
PDDL 时间建模帮助:如何在后台更改数值?

如何解决PDDL 时间建模帮助:如何在后台更改数值?

我正在尝试使用 OPTIC 建模和 RTS 游戏 (AOE2) 以获得最佳构建顺序和计划。我的想法是将村民(工人)表示为一个函数,然后资源根据村民的数量增加。此操作有效,但我认为效率低下且计划不是最佳的:

(:durative-action collect_resource
    :parameters (?r - resource) ;wood,food etc.
    :duration (= ?duration 10)
    :condition (and
      (at start (> (workers ?r) 0))
      (at start (idle ?r))
    :effect (and
      (at start (not (idle ?r)))
      (at start (working ?r))
      (at end (idle ?r))
      (at end (not (working ?r)))
    (at end (increase (amount ?r) (* (collect_rate ?r)(workers ?r))))

我试过这个 PDDL Durative-Action: Flexible duration,但 OPTIC 不支持非线性数字条件:

(increase (amount ?r) (* (#t)(* (collect_rate ?r)(workers ?r)))



Unfortunately,the planner does not supported non-linear numeric conditions,effects,or duration constraints,but one or more of these is present in
the problem you have provided.  Specifically,the sub-expression:

        (3*(workers lumber1)) * (#t)

... was encountered.  To use this planner with your problem,you will have
to reformulate it to avoid these.


(define (domain aoe2)
  (:requirements :strips :typing :fluents :durative-actions :timed-initial-literals)

    location society - object
    resource building - location
    town_center barracks - building
    lumber berries sheep gold - resource

    (working ?l - location)
    (idle ?l - location)

    (idle_villagers ?s - society)
    (train_villager_time ?s - society)

    (workers ?r - resource)
    (walk_time ?r - resource)
    (collect_rate ?r - resource)
    (amount ?r - resource)


  (:durative-action train_villager
    :parameters (?tc - town_center ?s - society)
    :duration (= ?duration (train_villager_time ?s))
    :condition (and
      (at start (idle ?tc))
    :effect (and
      (at start (not (idle ?tc)))
      (at start (working ?tc))
      (at end (idle ?tc))
      (at end (not (working ?tc)))
      (at end (increase (idle_villagers ?s) 1))

  (:durative-action send_idle_to_resource
    :parameters (?r - resource ?s - society)
    :duration (= ?duration (walk_time ?r))
    :condition (and
      (at start (> (idle_villagers ?s) 0))
    :effect (and
      (at start (decrease (idle_villagers ?s) 1))
      (at end (increase (workers ?r) 1))

  (:action send_resource_to_idle
    :parameters (?r - resource ?s - society)
    :precondition (and
      (> (workers ?r) 0)
    :effect (and
      (increase (idle_villagers ?s) 1)
      (decrease (workers ?r) 1)

  (:durative-action collect_resource
    :parameters (?r - resource)
    :duration (= ?duration 10)
    :condition (and
      (at start (> (workers ?r) 0))
      (at start (idle ?r))
    :effect (and
      (at start (not (idle ?r)))
      (at start (working ?r))
      (at end (idle ?r))
      (at end (not (working ?r)))
    (at end (increase (amount ?r) (* (collect_rate ?r)(workers ?r))))


(define (problem dark_age)
    (:domain aoe2)
    (:requirements :strips :typing :fluents :durative-actions :timed-initial-literals)

        tc1 - town_center
        mysociety - society
        lumber1 - lumber
        sheep1 - sheep

        (= (train_villager_time mysociety) 25)
        (= (idle_villagers mysociety) 0)
        (idle tc1)

        (= (workers lumber1) 0)
        (= (walk_time lumber1) 5)
        (= (collect_rate lumber1) 3)
        (= (amount lumber1) 0)
        (idle lumber1)

        (= (workers sheep1) 5)
        (= (walk_time sheep1) 0)
        (= (collect_rate sheep1) 3)
        (= (amount sheep1) 0)
        (idle sheep1)

            ; (= (idle_villagers mysociety) 1)
            ; (> (workers lumber1) 1)
            (> (amount lumber1) 600)
            (> (amount sheep1) 600)

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