
在 C# 中使用 NEST 库调用 elasticsearch 时如何向 linq 语句添加条件逻辑?

如何解决在 C# 中使用 NEST 库调用 elasticsearch 时如何向 linq 语句添加条件逻辑?

我正在尝试在 C# 中使用流畅的 LINQ 来使用 .NET NEST library 查询 Elasticsearch 服务器。

我想根据传入的搜索请求构建 LINQ 语句。如果搜索请求有价格范围,我想在 Elasticsearch 请求中添加一个范围子句。这是我的代码

var products = await client.SearchAsync<Product>(x =>
      x = x.Query(q =>
          if (request.IsAvailable.HasValue)
               // this gets called,but it is never added to the final elasticsearch call.
              q = q.Match(b => b.Field(bm => bm.IsAvailable).Query(request.IsAvailable.Value ? "true" : "false")) as QueryContainerDescriptor<Product>;

          if (request.MinPrice.HasValue || request.MaxPrice.HasValue)
              // this gets called,but it is never added to the final elasticsearch call.
              q = q.Range(r =>
                  if (request.MinPrice.HasValue)
                      r = r.Field(x => x.Price).GreaterThanorEquals(request.MinPrice.Value);

                  if (request.MaxPrice.HasValue)
                      r = r.Field(x => x.Price).LessthanorEquals(request.MaxPrice.Value);
                  return r;
              }) as QueryContainerDescriptor<Product>;

          if (request.Types != null && request.Types.Length > 0)
              // this gets called,but it is never added to the final elasticsearch call.
              q = q.Terms(t => t.Field(f => f.Type).Terms(request.Types)) as QueryContainerDescriptor<Product>;

          return q;

      x = x.source(s => s.Excludes(se =>
          // This works! There fields are being excluded as expected
          if (request.ExcludeSummary)
              se = se.Field(sef => sef.Summary);

          if (request.ExcludeTimestamp)
              se = se.Field(sef => sef.Timestamp);

          if (request.ExcludeLabels)
              se = se.Field(sef => sef.Labels);

          if (request.ExcludeTags)
              se = se.Field(sef => sef.Tags);

          return se;

      return x;

我在 Query() 中的所有条件都没有添加到 elasticsearch 请求中。这意味着生成的 json 请求没有价格或 IsAvaliable 子句。我怀疑演员是罪魁祸首,但不知道如何解决

Source() 按预期工作。它将正确的字段添加excludes 列表中。

如何将查询子句正确添加Query() 部分?


我发现了这个问题。似乎 NEST 取了最后一个子句,而忽略了前面的所有子句。


var products = await client.SearchAsync<Product>(x =>
      x = x.Query(q =>
          QueryContainer qc = q;

          if (request.IsAvailable.HasValue)
              qc = qc && +q.Match(b => b.Field(bm => bm.IsAvailable).Query(request.IsAvailable.Value ? "true" : "false"));

          if (request.MinPrice.HasValue || request.MaxPrice.HasValue)
              qc = qc && +q.Range(r =>
                  if (request.MinPrice.HasValue)
                      r = r.Field(x => x.Price).GreaterThanOrEquals(request.MinPrice.Value);

                  if (request.MaxPrice.HasValue)
                      r = r.Field(x => x.Price).LessThanOrEquals(request.MaxPrice.Value);
                  return r;

          if (request.Types != null && request.Types.Length > 0)
              qc = qc && +q.Terms(t => t.Field(f => f.Type).Terms(request.Types));

          return qc;

      x = x.Source(s => s.Excludes(se =>
          if (request.ExcludeSummary)
              se = se.Field(sef => sef.Summary);

          if (request.ExcludeTimestamp)
              se = se.Field(sef => sef.Timestamp);

          if (request.ExcludeLabels)
              se = se.Field(sef => sef.Labels);

          if (request.ExcludeTags)
              se = se.Field(sef => sef.Tags);

          return se;

      return x;

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