
From bare-metal to Kubernetes-渣渣翻译-从虚拟主机到k8s


This is a guest post by Hugues Alary, Lead Engineer at Betabrand,  a retail clothing company and crowdfunding platform, based in San Francisco. This article was originally published here.

retail :零售
crowdfunding :群众募资

这是Hugues Alary 写的一篇客座博文(客座博文是什么?),Hugues Alary是Betabrand的首席工程师。Betabrand是一家位于旧金山的衣服零售公司,也是一家众筹平台。这篇文章就是在这里发出的。

  • Early infrastructure
    • VPS
    • Rackspace
    • OVH
  • Hardware infrastructure
    • The scalability and maintainability issue
    • Scaling development processes
  • The advent of Docker
  • Kubernetes
    • Learning Kubernetes
    • Officially migrating
    • The development/staging environments
    • A year after

How migrating Betabrand's bare-Metal infrastructure to a Kubernetes cluster hosted on Google Container Engine solved many engineering issues—​from hardware failures, to lack of scalability of our production services, complex configuration management and highly heterogeneous development-staging-production environments—​and allowed us to achieve a reliable, available and scalable infrastructure.

This post will walk you through the many infrastructure changes and challenges Betabrand met from 2011 to 2018.

migrating :迁移
bare :adj. 光秃秃的, 无遮蔽的,赤裸,刚好够的, 勉强 vt. 使赤裸, 使露出, 使暴露
Metal :n. 金属
infrastructure :基础设施,基础结构
Kubernetes cluster :K8s 集群
failures :n. 失败;故障;失败者;破产
scalability :n. 可量测性,可伸缩性
heterogeneous :adj. 多种多样的;混杂的
staging :n. 分段运输;脚手架;上演;乘驿马车的旅行,v. 表演;展现;分阶段进行;筹划(stage的ing形式)

Betabrand的主机设施是如何一步步迁移到K8s 集群的,K8s 集群是一种可以帮我们解决各种工程问题,比如软件运行故障,生产服务可扩展性弱,复杂的配置管理,提供高异质性的 开发环境 - 测试环境 - 生产环境,为我们实现一个可靠的、可用、可扩展的虚拟主机。


Early infrastructure


Betabrand’s infrastructure has changed many times over the course of the 7 years I’ve worked here.

In 2011, the year our CTO hired me, the website was hosted on a shared server with a Plesk interface and no root access (of course). Every newsletter send—​to at most a few hundred people—​would bring the website to its knees and make it crawl, even completely unresponsive at times.

My first order of business became finding a replacement and move the website to its own dedicated server.

course :n. 课程 进程, 过程航向, 航线   一道菜
newsletter :时事通讯;业务通讯,内部通讯;新闻信札
dedicated :专用的,专注的


After a few days of online research, we settled on a VPS—​8GB RAM, 320GO disk, 4 Virtual cpu, 150Mbps of bandwidth—​at Rackspace . A few more days and we were live on our new infrastructure composed of… 1 server; running your typical Linux, Apache, PHP, MysqL stack, with a hint of Memcached.

Unsurprisingly, this infrastructure quickly became obsolete.

Not only didn’t it scale at all but, more importantly, every part of it was a Single Point Of Failure. Apache down? Website down. Rackspace instance down? Website down. MysqL down… you get the idea.

Another aspect of it was its cost.

Our average monthly bill quickly climbed over $1,000. Which was quite a price tag for a single machine and the—​low—​amount of traffic we generated at the time.

After a couple years running this stack, mid-2013, I decided it was time to make our website more scalable, redundant, but also more cost effective.

I estimated, we needed a minimum of 3 servers to make our website somewhat redundant which would amount to a whopping $14400/year at Rackspace. Being a really small startup, we Couldn’t justify that "high" of an infrastructure bill; I kept looking.

The cheapest option ended up to be running our stack on bare-Metal servers.

