
如何使用级别值自动嵌套 Excel 电子表格的行?

如何解决如何使用级别值自动嵌套 Excel 电子表格的行?

我正在尝试将分组应用于 Excel 2016 电子表格,以便可以更轻松地查看和解释它。电子表格中的数据格式类似如下:

    A  B  C

1   1  x  y

2   1  x  z

3   2  y  y

4   2  x  z

5   2  z  x

6   1  x  y

A 列已经包含与我在电子表格中想要的嵌套级别相对应的数字,即第 3、4 和 5 行是第 2 行的“子级”,因此应相应地组合在一起。在这个特定电子表格中达到的最高级别是 5。我不需要在电子表格中的行之间进行任何进一步的交互,例如计算小计。电子表格大约有 800 行,一个好的解决方案将在其他地方使用,因此手动执行此操作不是理想的解决方案。

如何让 Excel 2016 中的分组功能将 A 列识别为我的分组并相应地应用大纲?


此 VBA 脚本已更新以包含更多级别的分组。



请注意,如果 A 列中不是数字,并且不符合示例注释中指定的条件,则它会失败。

Sub GroupRanges()

' Group levels must start at one and increase by one for each group level
' An error is produced if any levels are skipped
' Excel can only handle eight groups,the script will give a message and end if there are more than eight level groups
' Example: 1 1 2 3 3 4 4 5 will work
' Example: 1 1 2 2 2 4 4 5 will fail and produce an error,in this case group level 3 was skipped.
' Example: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Will fail,too many levels (more than 8)

Dim Sht As Worksheet
Dim LastRow As Long
Dim CurRow As Long
Dim StartRng As Integer
Dim EndRng As Integer
Dim GrpLvl As Integer
Dim MaxLvl As Integer

' This can be changed to define a sheet name
Set Sht = ActiveSheet

' find the highest number in the range to set as a group level
MaxLvl = WorksheetFunction.Max(Range("A:A"))

' If the Max level is greater than 8,then end the script as grouping cannot go beyond 8 levels
If MaxLvl >= 9 Then
MsgBox "You have " & MaxLvl & " group levels,Excel can only handle up to eight groups. This script will now end."
Exit Sub ' end the script if above eight groups
End If

'Set the Starting Group Level.
GrpLvl = 2

' find the last used row
LastRow = Sht.Cells(Sht.Rows.Count,"A").End(xlUp).Row
' Change the grouping to the cell above the range
Sht.Outline.SummaryRow = xlAbove

' Remove existing groups to prevent unrequired group levels.
' We now need to suppress error massages when trying to remove group levels that may not exist.
On Error Resume Next ' disable error messages

For x = 1 To 10   ' Repeat 10 times
    Sht.Rows.Ungroup   ' Remove Groups
Next x

On Error GoTo 0 ' Now it is important re-enable error messages

' Start the first loop to go through for each group level
For y = 2 To MaxLvl

    'Reset the variables for each group level pass
    CurRow = 1
    StartRng = 0
    EndRng = 0

    ' Start the inner loop through each row
    For Z = 1 To LastRow

        ' Check value of cell,if value is 1 less than current group level then clear the Start/End Range Values
        If Sht.Range("A" & CurRow) = GrpLvl - 1 Then
            StartRng = 0
            EndRng = 0
        End If

        ' If cell value equals the group level then set Range Values accordingly
        If Sht.Range("A" & CurRow) >= GrpLvl Then
            ' Check if row is the first of the range
            If Sht.Range("A" & CurRow - 1) = GrpLvl - 1 Then
                StartRng = CurRow
            End If
            ' Check if row is the Last of the range
            If Sht.Range("A" & CurRow + 1) <= 1 Then
                EndRng = CurRow
            End If
            ' If both range values are greater than 0 then group the range
            If StartRng > 0 And EndRng > 0 Then
                Sht.Rows(StartRng & ":" & EndRng).Rows.Group
            End If
        End If
        CurRow = CurRow + 1 ' increase for the next row

    Next Z  ' repeat the inner loop

    ' Increase to the next group Level
    GrpLvl = GrpLvl + 1

Next y ' repeat the first loop

End Sub

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