
Python 初学者:我想知道为什么我的附加列表中的最后一项没有打印出来

如何解决Python 初学者:我想知道为什么我的附加列表中的最后一项没有打印出来


#Round looping component version 3
#The Game Statistics and History was added to the code


import random

def check_how_many_questions():
    while True:
        #Ask the User how many questions they want to answer if they want to play the
        #option where they can choose how many questions they want
        #to answer of if they want to play the continuous question option
        response = input("How many questions do you want to answer: ")

        how_many_questions_error = "Please input either an integer that is more than 0 or <ENTER>."
#If ifinite mode is not chosen,check response is an integer more than 0
        if response != "":
                response = int(response)

#If response is too low,go back to the start of the loop and display an error message to help user
                if response < 1:

            except ValueError:

        return response

#Game Mode Input Checker Function
def game_mode_input_checker(question):
    while True:

        #Error message
        error_message = "Error please input an Integer between 1 for Addition questions"

            #It is a float input in the case the User inputs a valid input but just with a .0
            response = float(input(question))

            #If User's response is 1 return the response
            if response == 1:
                return response

            #If User's response is not 1,2,3,4 print the <ERROR> message

        #If the User inputs an invalid value,print the <ERROR> message
        except ValueError:

#Input Checker
def input_checker(question):
    while True:
            #It is a float input in the case the User inputs a valid input but just with a .0
            response = float(input(question))
            return response
        # Error message will be printed out to the User
        except ValueError:
            print("<ERROR> Please enter an Integer\n")

#Continue the game function
def continue_game(question):
    valid = False
    while not valid:
        response = input(question).lower()

        if response == "":
            return response

        elif response == "xxx":
            return response

        #If response is not "" or 'xxx' Error message will display to the User
            print("<Error> please enter either <Enter> or 'xxx'")

#Statement generator
#Decorates the statements in the Lucky Unicorn game
def statement_generator(statement,decoration):

    sides = decoration * 3

    statement = "{} {} {}".format(sides,statement,sides)
    top_bottom = decoration * len(statement)


    return ""


#Main routine goes here

#Game Summary
game_summary = []

#Questions answered correct
questions_answered_correct = 0

#Questions answered incorrect
questions_answered_incorrect = 0

#Number of question answered
number_of_questions_answered = 0

game_loop = ""
while game_loop == "":

    user_choice_of_questions = check_how_many_questions()

    #Asks the User what game mode they want to play (1. Addition 2. Subtraction 3. Multiplication 4. Division)
    game_mode = game_mode_input_checker("What game mode do you want to play (1. Addition 2. Subtraction 3. Multiplication 4. Division)? ")

    while number_of_questions_answered < user_choice_of_questions:

        #If the User's Choice is <ENTER> the User has decided to answer the Continuous Question's option
        if user_choice_of_questions == "":
            heading = "Continuous Question: Question {}".format(number_of_questions_answered + 1)

        #If the User's Choice is not <ENTER> the User has decided to play the User Question number choose option
            heading = "Question {} of {}".format(number_of_questions_answered + 1,user_choice_of_questions)

        #Game Mode 1. Addition
        if game_mode == 1:

            #displays to the User the Question Number

            #Number 1 that is in the first position before
            #The addition is a random integer between 0 and 20
            number_1 = random.randint(0,20)
            #Number 2 that is in the first position before
            #The addition is a random integer between 0 and 20
            number_2 = random.randint(0,20)
            #The answer is equal to Number 1 + Number 2
            answer = number_1 + number_2

            #The question asked to the User
            #The Input Checker is a float input in the case the User input the correct answer but just with a .0
            response = input_checker("What is {} + {}?  ".format(number_1,number_2))

            #If the User's response is equal to the answer (Number 1 + Number 2) the User gets the question 'Correct'
            if response == answer:
                result = "Correct"
                question_outcome = "Question {} | Result: {} | Your Answer: {} | Correct Answer: {}".format(number_of_questions_answered + 1,result,response,answer)
                number_of_questions_answered += 1
                questions_answered_correct += 1

            #If the User's response is not equal to the answer (Number 1 + Number 2) the User gets the question 'Incorrect'
                result = "Incorrect"
                question_outcome = "Question {} | Result: {} | Your Answer: {} | Correct Answer: {}".format(number_of_questions_answered + 1,answer)
                number_of_questions_answered += 1
                questions_answered_incorrect += 1



            #End game if the number of rounds has been played
            if number_of_questions_answered == user_choice_of_questions:
                number_of_questions_answered = 0

            #If the number of rounds played is more than or equal to
            #One the User will be asked if they wish to continue the game or if they wish to
            #Quit the game they should input 'xxx'
            if number_of_questions_answered >= 1:
                game_loop = continue_game("Press <Enter> if you wish to continue the game,if you wish to quit type 'xxx': ")

