
对于 ToOne 和 ToMany

如何解决对于 ToOne 和 ToMany

最近从 1.0.0 更新到 1.1.1,我的关系代码停止工作,我不确定我到底错过了什么,但直到项目查询似乎正常工作为止。



  void initializeUserInventory() async {
    await getApplicationDocumentsDirectory().then((dir) {
      try {
        _quickSaveStore =
            Store(getobjectBoxModel(),directory: dir.path + '/quickSaveItems');
        _quickactionStore = Store(getobjectBoxModel(),directory: dir.path + '/quickSaveActions');
        _categorizedSaveStore = Store(getobjectBoxModel(),directory: dir.path + '/categorizedSaveItems');
        _itemCategoryStore = Store(getobjectBoxModel(),directory: dir.path + '/categorizedSaveCategories');
        _itemTagsstore = Store(getobjectBoxModel(),directory: dir.path + '/categorizedSaveTags');
      } catch (e) {
    }).whenComplete(() {
      // Must initialize everything else after completion of store initialization!
      _userQuickSaveBox = Box<InitialItem>(_quickSaveStore!);
      _quickactionSaveBox = Box<QuickSaveAction>(_quickactionStore!);
      _categorizedSaveBox = Box<InitialItem>(_categorizedSaveStore!);
      _itemCategoryBox = Box<ItemCategory>(_itemCategoryStore!);
      _itemTagsBox = Box<ItemTag>(_itemTagsstore!);

这里是实体文件: 初始项:

part 'initial_item.g.dart';

@JsonSerializable(explicitToJson: true)
class InitialItem {
  String? itemName;
  String? inc;
  DateTime cacheTime;
  DateTime? saveTime;

  @Id(assignable: true)
  int id;

  //#region Category
  // Functions that are utilized for Saving the item by Category
  /// Holds the count of how many items the vehicle/WO needs
  int? quantity;

  /// Any comments the user has added to the item
  String? userComment;

  /// Category that the item belongs too
  final itemCategory = ToOne<ItemCategory>();

  /// Allows adding a tag to the saved item
  final tags = ToMany<ItemTag>();


      {this.id = 0,this.itemName,this.inc,this.quantity = 1,DateTime? cacheTime,DateTime? saveTime,this.userComment = '',})
      : cacheTime = cacheTime ?? DateTime.Now(),saveTime = cacheTime ?? DateTime.Now();


part 'item_category.g.dart';

@JsonSerializable(explicitToJson: true)
class ItemCategory {
  int id;
  String? categoryUid;
  String? userUid;
  String? categoryName;
  String? categoryComment;

  final items = ToMany<InitialItem>();

      {this.id = 0,this.userUid,this.categoryName,this.categoryUid,this.categoryComment});


part 'item_tag.g.dart';

@JsonSerializable(explicitToJson: true)
class ItemTag {
  int id;
  String? name;

  /// Only used for FilterChip display,not saved in any database
  bool isSelected;
  String? uid;

  ItemTag({this.id = 0,this.name,this.isSelected = false,this.uid});


  /// Attaches the tags that the user selected to the item for saving
  void attachTagsToItem() {
    // Clear all prevIoUs tags before adding the selected tags

然后,该项目将选定的类别写入到它的 toOne 目标并保存-- saveItem 正确地在此处包含所有内容

  bool saveCategorizedItem() {
    if (selectedCategory != null) {
      // Set the item category
      savingItem!.itemCategory.target = selectedCategory;


      return true;
    } else {
      return false;

它的保存位置——此时,一切都已检查完毕。我可以调试并查看它们变量中的标签和信息,我可以在 itemCategory 中查看 Category 及其信息。

  void addCategorizedItemToLocal(InitialItem saveItem) {
    print('Item saved to categorized database');

Item on Saving

稍后,我查询保存的每个项目,以便将它们分组到列表中。而此时它只返回InitialItem,并没有拉取关系数据。 toOne 和 toMany 的目标都是空的。

  /// Returns all the of Items that have been categorized and saved
  List<InitialItem> getAllCategorizedItems() => _categorizedSaveBox.getAll();

Calling the query in the View Provider's class
  void getCategorizedItems() {
    _categorizedSaveList = _userInventoryService.getAllCategorizedItems();

然后我尝试使用返回的查询构建列表。 element.itemCategory.target 返回 null,标签也是如此。正如我所说,这一切以前都在 1.0.0 版中工作,升级后失败,没有进行其他更改。一般查询有问题吗?我可以在调试窗口中查看关系,所以我假设设置正确,它似乎没有用原始查询拉出对象。 谁能解释一下我做错了什么?

  Widget categorizedList(BuildContext context) {
    final saveProvider =
        Provider.of<UserInventoryProvider>(context,listen: true);
    return GroupedListView<dynamic,String>(
      physics: const BouncingScrollPhysics(),elements: saveProvider.categorizedSaveList,groupBy: (element) => element.itemCategory.target!.categoryName,groupComparator: (d1,d2) => d2.compareto(d1),groupSeparatorBuilder: (String value) => Padding(
        padding: const EdgeInsets.all(8.0),child: Text(value,textAlign: TextAlign.center,style: TextStyles.kTextStyleWhiteLarge),),indexedItemBuilder: (c,element,index) {
        return Container();

Item directly after saving,queried from store


经过评论中的所有讨论,我终于注意到您初始化了多个商店。实际上,您正在使用多个独立数据库,因此关系无法按预期工作。您的 initializeUserInventory() 应该类似于:

void initializeUserInventory() async {
  _store = await openStore(); // new shorthand in v1.1,uses getApplicationDocumentsDirectory()
  _userQuickSaveBox = _store.box();
  _quickActionSaveBox = _store.box();
  _categorizedSaveBox = _store.box();
  _itemCategoryBox = _store.box();
  _itemTagsBox = _store.box();

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