Rackspace :全球三大云计算中心之一,1998年成立,是一家全球领先的托管服务器及云计算提供商,公司总部位于美国,在英国,澳大利亚,瑞士,荷兰及香港设有分部
settled :adj. 固定的;稳定的;v. 解决;定居(settle的过去分词)
settled on :决定
composed :adj. 镇静的,沉着的,vt. 组成, 构成
typical :adj. 典型的;特有的;象征性的
Unsurprisingly :不出所料
obsolete :adj. 老式的;废弃的n. 废词;陈腐的人vt. 废弃;淘汰
scale :n. 刻度;比例;数值范围;天平;规模;鳞
aspect :n. 方面
generate :发生
redundant :adj. 因人员过剩而被解雇的;不需要的; 多余的,在这里,作者应该是想要添加备份服务器,让系统可以更稳定
estimate :vi. 估计,估价;n. 估计,估价;判断,看法;vt. 估计,估量;判断,评价
whopping :adj. 巨大的;天大的;adv. 非常地;异常地
justify :vt. 证明…有理; 为…辩护
cheapest :最便宜的


I had worked in the past with OVH and had always been fairly satisfied (despite mixed reviews online). I estimated that running 3 servers at OVH would amount to $3240/year, almost 5 times less expensive than Rackspace.

Not only was OVH cheaper, but their servers were also 4 times more powerful than Rackspace’s: 32GB RAM, 8 cpus, SSDs and unlimited bandwidth.

To top it off they had just opened a new datacenter in north America.

A few weeks later Betabrand.com was hosted at OVH in Beauharnois, Canada.






经过几天的网络搜索,我们选中了Rackspace的一台VPS(虚拟专用服务器)- 8GRAM,320G 硬盘,4核cpu,150M带宽。没过几天,我们就开始使用这个由一台虚拟主机组成的服务器;在上面运行Linux,Apache, PHP, MysqL,还带有一点Memcache缓存服务。





在运行这一块技术服务几年后,2013 年年中,我决定是时候使我们的网站更具可扩展性、冗余性,而且更具成本效益。

我估计,我们需要至少3台服务器,让我们的网站可以更稳定,这将会让我们在Rackspace每年增加将近$14400的开销。作为一家规模很小的初创公司,我们无法证明这个“高明的”方案值得为账单付款;我一直在寻找。 最终,在裸机服务器上运行我们的网站,是最便宜的选择。


不仅在于便宜,他们的服务器性能也是Rackspace的4倍:32GB的RAM,8个cpu,SSD,无限制的带宽。 最重要的是,他们在北美新建了一个数据中心。 几周之后,我们把Betabrand.com部署在了OVH在Beauharnois, Canada 的服务器上面。

Hardware infrastructure

Between 2013 and 2017, our hardware infrastructure went through a few architectural changes.

Towards the end of 2017, our stack was significantly larger than it used to be, both in terms of software and hardware.

Betabrand.com ran on 17 bare-Metal servers:

  • 2 HAProxy machines in charge of SSL Offloading configured as hot-standby

  • 2 varnish-cache machines configured in a hot-standby load-balancing to our webservers

  • 5 machines running Apache and PHP-FPM

  • 2 redis servers, each running 2 separate instances of redis. 1 instance for some application caching, 1 instance for our PHP sessions

  • 3 MariaDB servers configured as master-master, though used in a master-slave manner

  • 3 glusterd servers serving all our static assets

Each machine would otherwise run one or multiple processes like keepalived, Ganglia, Munin, logstash, exim, backup-manager, supervisord, sshd, fail2ban, prerender, rabbitmq and… docker.

However, while this infrastructure was very cheap, redundant and had no single point of failure, it still wasn’t scalable and was also much harder to maintain.

architectural :adj. 建筑学的;建筑上的;有关建筑的符合建筑法的
architectural changes :体系结构的更改
significantly :adv. 意味深长地,值得注目的
Offloading :卸载
hot-standby :热备份
separate :vt. 使分离;使分居;使分开;vi. 分开;分居;隔开;adj. 分开的;单独的
instances :实例
assets :n. 资产;有用的东西;有利条件;优点

Varnish Cache 是一个web应用程序加速器,也是一个HTTP反向代理软件



到 2017 年底,我们的技术栈在软件和硬件方面都比过去大得多。


  • 2台HAProxy机器,主要用于SSL的卸载配置来作为热备份。(这里应该就是通过重新加载配置实现高可用的意思)
  • 2台varnish-cache 机器,配置成我们的web服务的热备份、负载均衡
  • 5台机器,运行Apache和PHP-FPM
  • 2台redis服务器,每一台都运行两个单独的实例,一个用于应用的缓存,一个用于保存PHP的sessions
  • 3台MariaDB 服务器,配置成主-主,虽然在使用中是主-从
  • 3台glusterd 服务器,保存我们所有的静态资源。

The scalability and maintainability issue

Administering our server "fleet" Now involved writing a set of Ansible scripts and maintaining them, which, despite Ansible being an amazing software, was no easy feat.

