
输入正确的密码后 SignInWithAppleButton 循环,按下后按钮最终变为灰色,并在不久后变回蓝色

如何解决输入正确的密码后 SignInWithAppleButton 循环,按下后按钮最终变为灰色,并在不久后变回蓝色

我在尝试确定代码中可能丢失某些内容的位置时遇到了麻烦,任何地方都没有错误import time import datetime import bme680 from as7262 import AS7262 from datetime import date from openpyxl import load_workbook from db import Example from sqlalchemy import create_engine from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker # create a session for writing to your db engine = create_engine('sqlite:///foo.db') Session = sessionmaker(bind=engine) session = Session() as7262 = AS7262() as7262.set_gain(1) # 1,3.7,16,64 as7262.set_integration_time(10) #1 to 255 x 2.8ms exposure #mode 0 - bank 1 only continuous,mode 1 - bank 2 only continuous,mode 2 - both banks continuous,mode 3 - both banks single read as7262.set_measurement_mode(2) #2 all colours continuous as7262.set_illumination_led_current(12.5) #12.5mA 25mA 50mA 100mA as7262.set_illumination_led(0) sensor_bme680 = bme680.BME680() try: while True: example_object = Example( temperature = round(sensor_bme680.data.temperature,2),humidity = round(sensor_bme680.data.humidity,. . # you other attributes . . today = date.today(),Now = datetime.datetime.Now().time()) # Inform the user! print('Adding this data to the spreadsheet:') print(today) print(Now) print('{}*C {}hPa {}% {}res microM microM microM microM microM microM'.format(example_object.temperature,example_object.pressure,example_object.humidity,example_object.gas_resistance,example_object.red_light,example_object.orange_light,example_object.yellow_light,example_object.green_light,example_object.blue_light,example_object.violet_light)) # Add object to database session.add(example_object) session.commit() finally: print('Goodbye!') 允许我输入密码,但是一旦我输入正确的密码,它就会循环并且实际上并没有登录用户。我目前使用的是 Xcode 12.5,已在模拟器手机上使用 Apple ID 登录并运行 iOS 14.5。我在特定的 SignInWithApple 按钮关闭处设置了断点,但 onCompletion 关闭未运行

这是我的 SignUpView 代码


这是我的注册/登录(身份验证)模型代码,没有错误。所有这些代码都来自这个 YouTube 教程:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6bYMc2WUhwk 我已经观看了 6 次以上的视频,但仍然无法找到我的代码无法直接登录的原因

   import SwiftUI 
    import AuthenticationServices 
    import Firebase 
         struct SignUpView: View {
        @StateObject var loginData = Authentication()
    var body: some View {
            let backgroundColor: Color = Color.init(red: 0.332,green: 0.087,blue: 0.839)
            Text("Welcome to GiftMe!  ").font(.title).fontWeight(.heavy).shadow(color: .black,radius: 10,x: 0.0,y: 0.0).position(x:200,y: 70).foregroundColor(.white)
                .shadow(color: .black,radius: 10)
                .animation(.easeIn(duration: 2.0)).position(x: 200.0,y: 250.0)
            vstack(alignment: .center,spacing: 30){
                // Apple Button
                SignInWithAppleButton { (request) in
                    // requesting parameters from apple login
                    loginData.nonce = randomNonceString()
                    request.requestedScopes = [.email,.fullName]
                    request.nonce = sha256(loginData.nonce)
                } onCompletion: { (result) in
                    // getting error or success
                    switch result{
                    case .success(let user):
                        // Login w/ Firebase
                        guard let credential = user.credential as? ASAuthorizationAppleIDCredential else{
                            print("error w/ firebase")
                        loginData.authenticate(credential: credential)
                    case .failure(let error):
                .frame(height: 55)
            }.offset(x: 0.0,y: 100.0).padding()

    struct ContentView_Previews: PreviewProvider {
        static var previews: some View {

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