
修改 R

如何解决修改 R

如果之前有人问过这个问题,我们深表歉意。这是我对 R 的理解的极限,所以我什至不确定用什么正确的语言来表达查询(因此,我无法识别重复的问题)。


# create some objects in my environment
a <- "a string,not of interest to me"
b.dat <- data.frame(col1 = 1:2,col2..gibberish = 3:4)
c.dat <- data.frame(col1..some.text = 5:6,col2 = 7:8) 

# find the dataframes that I want to manipulate
dfs <- ls(pattern = ".dat")

# loop through the objects in question,finding and changing the problematic column names
colrename <- lapply(dfs,function(df){
  # get the relevant dataframe
  dat <- get(df)
  # find its column names
  nms <- names(dat)
  # find the column names with the problematic ".." suffixes
  problem.cols <- grep("\\.\\.",nms)
  # pull out the meaningful first parts of each problematic name
  parts <- strsplit(nms[problem.cols],"\\.\\.")
  parts <- sapply(parts,function(x) x[1])
  # and,the bit that doesn't work: change the problematic column names to their shorter alternatives
  names(get(df))[problem.cols] <<- parts

如果我一行一行地运行,它会做我想做的一切,直到并包括 names(get(df))[problem.cols],它知道这是列的名称在我试图改变的数据框中。但是,它不会将更改的名称分配给它,从而产生错误消息:Error in get(*tmP*) : invalid first argument

我愿意采用其他方法来实现我想要的终点。但是,我也对为什么这不起作用以及如何更一般地更改使用“get()”引用的对象很感兴趣。提前感谢您的任何建议 - 如果这太天真了,只是阅读它是在浪费您的时间,我们深表歉意。

FWIW,我可以看到与 this question 的相似之处,但我无法根据我的需要调整答案。



# loop through the objects in question,finding and changing the problematic column names
colrename <- lapply(dfs,function(df){
  # get the relevant dataframe
  dat <- get(df)
  # find its column names
  nms <- names(dat)
  # find the column names with the problematic ".." suffixes
  problem.cols <- grep("\\.\\.",nms)
  # pull out the meaningful first parts of each problematic name
  parts <- strsplit(nms[problem.cols],"\\.\\.")
  parts <- sapply(parts,function(x) x[1])
  # change the problematic column names to their shorter alternatives
  nms[problem.cols] <- parts
  names(dat) <- nms
  assign(df,dat,envir = .GlobalEnv)

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