Even though it will make its best effort to get you there, Ansible doesn’t guarantee the state of your system.

fleet :adj. 快速的,敏捷的;n. 舰队;小河;港湾
involved :adj. 卷入的;有关的;复杂的;v. 涉及;使参与
guarantee :vt. 保证; 担保;n. 保证, 保障; 保证书; 保用期;担保, 担保人;担保品, 抵押品

For example, running your Ansible scripts on a server fleet made of heterogeneous OSes (say debian 8 and debian 9) will bring all your machines to a state close to what you defined, but you will most likely end up with discrepancies; the first one being that you’re running on Debian 8 and Debian 9, but also software versions and configurations being different on some servers and others.

I searched quite often for an Ansible replacement, but never found better.

I looked into Puppet but found its learning curve too steep, and, from reading other people’s recipes, was taken aback by what seemed to be too many different ways of doing the same thing. Some people might think of this as flexibility, I see it as complexity.

SaltStack caught my eyes but also found it very hard to learn; despite their extensive, in depth documentation, their nomenclature choices (mine, pillar, salt, etc) never stuck with me; and it seemed to suffer the same issue as Puppet regarding complexity.

Nix package manager and NixOS sounded amazing, to the exception that I didn’t feel comfortable learning a whole new OS (I’ve been using Debian for years) and was worried that despite their huge package selection, I would eventually need packages not already available, which would then become something new to maintain.

Those are the only 3 I looked at but I’m sure there’s many other tools out there I’ve probably never heard of.

heterogeneous :adj. 多种多样的;混杂的
Puppet :puppet一个IT基础设施自动化管理工具
curve :n. 曲线;弯曲;曲线球;曲线图表
steep :adj. 陡峭的;夸大的;不合理的;急剧升降的
recipe :n. 烹饪法; 食谱;方法; 秘诀; 诀窍
flexibility :n. 柔韧性;机动性,灵活性
complexity :n. 复杂性,错综复杂的状态
taken aback :吃了一惊
aback :adv. 向后;处于顶风位置;向后地
caught :v. 捕捉(catch的过去分词)
extensive :adj. 广阔的, 广泛的; 大量的, 大规模的
nomenclature :n. 命名法;术语
stuck :v. 刺(stick的过去式)adj. 不能动的;被卡住的
suffer :vt. 忍受;遭受;经历;vi. 受损害;受痛苦;遭受,忍受;经验
regarding :prep. (表示论及)关于; 至于; 就…而论
exception :n. 例外
eventually :adv. 终于, 最后

Writing Ansible scripts and maintaining them, however, wasn’t our only issue; adding capacity was another one.

With bare-Metal, it is impossible to add and remove capacity on the fly. You need to plan your needs well in advance: buy a machine—​usually leased for a minimum of 1 month—​wait for it to be ready—​which can take from 2 minutes to 3 days--, install its base os, install Ansible’s dependencies (mainly python and a few other packages) then, finally, run your Ansible scripts against it.

For us this entire process was wholly unpractical and what usually happened is that we’d add capacity for an anticipated peak load, but never would remove it afterwards which in turn added to our costs.

It is worth noting, however, that even though having unused capacity in your infrastructure is akin to setting cash on fire, it is still a magnitude less expensive on bare-Metal than in the cloud. On the other hand, the engineering headaches that come with using bare-Metal servers simply shift the cost from purely material to administrative ones.

