

我希望循环一个对象,该对象也可以包含对象数组,对象数组可以包含对象数组,依此类推。理论上,这种结构可能是无限的,但这种方式的深度不太可能超过 12 层。


  id: '1234',name: 'item 1',children: [
      id: '2345',name: 'item 2',// other properties that I don't care about will be here too
      children: [
          id: '3456',name: 'item 3',children: [
              id: '4567',name: 'item 4',}


const someArray = [
    // this first child is static and will always be here after transform
    title: 'Projects'
    key: 'projects',children: [
        title: 'item 1',// this is 'name' property
        key: '1234,' // this is 'id' property
        children: [
            title: 'item 2',key: '2345',children: [
               // continue as long as there are children arrays



const startingObj = [ 
    title: 'Projects',key: 'projects',}

function buildTree (obj) {
  // check if we have a children array with at least 1 child.
  if (obj?.children?.length) {
    return obj?.children.reduce((a,item) => {
      if (a) return {
        ...item.children,title: a.name || a.title,key: a.id || a.key,};
      if (item?.children?.length) return buildTree(item.children);

buildTree(); // would pass in the sample data structure from above here.




// this function recurses down the tree and for each item it makes a
// transformed item (saving only the title and key). Then the transformed
// item is returned and the caller pushes it into the children array
function buildtree(obj) {
  let item = {
    title: obj.name || obj.title,key: obj.id || obj.key,children: []

  if (obj.children)
    for (child of obj.children)
      item.children.push( buildtree(child) )

  return item;

let result = [ 
    title: 'Projects',key: 'projects',children: []

result[0].children.push( buildtree(obj) )


obj = {
  id: '1234',name: 'item 1',x: '',// other properties that I don't care about will be here too
  children: [
      id: '2345',name: 'item 2',// other properties that I don't care about will be here too
      children: [
          id: '3456',name: 'item 3',// other properties that I don't care about will be here too
          children: [
              id: '4567',name: 'item 4',// other properties that I don't care about will be here too
              id: '5678',name: 'item 5',// other properties that I don't care about will be here too
          id: '6789',name: 'item 6',// other properties that I don't care about will be here too
          children: [
              id: '7890',name: 'item 7',{
              id: '890a',name: 'item 8',// other properties that I don't care about will be here too
      id: '90ab',name: 'item 9',// other properties that I don't care about will be here too
      children: [
          id: '0abc',name: 'item 10',// other properties that I don't care about will be here too
          children: [
              id: 'abcd',name: 'item 11',{
              id: 'bcde',name: 'item 12',{
          id: 'cdef',name: 'item 13',// other properties that I don't care about will be here too
          children: [
              id: 'defg',name: 'item 14',{
              id: 'efgh',name: 'item 15',// other properties that I don't care about will be here too

console.log( JSON.stringify(obj) )

function buildtree(obj) {
  let item = {
    title: obj.name || obj.title,children: []
result[0].children.push( buildtree(obj) )

console.log( JSON.stringify(result) )

所以,如果我认为你是对的,你只需要遍历所有对象,并为每个对象将 'id' 键更改为 'key',将 'name' 键更改为 'title'。这是一个递归解决方案:

function recursiveArray(arr) {
  return arr.map(e => ({
    key: e.id,title: e.name,children: e.children.length ? recursiveArray(e.children) : []

function changeKeysOfNestedObject(obj) {
  return {
    key: obj.id,title: obj.name,children: obj.children.length ? recursiveArray(obj.children) : []

//test case
  id: '1234',children: [
      id: '2345',children: [
          id: '3456',children: [
              id: '4567',children: []

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