
如何知道通过 Factory Images 安装是否成功?如何检查设备没有受到恶意软件/间谍软件的攻击?

如何解决如何知道通过 Factory Images 安装是否成功?如何检查设备没有受到恶意软件/间谍软件的攻击?

下载 Pixel 4 的 Factory Images 并执行校验和以检查下载的文件没有损坏后,我执行了 link 中的各种闪烁步骤。


flame-rq3a.210705.001 % ./flash-all.sh          
< waiting for any device >
Sending 'bootloader_b' (8833 KB)                   OKAY [  0.400s]
Writing 'bootloader_b'                             (bootloader) Flashing Pack version c2f2-0.3-7241749
(bootloader) Flashing partition table for Lun = 0
(bootloader) Flashing partition table for Lun = 1
(bootloader) Flashing partition table for Lun = 2
(bootloader) Flashing partition table for Lun = 4
(bootloader) Flashing partition table for Lun = 5
(bootloader) Flashing partition xbl_b
(bootloader) Flashing partition xbl_config_b
(bootloader) Flashing partition aop_b
(bootloader) Flashing partition tz_b
(bootloader) Flashing partition hyp_b
(bootloader) Flashing partition abl_b
(bootloader) Flashing partition keymaster_b
(bootloader) Flashing partition devcfg_b
(bootloader) Flashing partition qupfw_b
(bootloader) Flashing partition uefisecapp_b
(bootloader) Flashing partition msadp_b
(bootloader) Flashing partition logfs
OKAY [  0.261s]
Finished. Total time: 0.951s
Rebooting into bootloader                          OKAY [  0.080s]
Finished. Total time: 0.080s
Sending 'radio_b' (82708 KB)                       OKAY [  2.590s]
Writing 'radio_b'                                  (bootloader) Flashing Pack version SSD:g8150-00088-210507-B-7345963
(bootloader) Flashing partition modem_b
OKAY [  0.655s]
Finished. Total time: 3.535s
Rebooting into bootloader                          OKAY [  0.079s]
Finished. Total time: 0.080s
Bootloader Version...: c2f2-0.3-7241749
Baseband Version.....: g8150-00088-210507-B-7345963
Serial Number........: XXXXXXXXXXXXXX
extracting android-info.txt (0 MB) to RAM...
Checking 'product'                                 OKAY [  0.069s]
Checking 'version-bootloader'                      OKAY [  0.070s]
Checking 'version-baseband'                        OKAY [  0.070s]
Setting current slot to 'b'                        OKAY [  0.081s]
extracting boot.img (64 MB) to disk... took 0.363s
archive does not contain 'boot.sig'
Sending 'boot_b' (65536 KB)                        OKAY [  1.582s]
Writing 'boot_b'                                   OKAY [  0.465s]
extracting dtbo.img (8 MB) to disk... took 0.025s
archive does not contain 'dtbo.sig'
Sending 'dtbo_b' (8192 KB)                         OKAY [  0.300s]
Writing 'dtbo_b'                                   OKAY [  0.125s]
archive does not contain 'dt.img'
archive does not contain 'pvmfw.img'
archive does not contain 'recovery.img'
extracting vbMeta.img (0 MB) to disk... took 0.000s
archive does not contain 'vbMeta.sig'
Sending 'vbMeta_b' (8 KB)                          OKAY [  0.140s]
Writing 'vbMeta_b'                                 OKAY [  0.077s]
extracting vbMeta_system.img (0 MB) to disk... took 0.000s
archive does not contain 'vbMeta_system.sig'
Sending 'vbMeta_system_b' (4 KB)                   OKAY [  0.140s]
Writing 'vbMeta_system_b'                          OKAY [  0.077s]
archive does not contain 'vendor_boot.img'
extracting super_empty.img (0 MB) to disk... took 0.000s
Rebooting into fastboot                            OKAY [  0.070s]
< waiting for any device >
Sending 'super' (4 KB)                             OKAY [  0.001s]
Updating super partition                           OKAY [  0.005s]
Resizing 'product_b'                               OKAY [  0.004s]
Resizing 'system_b'                                OKAY [  0.006s]
Resizing 'system_ext_b'                            OKAY [  0.002s]
Resizing 'system_a'                                OKAY [  0.002s]
Resizing 'vendor_b'                                OKAY [  0.004s]
Resizing 'vendor_a'                                OKAY [  0.003s]
archive does not contain 'boot_other.img'
archive does not contain 'odm.img'
archive does not contain 'odm_dlkm.img'
extracting product.img (2116 MB) to disk... took 10.658s
archive does not contain 'product.sig'
Resizing 'product_b'                               OKAY [  0.005s]
Sending sparse 'product_b' 1/9 (262140 KB)         OKAY [  7.761s]
Writing 'product_b'                                OKAY [  2.602s]
Sending sparse 'product_b' 2/9 (262140 KB)         OKAY [ 10.751s]
Writing 'product_b'                                OKAY [  1.628s]