In our bare-Metal setup capacity planning, server administration and Ansible scripting were just the tip of the iceberb.

capacity :n. 能力;容量;生产力;资格,地位
in advance :adv. 预先,提前
leased :adj. 租用的
entire :adj. 全部的,整个的;全体的
wholly :adv. 完全地;全部;统统
unpractical :adj. 不切实际的;不实用的;不现实的;行不通的
anticipated :vt. 先于…行动,预期
peak :n. 顶点;山峰;最高点;帽舌;vt. 使达到最高点;使竖起;adj. 最高的;最大值的;vi. 消瘦;到达最高点;变憔悴
infrastructure :基础设施
akin :adj. 同族的;同类的;类似的
magnitude :n. 巨大; 重要性
shift :n. 手段;移动;轮班;变化;vi. 移动;转换;转变;vt. 替换;转移;改变
purely :adv. 纯粹地;贞淑地;清洁地;完全地;仅仅,只不过
iceberb :冰山




例如:在由不同的操作系统(这里可能是的debian8 和 debian9)组成的服务器集群上运行我们的Ansible脚本,可以使我们所有的机器达到近似我们设定的状态。但是,最终也是会有差异的,第一个就是在debian8 和 debian9上面运行,但是这些不同的服务器上的软件的版本和配置都会有差异。











Scaling development processes

In early 2017, while our infrastructure had grown, so had our team.

We hired 7 more engineers making us a small 9 people team, with skillsets distributed all over the spectrum from backend to frontend with varying levels of seniority.

Even in a small 9 people team, being productive and limiting the amount of bugs deployed to production warrants a simple, easy to setup and easy to use development-staging-production trifecta.

Setting up your development environment as a new hire shouldn’t take hours, neither should upgrading or re-creating it.

Moreover, a company-wide accessible staging environment should exist and match 99% of your production, if not 100%.

Unfortunately, in our hardware infrastructure reaching this harmonIoUs trifecta was impossible.

Scaling :n. 缩放比例;鳞片排列;[医]刮治术,刮牙术;v. 刮鳞;剥落;生水垢(scale的ing形式)
infrastructure :n. 基础设施; 基础结构
distributed :adj. 分布式的
spectrum :n. 光谱;范围, 系列
frontend :前端
seniority :n. 年长;职位高;年资, 资历
productive :adj. 多产的, 富饶的;富有成效的; 有益的
warrants :n. 授权证; 许可证;vt. 使…显得合理; 成为…的根据;保证, 担保
trifecta :n. (赛马赌博的)三连胜式
Moreover :此外,而且
company-wide :全公司
accessible :adj. 容易取得的,容易获得的,容易达到的
harmonIoUs :adj. 和谐的,和睦的;协调的,调和的;音调优美的;悦耳的







The development environment

First of all, everybody in our engineering team uses MacBook Pros, which is an issue since our stack is linux based.

However, asking everybody to switch to linux and potentially change their precIoUs workflow wasn’t really ideal. This meant that the best solution was to provide a development environment agnostic of developers' personal preferences in machines.

I Could only see two obvIoUs options:

Either provide a Vagrant stack that would run multiple virtual machines (17 potentially, though, more realistically, 1 machine running our entire stack), or, re-use the already written ansible scripts and run them against our local macbooks.

After investigating Vagrant, I felt that using virtual machines would hinder performances too much and wasn’t worth it. I decided, for better or worse, to go the Ansible route (in hindsight, this probably wasn’t the best decision).

We would use the same set of Ansible scripts on production, staging and dev. The caveat being of course that our development stack, although close to production, was not a 100% match.

This worked well enough for a while; However, the mismatch caused issues later when, for example, our development and production MysqL versions weren’t aligned. Some queries that ran on dev, wouldn’t on production.

potentially :adv. 潜在地;可能地
precIoUs :adj. 宝贵的;珍贵的;矫揉造作的
agnostic :n. 不可知论者;adj. 不可知论(者)的
obvIoUs :明显的,显而易见的
potentially :
realistically :adv. 现实地;实际地
investigating :调查
hinder :vt. & vi. 阻碍; 妨碍
hindsight :n. 事后的觉悟;事后的聪明
caveat :n. 警告;中止诉讼手续的申请;货物出门概不退换;停止支付的广告



首先,我们团队中的所有开发工程师都是使用MacBook Pros,因为我们的代码运行在Linux上,因此这是一个问题。







The staging environment

Secondly, having a development and production environments running on widely different softwares (mac os versus debian) meant that we absolutely needed a staging environment.

Not only because of potential bugs caused by version mismatches, but also because we needed a way to share new features to external members before launch.

Once again I had multiple choices:

  • buy 17 servers and run ansible against them. This would double our costs though and we were trying to save money.

