
MonoTorrent C# 下载种子

如何解决MonoTorrent C# 下载种子

我正在创建一个 torrent 应用程序。我发现了一个名为“MonoTorrent”的库,我决定使用它。下面的代码存在一些问题,无法正常工作。我认为很多代码都像 ITorrentManager 那样更改不存在 Enginesettings enginesettings = Enginesettings.DefaultSettings; DefaultSettings 不存在。如果有人可以帮助我完成这项工作,我尝试了很多用于 mono torrent 的代码,但没有一个有效。

    public void Main()
        // An ITorrentManager is passed out of the engine when you load a torrent. This is
        // used for controlling the torrent.
        ITorrentManager torrentManager;

        // These are the default settings for the engine for this session
        Enginesettings enginesettings = Enginesettings.DefaultSettings;

        // The default location to download files to on your HardDrive,like a downloads folder
        // All files will be downloaded using this as the base directory. Single file torrents will
        // go directly into this directory,multifile torrents will create a directory within this
        // and download there.
        enginesettings.DefaultSavePath = @"D:\Downloads\Torrents";

        // Maximum upload speed of 30 kB/sec. At upload speeds of less than 5kB/sec,there will
        // be automatic download speed limiting to 5x the selected upload.
        enginesettings.GlobalMaxUploadSpeed = 30;

        // Every torrent loaded into the engine for this session will start off with these default settings
        // unless other settings are specified.
        TorrentSettings torrentSettings = TorrentSettings.DefaultSettings;

        // Each torrent will be allowed a max of 10kB/sec upload speed
        torrentSettings.MaxUploadSpeed = 10;

        // Each torrent will have 4 upload slots to allow 2.5kB/sec per slot.
        torrentSettings.UploadSlots = 4;

        // Instantiate a new engine with the enginesettings and Default Torrent settings.
        ClientEngine engine = new ClientEngine(enginesettings,torrentSettings);

        // A torrent can be downloaded from the specified url,saved to the specified file and
        // then loaded into the engine.
        // torrentManager =engine.LoadTorrent(new Uri("http://example.com/example.torrent"),@"D:\Downloads\example.torrent");

        // Alternatively a .torrent can just be loaded from the disk. This torrent will save
        // to the DefaultSaveLocation as specified in the Enginesettings and will inherit the
        // default settings that are set in the Engine.
        //torrentManager = engine.LoadTorrent(@"D:\Downloads\Torrents\MyTorrentFile.torrent");

        // This torrent would use the supplied settings instead of using the ones that were
        // supplied when instantiating the engine
        torrentManager = engine.LoadTorrent(@"D:\Downloads\Torrents\MyTorrentFile.torrent",TorrentSettings.DefaultSettings);

        // If you have loaded multiple torrents into the engine,you can start them all at once with this:
        // engine.Start();

        // Or you can start one specific torrent by passing in that torrents ITorrentManager

        // You can hook into varIoUs events in order to display information on screen:
        // Fired every time a peer is added through DHT,PEX or Tracker Updates
        torrentManager.OnPeersAdded+=new EventHandler<PeersAddedEventArgs>(PeersAdded);

        // Fired every time a piece is hashed
        torrentManager.OnPieceHashed+=new EventHandler<PieceHashedEventArgs>(PieceHashed);

        // Fired every time the torrent State changes (i.e. paused/hashing/downloading)
        torrentManager.OnTorrentStateChanged+= new EventHandler<TorrentStateChangedEventArgs>(torrentStateChanged);

        // Fired every time a piece changes. i.e. block sent/received/written to disk
        torrentManager.PieceManager.OnPieceChanged+=new EventHandler<PieceEventArgs>(pieceStateChanged);

        // Fired every time a connection is either created or destroyed
        ClientEngine.connectionManager.OnPeerConnectionChanged+=new EventHandler<PeerConnectionEventArgs>(peerConnectionChanged);

        // Fired every time a peer message is sent
        ClientEngine.connectionManager.OnPeerMessages+= new EventHandler<PeerMessageEventArgs>(peerMessageSentOrRecieved);

        // Keep running while the torrent isn't stopped or paused.
        while (torrentManager.State != TorrentState.Stopped && torrentManager.State != TorrentState.Paused)

            if (torrentManager.Progress() == 100.0)
                // If we want to stop a torrent,or the engine for whatever reason,we call engine.Stop()
                // A tracker update *must* be performed before the engine is shut down,so you must
                // wait for the waithandle to become signaled before continuing with the complete
                // shutdown of your client. Otherwise stats will not get reported correctly.
                WaitHandle[] handles = engine.Stop();

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