



class Hexagon(Xshape):
    """A gridded hexagon."""
    def _make_specification(cls):
        """Return a dict that describes this Xshape."""
        side = 1.0
        h = side * math.sin(math.pi / 3.0)
        # vertex calculations
        # shared horizontal and vertical rails
        top_rail = 0.0
        vmid_rail = h
        bottom_rail = 2.0 * h
        left_rail = -1.5 * side
        midleft_rail = -1.0 * side
        midright_rail = 0.0
        right_rail = 0.5 * side
        # point coordinates
        left_pt = (vmid_rail,left_rail)
        topleft_pt = (top_rail,midleft_rail)
        topright_pt = (top_rail,midright_rail)
        right_pt = (vmid_rail,right_rail)
        bottomright_pt = (bottom_rail,midright_rail)
        bottomleft_pt = (bottom_rail,midleft_rail)
        # build components separately to avoid long lines
        c = {(0,0): {'name': 'hexagon','clockwise_edge_names': ('top','top right','bottom right','bottom','bottom left','top left'),'edges': {(-1,0): {'name': 'top','counter_vertex': topleft_pt},(0,1): {'name': 'top right','counter_vertex': topright_pt},(1,1): {'name': 'bottom right','counter_vertex': right_pt},0): {'name': 'bottom','counter_vertex': bottomright_pt},-1): {'name': 'bottom left','counter_vertex': bottomleft_pt},(-1,-1): {'name': 'top left','counter_vertex': left_pt}}}}
        d = {'name': 'Hexagon','reference_length': side,'graph_offset_per_row': (2.0 * h,0.0),'graph_offset_per_col': (-1.0 * h,1.5 * side),'components': c}
        return d

    def origin_index(cls,index):
        """Return the equivalent index when the supershape is at the origin."""
        origin_row,origin_col = 0,0  # there's only one shape so always origin
        return origin_row,origin_col

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