  • setup our entire stack on a unique linux server, accessible from the outside. Cheaper solution, but once again not providing an exact replica of our production system.

I decided to implement the cost-saving solution.

An early version of the staging environment involved 3 independant linux servers, each running the entire stack. Developers would then yell across the room (or hipchat) "taking over dev1", "is anybody using dev3?", "dev2 is down :/".

Overall, our development-staging-production setup was far from optimal: it did the job; but definitely needed improvements.

absolutely :adv. 完全地,绝对地
replica :复制品
implement :vt. 使生效, 贯彻, 执行 ;n. 工具, 器具, 用具
independant :adj. 独立的;单独的;无党派的;不受约束...
definitely :    adv. 明确地, 确切地     一定地, 肯定地



其次,在不同的软件系统上(mac os或者 debia)运行我们的生产和开发环境,意味着我们必须要有一个交付准备环境。



  • 购买17台服务器,然后在上面运行Ansilbe。这么做会让我们的成本翻倍,我们本来就是打算要节省开销的。
  • 把我们所有的技术栈放在一台Linux服务器上,所有人都从外部访问,这是个省钱的方案,但是依然没有提供精确的生产环境副本。


一个早期的测试环境包含3个独立的Linux服务器,每一个都运行着全部的技术栈。然后,开发人员会在房间里大声说(或者嘻嘻哈哈)“接管一下 dev1”,“有人在用dev3吗?”,“dev2关机了”

总的来说,我们的开发---测试---生产 的流程距离理想状态很远很远,他是可以工作的,但真的还需要好好改进。

The advent of Docker

In 2013 Dotcloud released Docker.

The Betabrand use case for Docker was immediately obvIoUs. I saw it as the solution to simplify our development and staging environments; by getting rid of the ansible scripts (well, almost; more on that later).

Those scripts would Now only be used for production.

At the time, one main pain point for the team was competing for our three physical staging servers: dev1, dev2 and dev3; and for me maintaining those 3 servers was a major annoyance.

After observing docker for a few months, I decided to give it a go in April 2014.

After installing docker on one of the staging servers, I created a single docker image containing our entire stack (haproxy, varnish, redis, apache, etc.) then over the next few months wrote a tool (sailor) allowing us to create, destroy and manage an infinite number of staging environment accessible via individual unique URLs.

Worth noting that docker-compose didn’t exist at that time; and that putting your entire stack inside one docker image is of course a big no-no but that’s an unimportant detail here.

From this point on, the team wasn’t competing anymore for access to the staging servers. Anybody Could create a new, fully configured, staging container from the docker image using sailor. I didn’t need to maintain the servers anymore either; better yet, I shut down and cancelled 2 of them.

Our development environment, however, still was running on macos (well, "Mac OS X" at the time) and using the Ansible scripts.

Then, sometime around 2016 docker-machine was released.

Docker machine is a tool taking care of deploying a docker daemon on any stack of your choice: virtualBox, aws, gce, bare-Metal, azure, you name it, docker-machine does it; in one command line.

I saw it as the opportunity to easily and quickly migrate our ansible-based development environment to a docker based one. I modified sailor to use docker-machine as its backend.

Setting up a development environment was Now a matter of creating a new docker-machine then passing a flag for sailor to use it.

At this point, our development-staging process had been simplified tremendously; at least from a dev-ops perspective: anytime I needed to upgrade any software of our stack to a newer version or change the configuration, instead of modifying my ansible scripts, asking all the team to run them, then running them myself on all 3 staging servers; I Could Now simply push a new docker image.

Ironically enough, I ended up needing virtual machines (which I had deliberately avoided) to run docker on our macbooks. Using vagrant instead of Ansible would have been a better choice from the get go. Hindsight is always 20/20.