            #If the User inputs 'xxx' when they are asked if they want to continue the game or not
            #The Game Loop will end
            #The number of questions the User answered will be reset to 0
            if game_loop == "xxx":
                number_of_questions_answered = 0

            #Puts the question outcome in the game summary list


#The game summary is displayed to the User
#The game sumary includes the Question number and the question answered result
#The number of questions answered correct and incorrect is displayed to the User
#The percentage of how many questions the User has answered correct and how many questions they have answered incorrect
print("*****Game History*****")
for game in game_summary:

print("Thank You for playing the Quiz Quest Game")


在将最后一个结果附加到 game_summary 之前,结束条件中的中断会退出循环。删除它,你应该没问题。

if game_loop == "xxx":
    number_of_questions_answered = 0
    break <--- Here

编辑: 我刚刚看到您在多行上中断循环-> 在检查任何条件以中断循环之前附加结果-> 可能在您打印 question_outcome 之后

编辑2: 我刚刚注意到第二个 while 循环:在任何退出/中断检查之前保持中断并附加结果


好的,正如您已经告诉我的问题,最好的办法是移动最后几行中的 game_summary.append(question_outcome) 行。

所以一旦你得到答案就移动它。我这样做并得到了正确的结果 -

question_outcome = "Question {} | Result: {} | Your Answer: {} | Correct Answer: {}".format(number_of_questions_answered + 1,result,response,answer)

更好的习惯是,使用新的 f-strings 而不是 .format(),因为它更具可读性 -


question_outcome = f"Question {number_of_questions_answered + 1} | Result: {result} | Your Answer: {response} | Correct Answer: {answer}"

您可以尝试将所有 .format 更改为 f-strings




#Main routine goes here

#Game Summary
game_summary = []

#Questions answered correct
questions_answered_correct = 0

#Questions answered incorrect
questions_answered_incorrect = 0

#Number of question answered
number_of_questions_answered = 0

game_loop = ""
while game_loop == "":

    user_choice_of_questions = check_how_many_questions()

    #Asks the User what game mode they want to play (1. Addition 2. Subtraction 3. Multiplication 4. Division)
    game_mode = game_mode_input_checker("What game mode do you want to play (1. Addition 2. Subtraction 3. Multiplication 4. Division)? ")

    while number_of_questions_answered < user_choice_of_questions:

        #If the User's Choice is <ENTER> the User has decided to answer the Continuous Question's option
        if user_choice_of_questions == "":
            heading = "Continuous Question: Question {}".format(number_of_questions_answered + 1)

        #If the User's Choice is not <ENTER> the User has decided to play the User Question number choose option
            heading = "Question {} of {}".format(number_of_questions_answered + 1,user_choice_of_questions)

        #Game Mode 1. Addition
        if game_mode == 1:

            #Displays to the User the Question Number

            #Number 1 that is in the first position before
            #The addition is a random integer between 0 and 20
            number_1 = random.randint(0,20)
            #Number 2 that is in the first position before
            #The addition is a random integer between 0 and 20
            number_2 = random.randint(0,20)
            #The answer is equal to Number 1 + Number 2
            answer = number_1 + number_2

            #The question asked to the User
            #The Input Checker is a float input in the case the User input the correct answer but just with a .0
            response = input_checker("What is {} + {}?  ".format(number_1,number_2))

            #If the User's response is equal to the answer (Number 1 + Number 2) the User gets the question 'Correct'
            if response == answer:
                result = "Correct"
                question_outcome = "Question {} | Result: {} | Your Answer: {} | Correct Answer: {}".format(number_of_questions_answered + 1,answer)
                number_of_questions_answered += 1
                questions_answered_correct += 1

            #If the User's response is not equal to the answer (Number 1 + Number 2) the User gets the question 'Incorrect'
                result = "Incorrect"
                question_outcome = "Question {} | Result: {} | Your Answer: {} | Correct Answer: {}".format(number_of_questions_answered + 1,answer)
                number_of_questions_answered += 1
                questions_answered_incorrect += 1

            game_summary.append(question_outcome) # ADD HERE not within else 


            #End game if the number of rounds has been played
            if number_of_questions_answered == user_choice_of_questions:
                number_of_questions_answered = 0

            #If the number of rounds played is more than or equal to
            #One the User will be asked if they wish to continue the game or if they wish to
            #Quit the game they should input 'xxx'
            if number_of_questions_answered >= 1:
                game_loop = continue_game("Press <Enter> if you wish to continue the game,if you wish to quit type 'xxx': ")

            #If the User inputs 'xxx' when they are asked if they want to continue the game or not
            #The Game Loop will end
            #The number of questions the User answered will be reset to 0
            if game_loop == "xxx":
                number_of_questions_answered = 0

            #Puts the question outcome in the game summary list
            # game_summary.append(question_outcome) # REMOVE!

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