
如何为以下示例创建自定义格式、公式或 VBA 代码?

如何解决如何为以下示例创建自定义格式、公式或 VBA 代码?

我在 Excel 中有很长的 IP 列表,这些 IP 格式对于某个站点无效。我必须手动更改/重新键入每个文件才能将文件上传站点

如何为以下示例创建自定义公式、vba 或格式代码



123.45.678.0 - 123.45.679.255   should be -->   123.45.678-679.*
123.45.678.9 - 123.45.678.12  should be -->   123.45.678.9-12
a.b.c.d - a.b.e.f   should be -->   a.b.c-e.*       
a.b.c.d - a.b.c.f   should be -->   a.b.c.d-f

当我手动完成一些时,QuickAnalysis 自动填充/快速填充未激活。换句话说,Excel 不会为我挑选模式或填写其余部分。




Function ipFormatter(ByVal ipRange As String) As String
    'Skip inputs with no "-"
    If InStr(1,ipRange,"-") = 0 Then
        ipFormatter = ipRange
        Exit Function
    End If
    'Removing all spaces
    ipRange = Replace(ipRange," ","")
    'Splitting the ip addresses into arrays of strings
    Dim ipStart() As String,ipEnd() As String
    ipStart = Split(Split(ipRange,"-")(0),".")
    ipEnd = Split(Split(ipRange,"-")(1),".")
    Dim ipOut() As String
    ReDim ipOut(UBound(ipStart))
    Dim i As Long,setRange As Boolean
    For i = LBound(ipStart) To UBound(ipStart)
        If setRange Then
            'After a range
            ipOut(i) = "*"
        ElseIf ipStart(i) = ipEnd(i) Then
            'Exact Match
            ipOut(i) = ipStart(i)
            'IP Range found
            ipOut(i) = ipStart(i) & "-" & ipEnd(i)
            setRange = True 'All values after this one will be "*"
        End If
    Next i
    ipFormatter = Join(ipOut,".")
End Function


Sub test()
    Const inputstr As String = "123.45.678.0 - 123.45.679.255"
    MsgBox ipFormatter(inputstr)
End Sub

Sub example()
    Dim Sht As Worksheet
    Set Sht = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1")
    Dim lastrow As Long
    lastrow = Sht.Rows(Sht.Rows.Count).Cells(1).End(xlUp).Row
    Dim i As Long
    For i = 1 To lastrow
        Sht.Cells(i,2) = ipFormatter(Sht.Cells(i,1))
    Next i
End Sub

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