Using docker for our development and staging systems paved the way to the better solution that Betabrand.com Now runs on.

immediately :    adv. 立即, 马上     直接地
rid :vt. 使摆脱, 解除…的负担, 从…中清除
annoyance :n. 恼怒;烦恼;打扰
infinite :adj. 无限的,无穷的;无数的;

Worth noting :值得注意
compose :t. 组成, 构成
opportunity :机会
modified :改良的
tremendously :极大地
perspective :n. 远景, 景 前途; 希望 透视 透视图 观点, 想法
modify :修改
Ironically :adv. 嘲讽地, 挖苦地 具有讽刺意味地
deliberately :adv. 慎重地;谨慎地 故意地,蓄意地 从容不迫地,不慌不忙地
Hindsight :n. 事后的觉悟;事后的聪明
20/20. :用来表示 完美

Docker 的出现






我在一台测试服务器上安装了Docker,创建了一个包含我们所有技术栈(haproxy, varnish, redis, apache,等等)的docker镜像。在接下来的几个月写了一个工具(sailor),这个工具可以允许我们每一个的单独URLs创建、销毁、管理无数的测试环境



但是,我们的开发环境仍在macos上运行(当时,“Mac OS X”)并使用Ansible脚本。









Because Betabrand is primarily an e-commerce platform, Black Friday loomed over our website more and more each year.

To our surprise, the website had handled increasingly higher loads since 2013 without failing in any major catastrophe, but, it did require a month long preparation beforehand: adding capacity, load testing and optimizing our checkout code paths as much as we possibly Could.

After preparing for Black Friday 2016, however, it became evident the infrastructure wouldn’t scale for Black Friday 2017; I worried the website would become inacessible under the load.

Luckily, sometime in 2015, the release of Kubernetes 1.0 caught my attention.

Just like I saw in docker an obvIoUs use-case, I knew k8s was what we needed to solve many of our issues. First of all, it would finally allow us to run an almost identical dev-staging-production environment. But also, would solve our scalability issues.

I also evaluated 2 other solutions, Nomad and Docker Swarm, but Kubernetes seemed to be the most promising.

For Black Friday 2017, I set out to migrate our entire infra to k8s.

Although I considered it, I quickly ruled out using our current OVH bare-Metal servers for our k8s nodes since it would play against my goal of getting rid of Ansible and not dealing with all the issue that comes with hardware servers. Moreover, soon after I started investigating Kubernetes, Google released their managed Kubernetes (GKE) offer, which I rapidly came to choose.

loom :n. 织布机;若隐若现的景象;vi. 可怕地出现;朦胧地出现;隐约可见
increasingly :adv. 越来越多地;渐增地
catastrophe :n. 大灾难;大祸;惨败
preparation :n. 预备;准备
evident :adj. 明显的;明白的
infrastructure :n. 基础设施;公共建设;下部构造
inacessible :?inaccessible 作者写错了?--->adj. 达不到的, 不可及的
identical :adj. 同一的;完全相同的
scalability :n. 可扩展性;可伸缩性;可量测性






幸运的是,在2015年的某个时候,Kubernetes 1.0的发布引起了我的注意。


我还评估了其他2个解决方案,Nomad和Docker Swarm,但Kubernetes似乎是最有希望的。


尽管我考虑过这一点(将我们的服务器用于k8s节点),但我很快就排除了这个做法,因为它会违背我的目标,即摆脱Ansible而不是处理硬件服务器带来的所有问题。 此外,在我开始调查Kubernetes之后不久,谷歌发布了他们管理的Kubernetes(GKE)产品,我很快就选择了。

Learning Kubernetes

Migrating to k8s first involved gaining a strong understanding its architecture and its concepts, by reading the online documentation.

Most importantly understanding containers, Pods, Deployments and Services and how they all fit together. Then in order, ConfigMaps, Secrets, Daemonsets, StatefulSets, Volumes, PersistentVolumes and PersistentVolumeClaims.

Other concepts are important, though less necessary to get a cluster going.

Once I assimilated those concepts, the second, and hardest, step involved translating our bare-Metal architecture into a set of YAML manifests.

From the beginning I set out to have one, and only one, set of manifests to be used for the creation of all three development, staging and production environment. I quickly ran into needing to parameterized my YAML manifests, which isn’t out-of-the-Box supported by Kubernetes. This is where Helm [1] comes in handy.

from the Helm website: Helm helps you manage Kubernetes applications—​Helm Charts helps you define, install, and upgrade even the most complex Kubernetes application.

Helm markets itself as a package manager for Kubernetes, I originally used it solely for its templating feature though. I have, Now, also come to appreciate its package manager aspect and used it to install Grafana [2] and Prometheus [3].

After a bit of sweat and a few tears, our infrastructure was Now neatly organized into 1 Helm package, 17 Deployments, 9 ConfigMaps, 5 PersistentVolumeClaims, 5 Secrets, 18 Services, 1 StatefulSet, 2 StorageClasses, 22 container images.

