self,CA); FInitialized := True; end; function TGenericGF.Inverse(A: Integer): Integer; begin CheckInit; if (A <> 0) then begin Result := FExpTable[FSize - FLogTable[A] - 1]; end else begin Result := 0; end; end; function TGenericGF.Multiply(A,B: Integer): Integer; begin CheckInit; if ((A <> 0) and (B <> 0)) then begin Result := FExpTable[(FLogTable[A] + FLogTable[B]) mod (FSize - 1)]; end else begin Result := 0; end; end; function GenerateQRCode(const Input: string; EncodeOptions: Integer) : T2DBooleanArray; var Encoder: TEncoder; Level: TErrorCorrectionLevel; QRCode: TQRCode; X: Integer; Y: Integer; begin Level := TErrorCorrectionLevel.Create; Level.FBits := 1; Encoder := TEncoder.Create; QRCode := TQRCode.Create; try Encoder.Encode(Input,EncodeOptions,Level,QRCode); if (Assigned(QRCode.FMatrix)) then begin SetLength(Result,QRCode.FMatrix.fheight); for Y := 0 to QRCode.FMatrix.fheight - 1 do begin SetLength(Result[Y],QRCode.FMatrix.FWidth); for X := 0 to QRCode.FMatrix.FWidth - 1 do begin Result[Y][X] := QRCode.FMatrix.Get(Y,X) = 1; end; end; end; finally QRCode.Free; Encoder.Free; Level.Free; end; end; { TDelphiZXingQRCode } constructor TDelphiZXingQRCode.Create; begin FData := ‘‘; FEncoding := qrAuto; FQuietZone := 4; FRows := 0; FColumns := 0; end; function TDelphiZXingQRCode.GetIsBlack(Row,Column: Integer): Boolean; begin Dec(Row,FQuietZone); Dec(Column,FQuietZone); if ((Row >= 0) and (Column >= 0) and (Row < (FRows - FQuietZone * 2)) and (Column < (FColumns - FQuietZone * 2))) then begin Result := FElements[Column,Row]; end else begin Result := False; end; end; procedure TDelphiZXingQRCode.SetData(const NewData: string); begin if (FData <> NewData) then begin FData := NewData; Update; end; end; procedure TDelphiZXingQRCode.SetEncoding(NewEncoding: TQRCodeEncoding); begin if (FEncoding <> NewEncoding) then begin FEncoding := NewEncoding; Update; end; end; procedure TDelphiZXingQRCode.SetQuietZone(NewQuietZone: Integer); begin if ((FQuietZone <> NewQuietZone) and (NewQuietZone >= 0) and (NewQuietZone <= 100)) then begin FQuietZone := NewQuietZone; Update; end; end; procedure TDelphiZXingQRCode.Update; begin FElements := GenerateQRCode(FData,Ord(FEncoding)); FRows := Length(FElements) + FQuietZone * 2; FColumns := FRows; end; procedure TDelphiZXingQRCode.DrawQrcode(imgQRCode: timage; QRCode: TDelphiZXingQRCode); const downsizeQuality: Integer = 2; // bigger value,slower rendering var Row,Column: Integer; pixelColor: TAlphaColor; vBitMapData: TBitmapData; pixelCount,X: Integer; columnPixel,rowPixel: Integer; function GetPixelCount(AWidth,AHeight: Single): Integer; begin if QRCode.Rows > 0 then Result := Trunc(Min(AWidth,AHeight)) div QRCode.Rows else Result := 0; end; begin pixelCount := GetPixelCount(imgQRCode.Width,imgQRCode.Height); imgQRCode.disableInterpolation := False; if imgQRCode.WrapMode = timageWrapMode.iwStretch then imgQRCode.WrapMode := timageWrapMode.iwCenter; imgQRCode.disableInterpolation := True; case imgQRCode.WrapMode of timageWrapMode.iwOriginal,timageWrapMode.iwCenter: begin if pixelCount > 0 then imgQRCode.Bitmap.SetSize(QRCode.Columns * pixelCount,QRCode.Rows * pixelCount); end; timageWrapMode.iwFit: begin if pixelCount > 0 then begin imgQRCode.Bitmap.SetSize(QRCode.Columns * pixelCount * downsizeQuality,QRCode.Rows * pixelCount * downsizeQuality); pixelCount := pixelCount * downsizeQuality; end; end; end; try imgQRCode.Bitmap.Canvas.Clear(TAlphaColors.White); if pixelCount > 0 then begin if imgQRCode.Bitmap.Map(TMapAccess.maWrite,vBitMapData) then begin try for Row := 0 to QRCode.Rows - 1 do begin for Column := 0 to QRCode.Columns - 1 do begin if (QRCode.IsBlack[Row,Column]) then pixelColor := TAlphaColors.Black else pixelColor := TAlphaColors.White; columnPixel := Column * pixelCount; rowPixel := Row * pixelCount; for X := 0 to pixelCount - 1 do for Y := 0 to pixelCount - 1 do vBitMapData.SetPixel(columnPixel + X,rowPixel + Y,pixelColor); end; end; finally imgQRCode.Bitmap.Unmap(vBitMapData); end; end; end; finally end; end; end.
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