
二分搜索 vs. 线性搜索 奇怪的时间

如何解决二分搜索 vs. 线性搜索 奇怪的时间

我有一个大约 10 万个整数的列表,我正在测试线性搜索与二分搜索的概念。看起来我的线性搜索实际上比我的二分搜索快。我不确定我明白为什么会这样。有什么见解吗?

看起来我的 cpu 也受到了线性搜索的重大打击。

def linear_search(big_list,element):
    Iterate over an array and return the index of the first occurance of the item.

    Use to determine the time it take a standard seach to complate.
    Compare to binary search to see the difference in speed.

    % time ./searchalgo.py
    Results: time ./main.py  0.35s user 0.09s system 31% cpu 1.395 total

    for i in range(len(big_list)):
        if big_list[i] == element:
            # Returning the element in the list.
            return i
    return -1


def linear_binary_search(big_list,value):
    Divide and concuer approach
     - Sort the array.
     - Is the value I am searching for equal to the middle element of the array.
     - Compare is the middle element smaller orlarger than the element you are looking for?
        - If smaller then perform linear search to the right.
        - If larger then perform linear seach to the left.

    % time ./searchalgo.py
    Results:  0.57s user 0.18s system 32% cpu 2.344 total
    big_list = sorted(big_list)
    left,right = 0,len(big_list) - 1
    index = (left + right) // 2
    while big_list[index] != value:
        if big_list[index] == value:
            return index
        if big_list[index] < value:
            index = index + 1
        elif big_list[index] > value:
            index = index - 1
# linear_binary_search(big_list,999990)
Output of the linear search time:
./main.py  0.26s user 0.08s system 94% cpu 0.355 total

Output of the binary search time:
./main.py  0.39s user 0.11s system 45% cpu 1.103 total


由于单次遍历,您的第一个算法时间复杂度为 O(n)。但是在您第二次遍历的情况下,首先对需要 O(nlogn) 时间的元素进行排序,然后进行搜索需要 O(logn)。所以你的第二个算法的时间复杂度将是 O(nlogn) + O(logn),这比你的第一个算法的时间复杂度要大。

def binary_search(sorted_list,target):
    if not sorted_list:
       return None
    mid = len(sorted_list)//2
    if sorted_list[mid] == target:
       return target
    if sorted_list[mid] < target:
       return binary_search(sorted_list[mid+1:],target)
    return binary_search(sorted_list[:mid],target)

我很确定实际上会正确地递归实现二进制搜索(这对我的大脑来说更容易处理)……还有内置的 bisect 库,它基本上为您实现了 binary_search

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