Sending sparse 'product_b' 3/9 (262140 KB)         OKAY [ 19.952s]
Writing 'product_b'                                OKAY [  1.622s]
Sending sparse 'product_b' 4/9 (262140 KB)         OKAY [  7.241s]
Writing 'product_b'                                OKAY [  1.622s]
Sending sparse 'product_b' 5/9 (262140 KB)         OKAY [  9.775s]
Writing 'product_b'                                OKAY [  1.619s]
Sending sparse 'product_b' 6/9 (262140 KB)         OKAY [  8.069s]
Writing 'product_b'                                OKAY [  1.602s]
Sending sparse 'product_b' 7/9 (262140 KB)         OKAY [  8.994s]
Writing 'product_b'                                OKAY [  1.650s]
Sending sparse 'product_b' 8/9 (262140 KB)         OKAY [  7.913s]
Writing 'product_b'                                OKAY [  1.631s]
Sending sparse 'product_b' 9/9 (70648 KB)          OKAY [  3.269s]
Writing 'product_b'                                OKAY [  0.540s]
extracting system.img (787 MB) to disk... took 4.310s
archive does not contain 'system.sig'
Resizing 'system_b'                                OKAY [  0.005s]
Sending sparse 'system_b' 1/4 (262140 KB)          OKAY [  7.748s]
Writing 'system_b'                                 OKAY [  2.614s]
Sending sparse 'system_b' 2/4 (262140 KB)          OKAY [ 10.846s]
Writing 'system_b'                                 OKAY [  1.631s]
Sending sparse 'system_b' 3/4 (262140 KB)          OKAY [  8.085s]
Writing 'system_b'                                 OKAY [  1.618s]
Sending sparse 'system_b' 4/4 (19672 KB)           OKAY [  1.029s]
Writing 'system_b'                                 OKAY [  0.187s]
extracting system_ext.img (234 MB) to disk... took 1.263s
archive does not contain 'system_ext.sig'
Resizing 'system_ext_b'                            OKAY [  0.005s]
Sending 'system_ext_b' (239792 KB)                 OKAY [  5.476s]
Writing 'system_ext_b'                             OKAY [  2.481s]
extracting system_other.img (23 MB) to disk... took 0.151s
archive does not contain 'system.sig'
Resizing 'system_a'                                OKAY [  0.046s]
Sending 'system_a' (23660 KB)                      OKAY [  0.541s]
Writing 'system_a'                                 OKAY [  0.181s]
extracting vendor.img (729 MB) to disk... took 3.969s
archive does not contain 'vendor.sig'
Resizing 'vendor_b'                                OKAY [  0.004s]
Sending sparse 'vendor_b' 1/3 (262140 KB)          OKAY [  8.995s]
Writing 'vendor_b'                                 OKAY [  2.592s]
Sending sparse 'vendor_b' 2/3 (262140 KB)          OKAY [  9.441s]
Writing 'vendor_b'                                 OKAY [  1.606s]
Sending sparse 'vendor_b' 3/3 (223104 KB)          OKAY [  7.231s]
Writing 'vendor_b'                                 OKAY [  1.410s]
archive does not contain 'vendor_dlkm.img'
archive does not contain 'vendor_other.img'
Erasing 'userdata'                                 OKAY [  5.518s]
Erase successful,but not automatically formatting.
File system type raw not supported.
Erasing 'Metadata'                                 OKAY [  0.061s]
Erase successful,but not automatically formatting.
File system type raw not supported.
Rebooting                                          OKAY [  0.002s]
Finished. Total time: 220.145s


archive does not contain 'boot.sig'
archive does not contain 'dtbo.sig'
archive does not contain 'dt.img'
archive does not contain 'pvmfw.img'
archive does not contain 'recovery.img'
archive does not contain 'vbMeta.sig'
archive does not contain 'vbMeta_system.sig'
archive does not contain 'vendor_boot.img'
archive does not contain 'boot_other.img'
archive does not contain 'odm.img'
archive does not contain 'odm_dlkm.img'
archive does not contain 'product.sig'
archive does not contain 'system.sig'
archive does not contain 'system_ext.sig'
archive does not contain 'system.sig'
archive does not contain 'vendor.sig'
archive does not contain 'vendor_dlkm.img'
archive does not contain 'vendor_other.img'
Erase successful,but not automatically formatting.
File system type raw not supported.
Erase successful,but not automatically formatting.
File system type raw not supported.

然后通过转到应用程序和通知刷新设备 => 应用程序的特殊访问权限 => 安装未知应用程序:我发现 Chrome、云端硬盘、文件、Gmail 被标记为不允许的应用程序,这正常吗?

我需要了解 Factory Image 是否已正确安装,以及手机上是否没有病毒/恶意软件/间谍软件。


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