如何运行多个 chrome 实例以在量角器中按单个特征文件的顺序运行所有场景

如何解决如何运行多个 chrome 实例以在量角器中按单个特征文件的顺序运行所有场景

我希望所有场景都在浏览器的多个实例中运行,我尝试在功能中提供最大实例,但它总是打开 1 个 chrome 实例并一一运行测试。我希望测试在多个 chrome 实例中运行。我在这里做错了什么?


     exports.config = {
      allScriptsTimeout: 800000,getPageTimeout: 400000,specs: [
        './src/cucumber/features/**/memberSearch.feature',],params: {
        pageObjects: require['./src/cucumber/pages/**/*.po.ts'],customTimeout: 5000,url:{
          dev: "https://dev.com/login",test: "https://test.com/login",stage: "https://stage.com/login",local: "http://localhost:4200",}
      },capabilities: {
        browserName: 'chrome',//acceptInsecureCerts: true,shardTestFiles: true,maxInstances: 4,chromeOptions: {
          args: ['--no-sandBox','--disable-setuid-sandBox','--disable-gpu','--window-size=800x600'],},directConnect: true,baseUrl: 'https://dev.com/',useAllAngular2AppRoots: true,framework: 'custom',frameworkPath: require.resolve('protractor-cucumber-framework'),cucumberOpts: {
    compiler: 'ts:ts-node/register',require: ['./src/cucumber/steps/**/*.steps.ts','./src/cucumber/utils/**/*.util.ts'],format: 'json:./reports/cucumber_report.json',monochrome: true,strict: true,tags: '@MemberSearch',}


Feature: Search a member
  Scenario: See all the assessments associated with the member
    Given Enter the URL
    When  click on the MemberID radio Button
    And   Type the memberID "ABCD" first time
    And   Click the Search Button first time
  Scenario: Validate the Filters With Title field
    Given Enter the URL
    When  click on the MemberID radio Button
    And   Type the memberID "ABCD"
    Then  Click the Search Button
 Scenario: Validate the Filters with time FilterTimeFrame 30
   Given Enter the URL
    When  click on the MemberID radio Button
    And   Type the memberID "ABCD"
    Then  Click the Search Button
    Then  Show the message "No records to display"
 Scenario: Validate the Filters with time FilterTimeFrame 60
   Given Enter the URL
    When  click on the MemberID radio Button
    And   Type the memberID "ABCD"
    Then  Click the Search Button
 Scenario: Validate the Filters with time FilterTimeFrame 90
   Given Enter the URL
    When  click on the MemberID radio Button
    And   Type the memberID "ABCD"
    Then  Click the Search Button
    Then  Show the message "No records to display"
    And   Click the Clear Button
 Scenario: Validate the Filters with time FilterTimeFrame 365
   Given Enter the URL
    When  click on the MemberID radio Button
    And   Type the memberID "ABCD"
    Then  Click the Search Button
    Then  Show the message "No records to display"
    And   Click the Clear Button
    When  Type the memberID "40988"


我希望所有场景都在多个浏览器实例中运行,我曾尝试在功能中提供最大实例,但它始终打开 1 个实例并逐一运行测试。我想测试在多个实例中运行。我在这里做错了什么?


您可以尝试在 npm/量角器脚本中使用“--parallel=**”(例如:cucumber-js ./features --parallel=5)。将 ** 替换为您需要的并行实例数。配置文件中的“maxInstances”是指浏览器应该启动的最大实例数,这并不意味着默认会打开4个实例,请根据--parallel count进行更改。

--parallel incucumber-js 运行相同特征文件的每个场景,并且一个场景大纲的每个示例并行触发。

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