
根据其他一些列对一列进行聚类 Python

如何解决根据其他一些列对一列进行聚类 Python

我有一个 Datasetcat1,cat2,cat3,city。 我想在某些集群中获得 cities。 是否可以根据 df['city'] 三列对 other 进行聚类?



>>> import pandas as pd
>>> from sklearn.cluster import KMeans
>>> df = pd.DataFrame({'cat1': [-1,-2,-1,3,2],'cat2': [-2,-3,1,'city': ['London','Paris','Lyon','Washington','Rome']})
>>> # some pairs of cats are all negative,>>> # some pics are all positive,>>> # so we definitely got two clusters
>>> df
   cat1  cat2        city
0    -1    -2      London
1    -2    -1       Paris
2    -1    -3        Lyon
3     3     1  Washington
4     2     2        Rome
>>> X = df[['cat1','cat2']].values
>>> X # the cats
array([[-1,-2],[-2,-1],[-1,-3],[ 3,1],[ 2,2]])
>>> # cluster the cats and get their labels
>>> lab = KMeans(2).fit(X).labels_
>>> lab
>>> # use labels to cluster cities
>>> # London,Paris and Lyon have all-negative cats
>>> df['city'][lab == 0]
0    London
1     Paris
2      Lyon
Name: city,dtype: object
>>> Washington and Rome have all-positive cats
>>> df['city'][lab == 1]
3    Washington
4          Rome
Name: city,dtype: object

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