


我正在尝试使用 anylogic 进行作业车间调度。我有 20 个作业(代理“作业”),它们必须经过 5 台机器(每台机器都是一个单位容量资源)。我有两个数据库表,一个有每个作业通过机器的特定顺序,另一个有各自机器中作业的处理时间。

This is what I have right now. The source creates the 20 jobs and I want that the exit blocks sent the jobs through their sequence. I made the 'nextmachine' function that I put in the On Exit section in each one of the exit blocks.

This is my 'nextmachine' function and the error I keep getting and don't know how to solve. Enterblocks is a collection of class ArrayList and element class Agent that have the 5 enter blocks and the col_machineSequence is a collection with each job machine sequence.

“nextmachine”代码基于这篇文章 How to store routings in job shop production in Anylogic

我之前提出了一个问题 Routing agents through specific resources in anylogic在这里你可以看到我之前的一些疑惑和一些建议。


The enterblocks collection is in the jobs agent,and is defined in this way.

-新错误I have this error,I think it is related with collection col_machineSequence.I have that code onStartup section.


此处需要将 enterblocks 集合的 Elements class 属性更改为 Enter。为此,请在下拉列表中选择“其他”,然后在下拉列表右侧显示的字段中输入 Enter

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