
Flutter 常见问题的下拉菜单

如何解决Flutter 常见问题的下拉菜单

嘿,任何人都可以将我引导到与我提供的图像类似的 Flutter 中的小部件或库。 我想要这个作为常见问题解答部分。最初只有问题应该是可见的,点击组件时它应该显示答案。

enter image description here


我会选择 this library 或者如果您愿意,以下是我为自己的目的创建的小部件的片段:

import 'package:flutter/material.dart';

/// [CustomCollapsable] is collapsable widget which shows a [preview]
/// and a trailing with a [trailingText] by default. On tap the trailing or
/// its [trailingText],it animates to show the [child].

/// NOTE: [ExpansionTile] doesn't support layout changes,for example
/// moving trailing down or to hide the [preview] after expand the content.
/// [CustomCollapsable] is inspired on [ExpansionTile] with additional features.
class CustomCollapsable extends StatefulWidget {
  /// [Widget] shown when expanded
  final Widget child;

  /// [Widget] shown only when it is not expanded
  final Widget preview;

  /// [String] that goes on top of the trailing arrow
  final String trailingText;

  /// Callback [ValueChanged] function fired after animation
  final ValueChanged<bool> onExpansionChanged;

  const CustomCollapsable({
    Key key,@required this.preview,@required this.child,@required this.trailingText,this.onExpansionChanged,});

  _CustomCollapsableState createState() => _CustomCollapsableState();

class _CustomCollapsableState extends State<CustomCollapsable>
    with SingleTickerProviderStateMixin {
  static final Animatable<double> _easeInTween = CurveTween(
    curve: Curves.easeIn,);
  static final Animatable<double> _halfTween = Tween<double>(
    begin: 0.0,end: 0.5,);

  AnimationController _controller;
  Animation<double> _heightFactor;
  Animation<double> _iconTurns;

  bool _isExpanded = false;

  void initState() {

    _controller = AnimationController(
      duration: Duration(seconds: 1),vsync: this,);
    _iconTurns = _controller.drive(_halfTween.chain(_easeInTween));

    _heightFactor = _controller.drive(_easeInTween);

  void dispose() {

  bool get isClosed => !_isExpanded && _controller.isDismissed;

  void _handleTap() {
    setState(() {
      _isExpanded = !_isExpanded;

      if (_isExpanded) {
      } else {
        _controller.reverse().then<void>((void value) {
          if (!mounted) return;
          setState(() {});


    if (widget.onExpansionChanged != null) {

  Widget _buildTralling() {
    return GestureDetector(
      onTap: _handleTap,child: Padding(
        padding: const EdgeInsets.only(top: 15.0),child: Column(
          crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.center,children: <Widget>[
                ? Text(widget.trailingText.toUpperCase())                      
                : const SizedBox(),RotationTransition(
              turns: _iconTurns,child: const Icon(Icons.expand_more),),],);

  Widget _buildChild(BuildContext context,Widget child) {
    return Column(
      mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.min,children: <Widget>[
        // Preview widget is visiable only when the parent is closed
        isClosed ? widget.preview : const SizedBox(),ClipRect(
          child: Align(
            heightFactor: _heightFactor.value,child: child,_buildTralling()

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return AnimatedBuilder(
      animation: _controller.view,builder: _buildChild,child: isClosed ? null : widget.child,);

您可以根据需要定义 childpreview 小部件。

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