
VBA (Excel Maros) 的各种问题

如何解决VBA (Excel Maros) 的各种问题

我想从几天前我从未接触过 VBA 开始,更不用说 excel 宏了。

我需要将 1000 行(4 列)的数据从一张工作表(工作表 1)传输并转换到另一张工作表(工作表 2)。

快速描述我得到的内容,每一行都是一个对象,我有 4 列。 第一个(列)是对象 ID,第二个是对象名称,第三个解释对象的内容,最后一列解释如何。这是一个非常简化的版本,因为解释整个项目会很复杂。

在第二张纸上,我有 6000 行,所有行都包含对象的 ID 和名称,但缺少内容和方式。

我的目标是从该工作表中获取对象的内容和方式,将措辞转换为第二张工作表接受的形式,并确保将其添加到正确的 ID 中。



第二张纸的格式非常严格,所有内容都可以写入。在我看来(Lua 是我的主要语言),我会有一个字典或表格,其中包含所有可能的方式/内容可以写在第一张纸上,并检查每一个以查看它们是否匹配,然后将其更改为相应的工作表2 格式。让我演示给你看。 (这就是什么。我将在下面展示另一个表格)

local MType = {
    ["Industrial"] = {"MILPRO : Industrial","Industrial"};
    ["Public Saftey"] = {"MILPRO : Public Saftey","Public Saftey"};
    ["Military"] = {"MILPRO : Military","Military"};
    ["Paddling"] = {"Recreation : Paddling","Paddling"};
    ["Sporting Goods"] = {"Recreation : Sporting Goods","Sporting Goods"};
    ["Outdoor"] = {"Recreation : Outdoor","Outdoor"};
    ["Hook & Bullet"] = {"Recreation : Hook & Bullet","Hook & Bullet"};
    ["Marine"] = {"Recreation : Marine","Marine","Marina / Lodge"};
    ["Sailing"] = {"Recreation : Sailing","Sailing"};
    ["UnkNown"] = {"UNKNowN"}
local CType = {
    ["Multi-Door"] = {"Multi-Door","Multi-door"};
    ["Dealer & distributor"] = {"distributor","Dealer & distributor"};
    ["Independant Specialty"] = {"Independant Specialty","Specialty"};
    ["OEM"] = {"OEM","OEM - VAR"};
    ["Internal"] = {"Internal","Sales Agency","Repairs Facility"};
    ["Rental"] = {"Rental / Outfitter","Rental"};
    ["End User"] = {"End User"};
    ["Institution"] = {"Institution","Government Direct"};
    ["UnkNown"] = {"UNKNowN"}

每个表格中的第一个位置(表格 = 大括号)是第二个工作表接受的格式。表格中的其余部分是它们在第一张纸中的书写方式。 (这就是我想象的结果。了解 VBA 的功能和限制)

将信息与正确的 ID 匹配

每个对象都有一个长度为 6 个字符的 ID,范围从 000100 到 999999。从第一张纸中获取信息时,我需要确保将其放回第二张纸中具有正确 ID 的行中(注意有 1000 行在第一张纸上和 6000 在第二张纸上)。

最后说明:ID 存储为文本而不是数字(如果需要更改 lmk)。两个工作表的信息都在表格中。我可能会将这种方法用于其他类似的工作表 1。任何失败的转换(关于内容和方式)都应标记为未知。


Sheet 1 Format

Sheet 2 format


我们可以创建一个二维数组来保存一个字典的所有对,然后使用 For..Next 循环检查每个元素。

Sub transcribe()

On Error GoTo Handler

Application.ScreenUpdating = False

Dim WS1 As Worksheet,WS2 As Worksheet
Dim ID1 As Range,ID2 As Range
'This is assuming youre working in Sheets 1 and 2
Set WS1 = Sheets(1)
Set WS2 = Sheets(2)
'This is assuming your tables are in these locations
Set ID1 = WS1.Range(WS1.Cells(1,1),WS1.Cells(10,1))
Set ID2 = WS2.Range(WS2.Cells(1,WS2.Cells(20,1))

Dim cellx As Range
Dim rowID1 As Integer
Dim FieldA As String,FieldB As String
Dim IDfound As Boolean
IDfound = True

Dim arrayA(1 To 10,1) As String
    arrayA(1,0) = "MILPRO : Industrial"
    arrayA(1,1) = "Industrial"
    arrayA(2,0) = "MILPRO : Public Saftey"
    arrayA(2,1) = "Public Saftey"
    '... etc. You have to complete this array with all the pairs of your dictionary of Field A
    'array(X,1) holds what you expect to find in table 1,and array(X,0) holds what you want to write down in table 2.

Dim arrayB(1 To 9,1) As String
    arrayB(1,0) = "Multi-Door"
    arrayB(1,1) = "Multi-Door"
    arrayB(2,0) = "Distribuitor"
    arrayB(2,1) = "Dealer & Distribuitor"
    '... etc. You have to complete this array with all the pairs of your dictionary of Field B
    'array(X,0) holds what you want to write down in table 2.

'Now we sweep each cell in Table 2
For Each cellx In ID2.Cells
    'And we search its ID for a match in Table 1.
    rowID1 = Application.Match(cellx.Value,ID1,0)
    If IDfound = True Then
        'We then write down the values of Field A and B in the found row
        FieldA = ID1.Resize(1).Offset(rowID1 - 1,2).Value
        FieldB = ID1.Resize(1).Offset(rowID1 - 1,3).Value
        'And we call a function (see below) to correct their values
        cellx.Offset(0,2).Value = corrected(FieldA,arrayA,10)
        cellx.Offset(0,3).Value = corrected(FieldB,arrayB,9)
        cellx.Offset(0,2).Value = "ID not found"
        cellx.Offset(0,3).Value = "ID not found"
        IDfound = True
    End If

Application.ScreenUpdating = True
Exit Sub

    IDfound = False
    Resume Next

End Sub
Function corrected(Field As String,arrayX As Variant,UB As Integer) As String
'This is the dictionary-like function
Dim found As Boolean
'We sweep each element in the dictionary array until we find a match
For i = 1 To UB
    If Field = arrayX(i,1) Then
        corrected = arrayX(i,0)
        found = True
        Exit Function
        Exit For
    End If
'If no match was found,we will write that down in the result
If found = False Then
    corrected = Field & " - Not found in dictionary"
    Exit Function
End If

'This code should never be reached,its just for foolproofing
corrected = "Error"

End Function

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