All that was left was to migrate to this new infrastructure and shutdown all our hardware servers.

gain :n. 增加;利润;收获 vt. 获得;增加;赚到 vi. 增加;获利
concepts :n. 概念,观念;思想
assimilate :vt. 吸收;使同化;把…比作;使相似
architecture :n. 建筑学;建筑风格;建筑式样;架构
manifest :n. 载货单,货单;旅客名单;货运列车编组清单;v. 表明,清楚显示
set out :vt. 规划,展现,开始@vi. 出发
parameterized :参数化的
out-of-the-Box :开箱即用的
handy :adj. 手边的,就近的;便利的;容易取得的;敏捷的
sweat :汗水




最重要的是理解containers, Pods, Deployments 和Services以及它们是如何组合在一起的。然后依次是ConfigMaps, Secrets, Daemonsets, StatefulSets, Volumes, PersistentVolumes and PersistentVolumeClaims








Officially migrating

October 5th 2017 was the night.

Pulling the trigger was extremely easy and went without a hitch.

I created a new GKE cluster, ran helm install betabrand --name production, imported our MysqL database to Google Cloud sql, then, after what actually took about 2 hours, we were live in the Clouds.

The migration was that simple.

What helped a lot of course, was the ability to create multiple clusters in Google GKE: before migrating our production, I was able to rehearse through many test migration, jotting down every steps needed for a successful launch.

Black Friday 2017 was very successful for Betabrand and the few technical issues we ran into weren’t associated to the migration.

pull :拖、拉
trigger :vt. 触发;引发,引起 vi. 松开扳柄 n. 触发器;扳机;制滑机
extremely :极端、极其、非常
hitch :n. 钩;猛拉;急推;蹒跚;故障
rehearse :排练,预演
jotting :简短的笔记
associated :联合的,关联的




通过运行helm install betabrand --name production,我创建了一个新的GKE集群,将我们的MysqL引入到谷歌的云sql。然后,在等待了将近2个小时后,我们就进入了云端。


帮助最大的功课,是在Google GKE中创建多个集群的能力:在迁移我们的生产环境之前,我尽可能的排练了多次迁移过程,然后记下成功操作的每一个步骤。


The development/staging environments

Our development machines run a Kubernetes cluster via Minikube [4].

The same YAML manifests are being used to create a local development environment or a "production-like" environment.

Everything that runs on Production, also runs in Development. The only difference between the two environments is that our development environment talks to a local MysqL database, whereas production talks to Google Cloud sql.

Creating a staging environment is exactly the same as creating a new production cluster: all that is needed is to clone the production database instance (which is only a few clicks or one command line) then point the staging cluster to this database via a --set database parameter in helm.

parameter  :实例


开发 /测试环境




创建一个测试环境几乎和创建一个新的生产环境是一样的。需要做的就是复制一些生产环境的数据库实例(只需要点击记下或者一条命令)然后通过在helm里面设置参数 -- set database 将测试环境的数据执行复制的这个数据库

A year after

It’s Now been a year and 2 months since we moved our infrastructure to Kubernetes and I Couldn’t be happier.

Kubernetes has been rock solid in production and we have yet to experience an outage.

In anticipation of a lot of traffic for Black Friday 2018, we were able to create an exact replica of our production services in a few minutes and do a lot of load testing. Those load tests revealed specific code paths performing extremely poorly that only a lot of traffic Could reveal and allowed us to fix them before Black Friday.

As expected, Black Friday 2018 brought more traffic than ever to Betabrand.com, but k8s met its promises, and, features like the HorizontalPodAutoscaler coupled to GKE’s node autoscaling allowed our website to absorb peak loads without any issues.

K8s, combined with GKE, gave us the tools we needed to make our infrastructure reliable, available, scalable and maintainable.

solid :固态的
outage :短供期
anticipation :预料,预期
replica :复制品
perform :表演的,履行的
extremely :极端,极其,非常
reveal :显示,显露
promises :承诺
coupled :v. 联接的;成对的;耦合的








1. https://helm.sh/ 2. https://grafana.com/ 3. https://prometheus.io/ 4. https://github.com/kubernetes/minikube

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