



def clusters(l, K):
    if l:
        prev = None
        for t in clusters(l[1:], K):
            tup = sorted(t)
            if tup != prev:
                prev = tup
                for i in xrange(K):
                    yield tup[:i] + [[l[0]] + tup[i],] + tup[i+1:]
        yield [[] for _ in xrange(K)]


def neclusters(l, K):
    for c in clusters(l, K):
        if all(x for x in c): yield c


def kamongn(n, k):
    res = 1
    for x in xrange(n-k, n):
        res *= x + 1
    for x in xrange(k):
        res /= x + 1
    return res

def Stirling(n, k):
    res = 0
    for j in xrange(k + 1):
        res += (-1)**(k-j) * kamongn(k, j) * j ** n
    for x in xrange(k):
        res /= x + 1
    return res

>>> sum(1 for _ in neclusters([2,3,5,7,11,13], K=3)) == Stirling(len([2,3,5,7,11,13]), k=3)

有用 !


>>> clust = neclusters([2,3,5,7,11,13], K=3)
>>> [clust.next() for _ in xrange(5)]
[[[2, 3, 5, 7], [11], [13]], [[3, 5, 7], [2, 11], [13]], [[3, 5, 7], [11], [2, 13]], [[2, 3, 11], [5, 7], [13]], [[3, 11], [2, 5, 7], [13]]]



示例:L = [2,3,5,7,11,13],K = 3


[ [ 2 ],[ 3,5],[ 7,11,13] ]
[ [ 2,5 ],11],[ 13] ]
[ [ 3,11 ],[ 5,7],[ 2,13] ]
[ [ 3 ],[ 11 ],2,13] ]



# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import itertools

# return ( list1 - list0 )
def l1_sub_l0( l1,l0 ) :
    """Substract two lists"""
    copy_l1 = list( l1 )
    copy_l0 = list( l0 )

    for xx in l0 :
        if copy_l1.count( xx ) > 0 :
            copy_l1.remove( xx )
            copy_l0.remove( xx )

    return [ copy_l1,copy_l0 ]

def gen_group_len( n,k ) :
    """Generate all possible group sizes"""

    # avoid doubles
    stop_list = []
    for t in itertools.combinations_with_replacement( xrange( 1,n - 1 ),k - 1 ) :
        last_n = n - sum( t )

        # valid group size
        if last_n  >= 1 :
            res = tuple( sorted( t + ( last_n,) ) )
            if res not in stop_list :
                yield res
                stop_list.append( res )

# group_len = (1,1,3)

def gen( group_len,my_list ) :
    """Generate all possible partitions of all possible group sizes"""

    if len( group_len ) == 1 :
        yield ( tuple( my_list ),)

    else :

        # need for a stop list if 2 groups of same size
        stop_list = []

        for t in itertools.combinations( my_list,group_len[ 0 ] ) :
            reduced_list = l1_sub_l0( my_list,t )[ 0 ]

            for t2 in gen( group_len[ 1: ],reduced_list ) :
                tmp = set( ( t,t2[ 0 ] ) )
                if tmp not in stop_list :
                    yield ( t,) + t2
                    # avoid doing same thing twice
                    if group_len[ 1 ] == group_len[ 0 ] :
                        stop_list.append( tmp )

my_list = [ 3,13 ]
n = len( my_list )
k = 3

group_len_list = list( gen_group_len( n,k ) )
print "for %i elements,%i configurations of group sizes" % ( n,len(  group_len_list ) )
print group_len_list

for group_len in group_len_list :
    print "group sizes",group_len
    for x in gen( group_len,my_list ) :
        print x
    print "==="


for 5 elements,2 configurations of group sizes
group sizes (1,3)
group sizes (1,2)

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